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LGOP - Game 1

Re: LGOP - Game 1

It's too dark to see anything. There's a distinctive odor here, though.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Okay, the flashlight is now on.

This room is barely large enough to turn around in. Just to prove it, you turn around. As you do, you spot a black circle about two feet across, seemingly painted on the floor, in the corner. A shelf protrudes from one wall very close to the ceiling. The closet is open to the south. A strong odor pervades the closet.
Sitting on the shelf is a wicker basket.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

You can't reach the wicker basket.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Okay, the flashlight is now off.

It is now too dark to see.

Re: LGOP - Game 1

Ah! Coming out of the closet, I see...

Observation room
Calvin Coolidge once described windows as "rectangles of glass." If so, he may have been thinking of the window that fills the western wall of this room. A tiny closet lies to the north. A sign is posted next to the stairs which lead both upwards and downwards.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

You can see a large room below. A number of hideous experiments fill the room. Their obvious purpose: studies of the human anatomy, especially those parts rarely referred to in the New York Times. A pathetic-looking human is the current test subject; however, even an author as fond of lascivious detail as this one would hesitate to describe it even in LEWD mod, except to mention that it involves a lot of lubricants, some rubber tubing, and a yak.

Re: LGOP - Game 1

I don't know the word "yak."

((For future reference, sometimes the game will use words in the narrative that it does not recognize 'in game.'))

Re: LGOP - Game 1


Your view extends to the horizon, which on tiny Phobos usually means a few hundred feet. Thrusting up into sight beyond the horizon are the arching towers and curving domes of the notorious Pleasure Palace of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. On a wide plain between here and the palace, powerful warships are poised for the imminent invasion of Earth.

Mars dominates the view, a dull red orb spanning a quarter of the sky. Bright blue canals lace the surface and white caps of ice are visible at both poles.

A stairway leads down into the building. Near the edge, seemingly painted onto the roof, is a black circle. You might be able to jump to the ground, but frankly, we advise against it.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Observation room
Calvin Coolidge once described windows as "rectangles of glass." If so, he may have been thinking of the window that fills the western wall of this room. A tiny closet lies to the north. A sign is posted next to the stairs which lead both upwards and downwards.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Lets check out the stairs all the way down then?

Re: LGOP - Game 1

End of Hallway
A wide cell door lies open to the north, and a narrow one lies closed to the south. The hallway ends at a gleaming metal door to the west and continues east. Something, possibly this very sentence, tells you that it would be dangerous to travel east or west. A sign is posted next to the stairs, which lead both upwards and downwards.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

South (Was this our cell? I can't remember:rolleyes:)