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Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Stuff that I will edit later. Aust/Chibi RP is go 'coz asked me to do this for them.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Another afternoon of pampering. Another day of loving attention from her oh so affectionate master. Another day of enjoying what some would consider a rather comfortable life. Another day in a gilded cage. Another wasted day of a life that should be free! Free to soar the skies without restriction, without fear and without a damn collar around he neck. The harpy girl called Seli pulled constantly at the restrictive thing as the stared out her window. Sure she was well taken care of, but the young harpy felt there was more to life then this. More to life then sitting around and being basically a toy for some haughty councilman's son. The man treated her like a goddess, but in her mind, he was just lulling her into a false sense of safety.Get her fat and lazy before turning her into an egg factory. Give him lots of sons so that they can torment more of her sisters. She couldn't trust him. Not in the slightest. The day wore on, the sun beginning to set and all Seli could do was stare out her window. Her one window to the world beyond.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Mishen sighed irritably, watching Seli. His father had though this was a great joke, give him another girl, but one who had no idea how terrible the world could be. He had been content with one, but this girl? He hardly knew where to start with her. So far she'd ignored all of his overtures of friendship and treating her well wasn't getting him anywhere! She was beautiful, a queen and he wished that she would be his queen... She just had no idea of... wait. He thought about it for a moment and then his "ear" feathers perked up. This is what he would do.

He would give her an education.

"Seli, I think it's time we started on your education," he said, stepping into the room. "I don't know what sort of things you were taught before coming here, but I want to further that. Tell me, what did they teach you there?"
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Seli turned to face the man she begrudgingly called her master. The man she was "given" to as a gift for starting some business or another. She didn't care in the slightest what the reasons were. She was his property. Didn't matter how nicely he treated her or what luxuries she was given. The man was ruining her life. Plain and simple. He was denying her right to fly free! To fly the open skies and live like a true sister of the sky! To live like her ancestors. As he stepped in, she spat on the floor in front of Mishen, a clear look of disgust on her face. He was talking about giving her an education. Pfft. What could he possibly teach her? All he'd do is fill her head with lies and turn her into an obedient little toy like his first slave. Sure she wasn't the smartest of harpies, but she wasn't about to let him teach her anything.

"What could you possibly teach me here that I can't learn out there? How many lies do you plan on filling my head with before you're satisfied? I'm not buying a minute of this! Just get out before I get really mad."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Mishen chuckled through his irritation. "Alright. If you'd rather not have free access to the library, I'll just be on my way then." He shrugged and turned to head out of the doorway, then paused, "If you don't know how to read and write, I'd like to teach you. I know they don't really teach you anything before you're sold. If you wish, then pull the rope hanging by the door, if not then I will not trouble you until dinner," Then he left and closed the door, softly padding down the hallway.

He hoped she would change her mind, his thoughts about her were... irrational. A normal male would have given up by now, but her resistance just made him even more stubborn about showing her the real world.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Seeing him turn to leave, the defiant harpy smirked confidently, proud that she had achieved yet another victory over the smug gryffin. He stopped halfway however and explained about being able to read and write. The girls smirk changed to a look apprehension. He...was right in that regard. When she was sold to his family, she had been given no real education. All she remembered was kicking and screaming and even leaving a sizable claw mark in one of the slavers arms, something she's still proud of. She couldn't deny that being able to at least read and write might help her chances of escaping. She'd...accept for now, if only to better her chances at an eventual victory over this man. She walked over to the rope hanging by the door and pulled on it, knowing he'd be back in a moments notice. He was kinda stupid that way.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Mishen smirked when he heard the bell ring through the hallway. "Well done," he murmured to himself, ready to turn back to the door when his stomach rumbled and he realized that he hadn't eaten all day. He clacked his beak in irritation, before heading back down the hallway and knocking politely on the door, then he shook his head at the idiocy of knocking, but waited for her to invite him in anyway.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Hearing the knock, she was almost surprised he was being this polite. A man in his position could just walk right in, no if's, ands or buts, about it. But Mishen was at least kind enough to give her some measure of privacy. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Come in." Well, she couldn't turn back now. Whatever happened from here on was on her shoulders and she could only blame herself if he tried anything...unseemly.
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Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He smiled politely at her before unclasping her collar chain from the pole near the bed. He wrapped it tight around his wrist, so even if she wanted to pull away and run, she couldn't right now. "Alright then, on to the Library." And he waited for her to walk out of the door ahead of him. He didn't quite trust her yet. "Are you hungry? I'm not sure when the servants last came around for lunch. If you'd like something I can ring for them to bring you something." He smiled encouragingly at her.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

The harpy could say nothing as her restrain was unclasped from the bed and into his hand. She hated that damn thing. The collar and the chain attached were the sign of her subservience to the gryffin noble. The ultimate sign of submission to her people and the ultimate sign of her status as someones property. She kept her gaze down as she exited her room, trying not to look at Mishen. He must be loving every second of this, seeing her like this and if she looked up even for a second, she'd see a smug expression on his face. That much she was certain. The prospect of food came up and she couldn't help but feel hungry herself. But she could wait until dinner for food, she had to remain strong. "N...No. I'm fine.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

"Hrm," Mishen frowned, "I'll get the cooks to bring extra just in case then." Then he quirked a half grin, "I've seen the food you ladies can put away, I know Eryne eats more than I do." He directed her through the hallways finally coming into the small room that he called his "library."

He fastened the chain to the sturdy table leg, and pulled on another bellrope by the door. When Eryne appeared, he murmured something to her and she left with a blush and a smile.

"Now, Seli, let's get started." His delight at having someone to teach again was obvious. And he set a thin volume in front of her along with some vellum and a graphite stick. "I wrote the book myself when I was teaching Eryne, you should be able to follow along easily."
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Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Seemed he was going to get something anyway, despite her saying no. Seemed like he was just going to get his way...again. It was his house after all, not like her objections would have stopped him. He even commented on the eating habits of Eryne, the other harpy that he owned. A part of her couldn't help but giggle at that analysis, cause it was kinda true. The other harpy really did know how to pack it away. She said nothing else as she was led through the hall and into the library. She was quickly fastened to a sturdy table leg and prompted to sit down as he pulled on another one of those bellropes. She caught a brief glimpse of Eryne as she arrived and she saw Mishen and Eryne talk for a short moment before the other Harpy left. Seli was not too fond of her sister harpy, feeling like she had given up too easily. Where was her fight! Where was her passion! She had just rolled over and became the mans plaything. Well that wouldn't happen to her! Not now! Not Ever!

Mishen began speaking, with the younger harpy noticing clear excitement in his voice. Seemed like he enjoyed this a little too much. Before her, she saw a thin book, vellum and some graphite. How were these things going to help? Regardless, the gryffin seemed quite proud of the fact that he wrote the current text before her, claiming it helped Eryne. She picked up the book with some apprehension, unsure of where to start.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He pointed to the first line of letters, "These shapes are letters. When we talk, we're putting together the sounds these make to make our words." He went through the sounds slowly, pointing to each letter as he did so. "So when you put these three letters, sounds, together you get 'dog.'" He watched and waited to see if she understood, if she did, he asked her to repeat the sounds for him, and point to the letters in turn.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Her master pointed to the various...things...he called letters, explaining how when they talked, it was merely combing the sounds these letters make. Seemed simple enough. Sure Seli was stubborn, but she wasn't one to pass up free information. She followed the instructions as best she could, trying to sound out each letter individually. "Doog? Is...is that right?" She drew out the pronunciation of one of the letters, unsure if she was even doing this right. She must have looked silly right now, stumbling over reading those letters on the page. Her face began twisting in frustration as she tried to pronounce the words. What good was this going to serve her!
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He nodded. "That was close," he pointed to them again, "Run through how to pronounce them and when you have it down, the next page has some words to start out on."

The door opened and Eryne knocked on the doorframe. He smiled and got up from the table and took the heavily laden tray of food from her and rubbed his beak against her cheek before heading back to the table and starting on his food. If Seli seemed interested in the food he would offer her some, if not, "Would you like to see how to spell your name?
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

The young harpy mentally slapped herself for making any mistakes. How could she have messed that up! Following her owners instructions, she ran through the pronunciations of the words again, repeating them more then a few times. As she finished with that page, she would move on to the next one. And these ones were no easier then the last. As she struggled to piece the words together, Eryne had arrived with a rather sizable plate of food. She peeked at the corner of her eyes, seeing the two being all lovey dovey before he returned to table with the meal in hand. Seli was a tiny bit hungry and she would reach over and grab some bread, nibbling on it while she continued studying. Once she finished eating, she would respond to Mishen's question. "I guess I couldn't see the harm."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He pulled the sheet of vellum and the graphite stick towards him and wrote it out in a neat precise script. "See?" He smiled at her progress, "You learn amazingly quickly. You'll be writing in no time," he was genuinely pleased at her progress and his tail fluffed a little and twitched rapidly.

My cat does this, it's called feather tail and it's a very happy thing
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Seemed that her efforts had actually starting to yield some results. And worst of all, he was praising her! He was telling her what a good job she was doing. She could even see his tail fluff slightly and even twitch. Ugh. She hated when he did that. She just had to swallow her pride and keep going with this. By the time she finished with all this, she'd be able to pack up and leave. An educated rebel has a better chance to survive then an uneducated one. It was all going to come together soon. "Th...Thank you sir." She said, her eyes still cast away from him.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He noticed her hesitancy and sighed, "Look, I know you're not happy here and I'm sorry it has to be this way. Talk to Eryne, you can find out what happened at the hands of her last Mistress," his eyes flashed angrily at the thought of what Eryne had been put through and his taloned hands dug into the soft table of the wood. He was very angry and trying to not show it. "Let me take you back to your room. I need to go speak with my father." He grabbed the chain and unhooked it from the table, "And don't forget the book, the vellum and the graphite. Practice will help you get better."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

"If you were so sorry about it, then maybe you could do something about it. " She mumbled under her breath as he owner spoke. Before she could actually verbalize those thoughts any louder, she was cut off by him offering more sage advice. Talk to Eryne? What would that accomplish? Either way, her grumpy thoughts came to a screeching halt as she saw a look of anger building up in her masters eyes and she saw him dig his claws into the table. If there was one thing she was afraid of, it was an angry gryffin. She gathered her learning material for the day and said nothing else as she allowed herself to be unhooked from the table. She could only hope his anger would be directed at something worthwhile.