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LGOP - Game 1

Re: LGOP - Game 1

You'll have to open the narrow cell door first.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Wasn't our cell the one to the north?

Open narrow cell door
Re: LGOP - Game 1


The narrow cell door swings open.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

As you enter, a man sitting limply in the shadows suddenly stiffens and rises to his feet. "A human! They got you too? I've been here a week. When you opened the door, I figured you were a guard! Was it unlocked? I never thought of trying it. By the way, my name's Trent. From Alaska. I'm not too bright but I'm strong as an ox and I'm great with my hands. Maybe we can lick these Leather Goddesses together."

Other Cell
You are in a very tiny room with a rock hard floor. A narrow cell door to the north is open.
A crumpled paper lies discarded in the corner. There appears to be some writing on it.
Trent is here, counting on his fingers and mumbling to himself.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

I don't know the word "Hug."

((Also, for future reference, if you guys want to do more than one action at at time, just use either "and" or "then" or the string the game recognizes, with a "." between commands. For example, if you wanted to enter the cell, type "open door then south." I won't allow strings that are too terribly long, but little things like that, feel free to do.))
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Well then

Read paper
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Before the stupid error pops up

Get paper and read paper
Re: LGOP - Game 1

(dragoon is right. Generally, you have to be holding something to manipulate it in some way, shape or form. Now comes the fun part.)

There is a seemingly meaningless matrix of letters on the paper:

(Since things don't line up properly here, I've included a screeny of the original matrix.)

Re: LGOP - Game 1

Let's see...

Line 1: rubber hose extra h
Line 5: Pearly fart/raft(???) extra m
line 6: headlights extra o
Line 7: Cotton ball extra s

I'll edit if I see more
Last edited:
Re: LGOP - Game 1

This is entirely up to you guys what you want to do with the matrix. Play with it as little or as much as you wish.
Re: LGOP - Game 1

I think we should save.

North and Save
Re: LGOP - Game 1

End of Hallway
A wide cell door lies open to the north, and a narrow one lies open to the south. The hallway ends at a gleaming metal door to the west and continues east. Something, possibly this very sentence, tells you that it would be dangerous to travel east or west. A sign is posted next to the stairs, which lead both upwards and downwards.
Trent loyally stays at your side.

Save noted
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Since we're secure in having just saved

Adventure ho!

Re: LGOP - Game 1

You'll have to open the metal door first. ((And, to save time...))

The metal door swings open.

"Examination" Room
The experiments look even more horrible from here than from the Observation Room window.

Before you've really gotten as sick as you know you could get, one of the tall, neatly dressed Leckbandi tucks you under its arm. (The Leckbandi, who evolved in the asteroid belt, all work exclusively as security guards. This is odd, since there's not a single thing in the entire asteroid belt worth stealing.)

Consulting a wrist computer, the Leckbandi punches in notable features of your appearance: size, number of heads, lack of feathers, and so forth. Eventually, the tiny screen flashes: "IDENTIFICATION COMPLETE: Prisoner, human, escaped. DISPOSITION: Death, painful, immediate." The Leckbandi, who, like all Leckbandi, prides itself on its ability to follow the orders of wrist computers, immediately and painfully kills you.

***You have died***​

In 38 turns, you have achieved a score of, um, oh, call it 5 out of 556 points. This gives you the rank of Sandusky Stablehand.

Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of the game?

Re: LGOP - Game 1

Other End of Hallway
Before you can even begin to wonder what happened to the middle of the hallway, a guard patrol erupts from the shadows. A tall, neatly dressed Leckbandi tucks you under its arm. (The Leckbandi, who evolved in the asteroid belt, all work exclusively as security guards. This is odd, since there's not a single thing in the entire asteroid belt worth stealing.)

Consulting a wrist computer, the Leckbandi punches in notable features of your appearance: size, number of heads, lack of feathers, and so forth. Eventually, the tiny screen flashes: "IDENTIFICATION COMPLETE: Prisoner, human, escaped. DISPOSITION: Death, painful, immediate." The Leckbandi, who, like all Leckbandi, prides itself on its ability to follow the orders of wrist computers, immediately and painfully kills you.
***You have died***
In 36 turns, you have achieved a score of, um, oh, call it 5 out of 556 points. This gives you the rank of Sandusky Stablehand.

Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of the game?

Re: LGOP - Game 1

Restore and down?
Re: LGOP - Game 1

This is a moist cellar. Soft light trickles down the stairway.
Trent follows you.