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Library Courtyard


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Usually a very nice and quiet area for reading, the benches and grounds are littered with the remains of Bibble's latest experiment.
Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble did her damnedest to dry her eyes before nodding and starting to work on the prototype, setting aside which scrap was usable as is, and what needed to be re-transmuted to get viable for fabrication. The usable pile was sadly... small... and a very important part had to be yanked out of a tree, a hunk of bluish crystal, placing this in her pocket she pulls out a small notebook and starts taking careful note of what she'll need. Handing this to Jess she says "Give this to Prof Ramielle, and ask for some help, I'm not normally for oversight but this warrants it. Please... I'll get started on the framework and get some more tanks rolled out as well as my spare wire, Unlike the last one this will take some time to get back up."
Re: Library Courtyard

Jess nodded, taking the list. She was starting to get bored again having to wait for Bibble to get the thing set up again, this was as close to a reprieve that she could think of. "She was at the cell when we left, right?" She asked, nodding, before heading off in that direction.
Re: Library Courtyard

Jess stopped by Bibble and the experiment on her way back to the holding cell. Again. "Hey, Ramielle said she'll have your stuff in about an hour." She said, stopping just long enough to make sure she had actually been working on stuff before stalking off again.
Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble chased Jess down and gave her a big hug and a peck on the cheek, "Thank you, I mean it" she said before bouncing back to the Mark 2. The framework was coming along nicely, what scrap that had been usable had been very selectively reshaped and the lower half of a crescent was starting to form. Now she waited for the supplies from Ramielle and Jess before the real fabrication could begin.
Re: Library Courtyard

Waiting was taking its toll and the odd concoction that had kept her awake so far was wearing off. Bibble dozed in the courtyard and very soon fell asleep in front of her creation. Certain that someone would wake her up when they needed her and the experiment could continue...
Re: Library Courtyard

A flurry of wings and slight commotion is heard across campus. Several minutes later, the professor arrives, a slight limp in her walk, flanked by a half-dozen warmages. She is carrying a large, nondescript sack. Her right eye is slightly bruised and swollen, and she wipes away dark blood from a cut on her lip. She has clearly been in a fight recently, but her smug expression tells a victorious story, all the same.

"Bibble. I showed your formulas to our head of Alchemy, who suggested we employ some newborn Titan blood for stabilization. Procuring a fresh sample... was a bit more difficult than I anticipated. Anyway, here are all the materials you requested, plus a short treatise on the use of the blood in your experiment."

She leans on a tree and looks around the courtyard, not seeing all the students there. "Also, I am told there have been some fresh ideas about portal neutralization? I confess the problem is stumping me a little, and I would welcome any additional thoughts or input."
Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble stirs at the arrival of the Professor and presumably her supplies, but shes quite surprised to see the state shes in and her entourage of warmages. Before she ca ask however the situation is explained and a sack of the incredibly rare and dangerous substance. The exhausted little mage is overjoyed at such a gift and understood both the risk and the possiblities of it in her experiment, but it would take some study before she was prepared to use it.

"I can't thank you enough, I know how I'll use this, but a few recalculations will be required before I use it as a chemical medium to try and stabilize the process. As for neutralizing the portals you will have to watch the activation and see the Void to understand my own Ideas about closing them. But in a nutshell if you could interrupt the flow for even a second the remaining energy would bleed into the space between worlds and strangle the portal. Its only a theory but it may work. I would highly advise your presence when I fire this thing back up so you can see for yourself. I'm also terrified by it..." Bibble finished quietly.

it was true, what she had seen before the explosion of the prototype had been a glimpse of the endless expanse of nothingness that was the void and her breaking the contact had caused the feedback and subsequent explosion. If she wasn't careful Jess would be in terrible danger. The Titans Blood should help but there was no way to know... Getting to work straight away after thanking everyone again the Arch begins to take a far more definate shape, in less then an hour the entire baseline framework is in place and Bibble is running wire and creating grooves in the metal to hold the various chemicals needed to amplify the power flow into the the focus point to create the rip. Finishing with the wire at least a clear empty channel can be seen spanning the entirety of the arch for the Blood and Bibble temporarily retreats to a nearby tree to study up on its proper use as well as look for redundancies between its chemical properties and the substances she already planned on using...
Re: Library Courtyard

"Professor!" Delilah called out as she hurtled from the building. "I know how to fix them! I know how to close them!" She tripped and fell on her face before getting back up again. "It has to do with Enchanting!"
Re: Library Courtyard

The Professor manages to suppress a smirk as the young student trips -- she always found clumsy people funny but rarely allowed students to see that side of her. "Slow down, Delilah, I'm not going anywhere. Take a deep breath, then take another deep breath, and start over. Slowly. You found a solution?"
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before beginning. "You remember that seminar you gave a few years ago? The one on music as magic? You told us that both music and magic have similar properties, that certain people resonate better together, like two instruments playing the same note in tune. That's why the warmage from before told us that it had to be us. We resonate with the portals," she had an unusually serious expression and she fervently hoped Ramielle didn't think she was an idiot. "That's what we're taught in the Applied Enchantment classes too. You have to feel the magic and you can't weave opposing spells into whatever you're working on. A spell to generate Ice on a sword would fly apart if you tried to apply a fire enchantment to the same weapon. But, you know this already. What we can do, what you can do, is weave all of our magical... expressions together. If you can weave it into the portal it'll work as a patch to hold it closed!"

She knew this was the right direction. This is how their motley group could save the world.
Re: Library Courtyard

Their conversation is broken up by a surprised looking Toring as the young lycan trips over a knife stuck in front of his foot. His own weight pushes him forward, and before he can stop it, he falls down the library's stone steps. Their edges stab him in the ribs, and a particularly unfortunate roll ends with a cut on his face. In the end, the lycanthrope comes to a halt at the bottom of the steps, lying on his back, bleeding slightly.

One of his eyes, the one facing away from the library opens. He looks up at Delilah and the professor and quietly says "Sssh," before closing it again, pretending to be unconscious.
Re: Library Courtyard

Jess strides out after him looking rather smug. "You'd better get used- Ohmygod!" She said, halting halfway through as she saw Toring in a bloody heap at the bottom of the stairs. In a panic, she ran all the way down to go and check on him.
Re: Library Courtyard

Toring bides his time. His kin could lurk next to a seal's air hole for hours, he could wait the minute or so Jess took to rush down the stairs. Once she stands next to him, however, his arms shoot up to wrap around her body. As he stands up, he pulls her against himself until he has her firmly secured in a bearhug, her feet hanging roughly 4 feet above the ground.
"Got you now," he murmurs, his eyes wandering over her. "The question is... What am I going to do with you? You certainly look good enough to eat..."
Re: Library Courtyard

The air nearby distorted for a moment before bursting with blue fire, a tell-tale sign of Grave making his entrance. Though rather practical in his approach to magic, occasional bout of suicidal insanity aside, the pyromancer liked his spells flashy. Sometimes needlessly so, but he was pretty damn stubborn about the topic. Cynder took a look around, noting that Bibble's newest creation looked much better than the first time he saw it before he saw Toring and Jess. Raising one eyebrow and tilting his head a little, he tried to figure out what happened based on what he knew about the two. "Am I... Interrupting something?" Toring's appearance could be explained as a prank gone wrong, not suprising given that Jess was apparently involved... Though what he Hell was he trying to do?
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah had been completely distracted from her point by the goings on and was staring wide-eyed at the pair. "Shhh..." she said to Grave softly, "He's getting even...."
Re: Library Courtyard

Jess yelped in surprise as Toring woke up and grabbed her, squiming in the bearhug and trying to kick at him. "Why would you do that?!" She screamed, looking on the verge of tears. "That's the meanest thing I have ever seen!"
Re: Library Courtyard

"Mostly - hey!" Toring grunts as one of her kicks connects dangerously close to his groin and changes his grip, one of his hands sliding lower and grabbing her legs. "Mostly I did it to show you that your actions can have consequences. Sooner or later, something bad was bound to happen, and I don't break as easily as, say, Delilah. Might as well be me crashing. However," he added with a smile and a bit of a blush, "I also don't mind holding you in my arms too much, and I needed an excuse." The hand resting on the outside of her thigh gave a gentle squeeze to underline his words.
Re: Library Courtyard

Servante, who had originally been walking ahead of the group whilst in the library ended up behind them once they had double backed on themselves. Despite the rather large gap he had left between himself and his low blood peers the selkie managed to catch Toring taking a rather undignified dive down the stairs. Servante couldn't help but smirk at the obvious feint, having seen many an aquatic predator perform similar actions and knowing how Jess liked to pull pranks on the werebear Servante had wondered when it was Toring's turn to get his own back. And it seemed now was the time. The selkie leant against the door arch, his hands in his pockets as he watched the scene unfold.
Re: Library Courtyard

"You think I don't know that!" Jess yelled, squirming uselessly against Toring's arms. "Years I've been here, you ever heard of anything worse than a bruise? You had more than a body's length from the doorstop to the stairs, you had to fall on purpose! Lemme go!" She screamed in her little hissy fit, thrashing around. "You're just as bad as everyone back home, and I didn't hurt any of them either!"