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Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

As Emily got back outside, she could hear the gunshots again, closer this time. Everything was still as she left it from before. The car was unlocked, but no key or anything valueable in it, clean owner.

Suddenly a noise caught the girl's attention. There was a gas station about a block down the road. A loud, explosiony sound had just happened there. She could see it from her current position, and all seemed normal, pumps intact, winodws intact, no bodies, no movement. However, something had just happened there, that was for sure.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily curiosity piqued at the explosion. Even though it didn't seem like a good idea to go near it, she wondered what happened. She wondered if there was someone over there that needed help, or if it was the military, or maybe even a militia. The last time she had tried to help someone they ended up being a zombie, and seeing how much the city has changed since she last saw it though, going towards unexplained explosions seemed like a bad idea that could easily get you killed. Not knowing how to hotwire a car, she decided to just leave the car alone. She decided to just continue on the path to the other apartments to look for anything else she could use, ignoring the explosion.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

It was a short trip to the next building. Nothing saw her quick movement. The lobby was much the same as her own building's. However, this was the main block, as such, the building was a few stories taller and had a basement. From the stairs down, Emily could hear water gushing out of a pipe and a faint "splash splash splash" sound. While not the most encouraging sound, it did stand out from the dead silence of the stairwell and apartments above.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Seeing as how when Emily went to go help someone she got ambushed, she didn't think it was a good idea to go down in the basement to investigate some splash sounds. In fact, she even checked to see if there was a door to the stairs she could close while checking through the building. If nothing of incident happened while she did that, she would go on to check through the apartments for more supplies/a better weapon.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

There was a heavy metal door at the bottom, hard to close with so much water down there, but Emily managed. Then it was back up the stairs to search.

There was no easy way to tell if a given apartment would have something good. Emily had to settle for checking all of them, floor at a time. The second floor had ten apartments, all nondescript, nothing of value, durring a disaster such as this. Some had better food that what she'd brought, and Emily could switch it out, but had no room to carry more. She could keep searching the building in hopes of finding something, or give up on the apartments.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily sighed at her success. She was hoping to at least find a better weapon before she set out. Deciding to check the next floor, and if it had no success she would set out, she headed towards the next floor.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

The next floor was much the same. These were some boring people living here, nothing out of the ordinary. Sure, a flashy TV here and there, but once again, no good right now. Emily had just reached the staircase again when she heard the gunfire again. Closer this time, it sounded right on this block. Almost like a running battle, comming this way!
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Hearing the gunshots, Emily thought it might be the military or maybe even just some militia that was coming to help people. Then again the alternatives in her mind were maybe bandits, or even some type of raiders. She decided to take her chances, anyway, although cautiously. Leaving the apartment as silently as she could, she tried to pinpoint the exact location of the gunfight, and observe what was happening from as far away as possible.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

By the time Emily reached the bottom landing, the gunfire had stopped. From the lobby, she could see the parking had changed dramatically. Three fresh dead bodies were right outside the door. Civilians, like herself, but armed, gangsters probably. Whatever they had been shooting as was gone, however.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily's eyes widened at the sight. She knew there was nothing she could do, for them as they all alerady seemed dead, but seeing all these people dead, she suddenly realized just how very vulnerable she was in the city by herself. Something had killed these people that were far more heavily armed then she was, and to boot there was more then one. Also, she had never dealt with the sight of someone that was dead, not even in a coffin, as she pretty much ditched all close relatives and friends at a relatively young age, much less in this suitation. It took her some time to wake up, and realize that she had to move on. After some slow steps forward she realized that they might have still have their guns on them that she heard them shooting earlier, but couldn't make herself approach the bodies to check, and instead could only look at the places near their bodies from inside the building if she could at first, then to go outside and look.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

One gun was clearly visible, even from inside. A nice shiny foreign made assault rifle, the kind gangs liked as trophy weapons. She could snatch it without getting to close the dead, but it was probably out of ammo, and just one full mag would not be near enough against monsters. Emily would have to suck it up and search the dead if she really wanted to use it.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

As Emily saw the gun on the ground, she slowly realized that she'd need more ammo then what was in it if she planned to use it. Emily gulped when she realized that she would have to search the bodies for more ammo. Going outside of the building, she slowly approached the one that looked like they were closest to the gun. Before picking the gun up, she worked up enough courage to search the body if there was any ammo, although her hands seemed to tremble and she looked away from the body as much as possible.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Despite her fear, things went smoothly, at first. She got the gun no problem, then found three extra mags in the man's coat. However, then she found something else, his wallet. Pictures of the man's family fell out and scattered on the pavement, due to Emily's shakey hands, driving home the point of what was happening.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Due to Emily trying to stare away from the body as much as possible, she instantly noticed the wallet that dropped out of his coat with the pictures of a family in it scattered across the pavement. A feeling of guilt and dread came upon Emily, and she had a strong urge just to put the gun and ammo down right now. Even though she knew that he could no longer use it, it felt like she was stealing from him. She fought back the urge to just drop everything and go on her way. Sighing Emily looked at the bodies, it didn't exactly feel right to just leave them there, espicially the man that she stole the mags from, but she knew this was nothing she could do for them. The only thing she could think of doing for him is taking one of the pictures that looked like it had the whole family in it, and deliver the bad news to them if she had to. After this she didn't have the mental fortitude to look through the other's bodies, and decided this was enough ammo to get her through the city.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

The area was dead silent once more. Emily was alone with the dead bodies, the wind slowly whipped around her. It was about time to decide what to do when she heard something else again. A small skittering noise, comming for a the next apartment block, second floor, near an open window.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily took one last look at the bodies before leaving. Making sure the gun was loaded, she headed towards were she heard the skittering noise. If it wasn't a person, and she didn't think it was, she'd be ready to blow the bitch away.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

The lobby of this apartment building was deserted, as was the norm. The stairwell had a faint trail of... something going up it. Sticky and white, with a splash or two of the colors red, green, and yellow here and there, as if something had dripped into the first spill. The trail lead up to the second story and into an open door, roughly from where the noise had been comming from. Emily could still hear it. Sometimes it sounded like rustling papers, and other times like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Emily went ahead to the cause of the noise. Even though she thought this wasn't a good idea, she wondered if she could help someone, like how she may have been able to help the three dead people... even though she knew she would have ended up dead herself if she had. Plus since she now had a gun instead of just a kitchen knife boosted her confidence and courage. Moving forward, Emily hoped she wouldn't have to witness anything else like the scene she had before.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

Stealth Check

1+13+15 = 29 vs 50 = 20+30 FAIL


20+43 = 63 vs 62 = 19+43

As Emily gets in the door way, a giant spider is waiting for her. It's atleast six feet long, dripping with a white substance. Unfortunately, she doesn't have long to take this in, as the thing pounces her to the ground out in the hallway.
Re: Left Behind (The Wierd One)

As the spider leaped on Emily she yelled "Ahh, fuck!" Realizing what had just happened Emily went wide eyed with surprise and terror. Flailing about, she attempted to unload her gun on the spider on top of her, more out of fear then anything else.