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Left4Dead Infected vs Killing Floor Specimens

Left4Dead Infected vs Killing Floor Specimens

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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Left 4 Dead vs Killing Floor
Or more specifically, the enemies in each vs each other​

Leave off arguing which game you think is better. I've put a bit of thought into this already, but I wondered at what other people that had played both games thought. I personally believe that, on the whole, the Killing Floor enemies are a little more dangerous in game, but that the zombies from Left 4 Dead would win against any of their immediate equals. Keep in mind that when I speak of difficulty, I tend to think of both games as played on Normal difficulty.

So, without further do~
The Infected vs the Clots


The Hunter vs the Gorefast


The Boomer vs the Bloat


The Witch vs the Stalker (this is probably the flimsiest and most one sided match up, but I couldn't think of who else to put either of them with)


The Smoker vs the Husk


The Jockey vs the Crawler


The Charger vs the Scrake


The Spitter vs the Siren


The Tank vs the Fleshpound


And, because Left 4 Dead doesn't really have an equivalent for him,
The Whole Team vs the Patriarch

Re: Left4Dead Infected vs Killing Floor Specimens

I believe that left 4 dead has superior low teir creatures, such as clots v infected, infected being more numerous and considerably faster with clots being only marginaly stronger. Then gorefest, bloats, crawlers and stalkers things are reasonably average but the extra speed and knockdowns allow for teamwork between zombies that allow them to win.

With the upper teirs of creatures though, while the siren is arguably useless i'm going to assume it deals damage to other zombies, making it immensly powerfull and breaks the knockdowns of the infected where the witch is just an above average combat unit. Scrake has better toughness and damage than a charger making it reasonably superior. things between tanks and fleshpounds are hard to measure but they are of comparible toughness and although the tank easily wins in damage output there are far more fleshpounds and the small attacks sending them into a frenzy would do a lot to make up the damage difference.

in the end the higher teir creatures of killing floor more than make up for the slight deficiencies of their weaker members.
Re: Left4Dead Infected vs Killing Floor Specimens

Oh boy, here we go :3 Kinda a good thing ya didn't put Resident Evil in as a 3rd hat, all things considered, but I'll toss in my input:

ROUND 1 - The Clots vs. the Standard Infected
At least when it comes to Killing Floor, the numbers are less numerous at once however the effect of clots is very similar to the party here. Add in that Clots can survive several bodyshots of low-perk characters of many of the classes (it's only when your perks get higher, that you really start to mow em down) so they can still be threatening. Add in that they grab onto survivors, keeping them from running away- you get grabbed by 2 or 3 Clots, and whatever nastier creatures with them will surely finish the stuck target before they can claw away themselves.

In comparison, Standard Infected make up for deficiency of quality by quantity. There's a literal fuckton of zombies-rabies victims in comparison to Clots, to the point where the ingame term for them is the Horde. The most basic pistol, smg, and shotgun can easily level these, sometimes in bloody swathes, but they are everywhere, and they want nothing more then to pummel you into the ground. Efficientcywise, however, they serve nothing more then as a distraction for the more-specialized strains to take them down.

Personal winner: CLOT, because of it's ability to latch on and slightly more survivability as a enemy in comparison to the 'sneeze at me I fall apart' Horde.

ROUND 2 - Gorefast vs. Hunter

Well this is an odd pairing o,o Well, guess I'll go with Gorefast first. Gorefasts are essentially a varient of the Clot, cept a tad stronger and of course, that bigarse blade that can cleave in an arch. Additionally, when they sence a survivor is near, they start running frightfully fast (Thier name is based off those two traits, after all- they gore you, rather fast).

Hunters, meanwhile, are more ambush predators. They tend to lurk at a specific vantage point before pouncing, and if they show enough intelligence, they'll leap at targets isolated, or towards the back of a panicked team. After pouncing, it's pinning and ripping them a new one until dislodged or the target is dead. Efficient, but slightly less mainstream of a enemy as the Gorefast.

Personal winner: HUNTER. Even though it's more specialized and requires a good ambush to be efficient, it's sheer agility allows it to attack at odd angles, whereas the Gorefast is yet another rank-and-file scrub in comparison.

ROUND 3 - Bloat vs Boomer

Here's a good pair, as thier functions are similar :D Bloats, admittedly, have a lot more fat on em, and thus can take much more punishment. Instead of puking prehorimones, it actually spits painful acid, making it much more a threat by itself instead of relying on cover by someone else or ambush, and when it dies (unless it bleeds out) it explodes into more of that armor-eating acid. The only one able to take the puke in stride are Berserkers and Medics, making him a very dangerous creature.

Boomers, as mentioned partly in the Bloat entry, are much weaker, but are also slightly more agile in comparison. They can puke far further, but it doesn't do as much damage as the Bloat. Instead, the puke attracts the Horde, making more zombies piled forward after a target coated in goo (the sciency explanation is the modified puke mixes with body excrements of the victim, creating an attracting cocktail of prehorimones.) Once again though, like the Horde that serves it, a light breeze will cause the Boomer to explode.

Personal winner: BLOAT. Boomie's nice with it's minion spawning, but for raw damage by itself, the Bloat stands out more.

ROUND 4 - Stalker vs Witch

Personally, woulda said Siren vs Witch, because then it'd be who's more emo *shrugs*

Stalkers are yet another of KF's 'trash' mobs, a science experiment for making a stealth soldier (the map Wyre is based off a lab where the Stalkers were created). They're invisible until they try to claw at you, at which point they flash into existence before disappearing again. They're often collateral damage in combat with other specimens in your standard bullethold though, and add in that Commandos are given visors to spot cloaked Stalkers and the Patriach, meaning if the team has Commandos to watch out, the power is severely gimped on these surprise attackers. Stalkers, ironically, are also a bit of the fanservice infected, often wearing skimpy outfits for holidays and speaking rather provocative phrases as they taunt their target.

In comparison, we have the Witch, a living land mine. Sobbing quietly to herself, the Witch just wants to be left alone. However, those nasty survivors shine lights into her face, make loud noises, get too close, and she gets angry. REAL ANGRY. Witches can do one-hit downs (and even Instakills on higher difficulties) and will chase relentlessly their target until death of her or them. Oddly, after killing their victim, Witches tend to flee the scene. As a random sidenote, Witches seem to like the smell of sugar, resulting in witch infestations of a certain sugar factory.

Personal winner: WITCH. Just... turn that flashlight off >_>;

ROUND 5 - Husk vs Smoker

Husks are actually the last infected added to the game, not counting fanmade mutations. Firing fireballs and having some relatively decent health himself, Husks tend to stay back and pelt with fire while approaching, and while they deal a good whallop up close, the fire is by far the biggest concern. Luckily you can fake a Husk's aim out and Firebugs are immune to Husks (but can accidentally cause splash damage to ignite allies, not to mention STEAL THE HUSK'S GUN AND USE IT THEMSELVES), but the threat of fireballs raining on your head remains.

Smokers are similar, however work differently. Taller then any other infected, the smoker uses it's mutated tounge (plus some of it's intestines) to tie up a survivor and strangle the life out of them, while also dragging them back to him. Smokers also breathe a rather disgusting mix of toxins, which while painful to ingest and partly block a survivor's sight, is not really threatening by itself. Once again though, the smoker's greatest weakness is a few short shots will quickly cause it to expire, especially true as the dragging of a survivor often leaves him exposed.

Personal winner: HUSK. Killing stuff with fire > long ranged cunnilingus. Not to mention the Amazing Mechanical Man version <3

ROUND 6 - Crawler vs Jockey

Yet ANOTHER trash mob (one good stroke against the Horde is the variation of the trash, kinda like Special Infected, but each having an ability in Killing Floor), the Crawler, well, crawls around, thanks to being part-man part-spider. It's able to jump a fair distance (think Minecraft Spider lunging) and it's low profile gives Berserkers and people with tunnel vision a hard time, but otherwise it's VERY easy to kill (finally a specimen that's paper enough to compare to!).

Oh god, Jockeys. Like the Crawler, low profile. However, unlike the Crawler Jockeys jump on someone and, using thier body weight and clawing to stear, causes a Survivor to stumble away, usually towards the nearest hazard in an attempt for a suicidal blitz. Jockeys tend not to down by themselves, but the sheer 'OMG GET IT OFF!' moment caused by the Jockey tends to make up for it's often one-shotness.

Personal winner: JOCKEY. Give it Aran Ryan's voice (or leave it at it's hyena-style mad laughter) and it's freakin disturbing. Crawlers, however, are slight footnotes.

ROUND 7 - Scrake vs Charger

'Oh god, chainsaw massacre time.' The Scrake is the hardiest specimen of the team, taking the most punishment even in comparison to Fleshpounds, but have a weakness to explosives. When they take around half their damage, they start charging at someone. When they get inrange, they start preforming sutures with their chainsaw. And yes, it does hurt.

Chargers are also one of the more sturdier Infected. Their main attack is charging forth, grabbing survivors (and smacking all the other ones away) with their large mutated arm, them smacking them around until they die or the target dies. Chargers also have a decent smack (better then Smoker and Boomer's girly slap) but more often then not the Charge is the true weapon.

Personal winner: CHARGER. While the Scrake can take the punishment, the Charger is able to disrupt many more people. KARMAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa....

ROUND 8 - Siren vs Spitter

Sirens were the only 'ranged' (I use that word loosely) specimen of the group, and attack using screams loud enough to cause physical pain to the people nearby (and frits out explosives). For some reason this attack doesn't damage other specimens- maybe it's a specific frequency? (or just game balance). Sirens aren't too strong, but if they get close enough to yell at you, it HURTS.

Spitters meanwhile fire proper projectiles, an acidic bile that very similar to the Bloat up there does heavy damage. This spit can hit farther ranges though, thanks to the mortar-like fire, and the puddle can seperate medics from downed survivors, cause pairsomes to seperate for Hunter/Charger/Jockey assaults, and other situations.

Personal winner: SPITTER. The acidic puddle does FAR worth damage, not nessisarily directly either.

ROUND 9 - Tank vs Fleshpound

Proper boss vs miniboss :D FIGHT!

Tanks are HUGE, have a lot of hit points, throw rocks that make everyone die (not literally but can happen), and one HELL of a right hook. Making up for it are it's slow speeds, relatively rudimentary intelligence (SMACK EVERYTHING UNTIL IT DEAD) and it's tendency to cause friendly fire to other specimens though, the Tank is a threat for preeeetty much everyone.

Fleshpounds, meanwhile, were an experiment for creating the ultimate soldier, with tons of adrenal systems installed and plenty of steroids and other drugs to buff em up. Don't ask me where the hand blenders come in. After taking a certain threshold of damage (or being in eye contact for a while), Fleshpounds will go into a rage, the adrenal pumps going off and allowing Fleshie to go frighteningly fast, stomping through everything in it's way to smack the player around, often raging again after getting inrange from turning into a bullet magnet.

Personal winner: TANK. It's the biggest badass in it's world, Fleshie still has one more creature badder...

ROUND 10 - 'Finale' Situation vs Patriach

I figured, to make it more 'official', I'd compare Left 4 Dead's Finale encounters (instead of all the infected themselves) versus the Patriach, because that is essentially what both are, the Final Boss.

The 'Finale' is a special case where the Survivors, in order to be rescued, have to make a TON of noise, attracting enough infected to create a really nuts 'last stand'. Whether it be generators, a rock concert, a bombing run, or simply radioing for help (Left 4 Dead's finales were a tad flimsy, eh?), this usually attracted everything to you while you either held out or did simple tasks. Usually the finales are split between Horde Wave > Tank >Horde Waves > Tank > Mad Dash to Rescue Craft as Everything Comes After You. Sadly formulaic but still one hell of a thing to live through.

On the other hand...

Kevin Clamely, the Patriarch's original identity, was the CEO and founder of Horzine Biotech, the company responsible for the outbreak in London. He was hired by the government to create the perfect soldier—something that wouldn't experience pain or fear, and wouldn't question or reason. London was to be used as a staging ground—a test of Horzine's accomplishments. Kevin thought of the clones as his "children" and "family" because they were the only companions he had left.

Sergeant Masterson was Horzine's last project before the outbreak. He escaped from the Biotics Labs below the city through the sewer system to the city above, hoping that he could rebel against his mad creators. Sadly, this is what Kevin wanted all along; Masterson led his soldiers into combat, and they were killed just as Kevin had planned. With the British Disaster Response Force eliminated, nobody could stand in the way of the clones.

Horzine's methods were deemed too immoral even for such a controversial project, and were shut down. However, the project didn't want to be shut down. In a second complex deep underneath the city of London, the experiments continued.

Eventually, he realized that his work was in jeopardy. His scientists were leaving and he feared that someone may reveal his secret work to a world that wouldn't understand or even allow it. In a final act to save his dream, he asked the remaining scientists to take the most advance pieces of technology at their disposal, and use the methods they had perfected over the course of their work to implant them into him:

* An updated version of the cloaking device used on project Stalker
* Three modified neuro-stimulation systems similar to those used on project Guardian
* A nerve-controlled weapons platform on his left arm.

Finally, he underwent the same "gene-enhancing" process that all the specimens underwent, but with all the safeties off and the process running at full capacity. As Kevin walked out of the test chamber, he knew he had become as perfect as any human could hope to be.

When humans started murdering his "children", he knew that it was time to take the fight to them. Armies fell before him, none seemed to be able to kill him, or even harm him. He would continue his work alone, and create and protect more of his specimens until the day someone could finally work out how to kill him.

This leaves us with the Patriach, a bad motherhumper with a Rocket Launcher, a Chaingun, cloaking devices, mutated close combat weapons, and the ability to call some of his 'children' into the fight to distract survivors until he can heal. Final boss material here, folks.

Personal winner: THE PATRIACH. While the finales, at times, can be atmospheric and awesome, they just can't stand up to the sheer 'you gon git fuk'd' mentality of a Patriach encounter. That and the Patriach has some pretty awesome lines.
