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Left Behind (The Wierd One)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Emily woke up the morning of the event a bit later then ususal. That day of the week she had the night shift at the store, no reason to wake up at the crack of dawn when she didn't need to be at work untill 6 PM. Plenty of time to just be lazy around the house. A nice shower, then her choice of plenty of activities to keep her from being bored untill her shift started.

As luck would have it, Emily didn't turn on the TV all day, and the loud noises of evacuation and panic on the street either being drowned out by the activity of the moment or dismissed as loud neighbor kids again. Her lifestyle didn't exactly have people lining up at her apartment door to warn her about the attack in the downtown area.

These factors combined to mean that Emily had no idea something was wrong untill the ground started shaking like there was a quake and the lights flickered and died. Her building was sturdy, but the she hid under a table anyway, it was in the renters contract that you had to do your best to seek shelter, just in case. Might seem like a bad deal, but the rent was lowered in exchanged, the only way Emily could aford this top floor apartment in this suburb.

Once it was over, Emily was able to survey her apartment. Everything intact, but the electricity was out. Plumbing still worked, that was good, but most of her entertainment was knocked out. No way to get news on the quake either. Her Apartment window faced East, away from the city, and as such she couldn't even tell what had happened by looking out of it. The parking lot was oddly deserted, but that didn't ring any alarm bells just yet.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Crawling out from underneath the table, Emily noticed that although there was an earthquake, there didn't appear to be anyone else outside moving around, or panicking. Nobody was making noises in any way, and added with the fact that the power is now out, she figured that at least some people would be moving outside, confused at what was happening. The only thing she could have thought of was that somehow she missed something that made the other people evacuate the apartment beforehand. Not that that would be too surprising, considering her lifestyle, and how she keeps in contact with nobody. Seeing as there was nothing else to do in this situation, she decided to see if there was anyone else outside of her apartment, and maybe even ask them if something is going on.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

The hall was deserted. Seeing as Emily's apartment was on the top floor, any hustle and bustle would be hard to detect from up here anyway. The stairway was empty. There were no elevators in this building, but they wouldn't be working anyway.

As Emily went down the stairs in search of people, she noticed each floor was totally deserted. No one in the halls, all doors shut with lights off, not like the lights would be on with the power out, but it was still very much creepy. Generally, the stairs didn't have much traffic anyway, but the whole multitude of changes were really something that could wear the nerves down.

At the lobby, the ususal attendant wasn't there. There was generally one person on duty at all times. Sometimes certain ones would take a break, but something still wasn't quite right. The thought occured to Emily that if the attendant had been here recently, he would have rang her to tell her something was wrong. Not out of friendship, but out of company policy.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

As Emily walked along she thought to herself what the hell is going on? Where is everybody... and why would they just suddenly leave? With only the sounds of her footsteps in the apartment it did some a little creepy to her. She often found herself looking over her shoulder to imagined sounds. When she got to the were the attendants should be she noticed they were gone too. Sighing she briefly wondered why nobody had told her about leaving the building. Then she realized they could have just completely forgotten about her.... given her seclusive lifestyle. Leaning on the front desk she waited for about 10 minutes seeing if the attendant had just gone to the bathroom. Still finding the whole situation odd and somewhat creepy Emily kept an eye out for something unusual having no idea what was going on. If no one shows up then Emily would proceed to take a look outside to see if there was anything different from the last time she had been out.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

The ten minutes passed in erie silence. Not a sound was heard for most of the wait, only the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. As Emily went outside to get a better grasp of the big picture, she heard a far away sound that caught her ear. Faint sounds of gunfire.

The sound continued as she surveyed the parking lot. Only one car was left in the lot, lots of papers blowing around for some reason. The lot faced East, and as such, Emily could not see the city behind her, though the sky in that direction around the edge of the apartment building looked a bit funny.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily quietly said to herself, "What the hell happened here?" She looked through the parking lot noticing that there was only one car now. The papers blowing around seemed odd to her as well. When she thought she could hear faint sounds of gunfire it piqued her curiosity, although she had no idea if it really was gunfire. Even if it seemed like a bad idea to her, she wanted to look to see what was going on. Cautiously she would walk around the apartment building to see if it was possible to look at what was going on in the city. It at least seemed like a better idea then sitting in her apartment, having no idea what was going on and unexpected earthquakes were happening.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Around the side of the building. Emily got a good look at the city from across the freeway. The city was practically on fire, many buildings burning, large chunks missing here and there. The freeway itself was not in much better shape, jammed with burnt out wrecks of vehicles, facing every direction possible. The sight was hard not to stop and stare it in awe.

The strange thing was that all was silent. Emily couldn't see any people or movement of any sort. It was if the people had just vanished!
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily stared at the city in confusion. Asking to no one in particular she said out loud, "How the hell... did this happen?" Possibilities raced through her head. Terrorists? A war? Some type of government experiment? Because of her seclusive lifestyle, she wouldn't exactly know which one of these possibilities would be the most likely. Staring at everyone for a while, fully taking in the sight, she realized that she could not just stay here. Seeing as how everything was on fire, she wouldn't know how long it might take for her own apartment to catch on fire. The only thing she could think of doing now was go into the city and seek help, or just try to escape from here if she could.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

The surrounding was surprisingly unhelpful in making her descision. Fleeing would be hard without preparation, and finding help would be very hard. Not everyone in the wastes would be friendly, and if Emily didn't find anyone she'd be in the same boat as if she ran for the hills with no supplies with the added bonus of wasting alot of time.

The best bet was probably to search the immediate area for some basic supplies, a little food, maybe something for self defense, those sort of items. There was her apartment block, and two more like it, then a small gas station, though that looked a bit looted. Was kind of hard to tell what would be the best place to search.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Seeing the city in its current state, Emily did realize that she would need supplies. Knowing that her apartment was at least safe enough for her to walk through it without incident, the first place she thought of checking was going back into her own apartment to look for anything she could use. What she had in mind was pretty much anything she could use, like canned food and even just a weapon like a knife. Whatever happened to the city, seeing it in its current state she realized it was probably very dangerous to be outside alone and unarmed now. After she had searched through her own apartment, she would see what items the other buildings had.
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Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Kitchen knifes were one of the best weapons no one ever thought about. Everyone has them, including Emily. Infact, hermits were even more likely to own some, as no one ever cooked for them. Grabbing one would make an good basic defense.

As Emily was looking around her own apartment, she heard noises from the floor below her. Someone else was still here!
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily decided to take the kitchen knife and hide it for now. She wondered if this was just some person like her, that has no idea what was going on, and was looking for supplies. She also wondered if it was some type of terrorist, seeing what happened to the city that doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to her. Taking a moment to decide what to do, she thought about trying to sneak up on the other person, and see if they had any weapons on them, basing her next action on if they did or did not.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily went down the one flight of stairs to the floor the noise was comming from. An apartment door was open, she slowly crept up to it and looked in. A man was facedown on the coffee table, the apartment in ruins. The man seemed to be almost dead, very shallow breathing. He didn't seem to be armed.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily made sure that the guy didn't have a weapon. From what he was doing, to her he seemed hurt. Even though she wasn't sure what caused this to him, She decided that she should probably help him, but still approached him cautiously. Still approaching cautiously, she was ready to use the knife in case something happened. Looking from side to side as she sneaked into the room, she wondered if there were other people inside that did this to the man, and if this was even a good idea. Still she pressed on slowly, ready to run or fight if she saw other people inside.
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Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Order Roll

Emily 5+30 = 35
Infected 18+20 = 38

Emily slowly worked her way next to the man. As she got closer, he seemed to respond to her presence, opening his eyes and letting out a raspy moan of pain. He seemed rather nonthreatening as she began to give him a once over to check for the exact cause of him problem.


14+40 = 54 vs 58 = 15+43

Suddenly, without warning, the man got a burst of strength and attempted to latch onto to Emily's arm. The man is still in alot of pain, however, and misses as he cringes back.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Seeing the man in so much pain Emily did not think of him as a threat. She even let her guard down when she saw that there was nowhere else in the room. When he lunged at her she was caught by surprise, narrowly avoiding having her arm grabbed. Yelling at him in surprise and anger she said, "What the hell are you trying to do?" She could tell by his lunge that he was still in a lot of pain. Even if he did seem like a threat she didn't exactly want to kill an injured man. Emily showed him her knife in a threatening manner as she backed up towards the door and said, "Stay back or I'll stab you, piece of shit."

(I dunno attempt to flee while on the defensive?)
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Escape Attempt

16+30 = 46 vs 38 = 18+20

The man can't get up to attack Emily, and she manages to get to the door while he's still rolling around on the bed. He's much more active now, growling like an animal. His skin was a bit greenish she could see now, and a bit rough, like scales.

The man eventually manages to get up and regain his footing. He leers at Emily and starts to lurch her direction.

(As you've already passed the escape check, just shut the door on him if you don't want to deal with him)
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Before Emily shuts the door she says to the man, "Bye bitch!" and proceeds to slam it in his face. After slamming the door, she takes some time to think about what she saw. The behavior of the man almost made it seem like he was some sort of sick person, growling like an animal, and having greenish skin, plus a normal person wouldn't lunge at people when they seemed to be in that much pain. It reminded her of a zombie. Seeing what's happened to the city, it didn't really seem like it could be far from the truth, although she'd expect to see more zombies. Emily thought about opening up the door to get a closer look at him, but decided She really didn't want to have to deal with the guy again and just kept the door shut. Going back up to her apartment she looked to see if she had some type of bag lying around, preferably a backpack, to carry food and supplies in.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

In the back of her room, Emily found an old duffle bag. Any food in a container could be safely and easily transported using it, as long as the crushables were seperated from any heavy objects. Besides the food, which was a clear choice, there really wasn't much else for the girl to take with her. Some valuable objects might be nice, but they'd just get in the way, their only end value being what she could sell or trade for them.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

(( I'm assuming she had gathered up food by your post and separated them if she hasn't, then I guess just kinda pretend she did? =D ))

Gathering up some supplies in her bag, she figured this might last her a few days if she was careful with it. She decided to go outside again and check the car for anything valuable, like a better weapon then her knife, or maybe even if the car worked, before she moved on to the next apartments. Figured she might as well see if she can better arm herself, or get a car for transport seeing as she might be up against some type of zombies or something.