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Library Courtyard

Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble placed her hands on her creation and carefully rendered it absolutely useless. Warping a channel here, melding wires there. In under a minute the entire thing was nothing more then a paperweight and the only one who could fix it was her. "That should handle that. Grave! Whatever notes I gave you regarding this machine, I want them burned, Now. Also anyone who's a telepath here get a hold of Ramielle and tell her the same, If we need this again then I'll fix it, but I don't dare risk leaving around the information needed to make it or fix it..." Having said her piece Bibble immediately headed back to Torance hall with haste, preparing to destroy everything regarding to the prototype as soon as she got there...
Re: Library Courtyard

"Hmm?" Grave snapped out of his musings before realizing what Bibble was talking about. "Ah! Right. I got them here somewhere..." He hadn't bothered to look at the notes Bibble gave him after her first attempt at activating her machine, seeing as he was too busy with research in the library. Pulling the papers out his pocket - the same one where he kept his notepad and pencil - he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable about the idea of destroying valuable information. However, this was probably too dangerous to keep. With a sigh, he conjured a flame, quickly incinerating the papers. "Done!" He shouted at the girl, watching her run back to the dorm. She'd have to be careful, considering that she was the only person who had any knowledge regarding the prototype and it's construction.
Re: Library Courtyard

Calcius seems content to let the machine be destroyed, realising a little too late that it might not be the best idea.

"Wait... I was only guessing at what they wanted the machine for, but if I'm right then they wanted the machine to use instead of children. In that case... wouldn't it have been better to let them have it, rather than destroying it and forcing them to keep using children?"
Re: Library Courtyard

Grave glanced at Calcius and shaking his head. "As cruel as it might sound... No. Like you've said, we don't know what they would have done with this machine... And there is a chance that we'd have helped them achieve their goals, which are probably not very noble, by giving it to them. Besides, we're supposed to close the portals, and that includes stopping those responsible for opening them, not giving them means to maintain those blasted things. I'm starting to think that whoever those people are, we should view them as enemies, and make things as difficult for them as possible. And anyway..." Cynder's face twisted in a rather cynical smirk. "The guys who wanted it are dead... And I'm not sure anyone else recognizes the value of this thing. It's easier if we just wreck it and forget until it's necessary for one reason or another."
Re: Library Courtyard

Delor pushed himself off the ground and huffed with the exertion. "They may need the machine, but it didn't work? What if it needed children too? All those potential lives?"
Re: Library Courtyard

Servante laughs as Grave shows annoyance at his prank, his laughter going on for longer than the others may perceive than is necessary. Though the selkie quickly calms down as Calcius explains what he had found out from reading the dragons mind.

"Sounds like a fun bunch to be around," Servante mutters, his hands now in his pockets. The young man watches Bibble render the machine inert, his gaze following the young woman as she heads back to the dorms before his attention snaps back to the group. "Looks like this shit is gettin out of hand." With a sigh Servante finds himself the nearest tree and plants himself under it, content to just let the events of the day flow from him.
Re: Library Courtyard

Waltzing down the path to the park came Toring, in his were-bear form, with Jess on his shoulders. At the edge of the courtyard he knelt down to allow the halfling to jump down. "What's going on," he rumbled. "Anybody else got mauled while we were gone?"
Re: Library Courtyard

"Not really." Grave replied to Toring's question as he finished drying himself. "It's just that Calcius here found a very disturbing piece of information while going through the heads of those two dragons. Apparently the magic behind the portals is powered by a sacrifice... Children." He grimaced in disgust. "They've been probably abducting them for a while now, god knows how many have been kidnapped. Bibble didn't take that well seeing as those monsters were after her machine, so she broke it and went to destroy all notes. I suggest you never mention that pile of junk to anyone. We should keep the number of people who know about it to minimum."
Re: Library Courtyard

As they all gathered in the courtyard again, minus Bibble, the great green Dragon backwinged out of the sky with Ramielle perched, human, on his back. He landed and settled into a crouch and extended his leg to ease her dismounting.
Re: Library Courtyard

More simply attired now in plain white robes, Ramielle's arms and legs wrap around the dragon's neck, her hands finding purchase in the Elder Wyrm's mane. Once the landing is complete, she looks down from the dragon's wing at the ground with a small amount of trepidation. The professor swings a leg over the ancient dragon's neck, attempting a dismount.

Her attempt becomes a stumble, and she trips over her own legs. For a moment she spins somewhat precariously, then tumbles down Kegor's wing to land in a heap upon the courtyard's pavement. She lays there for a moment, then onlookers observe a muffled giggling. The professor rolls onto her back, laughing so hard that her skin is a flushed red. Her head tilts to the side and she watches the students out of a bemused eye, still chuckling.
Re: Library Courtyard

Grave watched the great dragon's landing with a considerable amount of awe and anxiety. He assumed that this was the one that left with professor Ramielle earlier, but witnessing a dragon attack earlier that day left him more than a little wary of those creatures. He certainly felt a bit better when he saw the professor on his back, now in human form. He watched her attempt at dismounting, nearly forgetting that he was in the presence of a huge beast as he saw her kiss the ground in such an undignified way. Altough he was still undecided on how to deal with Ramielle from now on, her sudden clumsiness and following outburst somewhat defused his fears. "Uh... Professor? You ok there?" Instead, the pyromancer began to wonder whether she hit her head too hard... Or whether the old dragon did something weird to her.
Re: Library Courtyard

The professor rolls clumsily into a seated position, attempting to stand only to thump onto her ass again. She squints to bring Grave into focus, recognition slowly dawning on her flushed face. "Of course! This... isss... fantastic!" As she speaks, a bit of her scholarly self reemerges.
"I've been living as a human in a magically constructed body based upon my knowledge of humanity, but I never knew how it... feels!" She looks up, blinking at her fingers, wiggling them in front of her eyes.
"Why, what's wrong? You look so serious, so... Grave!" The professor finds her own pun hilarious, doubling over again in giggles... and a hiccup. The hiccup stops her laughter for a moment, as a second of shock and hurt sweep over her face. Then she hiccups again and the moment is gone in a sea of giggles, punctuated by hiccups which only exacerbate her mirth.
Re: Library Courtyard

Grave didn't show any signs of irritation, merely sighed. He had been made fun of because of his name for so long that at this point, he just no longer cared. Hell, at times he even joked about it himself, though there were moments when the right jab would piss him off, but one had to choose the right words. Awful puns barely got his attention. "Eh, it's nothing, really... Are you sure you're ok?" He looked at the old dragon next to the apparently delirious teacher, sending him a look of utter confusion that begged for an answer. From what he had heard, the pyromancer was able to deduce more or less what exactly happened and why professor seemed to be incredibly amused by her own bodily functions, but wanted to hear some confirmation, considering how ridiculous the situation was. "Also, you wouldn't happen to have any notes on Bibble's prototype? She wants them all burned."
Re: Library Courtyard

Jess hops down from Toring and watches the entire thing, walking straight up to the professor with a frown on her face. "Can you change back, if you have to?" She asked, trying to get the woman back to her feet.
Re: Library Courtyard

"I believe the timing *hic* of-" the professor giggles again at her hiccups, "of the alchemical solution is tied to the completion of- *hic* -of the," giggling again, "the task given me by the council. Maybe Kegor should explain?" The halfling's proximity and Toring's keen olfactory sense allow them to pick up the alcohol in Ramielle's breath... whatever concoction she drank contained some strong spirits. She stands on wobbly legs with Jess's assistance, though each hiccup and giggle-spasm threaten to topple them both.
Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble chose that odd moment to come striding back into the courtyard, most of her anger spent. "All of the notes are destroyed, the machine is inert and useless unless I fix it but if this is really going on we need a plan..." Seeing Ramielle she stopped and stared for a moment, realising she was drunk. Walking over to Grave, her chosen partner in crime it seemed she whispered hurriedly "What is going on, why is she drunk, and what is tha... Just explain, only the details" Looking at everyone assembled with an odd fire in her eyes she tried to puzzle things out and just decided to wait and listen, her ear perked to Grave so she could get the highlight of what she had missed.
Re: Library Courtyard

Grave stared at Bibble for a moment before sighing again. "Professor just returned, as you can see... As to why she's high like a kite, I imagine it's a combination of whatever was in that concoction she apparently drank and getting used to her new... State of being, I suppose." The pyromancer deadpanned, glancing at Ramielle, barely standing even with the halfing's help. "I'm hoping we'll learn more from our honourable guest here..." He added quietly, not willing to speak loudly about the dragon in his presence. "Also, I think we should get professor to bed or something... I think she needs to rest." Probably a bit of an understatement, but Cynder felt that someone had to say it.
Re: Library Courtyard

"Yeah, maybe we should..." The halfling replied in a sour tone, barely holding the larger woman up as she gazed up at the massive dragon beside her without a hint of fear. "Please, tell us why you decided to handicap the best of us, shortly before we leave on a mission to save the planet? I'm ever so curious."
Re: Library Courtyard

Bibble sighed and rubbed her eyes before looking back at the professor. "No, we need to get water and a little food in her first. I'll take care of it but Grave, Keep me informed." Bibble moved to take the professor's hand talking softly and sweetly to the drunk woman and leading her back to Torance Hall. She had something that would get her over everything a little faster and food and water would help even more. But getting the woman to follow her could prove difficult. Hopefully she wouldn't fight her and just go along happily at the promise of some company and a nap.
Re: Library Courtyard

[OOC: Chibi has asked me to post this on her behalf.]

The Elder Dragon looked down at the assembly, nodded, and was rapidly transformed into a rather wizened old man. He wears plain, patched brown robes and has a long, unkempt gray beard, his green eyes wearily speaking of ages lived. His bearing is frail yet regal.

Kegor speaks slowly, with a thick yet undeterminable accent. "She is as you see, for now. It is against our ways to explain to outsiders but..." he gives the faintest smile, "no one really questions the boss. Besides, I will be moving on soon."

The old man looks at the halfling. "It was not my intention to 'cripple' you. She has to go through this. Not only is it in fulfillment of the ancient prophecies, but it is the only way for her to replace me. She must find the end of this quest... as a human."

"And it's her first time to feel pain, and this hurts. Bad. So we... get her a little drunk." There is a mild level of amusement behind his green eyes.