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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Berry takes a deep breath and gathers her courage before dashing forward with her wand-holding arm outstretched. She nimbly dodged every root that lashed out at her and chanted the incantation needed to summon Sparks from the tip of her wand and jabs it at the stem at the base of the Jack-O-Lantern at point-blank range. The tiny embers flood into the center of the main stem and sever it from the giant Jack-O-Lantern. This caused a small domino effect starting with all of the surrounding roots to collapse lifelessly on the spot. In turn, Lynn's items were now visible amongst the dead vines. Lynn was still stuck being ravaged inside the giant Jack-O-Lantern, which was starting to sprout out new roots to regain it's vital nutrients it needs to survive.

What should Berry do?:

A. Attempt to finish off the Jack-O-Lantern using:

-1. One of Lynn's items (Wooden Sword, Ember Seeds, Power Bracelet LV1)

-2. One of her own spells.

B. Other ideas?
Re: Legend of Lynn

2- Big bang attack!!!
Re: Legend of Lynn

A 1&2: Pick up and dump ALL OF DEM Ember seeds all over the Pumpkin; then promptly proceed to add fuel to the fire and spam Ember at close range.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Berry grabs the Seed Satchel and dumps ther remaining Ember Seeds onto the Jack-O-Lantern. They start to burn outside it, but it didn't even burn through the outside of the pumpkin. However, some of the flames did make their way inside the Jack-O-Lantern and burn Lynn.

What should Berry try and do now?:

A. Attempt to finish off the Jack-O-Lantern using:

-1. One of Lynn's items (Wooden Sword or Power Bracelet LV1)

-2. One of her own spells.

B. Other ideas?
Re: Legend of Lynn

B. Take bracelets jump in pumpkin and try to rip Lynn out of the pumpkin, and kick off Ember on the insdes of the pumpkin.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Berry sees the bracelet and remembers Zafia's description of what it did;

'Remember that bracelet I gave you? I found it in here when I first settled down in here. When worn, it grants the wearer the ability to lift large, heavy objects.'

Remembering this, Berry equips the bracelet and attempts to rip the top off the Jack-O-Lantern and grab Lynn from inside, but ends up lifting the entire Jack-O-Lantern instead.

What should she do?:

A. Smash the Jack-O-Lantern.

B. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A smash the bastard, then when Lynn falls out of it, catch her like a lover, kissing her passionately after doing so.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A: no need to explain why.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Berry hoists up the entire Jack-O-Lantern up over her head and throws it at the wall. The Jack-O-Lantern makes crashes into the wall, causing it to smash and splatter into several pieces. Lynn lands on her back with a splat onto the pumpkin remnants, unconscious. A mystical glow appears in the center of the room as the vegetation in the room starts to rapidly die and decay.

What should Berry do now?:

A. Inspect the glow.

B. Tend to Lynn (be specific).

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

I'm gonna vote B - check on Lynn and figure out why she's unconscious. Is it because she got thrown into the wall, scorched by the Ember Seeds, fucked silly by the Jack O'Lantern, or some more sinister and mystical soul-drainage?