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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion


Dec 14, 2008
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Alright, we have a subforum, thanks to Nunu for taking the time. As of right now my computer is still in a couple boxes at home, and as such this will be fairly slow going to start. I'm going to be making up a semi-character sheet over the next few days, but here's some basics to get the ball rolling in people's minds. All this will eventually be in it's own thread, more organized and all, and any questions-comments are much appreciated.

The city of Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. About 60,000 people, a small college, an old army base, plenty of other interesting places. Some small-time local gang activity, fairly lax police force. Oh, and a river runs through town, with several parks along the way.

I was a guest to a live VtM game here, a Kindred visiting from another city briefly, and had a good, long chat with the Storyteller in charge. I'm pretty much ripping off his story as he was kind enough to send me a copy of his notes, so if anybody happens to play in that game, don't ruin it for everyone else ;)

Character Stuff:
The most important thing to keep in mind will be backstory, and making a real person, so to speak. There isn't much in town to draw incredible people in. I'm not saying that I am forbidding interesting characters, I just don't want the equivalent of Min-maxed twinks for characters, alrighty? That being said, if you have really good reasons and an amazing backstory, go right ahead and ask, I may just approve it if I like the idea. But enough ranting, let's get a bare-bones character sheet up!

Name: for obvious reasons ;)
age: 18+, for safety reasons.
Gender: Male or Female, please no Herms.
Physical Description: Words, picture, or both, whichever you feel comfortable with.
Occupation: However they earn the money for the roof over their heads, if applicable. Doesn't have to be legal, though illegal activities are either rare or not very profitable.
Aptitude: Indicated your character's general aptitude. There are three categories: Physical, Mental, and Social. Place them 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, by how good your character is generally at them. This isn't the be-all end-all however, you could have mental last and still be intelligent, it just might take you a moment longer to think through a problem, for example.
Backstory: Make it as long or as short as you like, point form, story form, a poem, whatever you are comfortable with. The more there is to it, however, the more I can write your character into the story, so they can do interesting things.

Alright, there might be a couple more things added to that by the end, but this will let everyone start running ideas around in their head. Feel free to post 'em if you think you'll lose them, but characters will eventually have their own thread. I will also start work on an example character, just so people can see what's it's like filled out. Is there anything I'm missing, that someone wants to see up right away?
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, interest shown. I'm not wholly certain I should be joining yet another online rpg but I'll do my best. Also, you're running 3E, I take it? I'll have to see if I have that LotN in hardcopy.

I was a guest to a live VtM game here, a Kindred visiting from another city briefly, and had a good, long chat with the Storyteller in charge. I'm pretty much ripping off his story as he was kind enough to send me a copy of his notes, so if anybody happens to play in that game, don't ruin it for everyone else ;)

The shoe fits. Rosebud was the sled. Anthony Perkins is his own mother!

Name: Isabella Frost
Age: 22
Gender: Female
(the smartass in me wants to put male, despite the name, but I'm behaving. What about a post/pre-op trannie? *snerk*)

Physical Description: Much to her chagrin, Isabella lives up to her name. She's an average height (5'7"), trim, pale blonde with icy blue eyes. At least naturally. She takes to dying her hair every now and then, just to shut people up about the connection between her name and her looks, so every so often, her hair can be seen two-toned. She also keeps it relatively short so it's easier to care for. During the summer, when she tans, she has a nice, healthy look about her but in the winter when she doesn't see as much sun, she's often asked if she's feeling well or teased for her "ice princess" look. As such, she tends to avoid wearing bold colors, dressing in more muted or pastel tones so the contrast between her clothes and her complextion isn't as noticable.

Occupation: Isabella is a education major, minoring in history and psychology who's aiming to be a teacher. She attends the college on grants and loans, she rooms in the dorms/student housing, and works either in the book store or a nearby coffee shop (?) for spending money/income.

1. Mental
2. Social
3. Physical

Backstory: Attending college away from home was Isabella's big chance at finally proving to her family that 'the baby' could be independent. She's the youngest of four children and grew up with the double-standard of both being over-protected and having more freedom than her sibilngs. Still, that didn't stop her parents from worrying when she decided to go to college in another province after her freshman year. She worked hard to prove she could handle herself and her situation and has finally stopped getting her mother to call her every night. Of course, she's had her fair share of mishaps, too, but she chalks them up to 'learning experiences' and so long as she doesn't get hurt, burn down her living space, or cause a global catastrophe, she counts it as a victory.

She hasn't fallen into the college party scene but she's by no means an anti-social bookworm (despite her majors). Every now and again, she finds ways to go out and have fun. That doesn't stop her from using her classes as an excuse to shy away from dating. It's not that she's not interested, she just hasn't met the right guy yet. Working where she does, she does get the chance to interact with lots of different types of people and like all good public servants, can be friendly and open when she needs to. Still, she can have something of a black and white view of people: she either likes them or she doesn't, and if she doesn't, well, let's just say the 'ice princess' isn't wholly an undeserved nickname. She does her best to not judge people right away, but once she's formed her opinion of someone, it tends to stick with her. If she does like someone, though, she's generally cheery and willing to lend them a hand.

Given that she's usually either working or studying, she doesn't have much time for an extremely active lifestyle, but she likes getting out and trying various activities that are supposed to keep her healthy. Usually, though, either because of time or lack of interest, that doesn't go over too well. She has a fondness for old movies and trashy romance novels (both of which have also colored her social expectations of men) and always requests off whenever there's a open mic night or poetry reading (if we go the coffee shop route.) Likes the art, tends to hate the "artieste" and the subsequent fans and hangers-on.

((A'ite, that's about all I got in my head for now. Any questions, comments, complaints, lemme know. More to come later, maybe, but that's all Izzy's saying for now...aside from the fact that she wants a pet and I'm telling her no...okay, maybe a beta fish.))
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

The shoe fits. Rosebud was the sled. Anthony Perkins is his own mother!

Soylent Green is People!
*Clears throat*

Alright, Isabella looks great, already have a couple ideas for her...

*Maniacal Laugh*

In othe news, it is a pain in my ass not to have access to my resource, as I don't have a hardcopy, unfortunately. Af for 3E, that only brings to mind images of Dungeons and Dragons, so meh, it's the revised version of Mind's Eye Theater I'm using, take that as you may.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Should've went with that instead of Rosebud. And if it's one thing I've learned, it's leaving things up to the ST is a bad idea, but not much of a choice in the matter here *laughs*

Well, VtM did go into 3rd edition before they started Requiem. I think I have a revised MET book. I'll have to go look, but I'll just do that before bed, which will be soon.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Speaking of which, do you have a preferred clan for Miss Frost? No gaurantees of course ;)

Everything is pretty much as you know it I suspect, might want to glance over the disciplines, they got a tweaking to work better in the system but that's about all that's different. I know PDF's are a pain, but I'm going to repost the one here anyways.

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Brujah [/sarcasm]

Eh, I have a few I was thinking on. She defintely leans toward the more social clans. Funny thing was, I was thinking Torrie when I was making her, then gave her my dislike of poetry snobs that I picked up from my required classes.

She's not quite blue blood material and I can't see her attracting a kook. Trems, Ravs, Nossies, maybe. Hell, could even make her Caitiff. As for that pdf, I hate downloading things. I'll look and see if I have the book. If not, I guess I learn when she does. *laughs*
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hmm, a Rav would be interesting...

Alright, noted, let's see what everyone else comes up with :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Name: Steve Buchanan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Physical Description:
Occupation: Carpenter, normally for small things, like birdhouses or bookshelves, selling them to various stores and such. Though he has worked on larger products before, like housing, decks and sheds.
Aptitude: 1:physical, 2:Mental, 3:Social
Backstory: TBA
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Name: Jonas Fletcher aka Fletch
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Jonas is a tall, burly man with auburn hair that is, just like his full beard of the same color, a little too long to look proper. Jonas' clothing tends to be very simple, and on the toned down side of the color scheme. More often than not he wears a simple overall in a dirty grey tone with "Fletcher's Towing & Repair" stitched on it, as well as a baseball cap with the same logo.
Occupation: Fletch works in his own car repair shop and has a towing service on the side.
1 Physical
2 Social
3 Mental
Backstory: Jonas has been born into a less than wealthy family in the U.S. of A. Father worked at an assembly line, mother did part-time as a waitress. Now and then Daddy got too drunk and hit Mommy, but she never got more than a black eye. Little Jonas got through high school okay and enlisted into the army shortly before they marched into Iraq. Fletch doesn't like to talk about the war, and after he returned he got the hell out of the country and migrated north of the border.
Fletch's social life is pretty calm. Every second friday is Poker Night at his place, a halfway decent apartment, with a few friends and colleagues. Now and then he picks up a girl from a bar or just gets smashed. There is no wealth or glory in Fletch's future, but he's not complaining. Much.

(Not exactly the typical vampire pretty boy, but when you said less incredible he came to mind. A revise of my executioner character for Mjorna. My preferred clan for him would be Gangrel. Maybe a Brujah grunt.)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

>_> I was going to avoid this just because I'm already in a few games and I don't know much about the VtM games... but the fact that it starts in freaking Red Deer (which is like a three hour drive away for me. XD Of all the places in the world...) made me laugh a lot, so I'm going to try this one out. :) I hope that's okay!

Do you have any more spaces?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Name: Rashar
age: 19
Gender: Male or Female
Physical Description: Rashar is of medium height and rather on the thin side. He has stormy gray eyes as well as black hair. Generally, he either wears his standard employee dress code clothing (The store issued shirt along with a pair of khakis) or dark clothing to make it hard for 'them' to see him. Tinfoil hats are generally not included although other odd objects will pop up about his person on occasion
Occupation: Retail Worker (+ shoplifting occasionally)
Aptitude: Mental, Physical, Social
Backstory: Rashar was originally born to a family that, while not rich, wasn't poor either. They mainly lived in an apartment because his parents were against taking a loan to buy a house as they didn't want to be in debt for any reason. He had a fairly good infancy and early childhood, his parents doting on him and spending much of their frre time playing with him. As he grew older, however, he started noticing them giving him strange looks when they thought he wasn't looking and he also noticed that they were often on edge when they were around him. Of course, everything changed shortly after his eight birthday.

No one knows much of what happened that night. The only thing that is know for certain is the apartment building burned, illuminating the skyline for several miles. The building didn't colapse during the fire, however, and later when authorities started combing through the skeleton of the apartment building looking both for bodies and the cause of the fire, they found Rashar lying in a half-full bathtub of sooty water in a tile bathroom that had escaped most of the flames. Horribly, stretched out on the floor, as if they were reaching for him, were the charred remains of the charred remains of his parents. Reports later given about his miraculous survival explained it as being a result of the bathroom being unintentionally fireproof due to the materials used to make it resistant to moisture rot as well as an open window which let out the smoke and let in enough fresh air for the young boy to survive. No mention was made about his parents, and later investigation was unable to discover who exactly had lived in that particular apartment.

The fire that night as well as something else that happened during that time, left a permanent mark on Rashar's psyche. At the orphanage, not only did Rashar have an understandable terror when confronted with fire, but he seemed to occasionally space out while staring at shadowy areas before slowly backing away from them. Throughout the rest of his childhood, Rashar was often taunted and teased about his claims of seeing things in the shadows, watching him. In addition, the adults running the orphanage often had to confiscate flashlights from him as he would frequently shine them through his shared bedroom in the middle of the night, disturbing the sleep of the other children. Whenever couples came to adopt children, Rashar was always skipped over as the couples wanted a nice child who didn't have mental issues.

Eventually, Rashar grew up, having gone trough the public schools. Unfortunately, given that he was never adopted, he would have needed a full scholarship to go to college. A thing which he wasn't quite good enough for, although he was one of the best students at his high school. Of course, the reason he was so good was because he often hid himself away in a brightly lit room not trusting those who wanted him to come over to their 'house' to 'play some games'.

Currently, Rashar lives in a small apartment and works at a local electronics retail trying to save enough money to supplement any scholarships he could earn to go to college with.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'll try to get something up later. I have to head to work now, and it seems Rule partially read my mind for a character background. It's okay though I still have a couple others maybe I could make the other work still, too.

Never been to Red Deer, but I do have a cousin who lives in Medicine Hat, not sure how far away it is. Don't imagine they would really be that different though, so at least it's easy to picture.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yay for less than sane characters!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

(XD She's not raep bait, I promise! I just wanted to try for an aptitude of social first, without also being a gothy typical vampire socialite!)

Name: Jaylene Harris
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Physical Description:
Tall and muscled, but with relatively few curves, she has an androgynous, tom-boyish look to her when she's not careful to cover that up. Jaylene has long, darkly auburn-brown hair with a few grey-strands already starting to fill in one side of her bangs, much like her mother (an early grey) and two of her elder sisters. She's caucasian, with heavily tanned skin and darker freckles across the more exposed portions of her skin. Her face is chiseled with a sharp nose, carefully plucked but relatively thick brows, and thin lips. Her eyes are a ruddy hazel colour, often adorned with eye shadow to help smooth her boyish face into something more feminine and attractive.

Jaylene tends to wear denim and flannel when she's not working, though she prefers form-fitting garments (with a little help from bra-padding!) to try to look less... mannish. Her parents would probably be shocked with her dressing habits, but she finds the freedom of living with only her roommates has allowed her to experiment a little more, and quite frankly, after 18 years of living boyishly, she sees cat calls as accomplishments.

Occupation: Waitress (taking a year off between classes and college)
Aptitude: Social, Physical, Mental
A local farm girl born in Red Deer but raised on a farm a little further east, just south of Lacombe, Jaylene is a roughshod, pragmatic young woman who wants to do something with her life aside from driving tractors and helping during calf-birthing season, but she's not sure what that is, yet. Born the fourth of seven daughters to her parents, she's the most tom-boyish of her sisters -- her mom had gotten desperate enough for a boy by the time that she came around to treat her more or less like one, which is something that Jaylene kind of found (and still finds) stigmatizing, especialy considering her build.

Going through school with more of an eye on the social side of things than the book learning, she was quick to pick up on a lot of stuff like making friends (and enemies) and making trouble with the opposite sex. Though not at the top of the totem pole, she managed to retain the rights to a decent position by keeping up to date with her cousins from Toronto, despite the fact that both sides of the family were estranged on her father's and uncle's parts. Jaylene became a conduit for new and interesting things in the high school world, with the bruiser attitude to beat anyone down who thought that she was being a freak. She also managed to keep free of the slutty farm girl stereotype that some might try to pin on her with the same 'freedom through fear' attitude.

Then graduation hit, and the young woman found herself cut loose without real plans to head to college. She followed her friends to Red Deer and took up a job at one of the city's several bars, working and helping to pay lion's share of rent while her two roommates went to school. Jaylene would prefer to be in classes herself, but she's looking for somewhere bigger than Red Deer to go to... however, Toronto seems like a long way away for a farm girl living by her own means.

Day in the Life of:
(I'm not very familiar with the character so I'm going to do a shorty for her. I hope that's okay. Please poke me if I should be changing anything or adding anything. XD Is there anything specific that you were having trouble with for her?)
Jaylene usually starts her day out around 11am or noon, spending her afternoon on errands or doing research about different colleges, technical schools and universities in Canada (or the US) that might take her fairly average school scores... though she's undecided about what she wants to do, as yet, she's leaning towards law or perhaps law enforcement... though this may yet be impractical for her. Once a week she gets a package from her cousins (Michelle and Sarah) in Toronto including whatever the latest trends in music, fashion and so on can fit in the size of a shoe-box, and in return she sends out whatever she has found in Red Deer that they might appreciate. During the short break between when her roommates (Kristina and Heather) get out of classes and when Jaylene has to work, they tend to make supper together, get into fights about whose turn it is to do whatever chore, and gossip about said classes (or work, in Jaylene's case). Jay' starts work around 7pm, dressing in tight black clothing and making herself up before driving to the bar (it's not entirely high class, but it's not the dregs, either.) and finishing up around 3am. She serves drinks and helps the bar tenders when needed, cleans up, and does her best to make tips to augment the sort of crappy pay that she gets. Rinse and repeat for most nights, though she spends most of her Sundays with family.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Wow, alrighty. Everyone's characters look good. Three hours away Wallpaper? Nice, I'm a tad closer that that, but it's still a trip. Oh yeah, and Rashar actually sounds like one of my friend's characters, though he's a tad saner than that :) is there anything else that people need? I'm still minus my books, but I can probably answer straight questions from memory.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

My character's good? But he doesn't even have a background yet! O=
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Name: Eve (Pronounced Eevee) Vosmus
age: 21
Gender: Female
Physical Description: She's 4'3" with light tan skin. Her eyes are ice green, her pale russet hair is usually up in pigtail ringlets. She wears fitted button up shirts with Blue jeans, knee high boots with buckles up the front, and a studded leather jacket.
She has that smaller perfection that people often see in small people.
Occupation: She's an underwear model, and a landscape painter
1. Social
2. Mental
3. Physical
Backstory: She grew up in South Tennessee spending most of her time outside hiking in the blue ridge mountains. Her parents owned a small bed and breakfast, and she spent the rest of her time painting. After graduating high school she moved to Red Deer and got a job as a model to pay for college, and get an art degree.

Toreador is preferred, and really, she's so beautiful they wouldn't let her get away.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Three hours away Wallpaper? Nice, I'm a tad closer that that, but it's still a trip.

Ha ha, not often that you rub shoulders with someone from the same province on random forums. XD Cool! *waves from cow town, currently swamped in Stampede shenanigans*

I just need to download the pdf file so I can read up on the info, though I like being surprised. XD Just so long as you're not one of those GM's that likes to piss players off for the sake of it!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

You're good Chibs, and an unfinished character doesn't count Ryu, so I didn't count it yet :p
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Chibi, how many ways can we make your character evolve? 3, 5, or 7? Also, do we need elemental stones or can we just get you to like us during certain parts of the day?