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LGOP - Game 1

Re: LGOP - Game 1

((The game does have a hint system, too. It's not a very good hint system, but it's a hint system. Just mentioning because it's been three days.))
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Get hint

Yeah, I completely ran out of ideas, so I was hoping someone else would post something
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Given I can't exactly run the same hint system that the game does, let's just say that there's exits you've been C-ing that you haven't tried yet...
Re: LGOP - Game 1

((Or, if I'm being too subtle in that, feel free to ask a direct question. If I can't give a snarky/helpful answer that won't completely hold your hand through it (though some of the hint chains will do that, so if you *want* handheld, s'okay.), I'll have to reword it.))
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Talk to Trent

Honestly, I've always been awful at games like this, so I don't really have much of an idea where to even start
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Hmm...Trent looks at you expectantly, as if you were about to talk.

((You can 'ask' Trent about various things, apparently, but I'd need specifics. Also, I recommend looking at the hint given and descriptions and seeing if you can't put two and two together.))
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Ask Trent about secret doors
Re: LGOP - Game 1

"I don't know the word 'doors.'" (that's the game defaulting. You're sort of on the right track with that, though, I will tell you. Sorta.)
Re: LGOP - Game 1

Been a bit again and figured I'd throw something out there for those of you who are feeling stuck and if you want to continue. There are other exits. You just haven't explored all the options yet. My suggestion (without being too blatant) is to go back and read the room descriptions. Might help.