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Library Courtyard

Re: Library Courtyard

"You're here, you're pretty too, and I like talking to people," Delilah said as if that explained everything. Perhaps to her, it did. "No one talks to you much, I want to know more about you since we have time till the professor returns."
Re: Library Courtyard

Lyinne blushed slightly at being called pretty. She looked at Lyinne with a light smile, no one had ever done that before. Usually, a lot of people let the whole mute-thing stop any sort of relationship from forming.

"Well then...what do you want to know about?"
Re: Library Courtyard

"Oh... I dunno. Everything!" She grinned, "Start at the beginning! That's where all the best stories start."
Re: Library Courtyard

Lyinne widened her eyes and the girl's excitement and then smiled. She thought for a moment and then sent another telepathic message to Delilah:

"I was a born mute, unable to speak using my vocal chords and all that. But I was able to communicate telepathically. Clerics and researchers determined my muteness and telepathy to be genetic, and traced it to my mother's side. My mother passed away when I was really little, so I didn't know her very well. You could say that...my muteness and telepathy are the only mementos I have of my mother."

Lyinne paused for a moment to gather her thoughts, and then a smile came to her face, "My sister was the one that rose me. She was a great guardian and a great sister. My best friend. As I grew up I adapted to my disabilities and eventually came to effectively use my telepathy to communicate. And here I am, now."
Re: Library Courtyard

"Oh, there must be more to it than that," Delilah scoffed. "Where did you live? What did you do before coming here? Why did you come here? And the mos important, what's your major?"
Re: Library Courtyard

"Where I live? I live to the continent just east of the Dragon Archipelago. A small town called Stralus. It's mostly a archival town, where a lot of libraries are to keep some historical records of the Spidertaur. As for what I did before I came here, my sister and I ran a bookstore. I came to study at the university so I could establish learn more about the other races, and to just learn...more. Naturally, given my background, my major is literature. I aim to expand our bookstore one day, so it can be known all around the world." Lyinne's eyes glowed with an immense passion as she answered Delilah, a bright smile coming to the spidertaur's usually toneless face.
Re: Library Courtyard

Grave walked back into the courtyard, looking tired. The day was exhausting and all the spells he had been casting around were starting to take their toll, especially his constant teleportation. He looked around to see whether Ramielle was nearby before focusing on Bibble's device and frowning. Altough it was unlikely that the dragons had a chance to send a message, it probably wasn't wise to just leave it here... It was probably forgotten by everyone in this mess. With a sigh, the pyromancer turned to the only people he could notice, Delilah and Lyinne. "Oi! Are we supposed to leave this junk here or something?" He gestured towards the machine. "Maybe we should get Bibble and move this somewhere."
Re: Library Courtyard

"You do that an you'll find the lake wwill have been relocated to your room," The selkie replies as the two of them make their way down to the courtyard, a slightest hint of a smile on his face suggesting he may be joking around. Maybe.

"Already one step ahead a you," Servante calls out to Grave as the twosome make their way to the machine and remaining students, glad that the pyromancer had given him an alibi for being with Bibble. The selkie idly tosses the orb of water he has been carrying up into the air much like as if it was a ball as his gaze falls over each of the students.
Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble chuckles at the threat involving the entire lake, she could see him doing it. Hell! she'd be impressed!

Waving at the others around her machine she walks over to Grave. "Servante tells me I missed something rather exciting, mind filling me in?"
Re: Library Courtyard

"Ah..." Grave faltered for a bit, wondering how to explain everything. "Well, long story short, after that last demonstration two of the mages that came here turned out to be dragons, killed two centaurs, and threatened to slaughter people if they weren't allowed to leave with the machine. Professor got a little bit... Angry, so she caught the dragons in some kind of trap filled with oil or tar, which I've set on fire. Then, it turned out that she's a dragon and one with a very bloody past, at that. The assailants got killed, there was some commotion and explanations, and I've bailed to cool down a bit." Gods, he hoped he wouldn't have to tell the entire thing with all details. "Pretty much everyone who was here tried to help out with the fighting, though professor contributed most... Speaking of her, where is she? Those warmages didn't try anything stupid, I hope?" Another incident like this would be the last thing they needed.
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah gives Lyinne a quick grin before the others arrive. "I'd like to see it one day." Then she turns to the others and waves cheerfully. "A great big Green Dragon came for Ms. Ramielle she said he was a high member of the council or something and he looked really old," she turned to Lyinne for confirmation.
Re: Library Courtyard

"See, it's pretty much howw I explained it," Servante mutters, then his attention turns to Grave. "Oh, you wwanted to cool dowwn? WWhy didn't you say so." With a wicked grin spreading across the selkies face he hurls the orb of water at Grave.
Re: Library Courtyard

"Great dragon? Makes sense they'd take this over..." Grave muttered to himself before Servante's reply caught his attention. He didn't manage to get out more than a "huh?" before the water orb hit him in the face, splashing all over his head and clothes. Cynder sputtered for a bit before collecting himself and glaring at the selkie, steam slowly beginning to rise from his clothes and hair. "VERY funny, Servante. I'm dying of laughter." Taking a deep breath, he turned around to glance at Bibble's machine one more time before frowning, taking a look at his steaming clothes, back at the machine before turning back with a look of intense concentration on his face. "Why do I get the feeling like I'm forgetting something..."
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah giggled, "This is just the best day ever! Even with all the... stuff. I wonder..." She stood and wandered over to where the corpses had been left. "Brother, c'mere!"

Delor rolled his eyes before coming up behind her. "What do you need?"

She gestured to the dragons, "Change them. Can you do that? I can mix your Earth magic and transmutation abilities together if you need me to, to make it stronger..."

He stared at the corpses a minute, before he laughed, no one had ever seen him do anything but scowl before. "No, I've got this." He placed a hand on one of the dragons and concentrated. The corpse began to shift and if flickered through a variety of changes, as long as the material was similar to what he started out with... it flickered through various stages of biological debris before it became a mountain of coal and a final shift turned it into the same rock as the surrounding layout. He sweated with the exertion and did the same thing to the other corpse. Delilah smiled at him and he drew from her to shape the stone into a wide flat pool with sides raised about a foot off the ground. The granite would hold it's shape and would only need to be polished every few years.

The sweat practically poured off of him and he waved her helping hands off and sat heavily to the ground. "There," he gasped, "Something useful out of something terrible."
Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble thinks hard on what she's been told. "What would they want with the machine? It didn't work." she asks Grave, not really liking were this was heading.
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Re: Library Courtyard

"To be honest, I don't know." Grave shrugged, drying quickly as he focused a small amount of his magic on evaporating the water. "They didn't say anything about what they intended to do with it, and it's not like we'll learn from them..." He gestured towards the corpses, now processed into stone. He had to give the siblings credit, this was a fairly impressive display. That was a lot of mass to deal with. "I think one of them tried to talk at one point, but he was silenced by the other one..." Cynder shuddered as he recalled the scene with all the gory details. "Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps professor might have an idea... She was rather shocked even before the attack happened, now that I think about it."
Re: Library Courtyard

"The Professor may not be back for a while. Hmn...perhaps the two saw the potential of the machine...and wanted to rebuild it to...work. Just a thought... " Lyinne projected to everyone, still staring at the machine.
Re: Library Courtyard

Calcius had been lurking nearby, but upon seeing his team start to gather he made his way over to them.

"I read the dragons' minds before they died. They've been snatching children to fuel the portals somehow. Some kind of dark magic that's keeping them open. They didn't know how it works... just that the children don't make it. Perhaps they wanted to use the machine to keep the portals open instead, and save themselves a bit of effort."
Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble is outright shocked at that little tidbit of information "What!? Children? Gods above if that's the case then I'm destroying this and burning the notes! I refuse to build anything that may help further such a cause."

Fuming that they had planned to use her creation for such a twisted purpose Bibble started to make her way back to her creation, fully intent on doing exactly what she said, destroying the Arch. It would only take a couple seconds, destruction was so much simpler...
Re: Library Courtyard

Grave frowned as he processed what Calcius told him and the rest of the group. "That kind of dark magic... What the Hell do they hope to achieve?" He seemed lost in thought for a moment, though his expression left little doubt that whatever he was imagining, it was not pretty. "Sacrificing children to obtain their goals... Whoever those bastards are, they're monsters. We probably won't be able to fix this mess without dealing with them first, one way or another."