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Lava Pit


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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A place for me to post whatever~

So I've been messing with the Dark Gate character creation a bit and stuff as I like the system, and occasionally poking Tassadar with inquiries and stuff. I'm not too keen on actually playing, but I do feel like putting up characters for perusal.

Character Sheet Format

Just delete the explanation text and the bits you don't need, and here you go. I might change it a bit later as this all gets planned out.

Name: Siri Heidrun
Class: Spirit - Energy Slave
Race: Crolian Human

Body: 14
Mind: 6
Spirit: 42

Hit Points: 41
Spirit Energy: 92
Pleasure to Orgasm: 34
Speed: 7
Dodge: 31
Resistance: 21

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0


x2 Strong of Spirit: Get +12 to the chosen stat.

x2 Greater Energy Pool: Grants an additional 20 max energy.

*Massive Energy Pool: Increases EP by 20. Cannot be chosen with "Natural Spirit."

Psychic - Take Telepathy, Pyrokinesis

Flaws - [3 max]

x3 Open Soul: Whenever anything feeds on the characters spirit energy, it rushes out like a river. +6 to Energy damage.

Weapon Name (Damage) [To-hit]
Battery Pawnch (1d4 + Body/4) [1d20 + 7]
Staff bash (d4 + 7 (body/2)) [1d20 + 7]

Powers: Again, a list from Talents.

The weapons and armor you have, along with any other equipment.

Slave to a powerful mage who resides in a tower in the Anudorian desert. Bought at a young age when the wizard noticed her massive spiritual energy capacity, she has been subjected to various extended magical rites that have strengthened her measure of spiritual power and allowed it to be easily transferred. The process has left her mentally weak, though, solely obedient to and utterly unquestioning of her mistress.

Her mistress-mage lives in a tower in the Anudorian desert. She is highly influential, and can work powerful Storm magics, which she uses to divine weather patterns and direct rain for exorbitant prices. She also works as a battle-mage for hire, where she blasts holes in enemy armies with. Siri helps her power her spells, restoring her master's strength with her own and allowing her master to cast more spells before exhaustion. However, Siri is not a combatant herself, and can only restore her master and count on her to protect her.


- Siri is fitted with a slave collar, which I imagine to be a large brass thing with a gem in it. The gem acts like an "eye", and is linked to a crystal ball in her master's tower, through which her master can see and hear (grants Telepathy), as well as talk through and potentially even cast spells with which to aid Siri. It additionally is enchanted to fire flames when Siri channels her energy through it (grants fireballs).

- I was thinking of using that7th talent for a custom one or something - maybee could self-inflict Energy damage to restore it at a 1:1 rate on someone with physical contact, or allow any energy drain from spells or whatever to be taken from her and not the proper owner? Maybe unwanted transfers could be forced, too, but I wouldn't know what to roll for that.

Fuck if I know. Pale with red hair, and that's all I got.

Motivation: Didn't really think this one out either. My initial idea was her mistress just sent her out there to investigate the demons, but really more for shits and giggles, cuz' her master's a troll like that and wanted to see her get raped over and over or something. And as fun as having the wizard tell her to do all kinds of stupid/dangerous crap would be ("Siri, investigate that giant tree-demon. With your fists." while watching the crystal ball with some popcorn or some crap), if I think about it seriously it's totally stupid.

My next idea was that she was sent to back up a mage-slave-warrior or something, but her counterpart gets killed or injured or something... but that's still kind of meh. I guess I like her as a concept character? Also redundancy.

Character Sheet Format

Just delete the explanation text and the bits you don't need, and here you go. I might change it a bit later as this all gets planned out.

Name: Sulet Hisur Uechu
Class: Combat - Shock Wrestler
Race: Amazonian Human

Body: 30
Mind: 16
Spirit: 4

Hit Points: 40
Spirit Energy: 27
Pleasure to Orgasm: 33
Speed: 8
Dodge: 19
Resistance: 15

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

*Grapple Expert: Any action attempted by the character while in a grapple, such as escaping, or forcing the opponent into submission, gets +12.

*Unarmed Fighter: Increases unarmed damage from its base to (d8 + 2) + Body/2

Quick: Adds +8 to your Speed stat.

*Whirlwind: The character gains the ability to strike two enemies per turn instead of one, at a -6 to both to-hit rolls.

Resistant to Pain: If dealt Hit Point damage, decrease it by 2.

*Skill with Weapon [unarmed] : Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon. Examples include: swords, axes, maces, unarmed, bows, crossbows, rifles, pistols, staffs, spears, and polearms. Some weapons are one handed, while some require two hands. (Note: Only once for EACH weapon.)

*Shield Fighter: Gains the ability to use a shield effectively, including the Shield Bash ability and a bonus to your dodge stat. Dodge bonuses and shield damage are listed in the equipment section.


*Bloodthirsty: {RP} Your character will never back down from combat, even if they have little chance of victory.

x2 Easy to Hit: -16 to Dodge.

Weapon Name (Damage) [To-hit]
Tank Pawnch (1d8 + Body/2 + 2) [1d20 + 42]
Shield Pawnch (1 + 10) + [1d20 + 30]
Axe Hack (1d8 + 10) [1d20 + 30]
Axe Butt (1d2 + 15) [1d20 + 30]
Axe Throw () []

50 Denarii

Plate Armor: EV = 10, AV = 20, TP = 60, Du = 5. Can't be shifted. A massive suit of armor. Unadorned and plain in addition to being heavily battered.

Tower Shield: Damage = 1 + Body/3, EV = 5, Dodge = 10. A large board shield Sulet uses to shield herself from arrows in an initial charge. Frequently thrown at the enemy once in melee range.

Hand Axe (axe): A back-up weapon and utility blade. More frequently used by Sulet as a throwing weapon against fleeing enemies or any foe out of reach.


Appearance: Sulet is a massive woman, taller than most men and exceptionally defined.

...Also have not thought this one through too much, and I haven't typed out the bio/crap for this one yet.

Concept: Ulmf has a Dorf Fort thread someplace, right? The basic concept was "armored brawler/monk", inspired by Dorf wrestlers - charging headlong through arrow fire and crap. Also some Saga Frontier 2 influence, where she's ostracized due to a complete lack of magical ability/an affinity with metal, maybe.

When I think of looks... I'm nor sure of her personal appearance, but I imagine her to be outfitted in giant armor. I imagine she's not too muscular, like so:

Character Sheet Format

Name: Naltaibur Slybelqua
Class: Magic - Physician
Race: Night Elf

Body: 12
Mind: 22
Spirit: 16

Hit Points: 34
Spirit Energy: 36
Pleasure to Orgasm: 42
Speed: 6
Dodge: 25
Resistance: 11

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

RACE - Perceptive: Get +8 to all perception rolls.

*Transmuter: When casting a spell of the Transmutation type, the characters Mind is effectively 16 points higher.

*Focus in Element {Body}: Gives a +10 when casting any spell of the chosen element. (Note: Can only be taken once for EACH element.)

*Focus in Element {Adv. Body}: Gives a +10 when casting any spell of the chosen element. (Note: Can only be taken once for EACH element.)

Resistant to Pain: If dealt Hit Point damage, decrease it by 2.

*Natural Warrior: *Grapple Expert: Any action attempted by the character while in a grapple, such as escaping, or forcing the opponent into submission, gets +12.

Natural Spirit: *Psychic: Telepathy, Mindcutter

*Natural Succubus: *Pull Out: The succubi can force a creature out just as they orgasm if they're not being raped in a submission hold, thus avoiding getting pregnant.

RACE - *Demon Lover: +4 to Pleasure taken from demons.

*Plant Lover: +4 to Pleasure taken from mutated plants.

*Beast Lover: +4 to Pleasure taken from mutated beasts.

*Fertile: Your character always automatically get pregnant when something cums inside of her, unless that something is sterile. Not as big a downside as it might seem, as you'll see once i get the fluff out.

Weapon Name (Damage) [To-hit]
Doctor pawnch (1d4 + Body/4) [1d20 + 12]
Club smash (1d4 + Body/2) [1d20 + 12]
Cleaver hack (1d12 + Body/3) [1d20 + 12]
Cleaver stab (1d12 + Body/4) [1d20 + 12]

Base Casting: 1d20 + 11
(casting levels: 12, 16, 22, 30, 40).
Favored Elements: Transmutation, Body, Adv. Body



Telepathy: Allows mental communication with another being. Costs 2 energy to activate and 1 energy per round to maintain if you're only communicating. To attempt to dominate a target, the cost is 10 + X, and you must make a (Your Spirit + 3X) vs (Enemies Spirit + 5) check to succeed, and 2 energy per round to maintain.

Mind Cutter: Cut through creatures and objects alike with your mind, costs X energy and does (2 + d12) x X damage to one target.

Denarii - 50

Cleaver (Curved Blade) - Short but heavy blade, used mostly to hack up corpses into chunks for easier handling and experimentation.

Club (Mace) - Used when trying to knock an opponent out instead of killing him.

Plague Doc's outfit - (Cloth Armor: EV = 0, AV = 2, TP = 25. Du = 2)


A small woman, with a small bust. Naked, her body is a charcoal-gray unnaturally tinted shades of purple and green of varying intensities in places. Her hair is dyed black, but the roots show through a fiery orange-red. Her other noteworthy features are a subtle, wiry musclulature and bright green eyes.

She hides her body to conceal her experiments. She works as a doctor, so guised as a measure of sterilization under the pretense of keeping "sterility" she wears a plague doctor*'s outfit, concealing herself under heavy leathers and a hardened ceramic mask.

Grew up in Crolia. Her parents were Night Elf adventurers, who left her at birth with the healer that delivered her - a kind, middle-aged man. Though she was a frail girl, she assisted the Healer as soon as she could, sweeping, cooking, fetching him things - listening quietly as the Healer discussed ails with his patients. He acted has an aid and nurse, and learned healing magics from him.

In this, she realized that everyone was unsatisfied with their body - they were too short, or too tall, too fat, too skinny. Wished for different eyes, or for things they shouldn't have - tails, wings. Agonizing over the size or color of breasts or penis. Cursing it, for getting sick, and for having to die.

She's since become adept in body magics, and has inherited her father's shop. However, she has purchased another building. She claims it's her home, but it also hides a secret laboratory and menagerie, where she experiments with the manipulation of flesh.

- Reluctant to use live subjects, fearing twisting and shattering a living being's soul. Therefore mostly obtains materials from the butcher, hunters, and morgue. Also crossbreeding. Prefers to slaughter a creature in her menagerie before experimenting on it, but will use it live if required.

- Hold live specimens for breeding. She wrangles them herself and extracts semen fucking. In the interests of keeping the seed "pure", she tries to make them pull out first. Extended practice of this is thus the reasoning behind Grapple Expert, Pull Out and Pain Resistance.

- Performs live experimentation on self if necessary. Once tried to enhance strength with an infusion from an orc after unfortunate breeding incident, but was only partially successful - got stronger, but not dramatically, and it turned her hair red, splotched her skin with green tint, and gave her orc fertility. Tried to remedy cosmetic condition with a night elf infusion - tinted her skin purple, but altered spiritual flow/mind shit and unlocked some small spiritual power.

- Mind has suffered; the double life of healing wounds and twisting flesh, debasing and altering herself, and the constant worry of being found or degenerating a sapient mind torments her. Constant presence of dismembered bodies and menagerie livestock has jaded her. Previously compassionate to a fault, she now flies between extremes of gentleness and murderousness as necessary, and tries to hold on to old self. Her psyche is scarred, in short. (I probably couldn't roleplay that anyway. Also not sure if bad writing)


She's come to Artmirst to investigate the portal, knowing they always leave behind mutation. Hopes to collect samples and specimens, learn of the portals effects and if they can be induced without its influence, and - personally - to strengthen herself with mutations.

If possible, she wishes to set up a workshop to hold collected specimens and further monitor the town post-incident, but as the town is in Badarian territory she deems this unlikely.

MAD DOCTOR SPECIALIZING IN GENETICS AND SHIT. All forms of GENETICS AND SHIT. Flesh grafts, crossbreeding and mixing via combining sperm, purely magical methods of alter bodies, both cosmetically (magic plastic surgery!) and functionally (creating redundant organs or growing/strengthening/densening muscles), growing new limbs, etc.

Started going for a True Form Midna image inadvertently, tried to change that sorta. That purple was supposed to be a "transclucent, milky palor". Yes, I do like FrankenFran. I didn't come up with the terrible name, I used a generator. Uhh it's supposed to sound mysterious and elfy. Maybe it's her parent's names or something, or maybe Healerdad actually knew some crazy Night Elvish or whatever.

*Description of a plague doctor's outfit, taken from wikipedia:

Considered an early form of hazmat suit, a plague doctor's clothing consisted of:

* A wide-brimmed black hat worn close to the head. At the time, a wide-brimmed black hat would have identified a person as a doctor, much the same as how nowadays a hat may identify chefs, soldiers, and workers. The wide-brimmed hat may have also been used as partial shielding from infection.
* A primitive gas mask in the shape of a bird's beak. A common belief at the time was that the plague was spread by "bad air". There may have been a belief that by dressing in a bird-like mask, the wearer could draw the plague away from the patient and onto the garment the plague doctor wore. The mask also included red glass eyepieces, which were thought to make the wearer impervious to evil. The beak of the mask was often filled with strongly aromatic herbs and spices to overpower the miasmas or "bad air" which was also thought to carry the plague. At the very least, it may have dulled the smell of unburied corpses, sputum, and ruptured bouboules in plague victims.
* A long, black overcoat. The overcoat worn by the plague doctor was tucked in behind the beak mask at the neckline to minimize skin exposure. It extended to the feet, and was often coated head to toe in suet or wax. A coating of suet may have been used with the thought that the plague could be drawn away from the flesh of the infected victim and either trapped by the suet, or repelled by the wax. The coating of wax likely served as protection against respiratory droplet contamination, but it was not known at the time if coughing carried the plague. It was likely that the overcoat was waxed to simply prevent sputum or other bodily fluids from clinging to it.
* A wooden cane. The cane was used to both direct family members to move the patient, other individuals nearby, and possibly to examine patients without directly touching them.
* Leather breeches. Similar to waders worn by fishermen, leather breeches were worn beneath the cloak to protect the legs and groin from infection. Since the plague often tended to manifest itself first in the lymph nodes, particular attention was paid to protecting the armpits, neck, and groin.


If I have not mentioned yet, I kinda want some sort of offensive body spells for her. Explosive cancerous growth, possibly withering muscles? Might also have healing spells that heal more HP than the body spell of the same level, but repair the flesh haphazardly - maybe costing more and doing some short-term debuffing, like lowering max HP or speed or something.

One sorta utility spell I envision could sculpt a body and totally change appearance, but it would be painful and draining

Maybe they could halve damage and double cost if cast without a physical touch...

I use a name generator, cuz' I'm bad at names


also most of the stuff isn't like proof read or cleaned up
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Re: Lava Pit


I kinda didn't clean up the sheets this time, so excepting the first one they're in a messier format.

Spirit Hunter - Badarian Riflewoman
Character Sheet Format

Name: Daniele Jericho
Class: Combat - Badarian Spirit Hunter
Race: Badarian (Human)
Natives of the nation of Badara, a feudalistic society with steam and gunpowder based technology, largely tanned-white. Few mages, and Spirit magic is outright oppressed by the Necromancer king that rules it. Entirely Patriarchal, women are barely more than slaves.

Body: 24 (12)x2+
Mind: 18 (9)x2+
Spirit: 8 (4)x2+

Hit Points: 37
Spirit Energy: 29
Pleasure to Orgasm: 34
Speed: 20
Dodge: 33
Resistance: 12

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

*Gunner: +2 to attack when using gunpowder weapons.

*Stealthy: Allows a character to sneak around effectively, giving a +8 to opposed Perception checks, and attacking an opponent that does not know you're there always hits and gives double damage.

Quick: Adds +8 to your Speed stat.

*Skill with Weapon [Rifles] : Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon.

*Hard to Hit: Adds +8 to the dodge stat.

***Natural Mage: *Focus in Element {Light}: Gives a +10 when casting any spell of the chosen element.

*Bloodthirsty: {RP} Your character will never back down from combat, even if they have little chance of victory.

Weapon Name (Damage) [To-hit/range]
Unarmed (d4 + 6) [+24]
BDRN Lever Repeater: (d10 + 18) [+38/50 ft]
Knife Bash (d2+12) [+24]
Knife cut (d8+8) [+24]
Knife Stab (d12+6) [+24]

Base Casting: 9
(casting levels: 12, 16, 22, 30, 40).
Favored Elements: Light

Denarii - 50
Boolit (Lever) - 50
Long knife (Double Edged Sword) - mostly last-resort and close-quarters weapon.

Marksman's rifle (Badarian Lever-Action Repeater) - an expertly made rifle; expensive to produce, but suitable for lone operatives and the Empire's finest.

3 -clips-
1 ?/? Loaded
2 ?/?
3 ?/?

Bio/Description: Daniele is a Spirit Hunter of Badara - an agent tasked with finding and putting down spirit users. She roams the country, going from locale to locale, stalking suspects and executing suspects should they manifest any powers or otherwise show evidence of having spirit powers.

Personality-wise, she comes off rather cynical and disgruntled. The long life of solitude has left her unused to company and she has little patience dealing with others, and has also made her stoic and reserved.

Appearance: She has short, messy black hair, and her face is usually set in a frown. She is a bit short and has a modest figure, with a tanned complexion, and wears heavy travel-worn clothes - brown trousers, grey tunic, and black overcoat, with a wide-brimmed hat for use in rainy weather or to shield the eyes while shooting in sunny weather.

(sorta thought "tsundere, with hair like that one-armed chick from Bleach, with less bandages")

Concept: "Man, I should make someone without super-special-snowflake syndrome. Have I made a gunner yet?"

Also sorta imagined her as a big supporter of the Lich Emperor and stuff, but couldn't really think of a reason/stance I liked.
I wanted a sniper-rifle type, but could not find one. :(

How many flaws and talents could I rack up - Orc Succubus
Name - Koedar Pelviscrusher
Class - Succubus
Race - Orcs: The powerful, industrial, steel age, theocratic race of beings who live in the mountains to the South. Usually highly muscular, tall, and with long red hair and green skin, otherwise appearing human. Some say they were once humans, but were twisted when a portal to another world allowed demons to spill into our world, which promptly raped and impregnated every human female they could find. Whatever the case, they are powerful, and reproduce VERY quickly, making them a threat to the Badarian Empire, which pays for their heads. Despite their negative reputation, they are almost to a member honorable and intelligent warriors.
*Gains Strong of Body and Mind, Fertile, and Honorable.

Attributes - [25 (1pt = 2 stat) base]
Body = 22 (base =8)+6
Mind = 26 (base =10)+6
Spirit = 14 (base =7)

Derived stats
HP: (body + 1/2 other) = HP /42 (22+13+7)
Spirit energy: (spirit + 1/2 other) = SE /38 (14+11+13)
Pleasure to Orgasm: (mind + 1/2 other) = P /44 (26+11+7)

[]=permanent score
To hit: d20 + relevant stat = HIT: lolwut
Speed: body/2 = SPD: [3] (++)
Dodge: All stats/2 = DGE: [31] (++)
Base Casting Stat: d20+mind/2 = BCS: lolwut
Grapple: body = GPL: [22] (++)
Resistance (pleasure): highest/2= RES: [13] (++)

Experience: lolwut
Corruption: wutlol

Talents - [3 base, 1 class, +3 flaws]
*Succubi: gives the "Soul Drain" special power: whenever a succubi causes pleasure damage to an a opponent, they also steal half that many Energy Points and half that many Health Points from that creature. If a creature orgasms because of this, the amount taken is doubled. This comes at a price however, A succubis Energy does not restore itself on its own like a normal persons does. A succubi at 0 Energy is driven into an animalistic state, in which they hunt until they find something to feed upon or they die.

Strong of Body: Get +6 to body.

Strong of Mind: Get +6 to mind.

*Lucky: Get +3 to all rolls. Can only be taken once.

*Natural Mage: *Focus in Element {Cold}: Gives a +10 when casting any spell of the chosen element.

*Superior Mage: *Transmuter: When casting a spell of the Transmutation type, the characters Mind is effectively 16 points higher.

*Fuck Me: The succubi deal an additional 8 pleasure per round during sex. (Vaginal or anal.)

*Pull Out: The succubi can force a creature out just as they orgasm if they're not being raped in a submission hold, thus avoiding getting pregnant.

2x Greater Draining: Increases the amount of Health and Spirit Energy taken when feeding by 4 each per round.

Flaws - [3 max]
*Honorable: {RP} Your character will never betray their word, though they might twist it now and then, even to their detriment.

*Fertile: Your character always automatically get pregnant when something cums inside of her, unless that something is sterile. Not as big a downside as it might seem, as you'll see once i get the fluff out.

*Horny Slut: {RP} Your character is unlikely to pass up consensual sex, and more likely to give in should she be raped and start to enjoy it.

*Idealistic {RP}: Should there be any hint of someone or something in distress you will rush headlong to aid them. Even if that damsel in distress is a succubus trying to lure in a cute new plaything. (Archer)

Sluggish: Decrease your Speed by 8.

*Fey Lover: +4 to Pleasure taken from fey creatures.

Unarmed - d4 + Body/4
Halberd Slash - d10 + body/3
Halberd Smash - d6 + body/2
Broadsword slash - d8 + body/3
Broadsword smash - d2 + body/2
Broadsword stab - d12 + body/4

Cloth armor - EV=0,AV=2, TP=25, Du=2

50 denarii


I have no clue.

Decided I should make a succubus, since it was the only class I hadn't touched yet, and decided to see how many talent/flaws I could pile up.

Initially imagined a sweet young thing, but instead I made a frost orc and now nothing can make me stop seeing her as a Yuki-Onna/Nord Valkyrie hybrid. While badass, I don't really know how I could work a backstory around that while keeping Idealistic.

I sorta picture her as that "Petunia the Chubby Gorgon" thing that shows up on /tg/ occasionally.

Sluggish because "she's so in tune with the cold that she is like a mighty glacier" or something I don't know. I guess it makes sense - arctic critters are really, really slow, right?


Bloodthirsty Maniac - Badarian not-an-Eversor
Name - Nina Querth
Class - Combat -
Race - Badarian (Human): Natives of the nation of Badara, a feudalistic society with steam and gunpowder based technology, largely tanned-white. Few mages, and Spirit magic is outright oppressed by the Necromancer king that rules it. Entirely Patriarchal, women are barely more than slaves.

Attributes - [25 (1pt = 2 stat) base]
Body = 32 (base =16)
Mind = 8 (base =4)
Spirit = 10 (base =5)

Derived stats
HP: (body + 1/2 other) = HP /41 (32+4+5)
Spirit energy: (spirit + 1/2 other) = SE /30 (10+16+4)
Pleasure to Orgasm: (mind + 1/2 other) = P /29 (8+16+5)

[]=permanent score
To hit: d20 + relevant stat = HIT: lolwut (+12 curved blade)
Speed: body/2 = SPD: [24] (+8 +)
Dodge: All stats/2 = DGE: [33] (++)
Base Casting Stat: d20+mind/2 = BCS: lolwut
Grapple: body = GPL: [32] (++)
Resistance (pleasure): highest/2= RES: [16] (++)

Experience: lolwut
Corruption: wutlol

Talents - [3 base, 1 class, 1 flaw]
*Gunner: +2 to attack when using gunpowder weapons.

*Two Weapon Fighter: Gains the ability to use two one handed weapons at once.

*Skill with Weapon [Sabers/curved blades] : Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon.

*Stealthy: Allows a character to sneak around effectively, giving a +8 to opposed Perception checks, and attacking an opponent that does not know you're there always hits and gives double damage.

Quick: Adds +8 to your Speed stat.

*Hard to Hit: Adds +8 to the dodge stat.

Flaws - [3 max]
*Bloodthirsty: {RP} Your character will never back down from combat, even if they have little chance of victory.

Unarmed - d4 + Body/4
Saber Slash - d12 + Body/3
Saber Stab - d12 + Body/4

Cloth armor - EV=0,AV=2, TP=25, Du=2
Stolen Saber (x2) (Curved Blade)

50 denarii




Also just being a bloodthirsty psychopath in general. I liked the name, so I figured I should put a character to it.

Another psycho - Night Elf mage
Name: Kel
Class: Magic
Race: Night Elf: Another offshoot of the fey that became mortal, skin colors range from pink to red to purple. Their society is much like their High Elven cousins, but much more open. Of all the known races, they have the most succubi, for reasons that no one has yet to ascertain, though many suspect that it's due to their common exposure to demons. Mages and Spirit-users are also common. They are known for their near-supernatural senses.

Body: 8
Mind: 30
Spirit: 12

Hit Points: 29
Spirit Energy: 41
Pleasure to Orgasm: 40
Speed: 4
Dodge: 17
Resistance: 15

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Perceptive: Get +8 to all perception rolls.

Greater Energy Pool: Grants an additional 10 max energy.

*Foehammer: Any damage spell deals an additional d6 damage to all targets. (Before any multiplication.)

*Evoker: When casting a spell of the Evocation type, the characters Mind is effectively 16 points higher.

*Focus in Element {Fire}: Gives a +10 when casting any spell of the chosen element.

*Focus in Element {Lightning}: Gives a +10 when casting any spell of the chosen element.

*Skill with Weapon [Staff] : Adds a +12 to hit with staves.

*Demon Lover: +4 to Pleasure taken from demons.

*Bloodthirsty: {RP} Your character will never back down from combat, even if they have little chance of victory.

Easy to Hit: -8 to Dodge.

Open Soul: Whenever anything feeds on the characters spirit energy, it rushes out like a river. +2 to Energy damage.

Weapon Name (Damage)
Unarmed - (d4 + Body/4)
Staff smash - (d4 + Body/2)

Base Casting: 15
(casting levels: 12, 16, 22, 30, 40).
Favored Elements: fire, lightning, evocation

Denarii - 50

Iron Staff - A simple, untopped pole of iron. It's surface is etched with channels for power to flow through.

Robe - Cloth Armor: EV = 0, AV = 2, TP = 25. Du = 2
A faded, plain, and scorched green robe. Hooded.

Bio/Description: "Maiming is for bitches. KILL BURN, KILL BURN."

Very one-dimensional psychopath. Does 230-280ish damage with Hellblast, with a 75% cast success chance, or can tase-smack people with her staff for 21-33. Oh yeah.

I envision her as a prophet/disciple of , Crawl's god of blowing shit the fuck up. Most of her backstory would involve her running around the landscape burning down towns and whatnot.

Hey, this one has some backstory - Su-Ku-Ta Spirit User
Name - Teo Sakina Iyas'salha (basically I glued together every name I liked from an Arabic-flavor namegen)

Class - Spirit -
Race - Su-Ku-Ta (Cat people):
A group of humanoids with very feline features such as fur, cat-ears, a tail, and even reverse-jointed legs, that competes with the humans living in the Anudor desert, but possessing technology comparable to the Badarians. They are a closed, Republican society. They are often very physically fit, but they are also cross-fertile with both humans and the Dok-Cats, large magically mutated feline creatures that they often use as mounts. Women are slaves unless of a noble house.

Attributes - [25 (1pt = 2 stat) base]
Body = 22 (base = 8)+6
Mind = 10 (base = 5)
Spirit = 24 (base = 12)

Derived stats
HP: (body + 1/2 other) = HP /39 ()
Spirit energy: (spirit + 1/2 other) = SE /60 (+20)
Pleasure to Orgasm: (mind + 1/2 other) = P /33 ()
Resistance: 12

[]=permanent score
To hit: d20 + relevant stat = HIT: lolwut
Speed: body/2 = SPD: [11] (++)
Dodge: All stats/2 = DGE: [28] (++)
Base Casting Stat: d20+mind/2 = BCS: lolwut
Grapple: body = GPL: [22] (++)
Resistance (pleasure): highest/2= RES: [12] (++)

Experience: lolwut
Corruption: wutlol

Talents - [3 base, 1 class]
Strong of Body: Get +6 to Body.

*Massive Energy Pool: Increases EP by 20.

*Harmful Spirit: Spirit powers deal an additional d8 damage to all targets, even if they normally don't deal damage. Can be deactivated when using with friends.

*Natural Warrior - *Stealthy: Allows a character to sneak around effectively, giving a +8 to opposed Perception checks, and attacking an opponent that does not know you're there always hits and gives double damage.

*Necromancer: Call Spirit, Animate

*Shadowmancer: Shadowstalker, Tentacle

Additional Power: Nightmarish Image, Dark Armor

Additional Power: Piercer, Life-Leech

Flaws - [3 max]
*Beast Lover: +4 to Pleasure taken from mutated beasts.

*Fertile: Your character always automatically get pregnant when something cums inside of her, unless that something is sterile. Not as big a downside as it might seem, as you'll see once i get the fluff out.

Sensitive: Pleasure taken is increased by 2.

*Demon Lover: +4 to Pleasure taken from demons.



Animate: Costs 3X energy to activate, and X - 1 energy per turn to maintain. X is dependent on what you want to animate. For making inanimate objects, like swords or rocks, able to move along the ground, X =1. For animating corpses so that they move slowly (like zombies), or allowing inanimate objects to float and move effectively, X = 2. For animating corpses or inanimate objects to move quickly, producing more dangerous creations, X = 3. For animating large corpses or objects, like dragons or boulders, X = 4.

Call Spirit: Call up a dead creature and offer it a piece of your soul for assistance. Don't worry, it grows back. Costs 6X and no upkeep, but when the fight's over they leave. X depends on the relative power of the spirit and what you want it to do. for asking a minor spirit for information, X = 1/2. for a minor spirits aid in combat, X = 1. For asking a greater spirit for information, X = 1.5. For a greater spirits aid in combat, X =2. For an ancient spirit, X = 2.5 and 3, respectively. Just don't use it if there's a daemon around.

Life-Leach: Cost is 2X, deals Xd6 damage and regains X health points and X spirit points, stealing them from the creature.

Nightmarish Image: Covers the user in a dark aura, and causes their eyes to glow bright red. Anything looking on the character must make a (Your Spirit + 6X) vs (Enemies Spirit) check or flee. Costs 5 + X to activate, and increases dodge and melee damage by 4X. Costs X per turn to maintain.


Dark Armor: Costs 2 + X to activate and X to maintain, summons shadowy armor to protect the user. Increases melee damage, dodge, grapple, and damage resistance by 3X.

Shadowstalker: Walk from shadow to shadow silently and invisibly. Costs X energy, and allows you to teleport 5X feet so long as you begin and end your journey in a dark area, allowing you to bypass any obstacles (including Holy or Force Walls.)

Piercer: Sends a shard of shadow at a target within 50 feet, costing 2 + X energy and dealing Xd12 damage.

Tentacle: Summons a tentacle made of living shadow attached to the caster, which can be used creatively. It has a Body of 30 + 5X and 30 HP, and you can maintain up to 5 at a time. Piercing d20, Slashing d12, bashing d6. Costs 3 + X energy to activate and 1 to maintain.

Unarmed - d4 + Body/4
Spear (blunt) - d4 + body/2
Spear (stabbity) - d12 + body/4
SKT Revolver - d12 + 16, 6/6 shots | rng 20 ft; rld 22 - spd

Leather Armor: EV = 1, AV = 4, TP = 30. Du = 3.

Spear: Long wooden sticks with a pointy thing on one end. Spears and pikes. Almost always 2 handed. Bashing d4, Piercing d12, Piercing d6 (for the butt spike, if it has one.)

Su-Ku-Ta Revolver: six shots in a rotating barrel. Range = 20 feet, Reload = 22 - Speed per bullet, Damage = d12 + 16.
50 bullet

50 denarii


A young Su-Ku-Ta girl with bronzed tan and sand-colored fur and hair. Just into adulthood, but has already developed fully equipped for motherhood, with wide, childbearing hips, and large, heavy breasts.

Born an only child to a sterile couple in one of the small nomadic Su-Ku-Ta groups of the Anudor desert. She was a "weird kid"; even at a young age, she would wander off and sit alone, talking to herself, causing the tribe to consider her "a bit touched in the head". Still, she was polite, eager, and hurried to do the tasks asked of her, so the tribesmen had no complaint. "Nice girl, but weird", they called her.

The tribe couldn't see that she was talking to spirits. As she matured, more of her powers manifested themselves. At ~10, she could call spirits, animate objects, and move though shadows or make them solid. She kept them secret. Her father forbade her from using them, out of fear that the tribe would disown them.

However, soon after her first bleeding, she lost her virginity to one of the boys of the tribe. In the throes of passion her other powers manifested - a terrible cloak of darkness enveloped her, and the boy, scared out of his wits, fled (pantsless).

The council elders held a meeting, and the tribe's aging shaman performed a divination. He saw that Teo was cursed by an evil star, and fated to become a mother to monsters. Judgement was passed. Teo was exiled from the tribe. Her heartbroken parents were not - out of need of tribesmen, and because the divination revealed no lasting taint on them.

Her powers allowed her to survive the ravages of the desert alone - she asked a spirit to guide her through the desert, leading her to oases and food, and using her powers over shadow to alternately kill or escape from the vicious creatures of the desert.

After a lonely three years of life alone, with only her ghostly friends for company, she happened upon a trade caravan at an oasis. She told them she'd been abandoned years ago, and asked to join them, which they consented to. That very night she revealed her powers when bandits tried to raid the caravan - thoroughly trashing them. She signed on as a guard.

She'd spent the last year or so with the same caravan, earning enough to buy some basic trappings of her new guard profession, when she overheard rumors of demons in a small Badarian town. She headed off, determined to find out if her fate had already been decided.
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Re: Lava Pit


That's a guy, by the way.







This is manga is awesome.
Re: Lava Pit

So uh, I like to play dress up games.

Like, not even the nude ones. Like in Fable 3, my main motivation for doing shit was to unlock more stores so I could buy cool clothes.


Goooo planet


The first one I did. It kinda seems like it's missing something. Then again, AAAAALLLLWAAYYSSS



The middle two, and my favorites.


The last one I did. I didn't really have any inspiration with it, there wasn't anything that really worked together. :(


A malevolent plant fairy. Poison/decay themed, I guess.








This game came with an exam paper thing that sorted me into Hufflepuff. Apparently, Hufflepuff has goddamn ketchup and mustard as their class colors, cuz', damn.

I sorta imagine the ridiculous male one to be some kind of Marxist political writer or something.


Lastly, this one's for that Alduris game in PbP.

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Re: Lava Pit

Interesting little site there. It seems to be a pretty stacked dressing game judging from the pictures. Which is somewhat surprising.

Nice work, fairly creative and easy on the eyes.
Re: Lava Pit

Why thank you.

In other news, more dressupan gaems.


Not stellar, but hey.







Not very stellar either, but this one's a little limited on variety. :\

There's also this:
Name: Cheetara
Class: Warrior
Race: Su-Ku-Ta (Cat people)
A group of humanoids with very feline features such as fur, cat-ears, a tail, and even reverse-jointed legs; depending on how

much bestial ancestry they have; that compete with the humans living in the Anudor desert, but possess technology

comparable to the Badarians. They are a very closed, Republican society, and are completely patriarchal, with women often

treated as slaves unless born of a noble house. They are often very physically fit, but they are also cross-fertile with both

humans and the Dok-Cats, large magically mutated feline creatures that they often use as mounts and beasts of burden.
* +6 Body, +2 Spirit, Gain Talent: Quick, Flaw: Mutated, and Flaw: Beast Lover.

Body: 28
Mind: 16
Spirit: 14

Hit Points: 43
Pleasure to Orgasm: 37
Spirit Energy: 51
Speed: 50
Dodge: 29
Armor: 4
Resistance: 14

Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

RACE: Quick: Adds +12 to your Speed stat.

Quick: Adds +12 to your Speed stat.

Quick: Adds +12 to your Speed stat.

Greater Energy Pool: Grants an additional 15 max energy.

**Skill with Weapon [Staff] : Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon.

**Skill with Weapon [Spear] : Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon.

*Hard to Hit: Adds +10 to the Dodge stat.

Skilled: Gain your choice of 3 Skills, so long as you meet the requirements for them.

*Heavy Weapons Specialist: While wielding a two-handed weapon, the character gets +12 to damage rolls on any melee hit.

RACE: Mutated: Your character starts the game with 3 mutations of your choice.

RACE: *Beast Lover: +8 to Pleasure taken from mutated beasts.

Sensitive: Pleasure taken is increased by 4.

*Idealistic {RP}: Your character never fails to be kind and giving, to a fault. You will go out of the way to aid someone in need,

even if it seems likely that they won't give you anything in return, or even attack you. You will never betray your word or leave

your companions in a spot of trouble, even if it is detrimental to your health. (Archer)

*Honorable: {RP} Your character will never betray their word, though they might twist it now and then, even to their detriment.

Tight: The character deals +2 pleasure to your opponent during penetrative sex. Can be taken up to 3 times. (thetwo)

Tail: The character gains a tail. Can be a tail similar to any animals, or of a design you make up. Might make the wearing of

pants a problem, though it can be used during sex as a form of foreplay or penetration. (BurntToast)

*Odd Skin: The characters skin becomes noticeably unusual. Either because it has somehow managed to turn a color that

you wouldn't expect, or because it has started growing a thin layer of fur or scales.

Skills: List your skills which you get to choose below.
Smite{Activated}: On any melee attack, you can trade EP for damage at a rate of 2 EP for every 1 point of damage added.

Requires: Spirit 14+.

Supreme Might{Activated}: When wielding a two handed melee weapon, you can trade your to-hit for additional damage at a

rate of 2 damage for every 1 point of to-hit given up. Requires: Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Whirlwind{Activated}: When wielding a two handed weapon melee or two melee weapons at once, you can choose to make an

attack against all nearby enemies at once at a -10 to to-hit and damage. Requires: Heavy Weapons Specialist.

50 denarii

Leather Armor: AV = 4, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Piercing. Strong against Blunt.

Unarmed - Base damage is d4 + Body/4 damage. Increases with the Unarmed Fighter Talent. All characters have this, and it

always deals Blunt damage.

Staffs - Long pieces of wood meant to be wielded with two hands and used to bonk things on the head. Base damage is 1 +

1d4 + Body/2. Always deal Blunt damage. Examples: Bo staffs, wu-tang staffs, quarterstaffs.

Polearms - Long wooden poles with things on the end meant to do damage. Base damage is 4 + 2d4 + Body/3. Can attack

creatures up to 5 feet away, and can deal either Blunt, Piercing, or Slashing damage. Examples: Spear, scythe, halberd,

greataxe, naginata, lance.

The weapons and armor you have, along with any other minor items you gain in your travels.
Please list them as either:
Melee weapon (to-hit including bonuses from all Talents) [damage on hit including all dice and full bonuses from stats and

Talents] {special attributes}
Ranged weapon (to-hit) [damage] {range; maximum shots before reload; reload time}
Armor [AV = Armor Value; EV = Encumbrance Value; TP = Tearing Points; DU = Durability]
Shield [Bash Damage = dX + Y; EV = Encumbrance Value; Dodge Bonus = Z]
Minor item [quantity in digits]

Note: List any game play-relevant value here as what that value is for YOUR character. In other words, you have to do all the

math, because I don't want to do it whenever you try to pop someone in the mouth with your morningstar. So, when it says

damage, you take whatever values you get from stats, Talents, and whatnot, and mash it all together.
For example: You choose a weapon that does d8 + Body/3 damage. Your Body stat is 30, and you have the Hard Hitter, Skill

with Weapon, and Lucky Talents. Your slot should read: Melee Weapon A (+45) [d8 + 18] {None}

Name: Cheetara
Class: Warrior
Race: Su-Ku-Ta (Cat people)
A group of humanoids with very feline features such as fur, cat-ears, a tail, and even reverse-jointed legs; depending on how

much bestial ancestry they have; that compete with the humans living in the Anudor desert, but possess technology

comparable to the Badarians. They are a very closed, Republican society, and are completely patriarchal, with women often

treated as slaves unless born of a noble house. They are often very physically fit, but they are also cross-fertile with both

humans and the Dok-Cats, large magically mutated feline creatures that they often use as mounts and beasts of burden.
* +6 Body, +2 Spirit, Gain Talent: Quick, Flaw: Mutated, and Flaw: Beast Lover.

Body: 28
Mind: 16
Spirit: 14

Hit Points: 43
Pleasure to Orgasm: 37
Spirit Energy: 51
Speed: 50
Dodge: 29
Armor: 4
Resistance: 14

Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

RACE: Quick: Adds +12 to your Speed stat.

Quick: Adds +12 to your Speed stat.

Quick: Adds +12 to your Speed stat.

Greater Energy Pool: Grants an additional 15 max energy.

**Skill with Weapon [Staff] : Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon.

**Skill with Weapon [Spear] : Adds a +12 to hit with the selected weapon.

*Hard to Hit: Adds +10 to the Dodge stat.

Skilled: Gain your choice of 3 Skills, so long as you meet the requirements for them.

*Heavy Weapons Specialist: While wielding a two-handed weapon, the character gets +12 to damage rolls on any melee hit.

RACE: Mutated: Your character starts the game with 3 mutations of your choice.

RACE: *Beast Lover: +8 to Pleasure taken from mutated beasts.

Sensitive: Pleasure taken is increased by 4.

*Idealistic {RP}: Your character never fails to be kind and giving, to a fault. You will go out of the way to aid someone in need,

even if it seems likely that they won't give you anything in return, or even attack you. You will never betray your word or leave

your companions in a spot of trouble, even if it is detrimental to your health. (Archer)

*Honorable: {RP} Your character will never betray their word, though they might twist it now and then, even to their detriment.

Tight: The character deals +2 pleasure to your opponent during penetrative sex. Can be taken up to 3 times. (thetwo)

Tail: The character gains a tail. Can be a tail similar to any animals, or of a design you make up. Might make the wearing of

pants a problem, though it can be used during sex as a form of foreplay or penetration. (BurntToast)

*Odd Skin: The characters skin becomes noticeably unusual. Either because it has somehow managed to turn a color that

you wouldn't expect, or because it has started growing a thin layer of fur or scales.

Skills: List your skills which you get to choose below.
Smite{Activated}: On any melee attack, you can trade EP for damage at a rate of 2 EP for every 1 point of damage added.

Requires: Spirit 14+.

Supreme Might{Activated}: When wielding a two handed melee weapon, you can trade your to-hit for additional damage at a

rate of 2 damage for every 1 point of to-hit given up. Requires: Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Whirlwind{Activated}: When wielding a two handed weapon melee or two melee weapons at once, you can choose to make an

attack against all nearby enemies at once at a -10 to to-hit and damage. Requires: Heavy Weapons Specialist.

50 denarii

Leather Armor: AV = 4, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Piercing. Strong against Blunt.

Unarmed - Base damage is d4 + Body/4 damage. Increases with the Unarmed Fighter Talent. All characters have this, and it

always deals Blunt damage.

Staffs - Long pieces of wood meant to be wielded with two hands and used to bonk things on the head. Base damage is 1 +

1d4 + Body/2. Always deal Blunt damage. Examples: Bo staffs, wu-tang staffs, quarterstaffs.

Polearms - Long wooden poles with things on the end meant to do damage. Base damage is 4 + 2d4 + Body/3. Can attack

creatures up to 5 feet away, and can deal either Blunt, Piercing, or Slashing damage. Examples: Spear, scythe, halberd,

greataxe, naginata, lance.

The weapons and armor you have, along with any other minor items you gain in your travels.
Please list them as either:
Melee weapon (to-hit including bonuses from all Talents) [damage on hit including all dice and full bonuses from stats and

Talents] {special attributes}
Ranged weapon (to-hit) [damage] {range; maximum shots before reload; reload time}
Armor [AV = Armor Value; EV = Encumbrance Value; TP = Tearing Points; DU = Durability]
Shield [Bash Damage = dX + Y; EV = Encumbrance Value; Dodge Bonus = Z]
Minor item [quantity in digits]

Note: List any game play-relevant value here as what that value is for YOUR character. In other words, you have to do all the

math, because I don't want to do it whenever you try to pop someone in the mouth with your morningstar. So, when it says

damage, you take whatever values you get from stats, Talents, and whatnot, and mash it all together.
For example: You choose a weapon that does d8 + Body/3 damage. Your Body stat is 30, and you have the Hard Hitter, Skill

with Weapon, and Lucky Talents. Your slot should read: Melee Weapon A (+45) [d8 + 18] {None}

Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats! Hooooooo!

Maybe I can't get a mechanical bonus for it, but there're enough style points in running at someone at the speed of a Cheetah and impaling them on a spear to make up for it.
Re: Lava Pit

More from Dolldivine.




Also, Keti! Kinda.
Imagine that, but with more poof to the hair, a gray-skirt, and less tits.

Presumably his smile would also be more serene and less smirk-like, and his legs would be slightly less delectable.
Re: Lava Pit

>new Iron City
>see Xx'Sstr'Ka
>all of my want
>too slow. :(

Name: Daniele Megara Adler
Alias: Triarius
Affiliation: THE CENTURIONS: Since the rise of Rome, the Centurions have existed. They've fought for the best interests of womankind for thousands of years, and continue to do so. Now, the largest super organization in the world, they still keep up with strict military by-laws, and have an abundance of technology, magical artifacts, and even armor for non-super powered individuals.

Technology users have built themselves powerful suits of armor, or rely on high-tech gadgets to do their bidding. Technology has trouble around any sort of magic; it's their only weakness.
WEAK AGAINST: Magic-origins. -3 to-hit.
STRONG AGAINST: Power-origins. +1 to-hit, +2 to damage.

Body Type: Voluptuous: Some women just have curves - the dangerous kind. With a body like this, the woman has gotten used to certain... 'actions'.
BONUSES: +4 to arousal damage.
MALUSES: -4 to resisting arousal damage.

Stats and stuff:
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Int: 5
Wisdom: 3
BP: 10
MP: 10
AP: 14
Mental Fortitude: 100

Negative Traits:
Caring: Cannot risk the lives of hostages. Adds +5 points.
x5 Need for milking: -5 to all actions if not milked daily; can be taken 5 times, each time increasing the minus. Adds +15 points.
x5 Increased offspring: +5 to maximum children born; this may be taken 5 times. Adds +15 points.
Fetish (Oral): When encounters Oral has a 75% chance of gaining arousal, can be taken multiple times for different fetishes. Adds +5 points the first time, +3 the second, +1 the third and thereafter.
Fetish (Xenophilia): When encounters freaky exotics has a 75% chance of gaining arousal, can be taken multiple times for different fetishes. Adds +5 points the first time, +3 the second, +1 the third and thereafter.
Fetish (Cum/goo): When encounters cum/goo has a 75% chance of gaining arousal, can be taken multiple times for different fetishes. Adds +5 points the first time, +3 the second, +1 the third and thereafter.
Vulnerable to (ice). Choose Fire, ice, electricty or Earth; it ignores toughness. If you don't have Toughness, these attacks deal double damage. Adds +6 points.
Vulnerable to (electricity). Choose electricity; it ignores toughness. If you don't have Toughness, these attacks deal double damage. Adds +6 points.
Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted. Adds +5 points.
Easy to spot x2: -4 to stealth checks; can be take 4 times. Adds +6 points.

Total Added points: 67

Positive Traits:
Str boost: +2 to stat; This costs 3.
Wis boost: +3 to stat; This costs 6.
Toughness 3: -3 from body damage. Cost = 12
Resistance 2: -2 from mind damage. Cost = 6

Healing Milk: Your milk heals others d2 BP, making it much more valuable; Can be taken twice. Cost = 3
Extra Milk: You have more milk than the average woman. Dr. Pump may take notice of this. +2 uses to healing milk. Cost = 4
Dark sight: Allows you to see in dark conditions without help. Cost = 4
Water breathing: Automatic water breathing. Cost = 4
Tracking: Allows users to track enemies. Cost = 5

Gizmo Training (GT): Allows a Technology User to learn the ability Smoke Bomb (-3 to-hit for enemies), as well as take some useful Tech-based skills. Cost = 3
GT Ranged: The user activates a ranged gadget, either by throwing it (Batarang!) or by firing a sub-space missile at the enemy. Cost = 3
GT Ranged Grapple: Using a gadget to tie up an enemy from range, the Heroine subdues an enemy for arrest. Cost = 3
GT Multiple: The user employs a gadget striking up to four targets at once. Cost = 5
GT Minion: A gadget that becomes some sort of minion that follows and helps the heroine. It deals d2 damage, and has 5 BP. Cost = 10

Total Costs: 67

Danielle is the operator of the Triarius Battlesuit, an experimental heavy assault model power armor. In addition to a neural uplink, the suit is controlled by immersing the pilot in a strange goo in the sealed interior of the armor. This goo - which is oddly breathable - enhances the user's capabilities, and can pick up the electrical impulses that control such things as muscle control, turning the pilot in to a veritable supersoldier, nevermind the formidable firepower and armor of the suit itself.

Truth be told, the goo's origins are not entirely clear - it comes from some kind alien artifact.

A (mostly) undesired aspect of the goo remains, however, and there has not yet been any way found to counteract it: Those immersed in it, often and for long stretches of time, are found to slowly change - their birthrates increase drastically, for one, but more noticeable is their obvious change in figure, slowly gravitating to a lascivicious, child-bearing figure, while the woman's mammary glands go into overtime, many times spontaneously developing healing properties.

Though worrisome, the goo remains simply too effective to pass up.

The suit is quite awkward and ungainly, being both a prototype and essentially a weaponized walking fishtank. Heavy armor protects the seals from being breached, though sections of the suit are nonetheless rigged to seal should the armor fail. Targetting software assists the oversized, advanced smartgun mounted in place of the left arm to acquire firing data and determine targets. The gun is primarily an energy thrower (pyew pyow laser beams) similar in performance to a heavy machine gun, but it can be toggled to a laser pulse for long-range fire, and carries a magnetic accelerator for utility purposes - launching capture ammo, grenades, tiny support turrets and the like.

SPEAKING OF TURRETS they are stored in the suit's backpack unit, which also contains an extra canister of goo and and a milk storage unit (suit has milkers!) for use in the field - complete with dispenser and capsule. Also power supply and the actual housing of the suit's software and shit.

Danielle herself is technically an Alpha Female, gifted with an exceptional mind... but, while a genius-level intellect was nothing to laugh about, it paled in comparison to the powers of other heroes. Upon hearing about the Triarius project, she volunteered - becoming test pilot number 8.

Currently, she is in a joint operation with the Amazons, aiding in the capture of Xz’Sstr’Ka.
Re: Lava Pit

Some DG3 characters for some multiplayer games that may or may not happen.


Name: Solidyn-Nolu
Class: Warrior - Spidertank
Those dedicated to the practice of the martial arts, no matter their specific expertise, are known as warriors. The actual title of a warrior may vary a great deal, but from the masters of the sword from the Amazonian jungles, to the armored knights of the North, to the rogues who dwell in the back alleys of every major city, each and every one possesses their own specific skills and tactics.

The most important primary stat for all Warriors is Body. Their Resistance stat is dependent on it, and it’s the stat that generally determines how effective they are at hitting their target in combat, and determining how much damage they do when they hit.

Characters of the Warrior class are more skilled in combat compared members of other classes. A Warrior can choose a number of Skills at character creation equal to 1 + Body/10. This total always rounds down, so a character with 38 Body would get 1 + 38/10 = 4.8, which would round down to 4 free Skills. If their Body stat later increases so that they would qualify for an additional Skill, they can choose that additional Skill.

Race: Arachne
Long ago, an ancient city inhabited by the night elves was lost in the jungles of the Amazon following an earthquake. The citizens of that lost city were not all killed, however. That earthquake was caused by the escape of a long sealed daemon, and it took the survivors as its servants. They were warped and twisted in that being's image, and began to worship it like a god even as they adopted its features. Two legs became eight, and eventually the beings resembled spiders as much as the elves they had once been. Their lower bodies were those of spiders, but jutting from the tops of their bodies are the torsos of the night elves that they had once been. Recently they have been sighted in the jungles, attacking man and beast alike. Few have returned alive from an encounter with them, but some have escaped from their clutches and reported of the fate of their captives. Both sexes were raped, the men milked for their seed and the women used to hold their eggs while being held in a massive underground city, covered in webs.
Stat Adjustments: +12 Body, +6 Mind, +6 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Sneaky.
Racial Flaws: Selfish, Honorable, Lustful, Fertile.
Racial Special Mutations: Spider, Egg Layer, Supernatural.
Racial Mutations: Fertile Mouth, 2x Clawed Feet, Razor Fingers, Fearsome Maw + Venomous Attack.
Must be female. Cannot be used as part of a half breed. Cannot take the Mutated Flaw.

Sex: Female

Body: 50
Mind: 10
Spirit: 30

Hit Points (HP): 60
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 80
Speed: 8 [20]
Dodge: 55 [45]
Armor: 28 [8]
Resistance: 25 [25]
Perception: 19 [22] -(12) +3
Stealth: 10 [22] -20 +8
Grapple: 62 [62]

+9 VS Prone
+4 VS Stun

Experience: 0/0
Corruption: 12/-

RACE - Sneaky: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Stealth stat.

*Natural Spirit Wielder (Holy Magic): Fey Servant, Blessing, Holy Wall

Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.

Strong of Spirit: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Spirit stat. Can only be taken at character creation.

Greater Energy Pool: Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.

*Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.

Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

Skill with [Unarmed]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.

Resistant: Increase the character's Resistance stat by 8.

&&&&& Will get on levelup
*Stealthy: The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (after armor) on all attacks.

RACE - *Selfish (RP) : The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.

RACE - *Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

RACE - *Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.

RACE - *Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.

*Fey Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Fey creatures is increased by +8.

Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Hard of Hearing (Oblivious): The character takes a -12 penalty to their Perception stat if hearing is involved.

RACE - Fertile Mouth: If a character swallows a creatures cum, they get a pregnancy roll (even if that monster normally wouldn't need one.) Can only be taken by female characters.

RACE - Fearsome Maw: The character has a mouth filled with Razor Sharp teeth. They deal -4 pleasure whenever they use their mouth during sex, but whenever they deal unarmed damage to creature that they are in a grapple with, they can choose to bite them. If they do, they deal an additional +4 damage.
--- Venomous Attack (Weakening): The character's can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation. The possible effects are: Charmed, Horny, Paralyzed or Weakened.

RACE - 2x Clawed Feet: The character has claws on their feet. They cannot wear shoes, which doesn't really matter all that much mechanically. They get a +2 bonus to Resistance checks made to resist being knocked Prone, but also take a -1 penalty to Speed.

RACE - Claws: Claws sprout from the character's fingers, causing them to deal +2 damage with unarmed attacks but to take a -2 penalty on any attack rolls made for Weapons and Spells.
--- Greater Claws: The character's claws grow even larger. Increase the unarmed damage to +5, but the penalty to attack rolls with Weapons and Spells increase to -4.
--- Razor Fingers: The character can no longer use weapons at all, and any attack rolls made with Spells are at a -6 penalty. The bonus to unarmed damage increases to +10.

RACE - Egg Layer: The character has an ovipositor that they can use to lay eggs in other beings.

RACE - Spider: The character's lower body is that of a spider. They can climb walls, and gain the ability to use the Web Shot special ability. The character also gains a +8 bonus to armor, but takes a -10 racial penalty to their max HP.

RACE - Web Shot: The character makes an attack roll against a single target creature within 30 feet. If this attack hits, it deals no damage, but the creature takes a -10 penalty to all non-damage rolls, Dodge and Speed. If this penalty ever equals or exceeds the character's Body stat, they gain the Bound status with a grapple stat equal to twice the penalty. These webs can be removed by spending the character's turn

RACE - Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground.

Fling (Activated) - The character throws a grappled opponent, or perhaps ally, a short distance at another target. When the character has a creature in a submission hold, they may throw that creature at another creature for 3d6 + Body/3 damage to both targets. Both the creature being thrown and the one being hit must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked prone. This skill has a 15 foot range. Requires Grapple Expert.

Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.

Stunning Blow (Activated) – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage on their attacks, but if they hit, their target must win a Resistance check against them or be Stunned until after your next turn. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses.

Focused [Unarmed] (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:

Spirit Ceiling:

Succubus Powers:

Plate Armor: AV = 20, EV = 10, TP = 60, DU = 5.

Solidyn has silvery hair, that reaches just below her shoulders, curling upwards, and vivid, pink skin. Her left eye is gone, the empty socket covered by a black eyepatch. Her abdomen is shiny black.

She wears specially made armor, pitted steel plates specially made for her spider's abdomen, coupled with a "normal" set of plate for her human half. A small slot on the abdomen portion allows a heavy metal stand to be mounted on it, which in turn holds a small cannon. Her helmet is also specially made - hinged such that she can quickly snap it open, to use her terrible teeth during battle.

A "Fey" mercenary, hired along with a company of faerie soldiers to aid the humans in their fight against the invaders occupying Shry-kuth-lus and the Anudor Desert. They are lead by a brilliant tactician - a humble Kobold, called Ur-Wind Ramel, the Desert Fox.

She heads a special unit, armed with a salvaged Su-Ku-Ta cannon, mounted on the custom armor covering Solidyn's spidery abdomen. A small squad of kobolds aid her in battle, manning the gun and/or firing borrowed Su-Ku-Ta weapons. She is a unique member of the platoon - able to call more Fey to aid her anywhere, she is often trusted with scouting missions deep into enemy territory, and is a trusted aide to Ur-Wind.

She demanded a price similar to her Fey comrades - that a woman bear her eggs and birth them. Also rape n' pillage rights!

The OOC section:
Hopefully, Fey-Hitler will not get Ur-Wind to poison himself. ...I mean, we're independent, anyway!

...Anyway something. Motherfucking spidertank in fantasy Erwin Rommel's army. Pls for to multiplayer thread, I must doet ;_;

Mounted Cannon
Damage: 5d12+4, AV 16
Range: 120 ft
shots: 1
Reload: 6t

Sliiiime Kingdom
Name: ?
Class: Succubi
Those who, for reasons known by few, have such damage to their souls that they need to feed on the souls of others in order to survive. Some have the blood of the Fey, or demons, or daemons somewhere in their heritage, while others are simply born the way they are without any explanation. Whatever the reason for their condition, most succubi begin exhibiting symptoms of it around puberty, but the full effects of it, including their unnatural hunger, generally don’t appear until the person has reached full sexual maturity. Succubi feed through sex, the intimacy of such contact allowing them to drain the energies of their partner.

Unlike the other three classes, Succubi have no dedicated primary stat. The amount of pleasure dealt, a very important thing for any succubus, is normally based on the Body stat, but succubi can take Talents that change that if they so desire. At character creation, one of the three primary stats is chosen as the stat that determines the character’s Resistance and Perception. This choice cannot be changed later no matter how the character’s stats change.

Every Succubus gets the “Soul Eater” Special Mutation, as well as the “Lustful” Flaw. In addition, Succubi increase in power slightly faster than other classes. Buying Talents take only ¾ as much experience as it does for any other class. At character creation, succubi must choose up to 3 Succubus Powers, which they get for free.

Race: Living Slime
A creature formed of liquid, rather than solid matter. Only recently have any of them begun to develop true intelligence, and as such they have little to no knowledge of they world that they haven't acquired from their own direct experiences. Unlike most races, their bodies are malleable, and constantly shifting. Disrupting that body is extremely difficult through purely physical means, and a slime cannot lose consciousness.
Slimes are highly different from a character of any other race. For more information, see the Malleable Form Special Mutation.
Stat Adjustments: +12 Body, -4 Mind, +8 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Grapple Expert
Racial Flaws: Weak, Open Soul.
Racial Special Mutations: Malleable Form, Supernatural, Soul Eater, Tentacles.
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed. Must be Female. Cannot take the Fertile, Infertile or Mutated Flaws. Cannot wear armor.

Body: 38
Mind: 8
Spirit: 28

Hit Points (HP): -- (56)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 61
Spirit Energy (EP): 107 (51+56)
Speed: Square root of (Body * 10)
Dodge: 37
Armor: 0
Resistance: 19 (body)
Perception: 19
Stealth: 19
Grapple: 50

Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

RACE - Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

Just a Little Longer: Grants the character an additional 20 max pleasure. +20 PP, in other words.

Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.

Greater Draining: Whenever the character drains another character or creatures energy through pleasure, they drain an additional +6 per round.

Fuck Me: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they are engaged in penetrative sex.

*Enthrall: A creature made to orgasm by the character must win a Resistance check against her, or be unable to take any further actions against her for 24 hours. Every orgasm beyond the 1st within the same 24 hours gives the character a +4 bonus to this check. Creatures enthralled by the character will follow orders given to them by the character so long as they don't deviate too radically from what the creature would reasonably do.

Resistant: Increase the character's Resistance stat by 8.

*Natural Warrior (Skilled) : Terrify, Powerful Embrace, Stranglehold

*Natural Spirit Wielder (Shadowmancer) : Shadowstalker, Patch of Darkness, Rupturing Shadows

RACE - Weak: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Resistance stat.

RACE - Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

CLASS - *Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.

*Alien Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Alien creatures is increased by +8.

*Selfish (RP) : The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.

*Unlucky: The character takes a -3 penalty to all of their non-damage rolls.



Malleable Form: The character's body is made of a liquid instead of a solid. They can change their shape at will, but generally have some sort of normal form that they usually keep. This form is almost always feminine in nature. The character cannot become pregnant, and can only impregnate others through magical means. Instead, they reproduce by splitting once they have absorbed enough energy.
All damage against characters with this mutation is reduced by 1/2. In addition, purely physical attacks are reduced by an additional 1/2, meaning that they only deal 1/4 as much damage. This division occurs after AV has been subtracted, not before, and attacks that ignore AV also ignore this damage reduction.
Unlike other races, Slimes do not have an HP stat, nor do they have a maximum EP. Instead, they add whatever their HP would be to their starting EP. This is considered their normal EP, but it can be exceeded. Any damage that the character takes goes to their EP. Any HP they would regain or EP that they would drain causes their EP to increase, even if it would exceed their normal maximum EP. Once a character with this mutation reaches 3 x their maximum EP, they lose exactly 1/2 of it, gain 8 experience, and split in half, producing another slime with their memories and personality. The two generally diverge from there, not wanting to stay too near one another as they compete for food.
A character with this mutation that is reduced to 0 EP is permanently destroyed.
Character's with this mutation do not take damage from resisting pleasure, and are never stunned by orgasm.

Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain half as much EP from that creature. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP, they can willingly suppress this effect.

Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.

Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Skills: List your chosen skills below, including their full descriptions.
Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs the character or be unable to attack that round. Failing 2 such checks in a single combat causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The character takes a -10 penalty on this check, but also gains a bonus to the check equal to the damage done on the killing blow /10, and multiplied by the tier of the monster. Characters with the Foul aura mutation get a +5 bonus on this check.

Stranglehold (Activated) - The character chokes a bitch. When the character has something in a submission hold, they may forsake all other actions for that round in order to make a Resistance check vs the target. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When their Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious. Requires Grapple Expert.

Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.

Base Casting: Mind/2
Favored Elements: List, taken from what Talents you pick.

Spirit Ceiling: EP/5
Patch of Darkness
The character chooses a location, and after exerting a small amount of energy and will, a patch of inky darkness appears there. No creatures other than the character and those that they designateusing this power can see within or through it, even with supernatural senses, which can allow the character to escape or attack without being detected. It does not block sound, smell or touch, however.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character then chooses an area within 100 feet. This area can be up to a 30x30x30 foot cube, or the area can spread out as the character desires. That area is instantly blacked out, causing any creatures within it to have the Blinded status until they leave its area.

The character dematerializes, and moves from shadow to shadow in utter silence.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character takes their turn to move from their current position to any other position that is within 100 feet. This movement must begin and end within spots that are not under direct light, and is completely silent, not allowing Perception checks to detect it unless the character appears in plain view of another creature.

Rupturing Shadows
The character makes the shadows within a creature's body solidify, and then attempt to tear their way free of the creatures body.
-The character pays 4 + X EP.
-One target creature within 30 feet takes 8X damage that ignores Armor.

Succubus Powers: A list of the character's succubus powers.
Shapeshifting (Passive) : The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.

2x Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Horny status. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.

Self Control: The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof.

Drain through Pain (Passive) : The character can drain a creature's EP through dealing HP damage instead of through Pleasure, but at only 1/2 the rate they normally would. No more than 1/5 the character's maximum EP can be drained in a single round through this power.

50 denarii

A skull. Maybe a whole skeleton! That would be cool.


The OOC section: Slime kingdom! A living slime-centric game, wherein a bunch of slimes emerge in the ruins or some other shit somewhere and build a society. Or a monster rapenest. You know, whatever.
Re: Lava Pit

Wizzud Vampire that is afraid of the dark
Name: Ariel du Coudray
Class: Mage
Those have been trained to manipulate the energies of the world around them are called mages. They can focus themselves in any number of different ways, but some sort of training is necessary for one to be able to control their magic.

The most important primary stat for all Mages is Mind. Their Resistance stat is dependent on it, as well as the Base Casting stat. A mage with higher Mind also generally deals more damage with their spells, and are more likely to hit their targets with them.

All Mages, no matter their field of specialization or experience, are capable of using a great many different spells, able to cast 1st and 2nd level spells of any element by default. In addition, Mages are dedicated practitioners of their craft, and gain 1 + Mind/20 Magic Feats at character creation, rounded down. Mages who's Mind stat increases to a point that they would acquire an additional Feat may choose one then.

Race: Vampire
The powerful, blood sucking undead, created when a spirit wielder bonds their soul to that of one of the dead. This process leaves them alive, but their body can no longer support their spirits, meaning that they have to feed on the life essences of others. Their appearances can vary, depending on the race of the original person, but they are universally beautiful, cunning, and ruthless predators. Many of them cannot even be distinguished as inhuman by sight, but every culture in the mortal world has legends of these creatures. The result of their reputation, however, is that once a vampire is identified, it's almost guaranteed to be universally reviled.
Stat Adjustments: +10 Body, +4 Mind, +2 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Healthy, Any One of the following: Shadowmancer, Demonologist, or Necromancer.
Racial Flaws: Selfish, Open Soul, Fetish: Feeding
Racial Mutations: Vampire, Supernatural, Daylight Weakness, Night Eyes, Damage Reduction 1/2
When used to create a half-breed, the resulting character doesn't get the Daylight Weakness Special Mutation or the Selfish Flaw, but also doesn't get the free Spirit Wielder Talent. Taking the Mutated Flaw with a character of this race does not allow the character to take an additional Talent.

Sex: Male

Body: 10
Mind: 40
Spirit: 32

Hit Points (HP): 66
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 61
Spirit Energy (EP): 57
Speed: 18
Dodge: 41
Armor: 7
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20
Stealth: 10
Grapple: 10

Corruption: 9/000

[RACE] Healthy
Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.

[RACE] Shadowmancer
The character chooses 2 + Sprit/20 Powers from the Psion list. They can now use those Powers.
Dark Armor, Shadows made manifest, Shadowstalker, Patch of Darkness

2x Exceptional
The character gets an additional 16 points to spend among stats.

*Natural Spirit Wielder (Psion)
The character chooses 2 + Sprit/20 Powers from the Psion list. They can now use those Powers.
Empathy, Telepthy, Telekinesis, Mind Worm

*Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic)
The character chooses three succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.

Focus in [Entropy]: The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a total of +10 to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

Focus in [Light]: The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a total of +10 to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

Concentration: The character gets +8 to their Casting stat.

Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.

Pacifist (RP)
No killing people! Also, feel really bad about killing critters, and also feel really bad about hurting people or critters.

[RACE] *Selfish (RP)
The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.

[RACE] Open Soul
The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

[RACE] Fetish: Feeding
The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage. Examples include particular types of creatures, such as demons, faeries, plants or beasts, particular acts or positions such anal, creampies or double penetration, or anything else you might be able to think of. If you’re not sure if something would be appropriate for this, just ask your GM.

*Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

*Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

*Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

*Fragile: Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.

*Hemophiliac: Whenever the character takes damage, they begin to bleed. For every round following and until the end of the encounter or until they are healed, the character takes 2d4 points of damage.

*Easily Aroused: Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.

x3 Mutated: The character gains 9 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.

Phobia (The Dark) [RP]
There is something you are completely rationally afraid of, and it's the dark, holy fuck, fuck that shit squad broken. You'd rather not be presented with the thing you're afraid of, and there must be good reason for you to approach or remain near it. Note that something that makes sense for you to fear can't be a phobia. Luckily your magic Vampire night vision keeps the dark mostly at bay, though.

[RACE] Vampire
The character is a member of the undead, and must feed off of the life essences of others in order to survive, but is also supernaturally resistant to damage. The character can attempt to bite creatures that they are in a grapple with, which deals 3d10 damage that ignores Armor if successful. Any damage done by this attack is recovered as HP by the character. In addition, if they have the Venomous Attack mutation they can also inject venom while feeding, and may choose the Charmed effect for what their venom does. This can either be extremely painful or extraordinarily pleasurable to the one being bitten at the player’s choice, and if the player chooses pleasurable the bite deals an amount of PP damage (that ignores Resistance) equal to the amount of HP drained to the creature being bitten. When the character rests, they cannot heal up to greater than 1/2 of their maximum HP.

[RACE] Supernatural
The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

[RACE] Daylight Weakness
The character cannot stay in direct sunlight, doing so causes them to take 10 damage per round that ignores all armor and damage resistances. Clothing or an umbrella are insufficient to protect them. The character cannot take any action except movement while taking damage in this way, but Powers and Spells that move them more quickly are still usable. If a character would be reduced to 0 or less HP by this damage, they are killed permanently.

[RACE] Night Eyes
Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.

[RACE] Damage Reduction 1/2
Whenever the character would take damage, the amount of damage subtracted from their HP is multiplied by X, which will normally be a fraction. Armor and resistances are subtracted before this multiplication, and attacks that ignore armor also ignore this resistance. A specific type of damage can be placed in front of this mutation, and if so only that type of damage is affected by this mutation.

The character has a pair of fangs.
-- Venomous Attack [Charmed]
The character can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect from the following list: Paralyzed, Aroused/Horny, or Weakened. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation.

Glowing Skin
Your character shines slightly in the dark, making them more visible but granting them light to see by. The character gets a +2 bonus to Perception, but takes a -2 penalty to Stealth.

- Vestigial Wings
The character has grown vestigial wings, which aren’t very useful but can look however the character likes.
-- Wings
The character's wings grow slightly, allowing them to glide. The character no longer takes fall damage. Requires that the character already have Vestigial Wings.
--- Greater Wings
The character's wings have grown enough that they can actually fly with them. The character can fly at their Speed. Requires that the character already have Wings.

The character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them. (xivvix)

Whenever a character takes health damage, they also take 1d4+1 PP damage. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance or damage due to resisting pleasure. (xivvix)

Your character causes +2 PP damage during oral foreplay. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.


Base Casting:
Favored Elements: Entropy, Light
Magic Feats:
Blood Magic (Activated) – Whenever the character would cast a spell of 2nd level or higher, they may pay half of that spell’s cost in HP and half in EP. If they do, that spell is treated as if it were one level higher for the purpose of determining its effects. Healing spells cannot be improved with this feat.

Mana Sculpter (Light) – Illusion utility spells are granted a small amount of substance, and therefore gain a +10 bonus on the Resistance check to recognize them as illusions. Light spells that cause the Blinded status also gain a +8 bonus to their Resistance checks. Requires Focus in Light.

Quicken Spell (Activated) – The character may pay 4 EP and take a -10 penalty to casting for their round in order to cast an additional spell per round. Other activated metamagic feats cannot be used in the same turn as this metamagic feat.

Spirit Ceiling:
Dark Armor
Armor formed of living, moving shadow coats the character, not weighing them down in the slightest but protecting them from harm.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The characters gets a bonus to their Armor, melee damage and Grapple equal to 3X. The character also gains a +X bonus to Stealth.
-The character may pay an additional 3 EP to grow wings formed of shadow. If they do, they can fly at their Speed. This increases the upkeep of this power by 1.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or held in a Submission Hold. This power cannot be Countered or Dispelled.

Patch of Darkness
The character chooses a location, and after exerting a small amount of energy and will, a patch of inky darkness appears there. No creatures other than the character and those that they designateusing this power can see within or through it, even with supernatural senses, which can allow the character to escape or attack without being detected. It does not block sound, smell or touch, however.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character then chooses an area within 100 feet. This area can be up to a 30x30x30 foot cube, or the area can spread out as the character desires. That area is instantly blacked out, causing any creatures within it to have the Blinded status until they leave its area.

Shadows Made Manifest
Summons a creature made out of pure shadow to serve the character.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-The character summons a creature, choosing the size and shape of it however they can imagine that has the Unarmed Fighter Talent and a Body stat equal to 10X. In addition, the character may pay additional EP to grant the shadow creature any of the following mutations for 1 EP each: Razor Fingers, Tentacled, Spider, Dangerous Tail + Venomous Attack (Paralysis) or Greater Wings.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

The character dematerializes, and moves from shadow to shadow in utter silence.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character takes their turn to move from their current position to any other position that is within 100 feet. This movement must begin and end within spots that are not under direct light, and is completely silent, not allowing Perception checks to detect it unless the character appears in plain view of another creature.


The character forms a link with another target creature, causing any pain (or pleasure) that either suffers to be reflected upon the other.
-The character selects a single target creature within 50 feet, and does one of the following.
1) The character pays 4 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character also takes any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
2) The character pays 8 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character does not take any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
3) The character pays 6 EP. The character targets two creatures instead of one. Both targeted creatures make a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creatures take any damage to HP or PP that the other creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond. The damage or pleasure taken due to this bond does not transfer back over.

The character can reach out to contact other beings with their mind. This can be as simple as communication, or as invasive as attempting to dominate their will entirely.
-If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP. This connection can be refused.
-If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, allowing the character to control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do or that would harm them can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

Mind Worm
The character invades another creature's mind. This can be used in any number of ways, either to gather information, transfer information without speaking, erase part of the target's memory, or completely wipe a creature's mind out and reduce them to a vegetable.
-The character chooses one of the following:
1) The character pays 4 + X EP. One target creature within 50 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against DC 5X or be killed instantly. This effect erases their mind completely, turning them into a lifeless vegetable that cannot even feed itself. This damage cannot be repaired in any way, even by the character who used this power.
2) The character pays 8 EP. One target creature within 50 feet can make a Resistance check against the character. If they lose this check or choose not to resist, the character gains information possessed by the creature in the form of memories (this is decided by the GM, but you can suggest what sort of information you're looking for.) If the creature resists they take 20 damage that ignores armor, but if they win the Resistance check the damage is halved and the character doesn't get the information that they want. The character can choose to leave the creature's mind intact or erase the memories that they searched for.
3) The character pays 3 EP. The targeted creature gains information from the character's mind of the character's choosing. This information must all be of the same subject: it cannot be used to grant someone else the entirety of the character's memories.

The character moves objects using their mind. This power can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the circumstances.
-The character can use this power to do any of the following:
1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X Force damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 1 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per round. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Self-Control: The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof.

*Stunning Gaze: The character pays 2 + 4X EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a +X bonus to their check, or become stunned for X + 1 rounds.

50 doshnarii

Base Damage: 2d4 + Body/4
Improved Damage: 1d8 + 2 + Body/2
Note: Unarmed can be used as the secondary attack for the purposes of two weapon fighting. It does not, however, count as the primary weapon, nor does it qualify for Dueling.

Backless Mage's Dress
(Battlemage's Robes): AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.
"Why are you wearing a dress?"
"It's the only thing I could find that my wings could fit out! Plus, the sorceress that gave it to me said I looked cute in it..."

Light Scepter! Has a lightstone on it.
(One Handed Blunt Weapons)
Examples: Truncheons, clubs, maces, sticks.
2d4 + 2 + Body/2

Mirror Shield! (Buckler)
DB = 6. EV = 0.

The Sling
3d8 + Body/3, 40 foot range


That's about it.

The OOC section:
Fuck I've got like four pictures and I can't decide which one I like best.

Current Favorite:

Via :
Ariel du Coudray
Known in some parts of the world as:
Gawain of The Cruel
The Great Archives Record:
Fond of wine and the finer things of life and death. A creature of nasty habits who preys on innocents.
Re: Lava Pit



Totally not imagining Jimi Hendrix rule 63 in K-ON.


Probably my favorite of these schoolgirl ones.


Hurr durr new spoiler for just one picture


I imagine parkour being involved.

From dolldivine, as always.
Re: Lava Pit

Name: Wytha Robinson
Class: Succubus
25% discount on talents, 3 free succupowers, Soul Eater, lustful
Race: Vampire
Fuck too many characters <_>
Sex: Futa

Body: 18
Mind: 42
Spirit: 14

Hit Points (HP): 66
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 58
Spirit Energy (EP): 44
Speed: 13 [13]
Dodge: 33 [33]
Armor: 0 [0]
Resistance: 20 [20]
Perception: 20 [20]
Stealth: 13 [13]
Grapple: 30

Base Casting: 21
Spirit Ceiling: 9

Experience: 0
Corruption: 12/-

[RACE] Healthy +20 HP
[RACE] Shadowmancer

[CLASS] *Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

Exceptional: +8 for stats!

Suck you Dry: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they perform any type of foreplay.

Succubus Magic: The character chooses three succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.

Natural Mage (Focus in [Force]): The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a +10 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

*Superior Mage (Focus in [Fire]): The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a +10 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

*Erotic Wizard (Magic Feats): The character gains a Mage Talent and the ability to cast 1st and 2nd level spells of any element. Requires Superior Mage.
Choose two magic feats and add them to the caster’s list.

*Erotic Magus: The character gains a number of Magic Feats equal to Mind/20 rounded down and no longer takes penalties to casting due to taking PP damage, orgasms, or being Penetrated. Requires Erotic Wizard

Natural Warrior (Grapple Expert): The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

x4 Mutated: Scrub mode engage

[RACE] Selfish: The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.
[RACE] Open Soul: +4 EP damage from everything forever
[RACE] Fetish: Feeding: +8 PP When sahcking yoa blahd

Fetish: Masturbating: +8 PP when having a wank. Or wanking someone else, I guess, why not.
x2 Sensitive: The character takes an additional 8 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
*Hemophiliac: Whenever the character takes damage, they begin to bleed. For every round following and until the end of the encounter or until they are healed, the character takes 2d4 points of damage.

Anthropophobia [RP]: People/society-phobia. SHY AS FUCK
Fetish: Self: Also NARCISSISTIC AS FUCK. +8 PP when I get to fantasize the other guy is me (alternatively, fetish: mirrors)
Fetish: Fingers: Pianists are hot.
Fetish: Glasses: +8 PP when the other guy can't into eyeballs

[CLASS] Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.

[SPECIAL] [RACE] Vampire: The character is a member of the undead, and must feed off of the life essences of others in order to survive, but is also supernaturally resistant to damage. The character can attempt to bite creatures that they are in a grapple with, which deals 3d10 damage that ignores Armor if successful. Any damage done by this attack is recovered as HP by the character. In addition, if they have the Venomous Attack mutation they can also inject venom while feeding, and may choose the Charmed effect for what their venom does. This can either be extremely painful or extraordinarily pleasurable to the one being bitten at the player’s choice, and if the player chooses pleasurable the bite deals an amount of PP damage (that ignores Resistance) equal to the amount of HP drained to the creature being bitten. When the character rests, they cannot heal up to greater than 1/2 of their maximum HP.
[SPECIAL] [RACE] Daylight Weakness: The character cannot stay in direct sunlight, doing so causes them to take 10 damage per round that ignores all armor and damage resistances. Clothing or an umbrella are insufficient to protect them. The character cannot take any action except movement while taking damage in this way, but Powers and Spells that move them more quickly are still usable. If a character would be reduced to 0 or less HP by this damage, they are killed permanently.
[SPECIAL] [RACE] Damage Reduction 1/2: henever the character would take damage, the amount of damage subtracted from their HP is multiplied by X, which will normally be a fraction. Armor and resistances are subtracted before this multiplication, and attacks that ignore armor also ignore this resistance. A specific type of damage can be placed in front of this mutation, and if so only that type of damage is affected by this mutation.
[SPECIAL] [RACE] Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
[RACE] Night Eyes: Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.

Futanari: If selected by a female character, they grow a penis. If selected by a male character, they grow a vagina and boobs. Futa's will generally be more feminine than masculine regardless of their original sex.

x3 Soft-Skin: Your character causes +6 PP during non-oral foreplay. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.

x3 Whip-Tongue: Your character causes +2 PP damage during oral foreplay. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.

Fangs: The character has a pair of fangs.
1) Venomous Attack (Paralyzed): The character can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect from the following list: Paralyzed, Aroused/Horny, or Weakened. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation.

Potent: The character's orgasms are very messy--time to change the sheets. In addition, the character gets a +1 to impregnation rolls if they're the one cumming or being creampied.

Breeder: When the character is pregnant or has impregnated someone else, the gestation period of their offspring is shortened by half.

Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2. Can only be taken by female characters.

Base Casting:
Favored Elements: Fire, Force
Magic Feats:
Blood Magic (Activated) – Whenever the character would cast a spell of 2nd level or higher, they may pay half of that spell’s cost in HP and half in EP. If they do, that spell is treated as if it were one level higher for the purpose of determining its effects. Healing spells cannot be improved with this feat.

Empower Spell (Activated) – The character may pay 8 EP in order to cause any spell to have its effects treated as if it were 3 levels higher.

Intensify Spell (Activated) – The character may pay an additional 3 EP in order to double the number of damage dice (including modifiers specifically for the dice) for any spell that deals damage. In other words, a spell that would deal 2d4 now deals 4d4, a spell that would deal 1d6 + 1 now deals 2d6 + 2.

Metaphysical Hammer (Force) – Force spells that would move a target push them an additional 5 feet. All Force spells gain a +8 bonus to their Resistance checks. Requires Focus in Force.

Spirit Ceiling: 8
Patch of Darkness
The character chooses a location, and after exerting a small amount of energy and will, a patch of inky darkness appears there. No creatures other than the character and those that they designateusing this power can see within or through it, even with supernatural senses, which can allow the character to escape or attack without being detected. It does not block sound, smell or touch, however.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character then chooses an area within 100 feet. This area can be up to a 30x30x30 foot cube, or the area can spread out as the character desires. That area is instantly blacked out, causing any creatures within it to have the Blinded status until they leave its area.

Shadows Made Manifest
Summons a creature made out of pure shadow to serve the character.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-The character summons a creature, choosing the size and shape of it however they can imagine that has the Unarmed Fighter Talent and a Body stat equal to 10X. In addition, the character may pay additional EP to grant the shadow creature any of the following mutations for 1 EP each: Razor Fingers, Tentacled, Spider, Dangerous Tail + Venomous Attack (Paralysis) or Greater Wings.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

The character dematerializes, and moves from shadow to shadow in utter silence.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character takes their turn to move from their current position to any other position that is within 100 feet. This movement must begin and end within spots that are not under direct light, and is completely silent, not allowing Perception checks to detect it unless the character appears in plain view of another creature.

Succubus Powers:
Sexual Healing: When draining the energies of another, the character can choose not to regain their EP, and instead regain an amount of HP equal to the amount of EP they would regain.

Energetic Foreplay: While causing pleasure to a creature in a way that does not result in the character taking pleasure themselves, the character may pay X EP in order to deal an additional 2X Pleasure. The maximum value of X is 10

Shapeshifting: The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.

Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Aroused status and have their resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.

50 doshnarii


Hardcover copy of "101 Ways to Alleviate A Concussion"
(1H Blunt)

A humble and painfully anti-social librarian who used to reside in the Necropolis of Badaria - until the aliens came. She fled, eventually ending up in Acheron, where she decided "Hey, everyone I know is probably dead, so fuck it" and did just that, giving rampant hedonism a go. After a ridiculous amount of hot demon dickings (literally, occasionally - a couple of her clientele had branding fetishes, to the point where she had to take a couple night classes in Demon Magic 101) and a rather unpleasant session where she acquired the unfortunately acquired both a mild case of Amazonian Gonorrhea (easily fixed with some magic) and Combustive Sunlight Allergies (aka Vampirism, which is much harder to fix), she decided that, in the end, the crowded orgies and ridiculous sex just wasn't for her. She chartered a boat for Lockacre, returning to her quiet life of shelving books and then finding them again, and also reading.

Or, at least, she would've - except the whole "now a Vampire and demon-tainted slutwagon" was harder to leave behind than Acheron was. Wishes but to get back to normalcy, but has to still deal with her quite powerful sexual cravings, on top of having to fuck and suck (blood) literally to continue living (technically unliving but whatever).

Besides the other changes, she's also found herself withdrawing even more from society - mostly because of how oddly satisfying fingering and/or stroking herself off is. No having to worry about other people and if they're having fun or getting off, or anything like that. Who knows her better than herself, after all?

Nervous and shy. Never liked crowds - the huge fucking orgies may or may not have been a factor in giving up the way of the cockhound. Likes piano music and reading. Freaked the fuck out when she was playing with herself one day in Acheron and suddenly squirted milk across the room. Fucking mutations.


Is almost always looks at least one of nervous, panicky, freaked out, or distracted. Tries to wear very conservative looking dresses, with long skirts that go all the way to her ankles. Very much the hidden gem sort of Hot Librarian. Also has quite large glasses.

The OOC section:
Basically, Tomoko from It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular + Mia from Azure Dreams + Smut.

Name: Mikhaela "The Haggard" Ventura
Class: Warrior
6 skills
Race: Badarian
Sex: Female

Body: 62
Mind: 12
Spirit: 8

Hit Points (HP):
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):
Spirit Energy (EP):


x3 Exceptional

Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.
Skill with [Unarmed]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. The weapons that can be chosen are: One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, Bastard Swords, One Handed Blunt Weapons, Two Handed Blunt Weapons, Polearms, Shortened Polearms, Unarmed, Rifles, Pistols, Crossbows, Primitive Ranged Weapons, or Throwing Weapons.
Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
*Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.
*Resilient: Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.

*Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.
*Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
Hatred (Bandits/Furious Wheel-Fangs) [RP]: You are possessed of an overriding hatred of some group(e.g Males), nationality (Badarians, Crolians), or race (Demons, Alraune). You may not aid a member of a group you hate without there being a compelling reason to do so (e.g. by saving a Demon you also save a colony of Alraune, whom you don't hate). Also, since pretty much all PC's should hate the Aliens, they are not a suitable target for Hatred.
Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

[TEMPLATE] *Natural Attack: The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 damage. Characters that possess this mutation and the Unarmed Fighter Talent deal 2d12 + Body/2 damage instead.

[TEMPLATE] Silverbane: The character cannot wield silvered weapons and takes +8 damage from such weapons. In addition, touching anything made from silver causes discomfort, though it's not actually harmful.

[TEMPLATE] Werecreature: The character possesses two forms that they can switch between under certain circumstances. When in their beast form, they can only be returned to their human form if they are knocked unconscious, killed, the sun comes up (if the full moon caused their transformation,) about four hours have passed without exposure to moonlight or being attacked, or if a 20 EP Seal is placed upon them. A character going from beast to human form loses consciousness.
Going form human to beast for can be triggered by the following: Exposure to the light of the full moon, losing a Resistance check against a Charm Dominate or Puppeteer effect, being reduced to 0 HP, or being hit by a single attack that deals more than 1/2 the character's hit points in damage. When a character undergoes this transformation, their HP and EP are reset to full and their status effects are all removed, setting them to Fine (the only exception being Pregnant and the various grapple statuses.)

Shattering Blow (Activated) – The character can choose to take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, and in exchange, any attacks that hit deal double damage. The damage is multiplied after the penalty is subtracted. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

lam (Activated) - When the character has the target in a grapple, they may choose to make an attack at 2d12 + Body/2 damage. The target must win a Resistance check against the character or be Stunned. If the target is in a submission hold the character gains a +8 bonus to this check. In addition, they may trade grapple modifier to damage at a 1:2 ratio (IE: for every point of grapple that they sacrifice, they deal an additional 2 damage) with a 10 point cap. Requires Grapple Expert.

Fling (Activated) - The character throws a grappled opponent, or a willing ally, a short distance at another target. Deals 3d6 + Body/3 damage to both targets. Both the creature being thrown and the one being hit must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. If the flung target was in a submission hold they automatically fail this check. This skill has a 15 foot range. Requires Grapple Expert.

Stranglehold (Activated) - When the character has a target in a grapple, they may forsake all other actions for that round in order to make a grapple check at a -4 penalty against their target. If the target is in a submission hold, the -4 penalty becomes a +4 bonus. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When the target’s Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious. Requires Grapple Expert.

Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.

Pummel (Activated) - The character can choose to forsake all other actions for their turn. In exchange, unless they acquire some status that prevents them from taking any actions (such as being stunned or put into a submission hold,) they can make 3 attacks with their unarmed attack or a one handed weapon against the creature they are grappling. These attacks use attack rolls rather than grapple checks to determine success, and are treated as if the character was not grappled (causing their target to take a -10 penalty to Dodge due to being grappled.) Requires Grapple Expert.

Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses.

Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

50 Doshnarii

Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.

Steel Pipe
(1H blunt)


A rarity among the nobility, the Ventura house is headed by a woman - Mikhaela, an immense, stubborn, ox of a woman who uses overwhelming force to piledrive her way through problems. Despite her forceful ways, she yet occupies a very minor fief - but two villages, one a farming village with difficult soil, the other a fishing village. Despite this, her tiny parcels of land means she weathered the invasion with nigh a grey in site - her fief's population simply too small for the invaders to have bothered with. Keeps her manor near the fishing village.

Has always hated bandits - damned parasites, leeching off good, hard-working folk - but has become increasingly frustrated with them since the invasion began, due to the fact that they are increasing, with the advent of the empire's crumbling.

Nicknamed "The Haggard" because she seems to never stop working - her family, though understanding, feel somewhat neglected. There might be bags underneath her eyes, but if you asked her, she would tell you -

"I'm a simple woman. I just need the people's support, and I can do anything. Administrating the fief, taking down that hunk of garbage Lord Belger, it's all the same to me. If the people are happy, then I'm happy, and that's all I need!"

Has a daughter named Jessica. Once she was abducted by a massive wolf, who'd somehow crept into Jessica's room and stolen her away. She chased that fucker down before it could get off the manor's grounds - though later, it turned out to be werewolf (which may or may not have been hatching some kind of nefarious scheme - perhaps with a fuckload of other werewolves - but she will probably never know, because as meantioned, she immediately killed it's ass), and the feral spirit fled into her after it's host died.

The OOC section:
Governator Haggar.
Re: Lava Pit

More ridiculous DG character concepts? More ridiculous DG character concepts.
Name: Brandy Fuocild

Class: Succubi
Those who, for reasons known by few, have such damage to their souls that they need to feed on the souls of others in order to survive. Some have the blood of the Fey, or demons, or daemons somewhere in their heritage, while others are simply born the way they are without any explanation. Whatever the reason for their condition, most succubi begin exhibiting symptoms of it around puberty, but the full effects of it, including their unnatural hunger, generally don’t appear until the person has reached full sexual maturity. Succubi feed through sex, the intimacy of such contact allowing them to drain the energies of their partner.

Unlike the other three classes, Succubi have no dedicated primary stat. The amount of pleasure dealt, a very important thing for any succubus, is normally based on the Body stat. At character creation, one of the three primary stats is chosen as the stat that determines the character’s Resistance and Perception, as well as how much pleasure succubi deal with sexual attacks, as if they had the Knowledgeable or Spunky Talent. This choice cannot be changed later no matter how the character’s stats change.

Every Succubus gets the “Soul Eater” Special Mutation, as well as the “Lustful” Flaw. In addition, Succubi increase in power slightly faster than other classes. Buying Talents take only ¾ as much experience as it does for any other class. At character creation, succubi must choose up to 3 Succubus Powers, which they get for free.

Race: Fire Elementalkin
Exceedingly rare, Elementalkin are those born with an inherent connection to some natural element, granting them both instinctive control of it and natural resistance to the effects of others attempting to manipulate it against them. Born exclusively to uncorrupted mortal parents, elementalkin show only minor signs of their magical nature until they hit puberty, at which point they begin to learn to control their abilities. Few ever actually learn of their nature unless they enter an institution, but the Academy in Crolia has a special branch exclusively for those with the natural gifts of elementalkin.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Body, +8 Mind, +4 Spirit
Racial Talents: Greater Energy Pool, Focus in (Fire)
Racial Flaws: Mutated, Fire (Open Soul, Bloodthirsty, Mutated)
Racial Mutations: Immunity (Fire), Naturally Warped
Note: The element chosen must match the character’s own element, chosen from among the following: Fire, Lightning, Nature, Water, or Wind. The immunity mutation must correspond to the element chosen (Fire is immune to heat, Lightning to electricity, Water to cold, and Wind to force), with those that choose Nature being able to choose which element they’re immune to.

Sex: Female

Body: 22
Mind: 40
Spirit: 12

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 57
Spirit Energy (EP): 63
Speed: 15
Dodge: 37
Armor: 1 [0]
Resistance: 28 [28] [Mind]
Perception: You know what fuck math right now


[RACE] Greater Energy Pool
Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.

[RACE] Focus in (Fire)

Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.

Natural Mage (Magic Feats)
Choose two magic feats and add them to the caster’s list.

Natural Spirit (Psion)
*Psion: The character chooses 2 + Sprit/20 Powers from the Psion list.

Succubus Magic: The character chooses three succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.

Increase the character's Resistance stat by 8.

Superior Mage (Concentration)
The character gets +8 to their Casting stat.

*Erotic Wizard: The character gains a Mage Talent and the ability to cast 1st and 2nd level spells of any element. Requires Superior Mage.
- *Evoker: Whenever the character casts a spell that deals damage, increase the effective spell level of that spell by 1 for the purpose of determining how much damage the spell does. This has no effect if the character casts a spell that can either heal or do damage and the character chooses to heal.

*Erotic Magus: The character gains a number of Magic Feats equal to Mind/20 rounded down and no longer takes penalties to casting due to taking PP damage, orgasms, or being Penetrated. Requires Erotic Wizard

[CLASS] *Lustful (RP)
The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

[RACE] Mutated x2
The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.

[RACE] Open Soul
The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

[RACE] *Bloodthirsty (RP)
The character cannot, under any circumstances, back down from a fight. Even if defeat seems certain, and/or engaging in battle endangers their allies, they must fight until they themselves fall, or every enemy has been defeated.

Whenever the character takes damage, they begin to bleed. For every round following and until the end of the encounter or until they are healed, the character takes 2d4 points of damage.

Fetish (Being on fire and also pyromania general)
+8 PP Damage when we don't need no water let the motherfucker burn

Fetish (Oil)
+8 PP Damage when Hakan

The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.

Weakness (The Cold)
Whenever the character encounters the thing that they are weak against (tentacles, giant boobs, fluffy tails, futas, ect) in combat, the GM rolls 1d4, and on a roll of 1 the character loses their turn.

[SPEC] [CLASS] Soul Eater
The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.

[SPEC] Warped
The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

[SPEC] [RACE]Naturally Warped
The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others. The character doesn't deal corruption to others unless they also have other mutations that would cause them to deal corruption, but they don’t take corruption from Warped creatures.

[SPEC] [RACE] Immunity (Fire)
The character is immune to damage from the specified type, being either Heat/Fire, Cold, Electricity or Force. If a spell or power that deals damage of this type would also cause the character to gain a status effect, they do not gain that status effect.

[SPEC] Shapeshifter
The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into. This mutation cannot be used to get or hide other special mutations.

Glowing Skin - Your character shines slightly in the dark, making them more visible but granting them light to see by. The character gets a +2 bonus to Perception, but takes a -2 penalty to Stealth.

Claws: Claws sprout from the character's fingers, causing them to deal +2 damage with unarmed attacks but to take a -2 penalty on attack rolls with weapons.

*Glowy Fluids: Some or all the characters bodily fluids glows, and incur a -2 Stealth penalty when exposed(IE when aroused, bleeding). Fluids such as saliva, milk, semen, vaginal juices, blood.
- *Grossly Incandescent Fluids: The glow from the characters fluids are so strong that it is equal to a small torch, and incur an additional -6 penalty to Stealth when exposed.

*Sadist: The character takes 1d4+1 PP damage each time she inflicts health damage to something. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance. (xivvix)

Massive Breasts: The characters breasts increase in size. How much is up to the player, but it has to be a significant change. The character deals +4 PP damage whenever they would tittyfuck anything. (BurningGold) This mutation can only be taken by female characters.

2 ranks in Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
5 ranks in disable device (specialty: pants)

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:
Holder of the Secret Fire (Fire) – Spells that deal Fire damage ignore the first 10 points of a target’s AV, and any time that a Fire spell would deal more than half of any target’s max HP in damage, that target becomes Weakened. Requires Focus in Fire.

Blood Magic (Activated) – Whenever the character would cast a spell of 2nd level or higher, they may pay half of that spell’s cost in HP and half in EP. If they do, that spell is treated as if it were one level higher for the purpose of determining its effects. Healing spells cannot be improved with this feat.

Quicken Spell (Activated) – The character may pay 4 EP and take a -10 penalty to casting for their round in order to cast an additional spell per round. Other activated metamagic feats cannot be used in the same turn as this metamagic feat.

Intensify Spell (Activated) – The character may pay an additional 3 EP in order to double the number of damage dice (including modifiers specifically for the dice) for any spell that deals damage. In other words, a spell that would deal 2d4 now deals 4d4, a spell that would deal 1d6 + 1 now deals 2d6 + 2.

Spirit Ceiling:
The character controls fire with their mind.
-The character can do any one of the following. Note that all costs increase by 2 if the character has to conjure fire of their own, rather than manipulate flame that is already present.
1) Pay X EP. The character then can choose to target either all creatures within a 10 foot radius explosion that starts anywhere within the character's line of sight, or all creatures within a 30 foot long, 90 degree cone originating from the character. Those creatures take Xd6 + 6 points of Heat/Fire damage.
2) Use it to conjure a fire elemental. This summon behaves exactly like the Spell Summon Fire Elemental, including its EP cost and the stats of the summoned creature. For the purpose of this power, assume that the character has the Focus in Fire Talent.

The character forms a link with another target creature, causing any pain (or pleasure) that either suffers to be reflected upon the other.
-The character selects a single target creature within 50 feet, and does one of the following.
1) The character pays 4 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character also takes any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
2) The character pays 8 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character does not take any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
3) The character pays 6 EP. The character targets two creatures instead of one. Both targeted creatures make a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creatures take any damage to HP or PP that the other creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond. The damage or pleasure taken due to this bond does not transfer back over.

The character moves objects using their mind. This power can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the circumstances.
-The character can use this power to do any of the following:
1) The character pays X EP, and selects an object within 100 feet of them. That object moves up to 10X feet and any creatures that it strikes take 2d4 * X Force damage, but it has to move in a straight line.
2) The character pays 1 + X EP and selects a single creature within 50 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check vs 5X or gain the Bound status. In addition, the bound creature takes 5X damage per round. The character can pay X EP to upkeep this effect every turn, but they lose all other actions.

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Drain through Pain (Passive) : The character can drain a creature's EP through dealing HP damage. Any time that the character deals melee damage to a creature, they also deal 2d6 + modifiers EP damage, and regain that much EP. Modifiers basically include anything that affects EP damage, like Open Soul or Greater Draining. This cannot drain more EP than the attack causing it to activate deals in HP damage.

Rhythm: While penetrated (or penetrating) in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5.

Sexual Healing: When draining the energies of another, the character can choose not to regain their EP, and instead regain an amount of HP equal to the amount of EP they would regain.

Selective Fertility: The character gains the Selective Fertility Special Mutation.

Shapeshifting: The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.

50 doshnarii

Asbestos thong
AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Base Damage: 2d4 + Body/4
Improved Damage: 1d8 + 2 + Body/2
Note: Unarmed can be used as the secondary attack for the purposes of two weapon fighting. It does not, however, count as the primary weapon, nor does it qualify for Dueling.

(Shortened Polearms (One Handed))
Examples: Hand axes, short spears.
4d5 - 4 + Body/2
Incidentally, useful for tying people up!

The express purpose of this character is to set something on fire, fuck it, set myself on fire while fucking it, and then finish while everything is burning.

The OOC section:
Last edited:
Re: Lava Pit

Laserslime, edited up and updated.

Laserslime. Skeleton Jelly?
Name: Lysergide
Class: Succubus
Those who, for reasons known by few, have such damage to their souls that they need to feed on the souls of others in order to survive. Some have the blood of the Fey, or demons, or daemons somewhere in their heritage, while others are simply born the way they are without any explanation. Whatever the reason for their condition, most succubi begin exhibiting symptoms of it around puberty, but the full effects of it, including their unnatural hunger, generally don’t appear until the person has reached full sexual maturity. Succubi feed through sex, the intimacy of such contact allowing them to drain the energies of their partner.

Unlike the other three classes, Succubi have no dedicated primary stat. The amount of pleasure dealt, a very important thing for any succubus, is normally based on the Body stat, but succubi can take Talents that change that if they so desire. At character creation, one of the three primary stats is chosen as the stat that determines the character’s Resistance and Perception. This choice cannot be changed later no matter how the character’s stats change.

Every Succubus gets the “Soul Eater” Special Mutation, as well as the “Lustful” Flaw. In addition, Succubi increase in power slightly faster than other classes. Buying Talents take only ¾ as much experience as it does for any other class. At character creation, succubi must choose up to 3 Succubus Powers, which they get for free.

Race: Living Slime
Living Slime
A creature formed of living liquid rather than solid matter. These creatures have only recently begun to develop true intelligence, and as such they have little to no knowledge of the world that they haven't acquired from their own direct experiences. Unlike most races, their bodies are malleable and constantly shifting. Disrupting that body is extremely difficult through purely physical means, and a slime cannot be forced to lose consciousness.
Slimes are highly different from a character of any other race. For more information, see the Malleable Form Special Mutation.
Stat Adjustments: +12 Body, +4 Spirit.
Racial Talents: Grapple Expert
Racial Flaws: Weak, Open Soul, Tainted Bloodline.
Racial Special Mutations: Malleable Form, Naturally Supernatural, Soul Eater, Tentacles, Damage Reduction 1/2, Physical Damage Reduction 1/2.
Cannot be used as part of a half-breed. Must be Female. Cannot take the Fertile, Infertile or Mutated Flaws. Cannot wear armor.

Sex: Female

Body: 18
Mind: 50
Spirit: 14

Hit Points (HP): -- (50)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 66
Spirit Energy (EP): 98 (48)
Speed: 13
Dodge: 41
Armor: 0
Resistance: 22 [Mind]
Perception: 22
Stealth: 1 (13-12)
Grapple: 30

Experience: 0/0
Corruption: --

[RACE] Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

x2 Exceptional: The character gets an additional 16 points to spend among stats.

*Knowledgeable: Instead of using Body as their base stat for determining the amount of pleasure damage they deal, the character uses Mind.

*Natural Mage: Focus in [Light]: The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a total of +10 to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element which deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level and round up instead of down, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

*Superior Mage: Concentration: The character gets +8 to their Casting stat.

Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.

*Natural Spirit Wielder: *Necromancer: The character chooses 3 Powers from the Necromancer list. They can now use those Powers.

*Addict (Enthrall): A creature made to orgasm by the character must win a Resistance check against them or gain the Charmed status, except that the status lasts for 24 hours. Every orgasm beyond the 1st within the same 24 hours gives the character a +4 bonus to this check and resets the duration as if they had used Charm on their partner.

[RACE] Weak: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Resistance stat.

[RACE] Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

[RACE] *Tainted Bloodline: The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal. Note: Characters of a race that have Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural as a Racial Mutation cannot take this Flaw.

[CLASS] *Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.

Obvious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.

*Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind, no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

Fetish (Humans): +8 PP Damage when normal ol' humies

Fetish (Unmutated): +8 PP Damage when absolutely 0 mutations (also pls +4 when at 1-5 mutations :V)

Fetish (Weird liquid-creature guro/vore fetish): +8 PP Damage when getting drunk or eaten by stuff. Unf.

x4 Mutated: <_>

Glowing Skin - Your character shines slightly in the dark, making them more visible but granting them light to see by. The character gets a +2 bonus to Perception, but takes a -2 penalty to Stealth.

Pheromones: The character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them. (xivvix)

Odd Skin: The character has unusual skin in some way, such as a particularly unusual skin color or by having fur or scales.
x3 - Chameleon Skin: The character’s skin can change color at will (or reflexively,) allowing them to blend in with their surroundings. The character gains a +6 bonus to Stealth, but the effect is very disconcerting to those that aren’t used to it. This mutation requires that the character have the Odd Skin mutation, and may be taken up to 3 times.

*Glowy Fluids: Some or all the characters bodily fluids glows, and incur a -2 Stealth penalty when exposed(IE when aroused, bleeding). Fluids such as saliva, milk, semen, vaginal juices, blood.
1) *Grossly Incandescent Fluids: The glow from the characters fluids are so strong that it is equal to a small torch, and incur an additional -6 penalty to Stealth when exposed.

Hallucinatory: Your body is hallucinogenic! Like the poison.
Hallucination Poison: The drinker of this poison must win a DC 50 Resistance check or see random Illusions determined by the GM for 1d6 hours. Noticing the poison in food or drink requires a DC 15 Perception check in clean water, a DC 25 check in lightly flavored food or water (soaked in plain bread, dosed in milk or lightly flavored water,) a DC 35 check in more flavorful substances (dried fruit or meat, fruit juices,) and a DC 45 or higher check in any food more potent than these (wine or spiced foods.) Detecting the poison only means that they know they've been poisoned, not that they don't detect the poison.

*Masochist: Whenever a character takes health damage, they also take 1d4+1 PP damage. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance or damage due to resisting pleasure. (xivvix)

Soft-Skin: Your character causes +2 PP during non-oral foreplay. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.

Massive Breasts: The characters breasts increase in size. How much is up to the player, but it has to be a significant change. The character deals +4 PP damage whenever they would tittyfuck anything. (BurningGold) This mutation can only be taken by female characters.

[RACE] Malleable Form: The character's body is made of a liquid instead of a solid. They can change their shape at will, but generally have some sort of normal form that they usually keep. This form is almost always feminine in nature. The character cannot become pregnant, and can only impregnate others through magical means. Instead, they reproduce by splitting once they have absorbed enough energy.
Unlike other races, Slimes do not have an HP stat, nor do they have a maximum EP. Instead, they add whatever their HP would be to their starting EP. This is considered their normal EP, but it can be exceeded by draining. Any damage that the character takes goes to their EP. Any HP they would regain or EP that they would drain causes their EP to increase even if it would exceed their normal maximum EP, but healing HP cannot cause them to go over their normal EP. Once a character with this mutation reaches 3 x their normal EP, they lose exactly 1/2 of it, gain 8 experience and split in half, producing another living slime with their memories, personality and skill and power set. The two generally diverge from there as they naturally don’t want to stay near each other.
A character with this mutation that is reduced to 0 EP is permanently destroyed. Characters with this mutation do not take damage from resisting pleasure, and are never stunned by orgasm.

[RACE] Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

[RACE] Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain half as much EP from that creature. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP, they can willingly suppress this effect.

[RACE] Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.

[RACE] Damage Reduction .5: Whenever the character would take damage, the amount of damage subtracted from their HP is multiplied by X, which will normally be a fraction. Armor and resistances are subtracted before this multiplication, and attacks that ignore armor also ignore this resistance. A specific type of damage can be placed in front of this mutation, and if so only that type of damage is affected by this mutation.

[RACE] Physical Damage Reduction .5: Whenever the character would take damage, the amount of damage subtracted from their HP is multiplied by X, which will normally be a fraction. Armor and resistances are subtracted before this multiplication, and attacks that ignore armor also ignore this resistance. A specific type of damage can be placed in front of this mutation, and if so only that type of damage is affected by this mutation.

Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the physical mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of mutations that they already have, and cannot replace normal mutations with physical ones. This shapeshifting is limited to the base physical mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements even if they have the base mutations. This mutation cannot be used to grant or acquire other special mutations. This can be used to hide the more unsightly greater mutations, however.


Base Casting: 33
Favored Elements: Light

Spirit Ceiling: 19
The character forces energy into a nearby inanimate object, be it a corpse, a chunk of rock, a door, a large section of sand, a weapon, or whatever else you can think of.
-There are a number of different things that this power can do, and each of them has different costs associated with it.
-If animating a corpse, the character pays 6 EP. That corpse retains its previous Body stat, but its Mind and Spirit drop to 0, and it loses all spells, powers and special abilities that it had in life.
-If animating an object that has never moved on its own, then one of two things can be done:
1) The object can be animated to bind the target temporarily. If used in this way, the character pays X EP. Unless the targeted creature wins a Grapple check against a DC equal to 6X (this DC does get a d20 roll,) they gain the Bound status. Multiple creatures can be targeted by increasing X by 1 without affecting the DC for each creature beyond the first. Creatures bound in this way can continue to make checks every round, and once the creature beats one of these checks, they are free to go. The material is animated only enough to hold them, not enough to grab for them again.
2) The object can be animated into a creature that will fight by the characters side. If so, this power functions exactly like the power Call Spirit, only with the following differences: the creature gains 8 AV and none of the special additions can be used on this creature. The costs for this power are the same as those for Call Spirit.
3) The object can be reshaped to a size more useful to the character. If used as such, this ability functions exactly like the Reshape power from the Alchemist list, but costs 4X EP instead of 3X.

The character forces tendrils of power into another living creature, forcibly controlling their actions.
-The character pays 4 + X EP. In addition, they must pay X EP upkeep every round.
-One target creature within 30 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 5X or be controlled by the character. Any action taken by the controlled creature costs them X HP.
-The creature effectively becomes a summoned creature with a +6X bonus to Body, and gains a new HP stat equal to this upgraded Body stat. Any damage against the creature goes against both their normal HP and their Puppet HP. If their normal HP drops to 0, they fall unconscious but continue to fight so long as the character animating them is still conscious. When their puppet HP drops to 0, the effect ends.
-In addition, the character can use this power on themselves, in which case they need to make no Resistance check, but they must still spend at least 2 EP.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold, but only on themselves.
-While this power is active, the caster can take no other actions save to control their "puppet," and if used on oneself, the character cannot use any other Powers, spells, ect.

Devour Magic
The character selects a single target, and as they attempt to make a working using their energy, the character steals that energy.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The next time the targeted creature attempts to cast a spell or use a power, one of the following happens.
1) If the creature attempts to cast a spell, that spell automatically fails, and that creature takes damage equal to 3 * the spell level, and the character regains an amount of EP equal to the amount payed for the spell.
2) If the creature attempts to use a power, that power has no effect, and the character regains however much EP that creature paid for that power.
-Alternatively, the targeted creature has one currently active effect on it deactivated.

Succubus Powers:
*Stunning Gaze: The character pays 5 + 5X EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a +X bonus to their check, or become stunned for X + 1 rounds.

Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) : Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Horny status. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.

Shapeshifting (Passive) : The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation.

50 denarii

A skeleton

This slime is rainbow-colored, very much like an oil slick. Quite morbidly, it has a skeleton suspended in it - and even worse, it appears that the slime, for whatever reason, seems to use it, shaping itself into human form around the bones, even ending in feet.

It takes the form of a very well-filled out, curvy woman, false slime hair running down to 'her' rear end. She has an hourglass figure and a substantial chest and ass. The shapes on it's face that stand in for eyes are noticeably larger than normal.

When it casts Laser, her gooey head collapses into the rest of the body, exposing the skeleton's skull and neck. With a hum, light begins to build in its empty eyesockets, before twin beams flash out to lance through and melt whatever the skull's empty eyes are looking at.

The skeleton, strangely, is not particularly special - the slime won't die or lose it's powers when removed from it, and it has occasionally "modified" it, by adding more bones (i.e. another skeleton's set of arms, for even creepier quad-section arms). However, the one in particular is special to it, as it is a complete skeleton, completely undamaged and not missing even the smallest bone!

An unusual quirk for it's kind, perhaps, is the fascination with normal, mundane humans and the like. That's its explanation for carting a skeleton around all the time, and for the effort it puts into maintaining it's shape. This obviously doesn't end well for it, as every delicious human it gets it's hands on eventually pops out with a horn or tail or what have you. Heartbreaking! On the upside, though, it encourages higher acquisition rates.

It wants to build a "kingdom" like the humans apparently had, for it's people. Mostly that just means acquiring a fuckton of normal old critters to siphon off EP from and splitting a ton of times. Probably figuring out how to feed 'em all, too. Slime agriculture! House of Slime Lords and Slime Ladies!

The OOC section:
An entry for the theoretical SLLIIIMMMMEEEEE KINGDOM group thread.

Concept: Horrifyingly bad acid trip. Also friendly! Don't let it feed itself to you. It's fuckin' gonna try. :V

Also, character shall be vaguely Dala:
Re: Lava Pit

*dick explodes*

Name: Kelielle Elleithlon (Kel-eel El-layth-(geddofmah)lawn) Behold the name that caused a shortage of 'el' syllables for years to come
Class: Succubi
Race: High Elf
The pale elves of the North, who live among the woods and mountains in small villages and great fortresses alike. They have been battling against the Badarian invasions of the North for centuries, but their numbers have begun to dwindle, and their culture, which was once peaceful and principled, has become increasingly warlike and insular.
Stat Adjustments: +4 Mind, +4 Spirit
Racial Flaws: Open Soul
Sex: Female

Body: 42
Mind: 18
Spirit: 14

Hit Points (HP): 58
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 46
Spirit Energy (EP): 44
Speed: 20
Dodge: 37
Armor: 7 [0]
Resistance: 20 [Body]
Perception: 20
Stealth: 20
Grapple: 54
Base Casting: 9
Spirit Ceiling: 9

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0/0

x2 Exceptional

Natural Warrior: *Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.

Superior Warrior: Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

*Erotic Fighter: The character gains 2 skills and a +6 bonus to attack rolls. Requires Superior Warrior.

*Erotic Champion: The character gains a number of Skills equal to Body/10 rounded down and a +6 bonus to attack rolls. Requires Erotic Fighter.

*Sexual Tyrannosaurus: Whenever the character causes another creature to orgasm or actives the Deny Release Succubus Power, they gain a +4 bonus to Resistance and a +6 bonus to PP damage dealt until the end of the encounter. Up to 5 instances of this bonus can be stacked at any given time.

Multitalented: 2 Skillz

[CLASS] Lustful: Deeks

[RACE]Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Sensitive x3: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Fetish (Lodsecum)



x2 Large

Flurry of Blows – The character can strike repeatedly against the same target. They may take up to 4 additional attacks, but for each attack beyond the first the character takes a -8 penalty to attack rolls and a -5 penalty to damage for all attacks that round. The same penalties apply to each attack. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Stunning Blow – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, but if they hit their target must win a Resistance check against them or be Stunned. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Nerve Punch - The character takes a -12 penalty to attack and damage for the round, but if they hit and deal damage, the creature struck must win a Resistance check against the character or gain an instance of the Paralyzed status. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

Fling - The character throws a grappled opponent, or a willing ally, a short distance at another target. Deals 3d6 + Body/3 damage to both targets. Both the creature being thrown and the one being hit must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. If the flung target was in a submission hold they automatically fail this check. This skill has a 15 foot range. Requires Grapple Expert.

Brawler (Passive) - The character may make a grapple attempt against prone or stunned enemies as a free action. Requires Grapple Expert.

Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.

Weapon Focus [Unarmed] (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.

Specialized [Unarmed] (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Spirit Ceiling:

Succubus Powers:
Deny Release: The character can deny their partner orgasm by winning a Resistance check against them. For every round that the subject of this power would take pleasure damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they are drained as if they did orgasm, but are denied their actual climax effectively leaving their PP at 0. For every turn in which they maintain this effect, they can drain an additional 4 EP from their partner. This effect is cumulative but is not multiplied by orgasm unless the character ceases using this power.

Pleasing Touch: The character can strike those they are in battle with in a manner that causes pleasure rather than pain, dealing unarmed damage to PP rather than HP. The character only drains half as much EP from this as they normally would.

Self-Control: The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof.

50 Doshnarii

Totally Legit Fur Cheongsam
Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.

Improved Damage: 1d8 + 2 + Body/2
Note: Unarmed can be used as the secondary attack for the purposes of two weapon fighting. It does not, however, count as the primary weapon, nor does it qualify for Dueling.

Uses a fighting style involving pressing pressure points on the body to activate the nerves of her opponents, bringing them bliss and shattering their will to fight.

Has scars on her chest - puncture-like wounds in the shape of Verpa Major, the constellation her school embodied, which was caused by the rival of another fighting style (the transgressus inferiorem).

I SHOULD PROBABLY FIGURE OUT WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE. is my current whatever but it's not elfy or furcheongsammy at all.
E: Meh~

The OOC section:
Hundred Crack Fist!

Also, that feel when making the derpiest Fist of the North Star joke character ever.
>Big Dipper >Ursa Major
>Google Translate penis > it's Verpa
>Literally the big dick constellation
>what to do about Nanten, they don't have a fancy constellation, fuck
>Ponder "Vagina Major"; to translator!
>Oh wow, Vagina is Latin for 'sheath'
>well there goes that idea
>Southern Cross, the most prominent Southern Hemisphere constellation and also used in HnK
>Nether Cross
>Crossed Nethers

I havent decided if they should be some kinda FIST OF THE VIRGIN with the mystic kung-fu abilities to REGENERATE THEIR HYMENS or something retarded, or if they should be a lesbian school or something that rocks the tribadism.
Last edited:
Re: Lava Pit


Mappy thing!
- Incidentally named Taskil



1d10 roll and keep, annotated xky (ex: 4k3, meaning you would roll 4, and keep (add up) 3)
Rolls of 10 explode - i.e., you reroll them for bonus numbers. 10 > 6 = 16
Target Numbers (TNs) are in increments of 5.
Ex: TN Difficulty
0 Mundane - Getting out of bed
- Remembering details of your favorite thing
5 Very Easymodo - Hitting shit what ain't movin'
- Recognizing an old friend
10 Easymodo - Carrying half your weight
- Finding a misplaced thing
15 Average - Lifting your weight
(the default) - Remembering someone you've seen once
20 Moderate - Jumping a ten-foot ditch
- Recognizing someone in disguise
25 Difficult - Climbing a cliff without rope
- Finding a well-hidden object
30 Very Hard - Diving safely from a waterfall
- Remembering someone's exact words
I basically just listed these from the book. There are more, but fuck them. <_>
You can voluntarily increase a TN by 5 to make it done better, cooler, or quicker. This is called a raise. Raises must be declared in your action. If you miss the raised TN, it won't matter if you would have hit the base TN - it'll still count as a failure.
Some things grant free raises, also! These can, in addition to the usual uses of a raise, be used to reduce a TN by 5. I'll assume that's what you're doing with it, if you have a free raise and don't declare it's use, because hurrr slowPBP.

It's a skill roll.
Called shots - "I bash his ass in the head!" - require a raise - Weapon Skill + the appropriate stat, most likely Strength (quite big things), Agility (Mid-to-small things), or Perception (ranged things).
Maneuvers are special actions you can do in a fight. Because they are usually a little more specific in what would constitute them (a called shot to the head requiring hitting them in the head, rather than anywhere else that happens to be vulnerable, for example) they'll require raises to complete.
Called shots! - You hit a fucker in a certain location. As a general guide line, a specific spot on the torso or a specific limb would be 1 raise, a hand or foot would be 2, the head would be 3, and for 4 you could be a dick and chop off an ear or finger or something.
Disarms/Sundering! - 3 raises!
Feint -
Guard - 0 raises. You can declare you are
Increased Damage

Martial Styles
Sword and Shield

Magic draws from the strength of the caster - and as such, even basic spells are tiring. The average rate of exchange is 3 Stamina Points to 1 Magic point used to power a spell. Casting a spell requires that you channel stamina into said spell, which takes 1 round per magic point.
You can slow your channeling to a minute per point to reduce the stamina ratio by 1, and slow it to 5 minutes to reduce it by a further 1.
You can double magical consumption to increase channeling speed by 1. That is, you can spend 4 magic points to effectively channel 2 in one turn. This is stressful on your body, however, doing twice the amount channeled in health damage.

A channeler can imbue magic into items, draw upon them later, spending stamina now to create an MP pool for later. This can be used to either:
Channel into spells - inefficient, as a point is wasted with each seperate spell cast, in order to facilitate a tunnel to your magical core and the spell in question.
Power a function designed into the item.I.e., making the item a wand, or some shit. Magic spent this way does NOT waste a point per casting - the spell cast is contained within the item.
Don't be trapped into the idea that all these gubbins are just magic pools or wands, though - the item could also be, say, a dowsing rod, or an enchanted sword, or someshit, and practically any item can be so imbued.

Any distraction will fuck your shit up - making your cast attempt fail, wasting channeled points and stamina, and possibly backlashing onto you - unless you make a concentration check each round you're doing MAJJYK. Under quiet, peaceful circumstances, this is an easy TN 5. Noise, annoying pests like mosquitoes or flies, etc. in a peaceful setting and raises this to 10; during battle, this raises to 15. Getting or having to dodge around and shit increases it by 10.

An affinity allows you to channel 1 less stamina into a magic point, and grants a free raise to spells cast of the appropriate type. A deficiency requires you to channel 1 more stamina, and voids a raise you would have otherwise made. It does NOT require a raise from you to cast a spell of the appropriate type, or raise the TN - it just removes one raise you would otherwise have.
Affinities do not affect the amount of stamina needed to channel into an implement UNLESS the implement casts spells of a certain type.
If you somehow gain an affinity later on (probably due to a school bonus), it further reduces your stamina costs, and vice versa for deficiencies.

* Because of how little impact this is likely to have, I'm going to consider having affinities grant free raises, and deficienies void the first raise you would otherwise make (but not require a raise to cast successfully).


CRAFT ROLLS. Craft rolls fucking everywhere.

You'll require +2 raises to imbue something not specifically designed to be enchanted. This can be reduced to 1 by having an emphasis! Magic ye a sack fulla magic pebbles.


Bigger things can hold more magic! Fucking fancy that.
Base magical capacity guideline thingy. May vary up and down a few points, depending.
Tinyasfuck (Easily concealable in your human-y hand, could probably hold a fistful of 'em - rings, coins, an arrowhead) - 1
Abitlesstiny (You can mostly-conceal it in a hand - a pendant or medallion, a rock, belaying pin) - 2
Small (Bigger than your hand, but not by much - a flask/bottle, fetish, gauntlet, knife, helmet, book, shortbow, coil o' rope) - 3
Medium (P. fuckin' big - a sword, proper-sized shield or armor; a rod, branch, backpack, recurve/composite bow, light crossbow) - 4
Large - (Greatweapons, big tools like a shovel, a spear, quarterstaff, long and greatbows, a giant fuckoff portrait painting, a scarecrow, ship's wheel) - 5
P. Damn Big - (Barrels, smaller furniture, wheelbarrows, plows) - 6
Furniture-tier - (shit like wardrobes or a 4-poster bed, a tapestry, boulders) - 8
Vehicle-tier (a wagon, a dinghy) - ~10

Learnan affinities/deficiencies reduces/increases the XP cost to gain a new level in a thing by (New skill level/2, rounded up), with a minimum of 1 XP.


Cutting - Damage done with this marker concentrates the blow into a thin edge, which persists over a long surface. Armor is effective in stopping it, but the large area and sharp edge means it can be devastating if your protection is insufficient.
Armor value resisting it is doubled, but whatever damage is inflicted is also doubled, provided flesh hardness is not > the weapon's material.

Piercing - Focuses all of a strike's power onto a single point, which makes it very effective at punching through even thick metal armor.
Armor value is halved. Called shots to them weak spots/vital organs get to roll damage twice and keep the higher.

Blunt - Unlike cutting and piercing weapons, blunt weapons deal damage simply via massive impact. Or... fuckin', something.
Hardness of materials does not factor into AV modification. Adds str to damage before armor twice, instead of once like other weapons. Also adds the weapon's weight.

0 Crippled. Can't move under own power, mind basically frozen.
1 Turrible. A low-D-student, terribly out of shape, atrophied muscles, etc. Often people will atrophy to this if they don't excercise an ability much.
2 Average. A B-student, can work all day in the field and come home tired, etc.
3 Great! A-student, can work hard all day and be energetic when coming home. A 'professional' level, wherein you usually find yourself after working at a thing that requires it for a few years.
4 Heroic. You usually rank in as one of, if not the best around, nothin's ever gonna keep you down. Michael Jordan,. Playing that one Dragonforce song, in real life, might count. Alternatively, pulling a fucking jet plane with a rope.
5 Legendary, practically mythical. Einstein-tier brainitude, Sherlock Holmes-tier Perceptive. You could probably throw a wagon at someone, or rip off an arm like Beowolf. The level of someone who they'll probably talk about for ages to come. <_>



Focus: Tablets, Wands/rods/staves, Spellbooks, Amulets, runes, fetishes (not those kinds, dammit), voodoo dolls, statues, platforms...

Health Points - [6 + Willpower + Stamina/2] - A measure of your ability to keep on truckin' through the pain.
Wounds - Recieved when you have damage exceeding your health. These represent serious wounds, which you recieve in penalties to your rolled dice. When it exceeds (Willpower + Stamina)/2 your ass passes out. You are able to absorb a freebie wound if your Stamina and Willpower sum up to >4, and another if they're >= 8.
Stamina Points - 4 + Stamina + Willpower/2





If you hit a thing with another thing - hit some armor with a sword, for example - subtract the hardness of the hitting thing from the thing being hit's hardness. If it's armor, Whatever's left is added to the armor value.

Stone (Flint is the baseline stone type)
Hardness: 3 Weight: 1

Hardness: 1 Weight: 1
Fragile Doubles the effect of cutting damage bonus

Bone (Average bone. Fancy non-buoyant bones)
Hardness: 2 Weight: .25
Grants 1k0 bonus to Death magic.

Wood (Oak - sturdier sorts of wood, as opposed to them superlights)
Hardness: 2 Weight: .25

Copper - "base metal", most common in-setting and shit. Two foot's probably the longest thing you'll see made with straight copper.
Hardness: 4 Weight: 4

Brass (Copper + Zinc! Zinc is never found pure, also.)
Hardness: 4.5 Weight: 3.5

Bronze (Copper + Tin! Tin's kinda rare.)
Hardness: 6 Weight: 4

Hardness: 5 Weight: 3.5
Rolls twice and keeps the best against the fae.

Steel - A very highly refined version of iron. Requires either nigh-superhuman strength to hammer out manually... or, more commonly, a mechanical hammer, usually the sort powered by a waterwheel, and made up of essentially a tree-trunk with an anvil for the hammerhead.
Hardness: 7 Weight: 3.5
Does NOT retain Iron's damage bonus against fae.

Hardness: 2.5 Weight: 10
Grants a free raise when used for magical foci.

Hardness: 2.5 Weight: 5
Poisonous to the undead - rolls twice and keeps the best.

Hardness: 7 Weight: 2

Adamantine - A heavy as FUCK and practically unworkable material found deep down, near the magma ocean beneath the land. Requires an immense mechanical hammer, the likes of which aren't likely to be found anywhere but in an immense Dorfen city, the heat of a magma forge, and the aid of the strongest steelworking magics to even hope to shape this shit.
Hardness: 10 Weight: 8
Adds half it's weight to damage. This stacks with a blunt weapon's bonus, incidentally.

Meteorite Iron
Hardness: 6 Weight: 3
Anti-magic metal. Falls from SPEHS, and is consequently alien to the magic of the world. Can dispel it by cutting at it, and deflect it via parrying, like you're a fuckin' Jedi or someshit. Can't be enchanted. Requires 4 raises to use if built as a foci to cast through (why would you do that).

Hardness: 5 Weight: 6
An alloy of gold and crystal, fired in pure magic. Holds 3x the magic for it's size and grants a free raise when used as a foci. Also grants a free raise to hostile magic, however.

Hardness: 3 Weight: 2
Holds three times the magic for its size.

Hardness: 1 Weight: 0
Crystallized magic. Counts as being imbued with 4x the magic for it's size, and grows or disintegrates when imbued further (wastes 1 point each time you imbue it) or use it as a focus or magic pool. When used as a focus, wastes 1 MP that radiates magic that may mutate you! Also, explodes when sundered.

Magic Ice.
Hardness: 3 Weight: 2
Crystallized, frozen water, which is consistently somewhere in the far negative degrees of temperature, even if applied to lava. Found rather infrequently in places that are frozen all the time, as the magic settles into chunks of ice. Can be shattered and reforged with freezing ice magic instead of a fire. Counts as being imbued with x3 magic for it's size for water magic ONLY, and is not re-imbuable.
Doubles bonus to piercing weapons.
FUCKING COLD. Hope you've got mittens! MAGIC MITTENS.

Hardness: 4 Weight: 2
Earth magic in crystallized form. Counts as imbued with 3x it's size for the purposes of paying for Earth magic ONLY, non-re-imbuable. Crumbles as you use up said points, reducing in size for every 3 points spent. I will probably regret this rule, as it means I will have to keep track of it.

Via Enchantment
Elves are pretty fucked up, yo. They have a unique technology in the form of soul enchantments.
Soul- enchantment
Soulsteel, soulmetal, soulwood. Weapons of these sorts sap the soul of those they wound, dealing 1 point of temp damage to Magical Attunement whenever they also deal a wound. People slain by these weapons have their souls sucked into the item, where it can be siphoned off in a ritual into a Crystal (see above). Destroying the enchanted item releases the souls. Souls can be used to enchant things ala Elder Scrolls, though it's p. fuckin' horrifying to do. THEY BASICALLY DON'T MAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE BECAUSE IT'S EVIL AS FUCK. D:

Ghost- enchantment
Ghoststeel, ghostmetal, ghostrock, ghostwood. This shit has a soul in it, which can communicate to those touching the weapon. By consuming a point of magic, these things may be made audible to the outside world for a short time.
Oftentimes, when an elf dies, their souls are placed into a family heirloom. You should see the fucking crown the elf regent has, yo - it's got the primary line of the royal elf family in there, going back fucking generations.
I should probs make some more concrete mechanics regarding this shit.

Living wood
Wood, raised from seed to sapling and blessed by elven life magics errday, growing on the magic as if it were water, eventually growing such that it is a part of the wood just as the bark and sap are. The result is a life-imbued piece of wood, which is harvested carefully - roots and all - and shaped. With magic. Again.
Supplies one point of life magic a day, but will require water errday - a fair bit of it, in fact, at least a gallon's worth. Because the entire sapling must be used in forming whatever the shit it's being made into, this already uncommon item is rarely ever found making up anything smaller than a Large-sized object.

! - Depends on yon thing the leather is made out of. Base thingy is here.
Hardness (Boiled): 4 Weight: .5
Hardness (Supple): 1 Weight: .25
Effectiveness x2 vs arrows
Hardness: 1 Weight: .5 (practically negligible)
Effectiveness x2 vs arrows

Hardness: 2 Weight: .25

Hardness: 7 Weight: .1
Note: This doesn't mean a light sundress can count as basically chainmail. The edge of a stabby or bladed weapon can bite in through a thin dress, and the mace won't give even the slightest fuck. These entries are for armor - padded sorts of things and whatnot, properly thick and built to withstand impact.

These last four need work.


Race Template
+1 Stat
+1 Skill: Emphasis, +1 Skill, -1 Skill

Magic affinity:
Magic Deficiency:
Martial affinity:

+1 Stamina
+1 [Any Craft]: [Any Emphasis], +1 Piloting, -1 Channelling

Magic affinity: Water, Wind, Life
Magic Deficiency: Death
Martial affinity:

+1 Magical Attunement
+1 Alertness: Eyesight, +1 Archery, -1 Piloting

Magic affinity: Life, Death, Nature
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity: Bow

+1 Willpower, +1 Stamina
+1 [Any Smithing or masonry]: [Any Emphasis], +1 [Any Knowledge/Technical/History Lore], -1 Riding

*NON-BUOYANT (Your muscle composition is too dense to float naturally, like, say, a human would. -3k2 to swim checks, and you will sink unless you make a swim check to float naturally. Should possibly consider waterwings.)

Magic affinity:
Magic Deficiency: Water, Air
Martial affinity: Axe, Hammer,

+1 Strength, +1 Stamina
+1 [[Weapon Skill: Axe/Spear]:[Any Emphasis] , +1 [Art: Any], -1 Skill

*NON-BUOYANT (Your muscle composition is too dense to float naturally, like, say, a human would. -3k2 to swim checks, and you will sink unless you make a swim check to float naturally. Should possibly consider waterwings.)
Magic affinity: Fire
Magic Deficiency: Life, Water, Wind, Earth
Martial affinity: Axe, Spear

Kitties! =^.^=
+1 Agility
+1 Ninjaflipshit: Landing, +1 Stealth, -1 Concentration
Fetish: Masochism

Magic Affinity:
Magic Deficiency: Water
Martial Affinity: Unarmed

+1 Perception, -1 Strength
+1 Alertness: Any Emphasis, +1 [Craft: Scavenging], -1 Grapplan, +1 Stealth, +1 Legerdemain

Magic affinity: Life
Magic Deficiency: Fire, Air
Martial affinity:

+1 Agility
+1 Craft: Weaving, +1 Stealth, -1 Swimming
Fetish: Bondage

Magic affinity: Death
Magic deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:

+1 Strength
+1 Medicine: Poisons, +1 Grapplan, -1 Riding

Magic affinity: Fire
Magic Deficiency: Water
Martial affinity:

+1 Agility
+1 Ninjaflipshit: Climbing, +1 Swimming


Magic affinity: Water, Nature
Magic Deficiency:
Martial affinity:
Skill deficiency: Languages other than lizardmanese & Trade Sign

+1 Agility
+1 Skill: Emphasis, +1 Swimming, -1 Skill, +1 Lore: The Oceans: Sealife Migration Patterns, +1 Art: Singing

Fishtail - Hilariously useless above water. Good for a tailslap, but not as locomotion. Above water, you are restricted to either crawling where you want to go (not pleasant) or using magic.

Magic affinity: Water, Life
Magic Deficiency: Fire, Earth
Martial affinity: Spears
Martial deficiency: Bows, Hammers
Skill proficiency: Languages

+1 Willpower
+1 Grapplan: Tentacles, +1 [Lore: Any knowledge], -1 Ninjaflipshit, +1 [Lore: Any knowledge], +1 [Any magic skill]


Magic affinity: Water, Electricity
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:
Skill proficiency: Lore

+1 Magical Attunement
+1 Casting: [Any Emphasis], +1 Channeling, -1 Grapple, -1 Bowmanship
Fetish: Hugs! (AKA Engulfing people)


Magic affinity: Water
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:

+1 Agility, +1 Perception, -1 Stamina
+1 Stealth: Hiding, +1 Traps, -1 Fisting

Magic affinity: Fire, Earth
Magic Deficiency: Life, Water
Martial affinity:

+1 Stamina, -1 Agility
+1 Craft: Harvestry, +1 Channelling, -1 Weaponskills (all), +1 Craft (Agriculture)

Magic affinity: Life, Nature
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:

Fluffy Tails
+1 Magical Affinity
+1 Craft: Enchanting [Any Emphasis], +1 Stealth, -1 Piloting

Magic affinity: Nature, Fire, Wind, Light
Magic Deficiency: Earth, Death
Martial affinity:

+1 Agility, -1 Willpower
+1 Craft (Large structural building (architecture/masonry/shipbuilding/carpentry): [Any Emphasis], +1 Concentration, -1 Alertness, +1 Ninjaflipshit: Climbing

Four arms!

Magic affinity: Life
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:
Skill deficiency: Languages other than buganese



\ Emphases/specialties: Allows rerolls of 1s

1 Fisting
[Weapon skill]
\ (1H/2H:) Clubs, Hammers, Swords, Axes, Spears, Improvised
\ Parry, Dodge, Block;


Ninjaflipshit - Freerunning/Climbing/Acrobatics; "The Art of Displacement" (i.e. parkour)

Legerdemain (pickpocketing, theft, etc)

[Craft:]* - Armoring, Weaponry, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Carpentry, Farming, bowyering, Carving/Engraving, Masonry, Foci

Lore - Knowledges, areas, interests, History, technical shit
\ (Appraise (by type) goes here), as do Magical Lores (which can be used to ID spells and activate swag)
\Tattooing; Scroll writan; Rune carvan; Ritual Dance;
\Literacy = emphasis; must be purchased for each different language


* - Infers 1k1 penalty when untrained.
** - Can't be used untrained.
[] - Denotes that the skill is a specialization - multiple instances may be bought, and they're raised separately. For example, [Craft: Hats] and [Crafting: ] 3

X Nixed skills
Conditioning - "Athletics"; stamina
Negotiation/Bluff/Intimidate/Lie/All them



Re: Lava Pit

Oh god text too long

Martial Styles
Sword and Shield

Magic draws from the strength of the caster - and as such, even basic spells are tiring. The average rate of exchange is 3 Stamina Points to 1 Magic point used to power a spell. Casting a spell requires that you channel stamina into said spell, which takes 1 round per magic point.
You can slow your channeling to a minute per point to reduce the stamina ratio by 1, and slow it to 5 minutes to reduce it by a further 1.
You can double magical consumption to increase channeling speed by 1. That is, you can spend 4 magic points to effectively channel 2 in one turn. This is stressful on your body, however, doing twice the amount channeled in health damage.

A channeler can imbue magic into items, draw upon them later, spending stamina now to create an MP pool for later. This can be used to either:
Channel into spells - inefficient, as a point is wasted with each seperate spell cast, in order to facilitate a tunnel to your magical core and the spell in question.
Power a function designed into the item.I.e., making the item a wand, or some shit. Magic spent this way does NOT waste a point per casting - the spell cast is contained within the item.
Don't be trapped into the idea that all these gubbins are just magic pools or wands, though - the item could also be, say, a dowsing rod, or an enchanted sword, or someshit, and practically any item can be so imbued.

Any distraction will fuck your shit up - making your cast attempt fail, wasting channeled points and stamina, and possibly backlashing onto you - unless you make a concentration check each round you're doing MAJJYK. Under quiet, peaceful circumstances, this is an easy TN 5. Noise, annoying pests like mosquitoes or flies, etc. in a peaceful setting and raises this to 10; during battle, this raises to 15. Getting or having to dodge around and shit increases it by 10.

An affinity allows you to channel 1 less stamina into a magic point, and grants a free raise to spells cast of the appropriate type. A deficiency requires you to channel 1 more stamina, and voids a raise you would have otherwise made. It does NOT require a raise from you to cast a spell of the appropriate type, or raise the TN - it just removes one raise you would otherwise have.
Affinities do not affect the amount of stamina needed to channel into an implement UNLESS the implement casts spells of a certain type.
If you somehow gain an affinity later on (probably due to a school bonus), it further reduces your stamina costs, and vice versa for deficiencies.

* Because of how little impact this is likely to have, I'm going to consider having affinities grant free raises, and deficienies void the first raise you would otherwise make (but not require a raise to cast successfully).


CRAFT ROLLS. Craft rolls fucking everywhere.

You'll require +2 raises to imbue something not specifically designed to be enchanted. This can be reduced to 1 by having an emphasis! Magic ye a sack fulla magic pebbles.


Bigger things can hold more magic! Fucking fancy that.
Base magical capacity guideline thingy. May vary up and down a few points, depending.
Tinyasfuck (Easily concealable in your human-y hand, could probably hold a fistful of 'em - rings, coins, an arrowhead) - 1
Abitlesstiny (You can mostly-conceal it in a hand - a pendant or medallion, a rock, belaying pin) - 2
Small (Bigger than your hand, but not by much - a flask/bottle, fetish, gauntlet, knife, helmet, book, shortbow, coil o' rope) - 3
Medium (P. fuckin' big - a sword, proper-sized shield or armor; a rod, branch, backpack, recurve/composite bow, light crossbow) - 4
Large - (Greatweapons, big tools like a shovel, a spear, quarterstaff, long and greatbows, a giant fuckoff portrait painting, a scarecrow, ship's wheel) - 5
P. Damn Big - (Barrels, smaller furniture, wheelbarrows, plows) - 6
Furniture-tier - (shit like wardrobes or a 4-poster bed, a tapestry, boulders) - 8
Vehicle-tier (a wagon, a dinghy) - ~10

Learnan affinities/deficiencies reduces/increases the XP cost to gain a new level in a thing by (New skill level/2, rounded up), with a minimum of 1 XP.


Cutting - Damage done with this marker concentrates the blow into a thin edge, which persists over a long surface. Armor is effective in stopping it, but the large area and sharp edge means it can be devastating if your protection is insufficient.
Armor value resisting it is doubled, but whatever damage is inflicted is also doubled, provided flesh hardness is not > the weapon's material.

Piercing - Focuses all of a strike's power onto a single point, which makes it very effective at punching through even thick metal armor.
Armor value is halved. Called shots to them weak spots/vital organs get to roll damage twice and keep the higher.

Blunt - Unlike cutting and piercing weapons, blunt weapons deal damage simply via massive impact. Or... fuckin', something.
Hardness of materials does not factor into AV modification. Adds str to damage before armor twice, instead of once like other weapons. Also adds the weapon's weight.

0 Crippled. Can't move under own power, mind basically frozen.
1 Turrible. A low-D-student, terribly out of shape, atrophied muscles, etc. Often people will atrophy to this if they don't excercise an ability much.
2 Average. A B-student, can work all day in the field and come home tired, etc.
3 Great! A-student, can work hard all day and be energetic when coming home. A 'professional' level, wherein you usually find yourself after working at a thing that requires it for a few years.
4 Heroic. You usually rank in as one of, if not the best around, nothin's ever gonna keep you down. Michael Jordan,. Playing that one Dragonforce song, in real life, might count. Alternatively, pulling a fucking jet plane with a rope.
5 Legendary, practically mythical. Einstein-tier brainitude, Sherlock Holmes-tier Perceptive. You could probably throw a wagon at someone, or rip off an arm like Beowolf. The level of someone who they'll probably talk about for ages to come. <_>



Focus: Tablets, Wands/rods/staves, Spellbooks, Amulets, runes, fetishes (not those kinds, dammit), voodoo dolls, statues, platforms...

Health Points - [6 + Willpower + Stamina/2] - A measure of your ability to keep on truckin' through the pain.
Wounds - Recieved when you have damage exceeding your health. These represent serious wounds, which you recieve in penalties to your rolled dice. When it exceeds (Willpower + Stamina)/2 your ass passes out. You are able to absorb a freebie wound if your Stamina and Willpower sum up to >4, and another if they're >= 8.
Stamina Points - 4 + Stamina + Willpower/2





If you hit a thing with another thing - hit some armor with a sword, for example - subtract the hardness of the hitting thing from the thing being hit's hardness. If it's armor, Whatever's left is added to the armor value.

Stone (Flint is the baseline stone type)
Hardness: 3 Weight: 1

Hardness: 1 Weight: 1
Fragile Doubles the effect of cutting damage bonus

Bone (Average bone. Fancy non-buoyant bones)
Hardness: 2 Weight: .25
Grants 1k0 bonus to Death magic.

Wood (Oak - sturdier sorts of wood, as opposed to them superlights)
Hardness: 2 Weight: .25

Copper - "base metal", most common in-setting and shit. Two foot's probably the longest thing you'll see made with straight copper.
Hardness: 4 Weight: 4

Brass (Copper + Zinc! Zinc is never found pure, also.)
Hardness: 4.5 Weight: 3.5

Bronze (Copper + Tin! Tin's kinda rare.)
Hardness: 6 Weight: 4

Hardness: 5 Weight: 3.5
Rolls twice and keeps the best against the fae.

Steel - A very highly refined version of iron. Requires either nigh-superhuman strength to hammer out manually... or, more commonly, a mechanical hammer, usually the sort powered by a waterwheel, and made up of essentially a tree-trunk with an anvil for the hammerhead.
Hardness: 7 Weight: 3.5
Does NOT retain Iron's damage bonus against fae.

Hardness: 2.5 Weight: 10
Grants a free raise when used for magical foci.

Hardness: 2.5 Weight: 5
Poisonous to the undead - rolls twice and keeps the best.

Hardness: 7 Weight: 2

Adamantine - A heavy as FUCK and practically unworkable material found deep down, near the magma ocean beneath the land. Requires an immense mechanical hammer, the likes of which aren't likely to be found anywhere but in an immense Dorfen city, the heat of a magma forge, and the aid of the strongest steelworking magics to even hope to shape this shit.
Hardness: 10 Weight: 8
Adds half it's weight to damage. This stacks with a blunt weapon's bonus, incidentally.

Meteorite Iron
Hardness: 6 Weight: 3
Anti-magic metal. Falls from SPEHS, and is consequently alien to the magic of the world. Can dispel it by cutting at it, and deflect it via parrying, like you're a fuckin' Jedi or someshit. Can't be enchanted. Requires 4 raises to use if built as a foci to cast through (why would you do that).

Hardness: 5 Weight: 6
An alloy of gold and crystal, fired in pure magic. Holds 3x the magic for it's size and grants a free raise when used as a foci. Also grants a free raise to hostile magic, however.

Hardness: 3 Weight: 2
Holds three times the magic for its size.

Hardness: 1 Weight: 0
Crystallized magic. Counts as being imbued with 4x the magic for it's size, and grows or disintegrates when imbued further (wastes 1 point each time you imbue it) or use it as a focus or magic pool. When used as a focus, wastes 1 MP that radiates magic that may mutate you! Also, explodes when sundered.

Magic Ice.
Hardness: 3 Weight: 2
Crystallized, frozen water, which is consistently somewhere in the far negative degrees of temperature, even if applied to lava. Found rather infrequently in places that are frozen all the time, as the magic settles into chunks of ice. Can be shattered and reforged with freezing ice magic instead of a fire. Counts as being imbued with x3 magic for it's size for water magic ONLY, and is not re-imbuable.
Doubles bonus to piercing weapons.
FUCKING COLD. Hope you've got mittens! MAGIC MITTENS.

Hardness: 4 Weight: 2
Earth magic in crystallized form. Counts as imbued with 3x it's size for the purposes of paying for Earth magic ONLY, non-re-imbuable. Crumbles as you use up said points, reducing in size for every 3 points spent. I will probably regret this rule, as it means I will have to keep track of it.

Via Enchantment
Elves are pretty fucked up, yo. They have a unique technology in the form of soul enchantments.
Soul- enchantment
Soulsteel, soulmetal, soulwood. Weapons of these sorts sap the soul of those they wound, dealing 1 point of temp damage to Magical Attunement whenever they also deal a wound. People slain by these weapons have their souls sucked into the item, where it can be siphoned off in a ritual into a Crystal (see above). Destroying the enchanted item releases the souls. Souls can be used to enchant things ala Elder Scrolls, though it's p. fuckin' horrifying to do. THEY BASICALLY DON'T MAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE BECAUSE IT'S EVIL AS FUCK. D:

Ghost- enchantment
Ghoststeel, ghostmetal, ghostrock, ghostwood. This shit has a soul in it, which can communicate to those touching the weapon. By consuming a point of magic, these things may be made audible to the outside world for a short time.
Oftentimes, when an elf dies, their souls are placed into a family heirloom. You should see the fucking crown the elf regent has, yo - it's got the primary line of the royal elf family in there, going back fucking generations.
I should probs make some more concrete mechanics regarding this shit.

Living wood
Wood, raised from seed to sapling and blessed by elven life magics errday, growing on the magic as if it were water, eventually growing such that it is a part of the wood just as the bark and sap are. The result is a life-imbued piece of wood, which is harvested carefully - roots and all - and shaped. With magic. Again.
Supplies one point of life magic a day, but will require water errday - a fair bit of it, in fact, at least a gallon's worth. Because the entire sapling must be used in forming whatever the shit it's being made into, this already uncommon item is rarely ever found making up anything smaller than a Large-sized object.

! - Depends on yon thing the leather is made out of. Base thingy is here.
Hardness (Boiled): 4 Weight: .5
Hardness (Supple): 1 Weight: .25
Effectiveness x2 vs arrows
Hardness: 1 Weight: .5 (practically negligible)
Effectiveness x2 vs arrows

Hardness: 2 Weight: .25

Hardness: 7 Weight: .1
Note: This doesn't mean a light sundress can count as basically chainmail. The edge of a stabby or bladed weapon can bite in through a thin dress, and the mace won't give even the slightest fuck. These entries are for armor - padded sorts of things and whatnot, properly thick and built to withstand impact.

These last four need work.


Race Template
+1 Stat
+1 Skill: Emphasis, +1 Skill, -1 Skill

Magic affinity:
Magic Deficiency:
Martial affinity:

+1 Stamina
+1 [Any Craft]: [Any Emphasis], +1 Piloting, -1 Channelling

Magic affinity: Water, Wind, Life
Magic Deficiency: Death
Martial affinity:

+1 Magical Attunement
+1 Alertness: Eyesight, +1 Archery, -1 Piloting

Magic affinity: Life, Death, Nature
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity: Bow

+1 Willpower, +1 Stamina
+1 [Any Smithing or masonry]: [Any Emphasis], +1 [Any Knowledge/Technical/History Lore], -1 Riding

*NON-BUOYANT (Your muscle composition is too dense to float naturally, like, say, a human would. -3k2 to swim checks, and you will sink unless you make a swim check to float naturally. Should possibly consider waterwings.)

Magic affinity:
Magic Deficiency: Water, Air
Martial affinity: Axe, Hammer,

+1 Strength, +1 Stamina
+1 [[Weapon Skill: Axe/Spear]:[Any Emphasis] , +1 [Art: Any], -1 Skill

*NON-BUOYANT (Your muscle composition is too dense to float naturally, like, say, a human would. -3k2 to swim checks, and you will sink unless you make a swim check to float naturally. Should possibly consider waterwings.)
Magic affinity: Fire
Magic Deficiency: Life, Water, Wind, Earth
Martial affinity: Axe, Spear

Kitties! =^.^=
+1 Agility
+1 Ninjaflipshit: Landing, +1 Stealth, -1 Concentration
Fetish: Masochism

Magic Affinity:
Magic Deficiency: Water
Martial Affinity: Unarmed

+1 Perception, -1 Strength
+1 Alertness: Any Emphasis, +1 [Craft: Scavenging], -1 Grapplan, +1 Stealth, +1 Legerdemain

Magic affinity: Life
Magic Deficiency: Fire, Wind
Martial affinity:

+1 Agility
+1 Craft: Weaving, +1 Stealth, -1 Swimming
Fetish: Bondage

Magic affinity: Death
Magic deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:

+1 Strength
+1 Medicine: Poisons, +1 Grapplan, -1 Riding

Magic affinity: Fire
Magic Deficiency: Water
Martial affinity:

+1 Agility
+1 Ninjaflipshit: Climbing, +1 Swimming


Magic affinity: Water, Nature
Magic Deficiency:
Martial affinity:
Skill deficiency: Languages other than lizardmanese & Trade Sign

+1 Agility
+1 Skill: Emphasis, +1 Swimming, -1 Skill, +1 Lore (The Oceans) Sealife Migration Patterns, +1 Art: Singing

Fishtail - Hilariously useless above water. Good for a tailslap, but not as locomotion. Above water, you are restricted to either crawling where you want to go (not pleasant) or using magic.

Magic affinity: Water, Life
Magic Deficiency: Fire, Earth
Martial affinity: Spears
Martial deficiency: Bows, Hammers
Skill proficiency: Languages

+1 Willpower
+1 Grapplan: Tentacles, +1 [Lore: Any knowledge], -1 Ninjaflipshit, +1 [Lore: Any knowledge], +1 [Any magic skill]


Magic affinity: Water, Electricity
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:
Skill proficiency: Lore

+1 Magical Attunement
+1 Casting: [Any Emphasis], +1 Channeling, -1 Grapple, -1 Bowmanship
Fetish: Hugs! (AKA Engulfing people)


Magic affinity: Water
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:

+1 Agility, +1 Perception, -1 Stamina
+1 Stealth: Hiding, +1 Traps, -1 Fisting

Magic affinity: Fire, Earth
Magic Deficiency: Life, Water
Martial affinity:

+1 Stamina, -1 Agility
+1 Craft: Harvestry, +1 Channelling, -1 Weaponskills (all), +1 Craft (Agriculture)

Magic affinity: Life, Nature
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:

Fluffy Tails
+1 Magical Affinity
+1 Craft: Enchanting [Any Emphasis], +1 Stealth, -1 Piloting

Magic affinity: Nature, Fire, Wind, Light
Magic Deficiency: Earth, Death
Martial affinity:

+1 Agility, -1 Willpower
+1 Craft (Large structural building (architecture/masonry/shipbuilding/carpentry): [Any Emphasis], +1 Concentration, -1 Alertness, +1 Ninjaflipshit: Climbing

Four arms!

Magic affinity: Life
Magic Deficiency: Fire
Martial affinity:
Skill deficiency: Languages other than buganese

+1 Perception
+1 Alertness: Eyesight, +1 , -1 Defense?

Light bones

Magic affinity:
Magic Deficiency:
Martial affinity:

+1 Perception
+1 Lore (Sea): Tradewinds, +1 Art (Singing), -1 Skill
Fetish: Oral?

Light bones

Magic affinity: Water, Wind
Magic Deficiency: Fire, Death, Earth,
Martial defciency: Hammers, Axes, Fists

\ Emphases/specialties: Allows rerolls of 1s

1 Fisting
[Weapon skill]
\ (1H/2H:) Clubs, Hammers, Swords, Axes, Spears, Improvised
\ Parry, Dodge, Block;


Ninjaflipshit - Freerunning/Climbing/Acrobatics; "The Art of Displacement" (i.e. parkour)

Legerdemain (pickpocketing, theft, etc)

[Craft:]* - Armoring, Weaponry, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Carpentry, Farming, bowyering, Carving/Engraving, Masonry, Foci

Lore - Knowledges, areas, interests, History, technical shit
\ (Appraise (by type) goes here), as do Magical Lores (which can be used to ID spells and activate swag)
\Tattooing; Scroll writan; Rune carvan; Ritual Dance;
\Literacy = emphasis; must be purchased for each different language


* - Infers 1k1 penalty when untrained.
** - Can't be used untrained.
[] - Denotes that the skill is a specialization - multiple instances may be bought, and they're raised separately. For example, [Craft: Hats] and [Crafting: ] 3

X Nixed skills
Conditioning - "Athletics"; stamina
Negotiation/Bluff/Intimidate/Lie/All them




Types o' Magic





Goooo Planet




Sides of the same coin, Life and Death magic are opposites of the spark that is ETERNITY OR FUCKIN' SOME SHIT GODDAMMIT I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING. Yet, they are applied in radically different ways, and many find that the practice of one is radically different from the other.
Life Magic is the magic of flesh and bone, growth and recuperation. The most common uses of it are to heal and strengthens creatures made of flesh - however, that is not its only application. It can also harm - causing the body to feel pain where there might be no cause, or force flesh to grow wildly, causing tumors or mutation. Life magic causes a body to knit, mend, and do what it would or could not otherwise do - whether that be for the better, or not.
A life magic can sense life by spending 1 MP and making an Perception+Channeling roll. This will allow them to examine the flow of Life magic in a person, and see whether the flows are normal, deficient, or inundating (which might possibly a tumor). A further Perception+Medicine roll can be used to make a more concrete diagnosis.
Raises can give you bonuses to your life sense, representing more accurate information. It can also extend your life sense to beyond one person. 3 raises allow you to essentially sense the presence of other people, within 2 yd/raise (including the 3 required).

Death Magic deals with those who possessed Life Magic once, but no longer do. ZOMBIES NIGGA.

Pure, ethereal will, unbound to a physical manifestation. Every magician uses Pure magic, to a small degree - this is what their channeled willpower takes the form of when they imbue a thing with magic. However, the magical energy is usually bound into a recognizable behavior as soon as it is used - turned into fire, or heal an injury. When it is Pure, its abilities are essentially unconstrained... potentially more powerful, but most likely simply more unfocused, unable to reach the extent of effect when it would be directed by form. To put more simply, whereas magic turned into fire would know to burn, magic left pure would simply do any and everything, chaotically, uncontrolledly, and expend itself uselessly before reaching the equivalent extend the fire magic might have reached. In essence, it is a chaotic seed of possibility.
Pure magic corrupts, mutating those that come into contact with it - including it's handlers. Inflict 1 corruption per 2 MP used in the spell. If you fail to cast a spell, inflict the full MP cost as corruption on yourself and those nearby.
Pure magic has a -2k2 penalty to all effects.
Raises may be used to increase an effect by 1k1. Unlike other forms of magic, there is no limit as to how many raises may be generated via this method.




Re: Lava Pit


[19:26] <Taki> aaand crime drama as in detectives
[19:27] <Taki> Yes, forty dix.
[19:27] <%Tassadar003> hrm
[19:27] <Floor> Noira
[19:27] <%Tassadar003> if these new guys are better than the others, I might suggest upping that exp suggestion
[19:27] <Floor> Noir, IRA~
[19:28] <%Tassadar003> now, lets hope that Sorio isn't brutally murdered
[19:29] <Taki> Aheheh
[19:29] <Taki> Not THAT much better
[19:29] <Taki> but they have different weapons and skillset kinda
[19:29] <Taki> same basic template, 40 body
[19:30] <Taki> LOL
[19:30] <Floor> Something something Noir and Irishmen
[19:30] <%Hf> Delicious Noir.
[19:31] <xigva> 40 Body = mook
[19:31] <xigva> ;_;
[19:31] <Taki> delicioussss Noirrr
[19:31] <%Tassadar003> lol, dat noir
[19:32] <Taki> Pffft @ xgkf
[19:32] <Taki> If Akari were to go up against this band of mutants, she'd get soupcanned
[19:32] <Taki> LOL goddamnit Blarg
[19:33] <Taki> Too good
[19:33] <%Tassadar003> lol
[19:33] <%Tassadar003> dat Akari, also
[19:33] <%Tassadar003> to be fair, that'd be throwing a trainee at a dojo into a fight that's giving an experienced adventurer trouble
[19:33] <Taki> Rain. Hard, drumming, pounding rain. It'd been coming down for hours. I had just strolled into Sammy's and ordered my usual.
[19:34] <Taki> True that.
[19:34] <Taki> Cities like these, they never sleep.
[19:34] <Taki> Etc.
[19:34] * Taki all of the noir monologues.
[19:35] * %Hf ponders carrot cake in Deun.
[19:35] * Taki ponders deoricot cream pie.
[19:35] <Taki> LOL
[19:35] <Taki> fuck damnit
[19:35] * xigva ponders which fruit Akari will eat at the Festival
[19:36] * %Hf ponders outlawing the use of deoricots in plays.
[19:36] <Taki> Snowberries, clearly.
[19:36] <Taki>
[19:38] <%Tassadar003> jizzballs!
[19:38] <Taki>
[19:38] <Taki> HUMPS
[19:38] <%Tassadar003> XD
[19:39] <Taki> oh my godddddd lol
[19:39] <%Hf> asfa
Re: Lava Pit

A THEEF for Spider's THEEF ALPHA. Default values.
Body: d10
Tricks: d8
Wits: d8
Smarts: d6
Passive Defence:

Light sleeper: reduce all smarts die to wake up by two steps when you would be awakened by noise or other distraction.
Blending into crowd: Reduce all wits die related to mixing in with a crowd by one step.
Street runner: Reduce acrobatics die by 1 for passing over obstacles.
Slippery step: Decrease your passive defence by 1 points any round you do not take attack actions and take at least 1 move action.
Mule: Reduce sleight of hand die by 2 when concealing items on your person.

Bewitched: Increase smarts die when dealing with the opposite gender.
Pacifist: Increase your body die by 2 steps for all damage rolls.
Near-sighted: Increase spot die on checks involving distant targets

Weapon skills:
d20 Dagger(tricks)
d12 Sap(tricks)
d20 Sword(tricks OR body)
d20 Club(body)
d20 Axe(body)
d20 Two-handed melee(body)
d20 Polearms(body)
d12 Small thrown weapons(tricks)
d20 Sling(tricks)
d20 Javelin(body)
d20 Bow(body)
d20 Block(body)
d12 Parry(tricks)
Skill list
d10 Acrobatics(body)
d10 Amuse(Wits): To run a con on someone. Apart from actual cons, this skill is also used any time you try to convince someone with lies.
d12 Climb(body)
d20 Decipher Script(wits)
d12 Diplomacy(wits)
d12 Disguise(wits)
d10 Escape Artist(tricks)
d20 Forgery(tricks)
d12 Gather Information(smarts)
d6 Handle Animal(smarts)
d20 Intimidate(wits)
d12 Knowledge(wits)
d12 Listen(smarts)
d12 Locksmith(tricks): Opening locks without a key, breaking locks and making picks fall under this skill.
d10 Perform(tricks)
d10 Ride(tricks)
d12 Score(wits): Loot from a theft. Figuring out what loot is worth and where to sell it for the most money.
d12 Search(smarts)
d12 Sense Motive(smarts)
d12 Shadow dance(body or wits): Hiding. How good you are at staying unseen and unheard. If you're moving about, the roll is body + shadow dance. If you're looking for a good spot to hide in, the roll becomes smarts + shadow dance.
d10 Sleight Of Hand(tricks)
d12 Spot(smarts)
d12 Survival(smarts)
d12 Swim(body)
d12 Tinker(smarts): Healer. This skill governs everything from bandaging scratches to setting bones to herbal remedies to primitive surgery.
d12 Trapper(tricks)
11 24
Everyday Knife

Trained THEEF monkey
- Moderately fancy monkey vest

Jugglin' balls
Some sorta instrument

Backstory/character notes:
[http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=789&pictureid=12255]Yon appearance[/url]
A performer who dabbles in a little bit of everything - and as such, has never managed to really become skilled in anything, always flitting off to try some other gimmick before really even getting a handle on the core of whatever she picked up last. She is fairly mediocre because of it, never really impressing her audience long to earn much more than boos and scraps.

There is one exception - she's always had a talent with animals, which she takes to exceptionally well. Yet she is reluctant to ever use them in her shows, as trained rats and whatnot are key to her 'real' source of income - opening locks or filching goods, fitting through and going unnoticed where she would not. Her most prized of her menagerie is a monkey, who she found while outside the city, trying her hand at berries instead of scraps for once (oh god the rashes).

As a necessity out of often getting caught doing unsavory things, she has gotten quite able at avoiding capture, if not detection, and even hiding things so they don't find anything on her when they do manage to nab her. She always tries not to hurt anyone on her gigs. The thought makes her queasy, and besides - the penalty for stickin' someone was harsh.

Nicknamed 'Squint' because she often does so. Reeeally likes guys - she can't help it! Often plays with them in her other holes, though... there was just no way she could keep running the game if she got wide with child.

Re: Lava Pit

An exercise in making the most profitiest slave re: Hafnom's slave prices thing with DG chargen.

Name: Steve
Class: Spirit - 1 Spirit Talent, 1+Spirit/30 rnd dn Aptitudes
Race: Nature Angel (Natural Elementalkin)
Sex: Female

Body: 12 [0+12]
Mind: 26 [10+12+8]
Spirit: 60 [40+16]

Hit Points (HP): 55 [55]
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 62 [62]
Spirit Energy (EP): 109 [79+30]
Speed: 11 [11]
Dodge: 49 [49]
Armor: 0 [0]
Resistance: 24 [24]
Perception: 24 [24]
Stealth: 11 [11]
Grapple: 12 [12]
Base Casting: 13 [13]
Spirit Ceiling: 22 [22]

Experience: 0/0
Corruption: 0/400, L3

[ELEM] Focus in Nature - A bunch of bonuses to wizarding; allowed to make hippy jokes
[ELEM] Greater Energy Pool - +20 EP!

[CLASS] Druid - Treehugger

Natural Mage - Mage Feats
Spunky - Spirit now used for PP damage
Holy Mage - Jesus Wizard
Psion - Mindbullets best

Massive Energy Pool - +30 EP
Succubus Magic - +3 dickskills

Cross-class: Focus in Arcane

[RACE] Open Soul - +5 EP damage forever
[RACE] Idealistic -
[RACE] Honorable - No lying allowed
[RACE] Tainted Bloodline - 1.5x corruption gain
[RACE] Sensitive - +5 PP damage forever

[ELEM] Lustful (RP) - You fucking cockslut.
[ELEM] Fertile - Good at babies
[ELEM] Sensitive - +5 PP damage forever

Mutated - Yep.
Sensitive - +5 PP damage taken forever

Fetish: Subservience - +8 PP damage when subbing
Fetish: Saying "Master" - +8 PP damage when saying that thing
Fetish: Oral - +8 damage when om nom

[RACE] Naturally Warped - Don't deal corruption or take from Warped.
[RACE] Faerie - 5 DR vs Cold/Lightnan
[RACE] Selective Fertility - BABIES

[ELEM] Immunity: Nature - I don't even know what this means

[RACE] Greater Wings - I wish I were a bird. x2 speed flight!

Battery - Recharges 1/2 of PP taken as EP
x2 Tight/Large - +4 PP dealt when penetrative


Base Casting:
Favored Elements: Nature, Arcane
Magic Feats:
Enchanter - The character may enchant their own magic items, treating the denarii costs of all enchantments as if it were halved. Enchanting an item with a spell or power requires that the character doing the enchanting be able to use that spell or power. Using the Enchant Weapon and Bolster Power Feats costs 1 less EP to activate and deals an additional 2 damage.

Herbalist - The character is adept at mixing their own potions. The cost of the Create Potion and Love Potion rituals, both in terms of time to gather ingredients or costs to pay for them, are halved. The character's healing spells also restore and additional +2 HP per spell level when used to heal.

Spirit Ceiling:
Aptitudes: Overlord, Nature's Ally, Potent Spirit, Arcane
Commune With Nature
Leaf Walk
Summon Nature's Ally
Wrath of the Elements

Fey Servant
Holy Wall
Lay on Hands

Mind Worm

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Self-Control: The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof. If a character would take multiple sources of pleasure, calculate them all at the end to determine the DC of the Resistance check.

Rhythm: While penetrated (or penetrating) in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5.

50 Doshnarii

Slave Leia Outfit (clothes)

Something something ANGEL OF FEALTY
wts quality sub

STATS 0/10/55
SEXAY +10%
GOOD AT DICKINGS +5% (gotta minmax that shit harder after acquiring some exp)


Totalling up to roundabout...
295*75% = 221.25
295*85% = 250.75

516 denarii if the buyer doesn't give a fuck about Selective Fertility; 546 if he does. That's BASICALLY an entire herd of cows... or just under 3 acres of land in a city... or a fucking LOT of acres elsewhere. It's like a Ferrari that'll suck your dick!
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