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Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

With Eryne finally gone, the rebellious harpy was left to her thoughts again, a prospect she never really enjoyed, especially given the recent topics she had just discussed: Her goals. Her overwhelming desire for freedom. Her family and a whole lot more. It seemed that Eryne would fight tooth and nail, to a degree, to make sure Seli stayed in the "loving" embrace of her master Mishen. Eryne just didn't get it. She had been thoroughly broken by her years in bondage and anything outside of it was horrifying. Seli however had seen glimpses of freedom and a chance at a better life. The sky beckoned to her in all it's glory, almost taunting her every time she looked out a window. In a tiny act of defiance, the harpy would push off the ground, flapping her wings slightly so that she hovered a couple inches off the ground. This was all she could do. They could take the sky away from her, but her wings would not grow weak. They would remain strong for when she actually left.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne would embrace Mishen as much as her smaller frame could manage, and rubbed her cheek against the Gryphons cheek, or shoulder if she couldn't quite reach up. She simply nodded at first, but then cringed, her body tensing up at the mere mention of her former owner. She clinged onto Mishen, whimpering quietly, and tried to avoid eyecontact. "N-No, don't, please... Just, please, it...", she shivered, unable to get the words out. She wasn't happy about it. That reminder of her past. She just wanted to put it behind her, to move on, to be with Mishen, and be happy.

Her Masters' inquiry about her talk with Seli was heavensent. "She... she wants to be free, to see her family, even wants to set them free. She doesn't... doesn't even seem to try giving you a chance, to show her how nice you are.", Eryne paused, and she looked concerned, worried even. "She doesn't know how harsh the world can be... She's still so young, so... so inexperienced... I... You should go and talk with her. I'll go and... and make us some food, a small meal, or dinner perhaps?", the Harpy just wanted something to do, quietly, by herself. Her talk with Seli, and hearing that Mishen wasn't letting go of her past, was starting to get too much for her poor head.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

"Wait, dear," he had an idea, a foolish one perhaps but an idea all the same. "She wants to find out for herself how harsh the world is? Well, lets give it to her," he got very excited, "Let her know that you are allowed to go to the market by yourself, tell her how no one messes with you because they know who you belong to," he clacked his beak in excitement, "She'll take the bait and fly right off. I have enough spies, I can keep an eye on her. If it looks like she's going to be killed or be made unable to fly I can at least provide a distraction for her to escape. I'm sure she'll come home when she realizes how terrible it is out there. What do you think, my love? Will it work?"
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne blinked slightly as Mishen began to speak, nodding slowly at first, but gradually looked more and more anxious over his proposed idea. At the end of it, she whimpered quietly. "I... I don't know, Mishen, I don't know if it would work, and even if it does, or doesn't, I...", she leaned back, and looked up, the first few times her gaze averted the moment she looked into the Gryphons eyes, as if trying to muster up her courage.

Eventually, she spoke, stuttering a little. "I, I want no p-part of it. P-perhaps it'd work, b-but... I don't want to trick her l-like that, please... please don't make me do that to one of my sisters, I b-beg of you...", her eyes were starting to water again. She wasn't sure how such a thing would work out. Perhaps it would be good for Seli. Perhaps it wouldn't. The only thing Eryne knew was that she wanted no part in such a deception, the last thing she wanted was to misuse a fellow Harpy's trust, what little there might be of it. Still, it was entirely up to Mishen how to deal with Seli. Eryne wouldn't object to his decision, she merely wanted to not be part of it.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

"That's fine, love." He gave her a small nuzzling hug, "I'll take care of it. You won't have to do a thing." He stood and gave her a small pat on her rear, "You wanted to go start dinner, right? Let me go take care of Seli."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne let out a relieved sigh at Mishen's words, and hugged him tightly as she returned the nuzzles affectionately. "Thank you, thank you so much... Just, just be kind to her... She is still young, she still have so much to learn...", Eryne would smile faintly as she pulled back, and nodded at Mishen, "Yes, I'll go and cook us some dinner, fish perhaps? Uhm...", her worlds trailed off, almost as if there was something on the tip of her tongue, but she slightly shook her head. "I'll get to it, please, go see Seli.", with that said, the Harpy turned to head off to the kitchen to start preparing a meal for three.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Mishen took a moment to calm his excitement before he tapped on Seli's door politely. "My I talk with you some, Seli?"
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Halting her defiant flapping, Seli landed on the ground with little noise, the only sound being her claws hitting the wooden floor of her room. Hearing Mishen at the door prompted her to stop just in case he had a problem with her doingi that. "Come in. No ones stopping you."
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Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He came and planted his furry butt right on the floor. "Eryne told me she came to see you, I really want you two to get along." He smiled. "I was out with my father today hunting down her abusers. She's such a delicate case to spend time with, I want to make her even better than she is. You saw her. Do you have any ideas?"
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

"But am I really the best choice?" She said very matter of factly. "I mean, I think I scared her a couple times during our initial conversation. Though I was able to comfort her fairly quickly. I think just her being around other harpies might help. Be among her own kin. I know that's what got me through my captivity as a child. I had my mother to keep me company and she always had such a bright spirit. But why do you think I'd be good for her to spend time with?"
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

"You can help make her stronger and maybe she can help soften your anger just a little." He sighed and leaned against the wall. "She's had a rough life," he shook hia head, "I give her a lot of freedom because of it. Not enough, or some of the other man tell me. If I gave her more than what I do, she'd be too terror stricken to go anywhere. As it is, she has a free pass to the marketplace, when she can get up the courage, and if she's seen flying from this home no one even bats an eye." he ground his beak in frustration. "I want to do the same for you. I want to be able to trust you but I can't if you don't trust me." He shuffled on the floor for a moment before standing. "Just give it some thought, alright?" and he left the room. He stood on the other side of the door, hand hovering over the lock before he dropped his paw and walked away.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Soften her anger? As much as she cared for Eryne, she wasn't going to totally change her personality for her sake. But if she could help Eryne, that would be a great accomplishment. Anything to make her forget her past, and all she would need is a harpy who doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. However, the harpies ears perked at attention when he began telling her of Eryne's trips to the market. Lots of opportunity there and all she would need would be to give Eryne a little boost so she could go back. However, she couldn't go, because of the whole trust issue. At the very least, she had to respond. "I will, sir. I wouldn't want to let you down."
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Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

He walked away from the door, nerves jangling with every step. This was the moment of truth, would she take the bait? He walked down the the kitchen and closed the door loud enough for Seli to hear. "Well," he said to Eryne, "it's up to her now. All we can do it wait."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

If anything could be said about Seli, it's that you never wanted to leave her alone with her thoughts. Mushin had given her all the pieces of a rather easy puzzle and was basically handing her the solution. Wasting no time, she put the pieces together: Eryne had a free pass to the marketplace and no one batting an eyelash at a harpy belonging to Mushin. It seemed much more simple than she was making it out to be. With all that said, the young harpy made a decision she knew would change her life for the better. She was going to leave and she was going to do it tonight.

Without wasting any time, the now eager young harpy began making preparations. She'd keep her initial outfit, but she would need more layers in order to hide herself. She decided her bed sheet would make a decent enough cloak, given that the blanket was rather heavy. With all her might, she would modify the blanket to make a make-shift cloak, tying it around her neck enough to cover her collar. The moment she got out, she would find someone to remove this stupid thing. Knowing the cloak was a good idea, she untied it and placed it against a chair, ready to grab it when the time comes. She would lie down on her bed to take a short nap, ready to enact her little scheme.

--A few hours later--

Dinner was surprisingly quiet as Seli ate as quick as possible, knowing that she still had preparations to make. Volunteering to clean up, Seli would follow through with the chore, but with a secondary objective. Scouring the kitchen, she would look for a shoulder bag or whatever Eryne used to bring home food from the market. Thankfully, one such bag existed, hanging in a pantry. Snatching it, Seli would load up the bag with a couple loafs of bread and a few pieces of fruit, knowing it would be enough for the road. Her supplies secured, she rushed back to her room and grabbed her makeshift cloak, throwing it on. Her preparation complete, she would make her way to the front of their home. She took a moment and stopped at the door. She took several deep breaths, more than a little afraid of what might happen. Would her escape last for all of 6 minutes and she'd be caught? Returned to Mushin like a spoiled child who ran away from home? Would she be able to get home and find her mother, maybe even escape for good, finding freedom in some far off land? Or would the unthinkable happen and she get caught by a less than friendly individual and forced to live a life similar to what nearly broke Eryne? No matter what happened, she had to take that risk. Life was calling. Tossing open the door, the young harpy ran outside, the cool air of the growing night touching her skin. She was out! Freedom at long last!

With almost an ecstatic smile on her face, Seli stretched her wings and started flapping. She then pushed herself off the ground and began flying. First a few inches. Then a few more. Then a few feet. Then a few more. Before she knew it, she was about 20 feet off the ground, hovering high above her former home. Pushing herself toward the direction of the market place, she would fly their under the guise of a 'Shopping trip'. Should anyone try and stop her, she would fly faster, making a break towards the edge of town. If not, she would make a more leisurely trip out of town, heading in whatever direction suits her.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne had donned an apron and gotten started with the cooking by the time Mishen returned, and would look over her shoulder to him, smiling faintly. "Whatever happens, I know you did the best you could, Mishen...", she smiled up a little, as if to try brightening her masters mood a little. "I'm making us some rice and fish, with some vegetables on the side, and... and if Seli haven't left when I'm finished, I'll go and have her join us, okay?", she hummed quietly as she went back to her cooking, and soon began to humm a gentle tune; her mood was fairly good, all things considered. Cooking food was one of her favorite activities, and it had always helped her keep calm; it was one of the few times she felt at ease, that she had everything under control.

By the time Seli was done cooking, had set up the tableware, and served the food, she would put her apron aside and head out of the kitchen, to see to Seli as she had told Mishen she would do. She would knock softly on the door, wait until she got an answer or after a minute had passed, and then inform Seli that dinner was ready. Once Seli and Mishen were seated, Eryne would serve them a portion of food each unless they intervened and did it themselves, and first after that would have a seat herself and get a portion of her own. A modestly small one, as if to make sure there were enough for Mishen and Seli over getting enough herself, but would eat in silence unless spoken to.

After dinner, when Seli offered to clean the dishes, Eryne would briefly look to Mishen, but quickly looked away, then back to Seli, and smiled, saying that she'd help get Seli started, and then leave her to take care of things on her own. After having done as such, she would leave the kitchen with Mishen. As she did as much, she would for the first time in a long while show some initiative in Mishen's eyes, as she turned to look back to Seli. "Me and Mishen will be out in the back, call us if you need any help, alright?", with those words said, Eryne would a little stubbornly tug Mishen along, and head out on the porch on the back of his house. Once there, she would tug on Mishen a little, while motioning to a wooden bench there; it wasn't the first time she had acted like this, to silently tug him along back there during the evenings when the sun began to set, to simply enjoy his company. At the beginning, she had never done it, but as the two had gotten to know eachother, and she had begun to warm up to him, it had gotten more and more common.

--- A while later ---

With her preparations done, the accomodating shoulderbag filled to the brim with bread and fruit, and her makeshift cloak obtained, Seli stepped outside at the front of Mishen's home. The evening sun colored the sky in varying colors of orange and red, with naught but a handful of small clouds up there. The streets had but a bare handful of people moving about, most of them likely heading homewards for a meal and enjoying the last few hours of light before bedtime. But Seli had no such plans, she only cared about her newfound freedom. No one took any notice to the young harpy carrying a filled shoulderbag and a makeshift cloth-cloak, as she spread her wings and slowly took off from the ground.

Seli's flight would be uninterrupted, and as she flew towards the centre of the city, towards the marketplace, she thought of her mother. Her mother lived with a young noble at the other side of town, and that trip would endanger her freedom very much. Mishen's home were located not too far from the edge of the city. To the south of the city, large rolling plains and farmland could be seen from up in the air by Seli, with forest further south from there. It was also the same direction as Mishen's home. To the west lied some farmland, and then a small port town and the seas. To the north lied the home where her mother were kept, and some farmland followed by mountains further north. To the east lied large flat plains, where festivities such as knightly tournaments or circuses, or enormous markets, were usually held, and further east was a forest.

What lied beyond the sea, mountain and forest, Seli had never learned, but it was away from the city where she had grown up as a slave. Away from this place and its people that had kept her and her family caged. She was a free woman now, and it was up to her where to go, where to find herself a new life and a new home, should she decide to head off and leave everything behind.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Mishen snuggled up close to Eryne and smiled at her as the red light of sunset streamed into the garden. "Do you think I should follow her to make sure she gets out all right? I don't want her to think she's going to get caught and be marched back in chains but I want to at least keep an eye on her." He laughed, "Listen to me, I sound like a worried mother."
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

The free harpy let out a rather joyous laugh as she made her way to the center of the city. She couldn't believe it work! It had actually worked! Not only had she properly planned an escape, she was actually able to pull off the escape without a hitch and no ones noticed yet. With so many potential destination to head towards, she really had to think hard. Trying to grab her mother at this point would be suicide and any escape attempt or attempt to see her would only result in her being back in chains and marched back to Mishen. Not what she wanted. Heading south might be worth something, but there was alot of open space between her and the forests. She wasn't too eager to head that far south and she wasn't too fond of the forest. Heading west would bring her to the sea, and a port. Seli was eager to see the water and see what lies beyond the sea, but she couldn't fly over any body of water that big, no matter how strong she was. That left one option: North, towards the mountains. She liked the prospect more and more. Plenty of open space, good balance between flying and walking and a destination she was curious to see. Pushing herself to the limit, she flew north, looking to reach the mountains withing a few hours. From there, her new life awaited.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

Eryne churred contently as she and her Master snuggled up close together. She felt happy here, alone with him, watching the sky fondly. Its freedom belonged to Seli, not her. Her place was right where she was, and she wouldn't want it any other way. Mishen's words however, wasn't ones she favored very highly, but at the same time she didn't hold it against him to worry about her younger kin. She was a little worried too, after all. "If you left, I'd be all alone, Mishen...", she turned her head to look up at him, her eyes a little pleading. "If she doesn't make it outside the city, we'll surely hear about it tomorrow.", she paused a little, and looked back down. "I'm... I'm worried too, for Seli... But we can't do more than we've done already for her... can we?"


With her decision made, Seli would fly northwards. Along the way she could spot the home where she had been raised; a great mansion, surrounded by extravagant gardens. She had grown up locked inside it, and had eventually been sold to Mishen's father, and then handed over to Mishen. And then she had broken free. With dusk setting in, it wouldn't be more than a few hours of light left of the day, but it would be enough to pass over the farmlands at least, to almost reach the base of the mountain itself. The area had some very sparse forest in it, enough to keep her out of sight if she so desired, and possibly even someplace to rest if she wanted to settle down for the night. As a young Harpy used to sleeping in clean, warm beds however, the chill of the night was cutting her to the very bone. The bedcloth she had wrapped around herself was far from suitable clothing to ward off the nightly cold, as she soon would become aware of. If she were to keep herself warm, she would have to huddle up somewhere.
Re: Leaving the Nest (Aust/Chibi)

"My wise little songbird," he nuzzled at her neck, "You're right. The best we can do now is hope and wait for the first report to come in... in about a week, likely. Why don't we go celebrate our newfound privacy inside?" He leered suggestively at her.