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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The Gossamer Falls Library is easily the most historical and oldest building in Gosmer Falls. Built with ancient stones, the building still stands. It contains a well supplied collection of literature, ranging from original autobiographies to books found in any bookstore. The books were gathered in the library by trade boats to indulge the wealthy who used to inhabit the valley. The rarest of the books usually dealt with the occult and various legends and folklore. These books, however, are practically ancient and very delicate. The building inside is furnished with carpentry with numerous pieces of artwork decorating the walls. The place gives off a warm vibe thanks to its comfortably dim lighting and air-conditioned atmosphere.

The library is kept together by a single librarian, Sharon Woods, as well as several students who form the Library Club.
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Re: Library

"This here is the library, and as you'd expect it houses all of the books you may need for essays, research and whatnot. It boasts quite possibly the largest collection of books in any library found in Britain, spanning all genre's and ages. Naturally this is also where the literature club meets."

At that moment several helicopters flew over them and landed near the two dorms. Several people climbed out of each with various boxes. "Ah, they've arrived," Art said to himself.
Re: Library

"Eh? Who's arrived?" Leo asks, puzzled at the all the choppers landing near the dorms, then sighing "Wait. Your name isn't Artemis Wingate, is it?" he asks nervously
Re: Library

"Yeah, my name is, didn't I tell you when you arrived?" Art sighed. "And the arrivals? Just my way of helping while the cafeteria is closed. They're some of our maids and butlers, they've brought food for you all."
Re: Library

"Do they have plenty of vegetables?" Leo asks, taking out another coffee bean and tossing it into his mouth "The Wingate family is famous, even all the way in Italy." he says, looking over at Art and chuckling "I'm guessing you live a life of leisure outside of school?"
Re: Library

Corax sighs to himself as the helicopters arrive.

"And they used to call me a show off."
Re: Library

"Yeah, there's plenty of vegetarian dishes so you dont have to worry. And we are? Well, I guess when my parents are as good a doctors as they are I guess we would be well known in other places. I cant say I've heard of your family before though." The people then exit the dorms and re-enter the helicopters again before taking off. "And yeah, being rich has its perks. I can have pretty much anything I want. And the 'maid service' is pretty awesome, too." Art gives a wink to Leo at that.
Re: Library

Leo smiles and begins to laugh "Oh, you've no idea." he says, scratching the back of his right ear again "So. What's next on the tour?" he asks, his left hand sliding into his left pocket
Re: Library

"Hmm, the pool I believe and then thats it as far as the main buildings are concerned." Art then walks to the pool.
Re: Library

Simon arrives at the library. After heading in it's not long before he emerges from the building again having exchanged a few book. He head to one of his favourite reading spots just round the corner of the building. An old bench nestled against a tree and some hedging, seldom used by most students. Visible from the path, but out of anyone's normal routes.

It seemed the fresh air wasn't helping with the itching (correct me if I'm wrong). While Simon was quite good at shutting out the nuisance and resisting the urge to scratch, this was getting quite unbearable, and too distracting to read. Simon shuts his book and frowns. He could feel his own frustration passing off onto the Shadow also. The information he'd picked up on itching didn't have any answers. He would simply have to try to whether this. He couldn't afford to let it trouble him and have the Shadow get rowdy.
Re: Library

The child like demoness Seraezza was perched atop the protruding entry hall of the library, crouched on all fours and leaning forwards a little not unlike a living gargoyle. She was watching outwards with interest towards the developing scene in the courtyard.

"She started without me? Already?" The perched girl says to her self, then looking to the sun, barely even setting yet. "No, something else is happening. Maybe I can join in? But Mirchell said to wait till the sun went down... hmm..."

She sits and watches, impatiently bobbing a little as she enjoys the show.
Re: Library

Sera had never seen quite such a display. These humans were entertaining indeed. Although as far as she could remember, were humans supposed to do all these things? She had always thought they were simpler animals. She wanted to see more of the things humans did more than ever now, looking once more to the sun. A strange thing in itself this sun. She'd never seen anything quite as bright either, but it was so slow. Nonetheless it was going down as Mirchell had promised, and soon she could play yes? She sighs, and scratches demonic graffiti into some of the outcropping stone work on the library roof, watching as a blonde haired human walks along the ground below. She'd love to just hop down and say hello to this one right now, but felt she should best just wait for the sun as told. Instead she stands up, and leaps into the sky.

Harrel looks up at the darkening sky directly above him, leaning back to try and see if there was anything on the roof. "Odd, I could swear I felt something there..." He mutters as he fails to see anything, the presence now having disappeared. "Oh well, that's gotta be the Alveran chick Ellisia said about then. Why are we tracking her all of a sudden?" He says purely to himself as his minds eye watches a distinct spiritual signature moving in the distance, completely hidden from his normal eye sight. He leans against the wall to wait for Ellisia, whilst focusing to make sure he doesn't lose track of Athanasia. It wasn't too hard with her moving off alone. From this distance, he thinks, the fairly strong spirit almost looked slightly Etheirian to him. Probably looks quite different up close he muses...
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Re: Library

Athanasia pushes the door of the library open then looks around before summoning a book, it looked slightly unusual as she pored over it's pages, heading towards the more occult section of the library, glancing up every once in awhile as she reaches for a book or two, pulling them and setting them down on a nearby table.

She took the vial out of her uniform again as she looked it over, before gingerly inserting it into the syringe. She continued to look over the book, opening the others every once in awhile as if trying to reference something, letting out a heavy sigh before shaking her head, <For you, father, mother, we will have our revenge.>

She held up the syringe, gently poking it against her arm as she braced, trying to prepare herself for what she was about to do... before stopping abruptly, putting the thing down, <There has to be another way. I will not give up.>
Re: Library

((Oh, didn't realise this was actually her destination. Curious. PS, if this is/was intended to be a private meeting with Siphon I can still pull Ellisia away if that might be preferred.))

Ellisia arrives shortly after, not having seen where Athanasia had gone to herself, instead moving past the library entrance and round to the side of the building where Harrel was waiting. The seeker gives a wave to Ellisia as she approaches, and pushes himself forward off of the wall he was leaning on. Ellisia steps up and speaks, "Have you got her?" She enquires, Harrel answering with a thumb pointed to the wall. "Yeah she's just in there. Not moving much right now. No problem. Though I thought you said she was leaving the area?"

"Hmm, I had assumed so. No matter."

"I also thought you also said Siphon was the only Alveran here?"

"I did. That's why I'm curious that another has turned up. Or in the least she speaks the language, and had access to some high tech weaponry earlier. She doesn't seem too fond of Siphon either." Ellisia explains.

"Well she's not a normal human, I can confirm that for you from here. She's a pretty one too. So many nice girls here..."
Harrel says casually, going back to leaning on the wall and closing his eyes.

Ellisia turns, humming in thought a little and stops to think for a moment.
Re: Library

(nah, it's completely fine, she'll be moving in a bit)

Athanasia contniues to flip through the books as she looks at the syringe a few more times, then pulls it back in her uniform with a heavy sigh. She unfolded a map of the school and began to draw on it, taking note of a few things such as where the waterways were, and hums to herself, a quiet Alveran lullaby her mother used to sing to her.

She frowns as she looks at her research a few times. The book, scraps of writing from everything from research data she had copied down, to last accounts of many of the stronger undead, still didn't prove what she needed to know, whether or not the virus would have any effect on the people here, much less on Siphon...
Re: Library

"So...? What's the plan? What's going on?" Harrel enquires, a little confused about Ellisia's intentions here.

"There isn't one, and I don't know. I just suddenly had a very bad feeling a moment ago. I got a strange impression that this woman is dangerous." She tries to answer, Harrel raising an eyebrow at his superiors unusually vague motives. He didn't know her to go on gut feelings for things like this too often. "Blame it on my Transmod. It's been having difficultly learning and directly converting Alveran. I may need to get a sample back to HQ for extra analysis." She continues.

"I hope your not expecting a courier for that. You'll be asking for an Uplink Tech next." Harrel comments with a chilled sideways smile.

"I wouldn't mind an uplink user actually. I could really use some better support. You've seen what I'm up against here."

"You won't get one. Surely I don't need to remind you that the order is allowing you to stay here as a personal liberty? Your officially on vacation. Not many knights put out requests for seekers during their "time off", y'know. Unless they decide to give you operational powers here, I doubt your going to get much more from home." Harrel says, a little surprised that he is saying it.

Ellisia sighs and returns a knowing look, as if she plainly understood this all along, but would like to pretend. "Yeah, I guess I know that." She replies, realising what her problem was. She'd gotten attached to this place. She just wanted to be able to protect it. If HQ was to take her placement here more seriously, she'd have the support options to do so properly, but at the same time she actually didn't want the school to get wrapped up in Etherian affairs. She had been enjoying playing at being a normal school girl for once. It was a silly, unresolvable, and ironically slightly selfish dilemma.

"Well never mind any of that. I think I'll go in and greet our mystery Alveran woman." She says snapping out of her momentary slight loss of focus, and turning to head towards the library entrance.

Harrel watches her go, a slight hint of concern on his face.


Having entered the library, Ellisia soon enough spots Athanasia and walks over. "Hello. Excuse me but I don't believe we've been introduced. My name is Ellisia Alvante. I'll admit that I hadn't been expecting to see a second Alveran around here." She says from a short distance to one side, in an overall casual/friendly manner. At least as much as such a greeting, making a point of her race could be. Ellisia doesn't yet try to peer at Athanasia's current activity, though she was quite interested in what it was she was up to.
Re: Library

Athanasia looks up from her books and quickly closes the book she was looking up, sliding the book off the table by 'accident'. As she bent over to pick it up she quickly dismissed it and summoned a replacement book, a dummy one, before sitting back up, looking around as if to see who the earth girl was referring to. Seeing no one else, she looks at the girl puzzled, "Alveran? I am afraid I have no idea what you are talking about."

She smiled, a forced smile.
Re: Library

Ellisia mentally sighs. So she was going to be coy about it. Not exactly unexpected. "Well perhaps I'm mistaken. Though where might one learn to speak such an obscure language so fluently then?" Ellisia ask plainly, not deterred.
Re: Library

Athanasia smiles as she looks back, "By growing up in a village where the particular dialect of Romania is spoken." She continued to slowly examine the girl, intensely disliking the situation at the moment. How the hell did she know she was an Alveran? This girl must be an ally of that monster, that was the only answer. She would learn nothing from her even in death.
Re: Library

Ellisia can't help but smile back at the response, very lightly chuckling even. "Ah, Romania is it? I should visit. I've been looking to learn." She says crossing her arms. It was plenty obvious she was'nt buying any of it. Though she hadn't came in here to play games or try to spook Athanasia. She makes sure no one else had recently come within earshot before continuing.

"Ok, perhaps it would be better if I stopped with this charade and got to the point? I know you aren't human. I witnessed the energy impact technique you used on the possessed student last night. I didn't miss the shot that you fired into the battle moments ago either. I'd thank you for the assistance, though I get the impression you weren't doing so just to help out. What I want to know, is what your business with Siphon is."