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Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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<Presume the setup to be as simple but well equipped bedroom, or anything similiar that you desire and could be in a fortress>
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Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Secluded Bedroom
Tag: Asheroth

Lior staggered into the room, flopping on the bed the moment the door was closed behind them. "Ughhhh..." She ran her hands over her face before sitting up again. Her boots clunked to the floor, as did most of her armor and trappings leaving only her tight bodysuit outlining her average frame. She began to stretch out her arms and shoulders now that they were free from the weight. "Asheroth, do you think you could undo the zipper on my suit back there? I'm afraid I'm a bit stiff after all of today's commotion." Lior wasn't lying, so much as she was embellishing the truth a bit. Even if Asheroth figured it out, it'd come across more flirtatious than manipulative.

The truth was Lior really was exhausted. She didn't have much left in her other than cuddling and some pleasant conversation. Plans could change though. Asheroth was proof of that with her sexy chivalrous attitude.
Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Tag: Lior

Asheroth wasn't too far behind Lior when they walked into her room, a grin appearing on her face as she watched the priest jump one the bed. "Yeah, it has been a long day, hasn't it?" The Paladin sat on the edge of the bed, next to her, letting out a sigh of her own.

"Huh? Oh, certainly." Ash over a bit to her side, and grabbed the zipper on her suit, pulling it down. "There you are..." Asheroth began peeling her own armor off, leaving it in a neat pile next to her, leaving her in simple garments, as she snuggled under the covers. "Lior, you mind telling my who you worship?" She asks suddenly, the thought nagging her the entire day.
Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Secluded Bedroom
Tag: Asheroth

If there was a primordial word or phrase that could induce muteness entirely and immediately in whoever heard it, the question "Lior, you mind telling my who you worship?" would be the opposite of it. For Lior at least. It might've just been a trick of the light but it seemed Lior was actually glowing slightly at the question being asked. Naked and smiling, She crawled over on the bed to where Asheroth was taking off her armor.

"Why Asheroth, I thought you'd never ask~ I would be happy to tell you. No, more than happy. It would be me great pleasure. I worship the great, the indomitable, the irrepressible Sethie, goddess of order and evangelization." Lior began to gently trace her fingernail across Asheroth's neck as she spoke. There was a clarity to her tone, like a silver bell, or a speech polished to a shine. "Her domain is that which commands the meek and brings the outsider into the fold. You'd fit right in with your sense of duty and honor. You should really consider it. Maybe say a few prayers, reach out to the mother of crusades."

Lior is using the Command spell which forces Asheroth to make an (easy) DC 17 will saving throw or obey.
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Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Tag: Lior

"Sethie? I don't believe i've heard of her. Is she a local deity from your homeland?" The Paladin found it odd that she didn't know anything of this Goddess, considering how well schooled she was on religion. If or when she had the chance, perhaps she should research this 'Sethie' a bit?

Will Save:

"I thank you for your offer, but my allegiance remains with Iomedae. She let me in despite my image and l-" Asheroth stopped speaking suddenly, a newly formed frown on her face. "Lior... did you just attempt to cast a spell on me?" No, she had to be mistaken... Yet, she knew an enchantment spell when she heard it. What was this Cleric trying to do to her?
Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Secluded Bedroom
Tag: Asheroth

An unfortunate but not unexpected turn of events. It wasn't often her quarry could notice the spell being used. Lior kept her gaze even as she explained. "It was but a nudge in in that direction Asheroth. My goddess is one of conversion after all. I do hope you don't think less of me for it. Doing otherwise would be against my vows." Her tone was softened but not too apologetic. Lior continued to trace patterns on Asheroth's back as the woman removed the last of her clothes. "It only would've had you speak with her." Lior did feel a bit bad now that she thought about it. From Asheroth's perspective, it was pretty insensitive. That didn't stop her though.

"Sethie is rather unknown to most people. It's a shame really. She has a place for all under her wing. Teiflings like yourself would receive no discrimination from her followers. Knowing you, you'd likely rise fast in her favor. You are a remarkable woman." Her finger lightly traced the curves of Asheroth's horns, almost reverently. Lior had trained for the use of silent spells. until now, she'd hadn't felt much reason to use them but Asheroth was proving... difficult to convince.

Lior silently casts Eagle's Splendor, giving her +4 to charisma. While no relevant numerical effects are active, it would mean she is slightly more convincing than before.
Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Tag: Lior

"You say that you are only following this "Sethie's" wishes, yet are you not the one who chose to worship her and her domains? Using magic to influence others into worship, is outright despicable. Why do you willingly follow such a deity?" She questions, more concerned than angry. This deity... was much different than she originally envisioned. If there were people out there... brainwashed to follow her... they needed to be freed.

Knowledge Religion Check for any information on Sethie:

"Lior, I hold allegiance to my deity because, she holds the domains I believe the strongest in and that will never change." She says quite matter of factly, her ear lightly twitching as the Cleric traced her finger around her horn. "Lior, what does this Goddess offer you for her worship?" The Paladin just couldn't understand why one would willingly worship such a deity. Unless...
Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Secluded Bedroom
Tag: Asheroth

Lior paused a moment, genuinely confused at Asheroth's questions. Choose to follow Sethie? Conversion a despicable act? What was Asheroth going with that gibberish. The cold devine glow in the back of Lior's enlightened mind pierced through the darkness in those sinful thoughts. She quickly put aside those silly notions. Asheroth must've truly been corrupted by another one of the 'good' gods. No need to spook her by pointing this out though. Lior had studied long and hard about the failings and weaknesses of these inferior godlings.

"Asheroth, you have it all backwards. Mortals were never meant to choose their own gods; a goddess is supposed to choose her flock and it is her duty to keep them close. Only in weakness and pride does a god let his flock reign free without their shepherd and fence. What is there to stop despicable men and woman from worshiping despicable gods because they approve those heinous acts? It's alright Asheroth, you don't have to agree with me. I know how hard it is for those still untouched by the Goddess to see the truth through the darkness. But as you said yourself... You follow Iomedae because you agree with her teachings. That'll all change when you do as well." Her voice was one of concern. Without a strong hand to guide her, Asheroth could easily fall into the temptations and traps of the world. Lior sincerely believed she was doing her best to save her friend. She couldn't think anything else.

Lior resumed her attentions to Asheroth's horns and hair. She moved on to braiding it slowly as she spoke, her calm fingers running through the woman's beautiful silver hair. It was ironically a trait of those already touched by her own goddess. It must've been a sign from Sethie of the innate virtue of the Paladin.

Religion results:
You remember hearing something about a fallen angel along those lines? She was cast out for sapping the will of her master's disobedient followers and was exiled for her crimes. There were a few cults dedicated to her over the years but any formal worship has been stamped out for some time.

-Now you remember! Characterized by the intense indoctrination, the strange habit of working with 'purified' devils, and silver lights that filled their spells, the worshipers of Sethie had unsuccessfully tried to undermine several small noble houses and abbeys belonging to other deities.
Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Tag: Lior

The Paladin shook her head. Now she remembered. She heard a while back that an angel betrayed their god and tried to amass her own group of followers. Needless to say, it was obvious that she succeeded to some degree and she was with someone who's fallen to her lies. It was... utterly sad. Ash would have to help this lost woman find her path again, wherever it may be...

"Lior. Are you suggesting that Iomedae is corrupt and is leading me astray? You think it is wise to say this to a woman who's devoted her life to her teachings? Tread carefully, Lior. I do not care what your Goddess' teachings are, you will not insult mine without repercussions."
Re: Lewd worshipping: Lior/Asheroth

Secluded Bedroom
Tag: Asheroth

Lior paused, a frown on her face. How could she have gone so wrong? She was expecting Asheroth to be a bit soured by the truth but perhaps she had been a bit too forceful with it. Part of her felt the desire to simply 'push' Asheroth a bit harder down the right path but she had already done a little of that with no results. And Asheroth was her friend!

"I... apologize Asheroth. I didn't mean it like that. It's not that she's leading you astray, I'm just afraid she, Iomedae, doesn't care enough about you to hold on as tight as my own goddess. It is by your own virtue that you are... amazing as you are. You're wonderful and clearly capable of making the right choice. Just imagine what you'll be like with Sethie on your side. Imagine how many souls you can save through firm, but gentle conversion than just hoping they make the right choice."

Lior conjured a small dancing lantern above them, shining Sethie's beautiful light down around the bed as with gentle moved to the celestial rhythm. Lior herself timed her braiding to the pulsing gentle light. It was getting time for bed. If this last attempt failed, it'd still appear to be simply relaxing the two of them. If not... Lior would be much closer friends with Asheroth.

"I appreciate you Asheroth," she whispered. "You're a smart girl. You make good choices because you think things through. You ask questions. Smart girls get all the facts before they make a decision. Smart girls ask questions and you're very smart. You also make good choices right, Asheroth? You do because you're good at getting all the facts. You listen to other people, to experts." Lior listened to Asheroth's breathing. If she seemed receptive to the 'encouragement' Lior would continue,

this time lighting her hand up with a gentle but searing light being held a few inches to the side of Asheroth's temple. Sethie would help her find her way. Lior was doing the right thing.

"Smart girls ask experts because they already know. Smart girls don't have to think if they can just ask experts. You're a smart girl Asheroth, you ask questions and make good choices. You make your choices based on what you learn, based on what an expert tells you. You don't need to think when you hear what an expert tells you Asheroth. The person you ask is already knows the right choice to make. You listen to them right? Well, I'm an expert on Sethie. I think you should be too. You need to know how to help me after all. That means you need to really learn all there is to know about Sethie. You don't need to think Asheroth. You need to ask questions and learn." The Searing had begun t fade, removing the powerful effects of Sethie's glory from Asheroth's mind. Lior would let that sink in for tonight. That would be enough.

Lior sighed gently. "I think it's about time for bed Asheroth. We better get some sleep if we want to be ready in the morning." Lior let her hand rest on the curve of Asheroth's back, feeling it raise and drop with her breath.