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Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Name: Lauren
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Sword (Rapier)

The above pic, except with a Rapier

Raised among a wealthy merchant family, Lauren has grown up with a cheerful and somewhat optimistic attitude. She has her spurts of arrogance but she has learned through her family's training to also be humble at times. Although she grew up with everything she wanted she felt oppressed by her parents and has always wanted to gain independence. While growing up she knew she was a fighter her self, never liking to loose, but her family never let her do as she wished in this regard. Driven by a passion to explore and finally be independent from her family she sets off to explore the world and do as she pleases.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): First character ever so feel free to point out anything wrong with her :p

Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...):
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.):
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen):
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE):
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like):
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things):
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's:
Non-Consensual Sex:
Fey Beings:

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.):

If there is anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above, add it in here:

Lauren had been out at a party with some friends, sneaking around and drinking with the alcohol that some had snuck into said party, and as the night went on, and the party finally ended, Lauren had found herself stumbling back towards home, with a couple of her girl friends, and she parted ways with them on her home's block. When she collapsed into bed that night, she'd had a bottle of water she'd grabbed from the fridge still in hand, and conked out just like that.

In the middle of the night, Lauren heard a strange crackling that awakened her, and she felt herself being pulled off her bed through the air. Looking around quickly, despite being drunk, Lauren saw that a large pinnacle of light was shining in front of her, a swirling mass of blue and red light, a ring of blue with a red center, with a tiny black dot in the middle of it, making it look almost like an eye. Grabbing hold of her bed post, Lauren was able to hang on, but only for a few moments before she slipped, and the light grew brighter, as she fell, or flew rather, towards the swirling lights. She saw a few of her belongings had flown in with her, but everything was just too jumbled as she soared through a blindingly brightly lit tunnel, and after nearly a full minute of that, she slammed into something hard, the ground, and the hit was enough to pretty much knock Lauren out cold for quite some time.


When Lauren woke back up finally, she found herself lying under the open sky in a small grove, surrounded by trees. Lauren found she had a bit of a hangover, but not too bad a one thankfully. Looking around, she found that she was half naked, wearing only her rose red panties, her black cotton skirt that only went halfway down to her knees, and her red tanktop she'd worn under her jacket at the party the night before. Around her she saw her cellphone lying a few feet away, the water bottle she'd had in hand when she went to bed, the small pocket knife that her mother had insisted on her carrying with her at all times when going out and about, and her backpack, which had only a small notebook of full of empty pages and a couple of pencils.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Humans: 1
Male/Female: 2
Female/Female: 5
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...): 5
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.): 5
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen): 5
Anthros: 5
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE): 5
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like): 5
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things): 2
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's: No, Yes, and Yes.
Non-Consensual Sex: 4
Slavery: 3
Fey Beings: 4
Corruption: 5
Pregnancy: 5
Birthing: 4
Oviposition/Seedbearing: 5
Lactation/milking: 4

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.): 3

If there is anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above, add it in here:
Lauren was out and about with her girl freinds during the night. They had gotten drunk from one of the beers snuck into the party they went to that night. She and her freinds traveled together on the way home and when. It got to her street she gave drunken hugs and kisses to say bye. When she got home she ended up in bed with a random bottle of water in her hand she assumed she grabbed from the fridge. Before she just straight up passed out for the night her last thought was how she somehow had not gotten in trouble that night. She had a nack for that.

As she was sleeping she woke up to a weird noise. A crackling noise, at first she didn't think about it at all. That is intell she felt weightless and a sudden plethora of colors sudden shined down on her from a unknown source. She managed to grab ahold of her bed, but it made only a few seconds of a difference. Long enough for the attraction to grab some of her stuff before she too was pulled into the light. She was in one of those tunnels you would see in one of those sci-fi movies and she was tumbling fast. When she exited she couldent even see where she was before she hit her head and passed out again.

Slowly she came to, through pain and a hangover she opened her eyes. After letting go her vision focus she could see she was in a clearing of what looked like a forest. What trouble have I gotten into now, Lauren asked her self. Taking a closer look around she saw her cellphone a few feet from her, the water bottle, her self defense knife, and finally her backpack. A nice summer breeze blew past, making her look to her own apparel. She was mostly just dressed as she would in her house, light. This lead to what she was wearing now, a red tanktop, her small black skirt and her favorite pair of rose red panties.

After a few seconds of just nothing going through her head she scrambles for her phone, intent on finding out where she was. When she checks it and see how there is no service at all, her imagination goes wild. How did I get here, and where amy I?! This is just like those fantasy books I always read. Oh God am I in another world! Wait that's not possible. I need to go find someone and ask what is going on. Before she leaves the clearing she grabs all of her belongings that were transported with her. Keeping the knife at hand and every thing else in her backpack, she goes off to try and find someone.
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Collecting her things together, Lauren slowly managed to get her bearings and was able to get a good look around, finding herself in a forest of some sort. Where, she didn't know, but it was no forest near her home, anywhere, nor any that she'd ever recalled seeing, and this was made more apparent by the fact that when she looked up, the early morning sun was rising still, and in the distance to the west, she saw not one, but two moons. One was larger in the sky than Earth's moon, and the second was about half the size of Earth's moon. It was hard to tell if she was hallucinating, but that was what she saw at the moment in the early morning sky.

Checking her phone provided the information she needed, and she found that she had no service at all, but her battery was still full at least, and she still had access to the stuff that was logged on it that she didn't need a cell tower or internet connection to do. Looking on it, she saw that she had two new messages, and after she'd gotten the few things that had landed nearby, she saw there was a small path leading to the north, and another to the west, at least if the sun rose in the east here and set in the west anyway.

Once she looked at her phone to check the two messages she had on there, Lauren found one was from her mother the night before, "Lauren honey... be careful please. There's so many strange things going on around town. Quite a few people have disappeared since yesterday,"

The second message read, "Good morning my dear. You must be one of the ones that fell in through the portals. I do apologize for that, My sister, Varianna is such a prankster and one of her pranks went out of control. There is little I can do as yet, sadly, but if you head north of where the portal brought you, then you may at least find a place to stay at for a while,"
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

As Lauren was collecting her things she was looking around at the surrounding forest. Trying to determine if she could recognize where she was by some mirical. Unfortunately this was no forest she has ever seen or heard about, it also didn't help her sanity that she couldent tell if that second moon was real or not. As she's investigating her sourindings she realized in her panic she disregarded two messages she had seen on her phone.

After checking her messages she is shaken a little as the second message finally forces her to face the real popossibility that she is in a different world. After considering the what the second text says she heads north, using the path and the sun to make her way that way.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Looking at the sender of the second message's sender, Lauren saw it was sent by someone named Marianna. Deciding to follow this... Marianna's advice, Lauren was soon on her way northward, and making her way through the forest along the path, which was more a game trail than anything. Lauren didn't see too much aside from local wildlife, which seemed not that much different than around where she lived really, as she saw squirrel's, rabbits, birds of various kinds, as well as most of the same kinds of bugs, and even a fox that saw her and bounded off in the opposite direction.

After about twenty minutes or so of walking, Lauren found herself presented with her first obstacle in this new world, which came in the form of a river, not an overly huge one like the Mississippi river or anything, but this one was still probably too far to swim with ease, even though it wasn't flowing overly strong from the looks of it. It was running down from the north and west a ways, and heading southeast from where she was, assuming her orientation was right and whatnot. Looking more closely in the waters, which were a beautiful shade of blue, Lauren could see some fish near the shore swimming about.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

While she was reading the message , Lauren noticed to her surprise that it actually had a sender. This Marianna's advice seemed to be the only thing she could go off at the moment. Lauren would rather go off this mysterious advice than possibly get completely lost with no clue to shelter. She also wanted to see if this lead her to Marianna so she could get some answers out of her about what has happen.

As she was making her way north along this path she thankfully saw wildlife that she recognized. At least where ever she was still had wildlife from Earth still. As she kept on walking get she managed to get to this river. It wasn't the biggest river she had seen but she couldn't swim it. I had clear blue water and she could see some fish in the beautiful blue waters. Wanting to see if she could recognize anything in the water she walks up to the edge of the water to get a better look. She would look for just anything of interest in the water. If she doesn't find anything in the water, then she will move looking for a land bridge that is cross able. Probably moving which ever way the river moved to find that land bridge.
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

As Lauren eased her way up to the edge of the water and looked inside, she saw many fish swimming around, some larger, some smaller. As Lauren started looking up and down river for any signs of a crossing, she saw neither right off, but looking upstream, Lauren saw a large hill and knew she could use that to get a good view of the land around her.

Just as she was about to decide on what to do from there though, Lauren heard the rustling of something in the bushes nearby, and she suddenly felt her backpack vibrating slightly, as if her cellphone had just gotten a message. Pulling her cellphone out to check it, she saw another message from Marianna, "Just in case, look in your backpack," it said, and her backpack felt heavier just as she finished reading it. Looking inside, Lauren saw a handled sword poking out of the top of her backpack, and pulling the thing out, she found it had a sheath, and came complete with a sword belt to keep it at her hip.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Lauren walked up to the edge of the water was was able to into it clearly enough to see all the different kinds of fish. Lauren having been a city girl never really got out into nature, and so was stunned a little by its beauty.

Once she was done looking into the water she looked upstream and down stream and saw no signs of a crossing. One good thing she did see was she could use a nearby hill to assist her with her search. Right before she could head over to the hill she heard some rustling of nearby bush's. Weirdly enough her backpack suddenly got heavier and her phone went off. Checking the message she saw it was from Marianna telling her to check her backpack.

Inside she found this beautiful rapier, with sheath and belt to go along with it. This was basically the last straw with Lauren, there was no way she was still on the Earth she knew. Lauren had once tried to learn how to fight with a rapier as a little kid. One of those childhood obsessions, but she never learned much, just that the movements with this were supposed to be more graceful than just swinging with force.

As she hears the movement getting closer she draws the rapier just in case and tries to get a look at what is comeing.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

The rustling got closer, and before long Lauren saw a strange looking woman emerging from the bushes. All Lauren saw was her upper body from her waist up at first, but after a few moments she saw the woman slithering out as the rest of her emerged from the bushes, and Lauren saw a snake woman, her lower form that of a purple scaled snake. She started moving towards Lauren, a smirk on her lips. She had purple hair; with horns that jutted upward from the sides of her head; long pointed elven like ears; quite large breasts, and her tail was quite long too, easily a good fifteen feet or more, and she wore a simple bra like top and a skirt over her crotch area. ( )

"Well well, such a lovely morsel you are. And odd clothes too. I've been hearing tales of strange girls showing up around here. I wonder if you're one of them," the snake woman said, a long spear in hand, and an odd look in her eyes.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

As Lauren was waiting for what ever was make ingredients the noise she saw what appeared to be a women comeing out. That is intell she actually came out, when she did Lauren couldent believe her eyes. She had always been more interested in women than men ever since she reached puberty.

This women turned out to be one of those of the Lamia race that she has read so much about in her books. In Lauren's opinion she was a beautiful but weird existence. She stared at the women for a few seconds just stunned by her. She still was not used to all these new things so she was certainly wary of her.

Who are you, a-and where am I? What do you want from me? Lauren nervously asked, while trying to back up from the Lamia. Ready to defend herself if anything happens to her.
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Well... my dear, you are a young woman, and I am... pent up a bit. You see, we lamia need to lay our eggs every now and then, and I require your... help. I promise you that it'll feel amazing, for the both of us," the lamia replied with a chuckle, slithering closer to Lauren, though not brandishing her spear towards the young human as she came closer. "What do you say, hmm? And we can also cool off here in the waters afterward," she then asked, slithering in and coiling around Lauren, though not touching her at all, unless Lauren stopped her from doing so that is.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

P-pent up, eggs? I... I.. Lauren's mind goes on over drive after listening to the Lamia. Lauren. Had many fantasies about what she would do if she was ever in one of the world's of her books and now that it actually happened she can't decide. Her body wants her to but there's a part of her that says she shouldent even consider the request.

In an attempt to rationalize her decision, Lauren asks. W-what do I get for accepting? As she asks she continues to back up intell she hits the edge of the water. With her perverted side trying to take controll, Lauren's mind is in shambles.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Yes dear, eggs. I'm pent up with them. And I want to lay them. And as for what you'd get in return? Hmm... well, you'd have the honor of bearing a lamia's eggs, and you'll receive an enormous amount of pleasure to say the least, hmhm," the lamia replied with a giggle, slithering up to stop right in front of Lauren, since she'd backed up to the water's edge. "And I suppose I could take you to my cave not too far from here to rest a while. What do you say, hmm? Want to be a lamia broodmother and egg bearer?" the lamia went on to say, trying to entice Lauren further, and leaning in until her face was only a couple of feet from Lauren's.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

As Lauren stood their next to the water she listened to what the Lamia has said so far. Just by looking at Lauren. You could tell she was certainly aroused by the idea. She had lost her hymen long ago to her toys, but she has never actually had sex before and this was her main problem right now. At this point only a small part of her was questioning if she should actually have her first time with a Lamia from myths.

After hearing the offer to have shelter and be a broodmother her rationality collapsed as that was one of her bigger fetishes. Her eyes kind of glaze over and she says Please make me your b-broodmother. As she says this she turns her head away in embarrassment.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Ooh, such a lusty little thing you are. Hmhm, come here and let Nyla take good care of you. You lovely little human," the lamia giggled softly, introducing herself as she began curling herself around behind Lauren and gently pushing her back away from the water's edge, and coiling another time or two around Lauren, before stopping mere inches from her face, her long forked tongue darting out to taste the air and flicking just across Lauren's cheek, tickling her ever so slightly. "I was expecting such a sweet and beautiful thing as yourself to put up a fight. I'm glad you didn't. You really want to be my broodmother for my little eggies don't you. Are you... getting wet just thinking about it, hmm?" she went on to say, reaching out and gently grabbing Lauren's ass with her right hand, while her left carried her spear.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

With her eyes glazed over with lust, Lauren mewls Ahhh Yess please take care of me! As Nyla starts to wrap around Lauren she starts to fidget in anticipation. As Nyla comes closer to her face and tickled her with her tongue, Lauren once again shuddered in pleasure and anticipation. I-I have always fantasized about something like this. I can't do anything if I'm so aroused by you. Yeesss pleeaasse! Don't point it out, it's embarrassing. When she suddenly felt her butt grabbed by Nyla she moaned. If she could get her hands free she would try to massage Nyla's breasts and if she couldent she would wiggle around, inavertably rubbing against Nyla.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Ooh yes, I will take good care of you, hmhm," Nyla cooed and giggled at Lauren, leaning in closer and kissing Lauren on the cheek, and the human girl found that her arms were free and had never been bound at all. "And why shouldn't I point it out, hmm? Is it not a good thing, hmm?" Nyla then asked softly squeezing her ass with her hand, and then she gently dipped Lauren back and smooched her right on the lips.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Lauren gave into her lust and her body reacted by instincts. When Nyla was teasing her and kissing her on the cheeks, Lauren started to do foreplay on Nyla also. She tried her best to use her hands to play with Nyla's breasts and nipples. While her other hand reached down and searched for Nyla's ovipositor to start to rub it. Although Lauren was inexperienced with her hands she certainly tried her best, and when her hand touches Nyla's ovipositor it twitches in her surprise.

Because it's embarrassing to point out how big of a pervert I am! Humm please stop teasing me. Lauren moans in a lust laced voice. When Nyla finally kisses her on the mouth, Lauren quickly tries to get her tongue into Nyla's mouth. There she tries to use her tongue to fight for dominance of the kiss. After the long kiss finally comes to a stop Lauren is heavily panting with her tongue lolling out.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Nyla cooed softly at Lauren's playful nature as she was groped in turn, and Lauren found herself reaching down under Nyla's loincloth skirt to find said ovipositor cock that looks slightly human like in nature. Nyla grinned as Lauren's timid and inexperienced hands were pulling her loincloth away and she leaned in and kissed the young human on the lips, her tongue darting playfully inside of Lauren's mouth and quickly dominating the kiss before Lauren could mount too much of a defense against her.

"You'll make such a good mother and breeder. I can't wait to bring you to my home and... show you off," Nyla chuckled softly, scooping Lauren up in her strong arms and carrying her like a princess away upstream along the river's edge, her pack and all.

Unless Lauren protested, after a half an hour or so she would find herself at the base of the hill she'd thought to go to, and found Nyla carrying her around to the far side of it, circling around the base of it before the cave Nyla had mentioned before. "Welcome to my humble abode, my dear. Now, let us get you out of those troublesome clothes why don't we," Nyla said to Lauren, slithering down the cave and into a larger chamber that Lauren saw was more than just a home for Nyla, it was a small community of lamia, and Nyla carried Lauren into a smaller chamber that served apparently as her room, and once in there she pulled a curtain down over the doorway, and Lauren felt her clothing being insistently tugged on, with Nyla trying to pull it off.
Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Lauren didn't know if it was just how crazy of a situation she was in or something else that was allowed her to let go so much but she felt great so she didn't think about it anymore. Taking the hint there were more of her kind somewhere Lauren asks in rugged breaths There's, more of your, kind? Right as she asks she carried princess style upstream.

After a while they arrived at that hill she had seen. On the opisite side of the hill was a deep cave and it was introduced as Nyla's home. Nyla quickly brought Laureb into her own room. When the curtain closed Lauren immediately began to kiss Nyla again while undressing Nyla. Only breaking the kiss briefly to get her tanktop off before resuming. When they were both fully nude Lauren hesitantly reaches for Nyla's cock and asks Wha-what do you want me to do? As she looked up to the lamia and moved her hips eroticly back and forth.