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Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He quickly led her back to her room and locked her in before hurrying off to see his father. He wouldn't be back for several hours, though he did stop by Eryne's room to ask her to go speak with Seli for a little while.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

After almost being tossed in the room, the willful harpy could hear the heavy door being locked as her master stormed off. Heaven above. The only time he ever got this mad was when he was about to yell at someone, either the staff or someone looking to buy her or Eryne. For whatever reason, he was very protective of the two. Left to her own devices, she places the learning material on the bed before taking her usual seat by the window, her thoughts drifting back to the outside.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne had happily provided what Mishen had asked of her, as she always had ever since she was placed under his care. It was easy for all to see that she had once been a very broken female, as her every movement were as if she were stepping on glass. Meek and docile were the two words best fit to describe her, as little of the well-known fighting spirit of the Harpies were left in her. Still, with Mishen she was happy, and had regained a measure of autonomy, even if she had a habit of doing simple chores of all sorts in the house, keeping just about everything clean and in good condition, not to mention cooking the food for everyone in Mishen's home.

As Mishen came storming, Eryne had been busy dusting off some shelves, and as soon as the Harpy heard the footsteps she sunk to her knees, whimpering loudly while wrapping her wings around herself; she was a very sensitive person, and even the faintest notion of aggravation or hostility was enough to make her break down into a sniffling, sobbing wreck. Something Mishen was aware of, but still hadn't quite grown used to enough to always keep in mind. It would take some comforting from him before she'd recompose herself, but whether or not he did as much before heading off to speak with his father she would dutifully do as she had been told, nodding timidly before heading off towards Eryne's room, knocking lightly, weakly even, while speaking with a quiet, gentle tone, barely loud enough to be heard through the door. "May I come in? It is me, Eryne, Master Mishen sent me to speak with you. Is... Is that okay, Miss Seli?"
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Mishen did in fact spend the time to comfort her. "My unhappiness is not directed at you, dear one. I was teaching Seli and thought about the awful things that had been done to you." he rubbed his cheek against hers and petted her softly. "Do not be worried. It will be alright. I just need to go speak to my father and see if he's managed to find anything. Nothing will ever hurt you again, I promise," he cooed. He waited with her, holding her, until she had regained herself before he smiled, rubbed her cheek again and set off for his father's.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Just barely able to hear the weak, almost pathetic tone of her sister harpy, Seli sighed. She knew that Eryne had suffered through quite a bit, given her current state, but a part of her knew she could be so much more. All harpies were. But now she was little more then a domesticated songbird. Picking herself up from her seat, she unlocked the door before calling back to her sister. "Come in." She retreated back to her seat and returned to gazing out the window.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne had rubbed herself meekly against Mishen as he had comforted her, nodding slowly, but it was still with slightly quivering steps that she had afterwards headed upstairs to Seli's room, after wishing Mishen well for his trip to his father. And once she had knocked and been allowed inside, she unlocked the door and entered, smiling meekly, almost apologeticly. "Mishen... He told me to come and speak with you, Seli. Is there... anything you'd want to talk about?", her words were as meek as her overall look. She was nervous standing there, talking with one of her own kind, one that was still willful and largely independent, much unlike herself.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

As much as Seli wanted to narrow her eyes and scoff at her sister harpies weak appearance, she couldn't necessarily deny her either. Of the two slaves Mishen owned, Eryne was the more docile for sure, but she was also the senior of the pair. Mishen had owned Eryne much longer then he had owned Seli. As a result, Seli couldn't really talk back to her. But she did see the sister harpy as something of an embarrassment. She was far too weak and fragile. Like she was almost enjoying a continued life of servitude and bondage. Well, she had little time to debate in her head about this. Eryne wanted to talk. "I guess...I kinda wanted to talk about all this"She said, holding out her arms as if referring to the whole building all together. "And this of course and why I'd be better off without it." She said pulling on her rough collar. "How do you put up with all this? You know we're both sisters of the sky? We should be outside, in the bright blue sky, soaring to our hearts content and living free! Harpies aren't meant to be caged up like this! We aren't meant to be slaves to some gryffin punk." Her short little speech came to an end, the willful harpy knowing she might upset her sister further should she speak more of Mishen in a negative light. "But I suppose that's all a pipe dream I suppose right? That I'm stupid for thinking that? I'm sure he told you something to tell me. "
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne was smiling faintly as she opened the door and entered Seli's room, gently closing the door behind her before slowly approaching her Harpy sister, her every step as careful and cautious as if she were stepping on hot coals. Unless Seli protested, Eryne would slowly move towards a seat near, if not next to, her fellow Harpy, but hesitated before seating herself. "Ah, mind if I sit here, Seli?", she'd chirr the words out softly, seemingly desiring to sit close to her kin, if respectfully so, not wanting to breach any personal space.

If Seli would deny Eryne proper seating, the Harpy would back off slightly, nodding sadly but acceptingly. If Seli allowed her kin a seat, even if it might be a little close, Eryne would smile softly, happily even, and slowly take her seat, and listen to Seli's words, the willful Harpy had Eryne's full attention. At first Eryne looked a bit confused as Seli motioned to everything in such a way, only to blink and cower back slightly; she went from almost happy looking to meek and frail in an instant.

"I... we're... We're not caged, Seli...", Eryne stammered the words out, her voice week and powerless. Then her eyes widened as Seli called Mishen a punk, and Eryne moved her hands to cover her mouth as she gasped quietly. "Mishen isn't... he is no punk!", tears had begun to form in the harpy's eyes, and she sniffled softly. "Mishen saved me, from a life worse than you can imagine!", Seli had to choke back the tears, her weak little hands curling into small fists. It was likely the first time Seli had seen Eryne anything even close to resembling being angry, but even that was a weak, pale shadow of what true fury was.

"What do you know, Seli? Of life out there? Of life as a captive, as you put it? Nothing. Mishen have told me, you were born a slave. From what I've heard, you had a pleasant, if dull, life growing up!", Eryne sobbed softly, her hands uncurling, slowly moving up to cover her mouth and face, almost desperately, as if realization was slowly setting in. "Not like... Like I... You... you don't know what... what I have... I... I'm sorry... sorry, sorry, sorry...", and that proved to be too much, as Eryne stopped holding her tears back, and bawled out, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked as if only wanting to curl up and hide away from the world. Her spirit and will was beyond broken.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Much as she scorned her weak-willed sister, she still felt sorry for her state. Just how terrible could her previous had been to turn a once proud harpy into...this. But she was not about to throw verbal hate at her sister. When she asked for a seat, Seli could only say. “Go right ahead.” She adjusted herself from her seat, moving from gazing out the window to facing her sister, knowing that she was only looking out for her. But that would change as she allowed Eryne to defend Mishen.

She noticed that Eryne was noticeably disturbed by her words. Of course Eryne would be bothered by Seli's slander of Mishen. But she couldn't help but continue to say her piece. This was her chance to really bear her soul to someone who would understand. Or at least, she hopes would understand. It seemed her words fell on deaf ears. “Yes we are! Can't you see it! We as a race were blessed with these beautiful wings and we should be allowed to fly on them freely! Our captivity has taken away that chance! Only Mishen and those other damn gryffins get to fly, leaving us grounded! If they really cared for us, they'd let us fly!” Of all the points she made, this was the one that really got her blood boiling. Why should any race be denied the chance to use their god given abilities? Why should another race decide how another uses those gifts!? But her frustration paled to when Eryne went of the defensive. But she had to keep up her strong face. “I can imagine quite a bit! He's only softening us up so he can torment us himself! Thats what they're all up to!” Her theories were wild and unfounded, clouded by her youth and idealism. Regardless of what she was told, Mishen was her enemy! The man who would rob her of her freedom. And even if he was nice now, that would all change the moment he grew bored.

However, she could see the building frustration in her sister as she clenched her fists in frustration at her words. Maybe she was going a little overboard, but she needed to get it all out. But then Eryne hit her with a little dose of something else. Apparently Mushin had told Eryne about Seli's life prior to being purchased by. Yeah, she really was raised in relative comfort. Her mother was a slave of another gryffin family and Seli was born into captivity. She was raised by the family as one of their own before she was of age. When she was around 19 or so, Mushin's father bought her, tearing her away from her mother. This was the root of her rage and frustration. “What does that matter?! I've heard enough to know that it's better out there! And even if I did live a boring life, it was still a life in chains! Anything has to be better then that!” Her yelling had reached fever pitch however, and she had apparently driven her sister over the edge. She had begun crying, turning into little more then a wreck of a harpy. Seli felt terrible, almost responsible that her words caused this. Getting up out of her seat, she went to hug her weeping sister, in an effort to calm her down. “I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. Please...please stop crying...” The strong face had crumbled away and now only a concerned friend remained, trying her best to calm down a harpy who had been scarred far too deep by life.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Seli's continued arguements had done little to sway Eryne's opinion, the harpy unable to think up and utter any retorts before Seli went on and on in making her point. As Seli once more spoke ill of Mishen however, Eryne once more showed the faintest of glimmers of defiance in her eyes, "Mishen wouldn't... he'd never torment us! He cares for us, but you refuse to even give him a chance to show that to you!"

"Anything is better than...? Do you even know what you're saying? That is...", she managed to utter in quick response to Seli's idea that 'it didn't matter', before truly breaking down into a sobbing pile of feather and fluff. As Seli scooted closer to try embracing Eryne, the broken female whimpered and balled up, hands moving to cover over her head, wings weakly moving to cover her sides. It was as if she expected Seli to lash out and strike her. And she didn't look like she'd offer any resistance against it, as if she only wished it'd be over quickly.

If, however, Seli still tried to soothe her Harpy sister, she'd make slow progress. Eryne was a wreck, and even the slightest touch would have her cringing and wincing away at first, until slowly realizing Seli's touch was meant to comfort her. And once such realization set in, and while she hesitated at first, she soon began to ever so slightly nudge and scoot closer to Seli, rubbing herself against Seli's hands or arms, or whichever part of the more willful Harpy that came in contact with her. Unless Seli tried to pull away, and only continued to try comforting and embracing her sister, she'd soon hear a quiet chirr coming from Eryne, as the broken Harpy meekly, submissively even, rubbed her cheek against Seli's own, or against her shoulder. By then hed tears had dried up, but they had left long red paths down her cheeks and chin, making it visible to anyone that she had recently cried.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Seli would indeed continue to try and comfort her scarred sister, whispering gently as the shattered harpy began getting comfortable with her touch. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out. I didn't mean to scare you. I just get so frustrated any time I talk about my situation that I just can't help but start yelling. " Patting the fragile harpies head, Seli would continue to try and sooth her sister. She said nothing as Eryne rubbed up against her arms nor did she say anything for a good long while. Seli didn't even raise any objections as her sister harpy rubbed her cheek up against hers. She always noticed that was how she and Mushin showed each other affection, Now she was taking part too. The pair just sat silently in her quarters for a moment longer before Seli finally spoke up again. "Are you...feeling better? I'm sorry again for my words. I just hate remembering the day I was torn away from my mother to come here. But I know my pain dosen't begin to compare to yours. You're so much stronger then me for having overcome that. Much stronger then any willful words I can say."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne would slowly, steadily even, calm down as Seli gave the broken harpy time to recover. The first time Seli spoke, Eryne remained silent, but the second time the willful harpy spoke, her sister nodded slowly, "A l-little, t-thank you...", but as soon as Seli mentioned such strong emotions such as hate, Eryne intervened, intimately so; she shifted in her seat, and pressed her lips against Seli's own. The broken harpy closed her eyes, firmly, she looked as if she fully expected getting into trouble for this, but at the same time, she didn't want to hear about such negative topics. Her arms closed gently around her more stubborn sister, she only wanted comfort and peace, was that too much to ask for?
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Seli was almost surprised she was capable of being this gentle to anyone, let alone someone she saw as a disgrace to her race. But at the same time, she couldn't stop doing everything in her power to sooth her sister harpy. At lest it sounded like she was doing better, bringing a smile to the willful younger harpies face. But before she could say anything else, Seli was pulled into a kiss with the broken harpy. Her eyes grew as wide as they could at that point, but she didn't fight it. In her mind, Seli reasoned that if this was going to help her heal, she wasn't going to push her away. No longer putting up a mental fuss, Seli closed her eyes and allowed the kiss to continue for a few moments more. Separating herself from her sister, Eryne could see that her younger sister's face was bright red and that her breathing had quickened somewhat. This was a whole new experience for the harpy maid, who had never so much as touched another person in such an intimate manner. She tightened her grip around her sister, hugging her tighter then she ever had before. "If it were up to me, I'd never let anyone hurt you again. But I have my own goals to accomplish first. But I need to be free for any of them to come true. "
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne was a little surprised that she wasn't lashed at for her sudden kiss, and while she quickly considered pulling away, but Seli's willingness to draw it out a little... The older Harpy made the most out of it, not that she tried anything further than the soft kiss, just her lips against the more willful Harpy's own. As soon as the younger of the two began pulling away though, Eryne retreated hastily, there was a crimson hue of embarassment on her cheeks, but it was more over the fact she had done such a thing without warning more so than the act itself.

As Seli embraced Eryne more firmly however, a quiet, barely audible, breath of relief escaped her lips, and she would in turn hold Seli closely. She would listen as the younger Harpy spoke, and the first part of her speech put a small smile on her lips, even if the second part made her look a little uncertain once more. "What... what kind of plans? And... why don't you speak with Mishen? Why don't you give him a chance to listen to you? He... he is a reasonable man...", she bit her lower lip, as if fearing she was walking on broken glass, as if fearing she'd make Seli angry if she continued trying to reason with the younger Harpy.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Seeing her companion be just as embarrassed about the action as she was, did calm the younger harpy down a great deal. But it still didn't hide the fact that she did willing take part. But she couldn't let her thoughts get clouded like that! She had bigger fish to fry!

Her embrace only helped to relax her wounded sister a great deal, again bringing a smile to the willful harpy. Something about this feeling seemed...soothing but also very familiar. Like she had experienced it before. Her thoughts drifted slightly to her younger days, of her hugging her mother as a child. The days before she was taken from her. But her thoughts were interrupted by the soft words of the older harpy. "For one, I want to go home. I want to see my mother again and maybe even find my father, whoever he may be. Maybe even see any siblings mother gave birth to after I was sold. She was always happiest when taking care of another. I'd also like to see her set free. So she can live out her final years in freedom rather then in chains. And on top of all that...I want a chance to see the world as my own harpy. Not as someone elses property, but as a free woman. To see the sunset from something other then my window. I'm just not sure how keen he'd be on any of that. He'd be putting his family name and reputation on the line. Much as I resent him for owning me, I wouldn't want to see him ruined."

Seli was saying all this with conviction, but all the while without raising her voice or showing a hint of malice. She was just telling a friend her dreams. Nothing more.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne nodded slowly as Seli spoke, smiling a little, she seemed to understand the younger Harpy's desire to see her mother, and perhaps new siblings. Only to look anxious as soon as Seli spoke of freeing her mother. But she remained quiet, but the concern in her eyes of attempting something like that made it clear that Eryne didn't want anything to do with such ideas, it made her anxious just thinking about such risky endeavors.

Eryne hugged Seli closer, as if to partly try to keep Seli from doing reckless things, and as if to keep herself calm; she was shivering a little, she understood some parts of Seli's hopes and dreams, but she couldn't for the life of her imagine ever going against the Gryffins. That would only lead to punishment. As Seli spoke of living a free life, to do as she herself desired, Eryne looked torn. It sounded like a wonderful thing, but... In the older Harpy's case, she could never do such a thing. She knew her place, and if anything, her place with Mishen was what made her happy.

Eryne did smile a little bit, as Seli came to the part where she considered Mishen's situation, if Seli where to do something like that. And for that, Seli found her cheek rubbed against by Eryne's own, as her broken sister murmured quietly into her ears. "I... I can understand that you want to see your mother happy. I'm sure Mishen could arrange it so that you could go and see her, and... uhm.", Eryne paused, both with her words and the cheekrubbing. The latter would begin anew before the former though, as if Eryne tried to gather her thoughts.

"I... I don't think there is any harm in asking Mishen... To voice your thoughts to him. He is a nice man, he won't be upset or angry. That... that wouldn't be like him...", Eryne's tone were confident, but did have an ever so slight tone of uncertainty to it; Seli was dreaming big after all, far bigger than Eryne ever would, and while Mishen certainly was a good and just master, the older Harpy wasn't sure how much he could, or were willing to, accomodate as far as Seli's dreams went.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

A part of Seli was happy to see that she was at least getting through to her older sister. That her desire to see home as a free woman was not an outlandish one, or even a bizarre one. It was just a natural desire a child felt after being gone from their parents for so long. Especially after being so painfully torn away from them at such a tender age. The older harpies grip around the defiant younger kin was growing tighter, as if she was trying to tell her something that didn't require words.

Seli really couldn't say anything as the broken harpy tried to get her to stay. To try and do all of what she desires, but to do so with his permission. It was a difficult decision to be sure. She could do as Eryne suggested and ask him to help, but then she may potentially lose the chance at freedom forever. And deep down, that was not something she wanted to lose. She had invested too much of herself to this goal and she was not about to abandon it now. "I...I may need time to think about that. I understand he is a good and kind man but a part of me is still wanting to do this for myself. I can...I can make my own choices! Just because I have a collar around my neck does not mean I can't make decisions on how to live my life. I'm sorry Eryne, but little sis has to leave home eventually. She can't stay locked up forever."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

The ringing of a small bell from downstairs announced the arrival of Mishen, returned from speaking with his father. A low grinding noise, that of his beak, preceded his arrival. "Eryne," it was almost a whine, "I need to talk to you..."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne wasn't sure what to say now, as Seli appeared to have renewed defiance, and solemnly nodded in resignation. She couldn't sway her younger kin, despite her efforts to do so, and it was slowly dawning on her that the only way Seli would learn, would be the hard way. Eryne didn't look happy about it, but at the same time, wasn't going to protest or voice concern any further. That didn't stop her from looking unhappy over Seli's stubborness.

That however, changed, as she heard the bell ring downstairs, and almost instinctively, without noticing it herself, she slowly slid off of her seat, finding herself walking towards the door before realizing she was just up and leaving Seli. She turned halfly, looking over her shoulder, a sullen look to her. "I... I have to go, Mishen calls for me... We'll... We'll talk more later, okay...?", and with those words, she slipped out of Seli's room, locking the door after her, and stormed downstairs in a hurry to meet up with Mishen, anxiety and worry in her eyes. "I-I'm here, Mishen, what happened? W-whats wrong?", she'd approach him meekly, arms lightly held out, as if offering to hug him, offering herself in any way that might comfort the Gryphon.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He stepped into her hug and nuzzled her shoulder. "He's being so... difficult. He has far more agents out there than I do, and they're better but he won't let me borrow any to find the one that hurt you." He sighed and looked her in the eyes, "I am so sorry, I'm doing my best but..." then he shook his head and determination crept over his features, "No, I'll find that rat bastard, I will. Now," he smiled down at her, "How did the talk go?"