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Re: Library

Athanasia sat at the table for awhile, pausing as she put a hand on a book. This was a little odd, she had already told Siphon her reasons, why was this girl questioning her? Still, she was not a fool. From her confusion arose more suspicions as she carefully chose her words, "Are you asking me on behalf of that monster? Or rather, are you allied with him? If so, we have nothing more to talk about."

She slid her chair back as she briefly let one hand, the one further away, hang down loosely as she looks around for possible escapes, or witnesses, "I believe to some extent you are... special too, as are most people in this institute, no? You know my secret, what is yours?"
Re: Library

Ellisia was uncertain how Athanasia would react to her answer, and would rather avoid having the woman break off now and begin to consider her an enemy, but answers straight forwardly and truthfully, "I consider him a friend, and one who has been a valued ally in certain past events, but I have no specific or official allegiance to him in anyway, nor vice versa. I came to you as part of my own investigations."

"I wouldn't say most people here, but a highly unusual amount have more to them than meets the eye yes. Myself, to provide my full title, am a 'Second Sphere Spirit Knight of Etheria'. I wouldn't expect that to mean much to most anyone, but suffice to say I'm no more a local here than you are. My primary goal at the moment is to apprehend the spirit that was responsible for the scene you came into last night. Though as you might notice, a lot seems to be going on here right now." She explains, pausing to see her reaction.
Re: Library

She looks the woman over, she seemed to be honest enough, but for now she decided to see her of the situation, then after, she would carefully gauge the woman before her next move, "Hm. Then you are a soldier as well. I am also a soldier, one of the Alveran Survivors. My duty here is to bring that monster to justice for the crimes he has committed, whether it be bringing him back to be judged, or to simply be executed if deemed too dangerous." She narrows her eyes, "I assume you have no problem with this?"
Re: Library

Ellisia nod lightly, "Yes, a soldier and free agent. I was not aware that he had crimes to account for. Hmm, this is difficult for me then. I understand how long lived your kind can be, and won't pretend I know everything about the man, but I myself have only ever seen good and selfless actions from Siphon." She says with an expression similar to that of hearing unfortunate news. Then furrowing her brow a little and looking down in thought. "May I ask what manner of crime warrants the sentence of a potential field execution?" She enquires looking back up.
Re: Library

Athanasia watches Ellisia a little annoyed, she did not really want to divulge too much of her plans, but she felt this would be an okay thing to tell the girl about, after all, she glances quickly at the clock then back to Ellisia, "He is currently being held responsible for the death of Brevahn, then stealing his symbiote. He claims innocence, but there is much proof against him, plus as you may or may not know, the only beings around left that know the full story is him, and the government report, if it is ever found. Second, he is responsible for delaying the military and preventing the evacuation of one of the outer colonies during the invasion, which led to the deaths of an entire colony."

She pause and then continues, "Any person or persons, Alveran or otherwise, that either assisted him in the 'Great Escape' to this dimension or assisted in him against me is to be subject to the same punishment as he."

At this point, if Ellisia had ever heard anything from Siphon about the politics or government policy of the Alverans, this would sound a little... strange.
Re: Library

Ellisia listens carefully, making sure to take the whole story in, then breathes out in frustration. To stand by and watch a friend persecuted for crimes she didn't understand, or to fight for him against anothers pursuit of justice. It was an awkward position to be in. The Siphon she knew would not do such things without reason. She needed to hear his side of the story, but even then she doubted it would make things clear. Ellisia couldn't be sure how much this woman's words could truly be trusted either. She didn't doubt Siphon couldn't handle himself, but that was against the point.

"I'm at a loss on how to proceed here. For now, although the idea troubles me, I will leave Alveran affairs as your own. I cannot act on personal motivation alone, and I simply don't have enough information to side on this. Though I will make clear that I won't tolerate collateral damage or harm to the civilians of this region, from either of you. That aside, I suppose I'll have to leave you to your... work."
She says sounding somewhat deflated, though more adamant whilst talking about collateral damage. The "work" of killing a friend, wasn't an easy thing to leave someone to, but a Spirit Knight had to know what they were committing to when making a decision to involve themselves. She takes a stance suggesting she was ready to leave.
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Re: Library

Athanasia watches the woman and smiles, shrugging her shoulders lightly as she lets the energy in her hand dissipate, "When fighting someone as dangerous as that monster, sometimes collateral damage is inevitable. If forced to, I am not responsible for anything that happens. He is, after all, a monster, and monsters must be destroyed."

She returns to her books, the mundane ones from the library, leafing through the pages almost absentmindedly as she looks up again, "It was nice to have met you, Miss Second Sphere Spirit Knight of Etheria." She smiles a little further as she looks back down, "As long as the civilians are innocent, they will not be hurt." mentally adding to herself, "Unfortunately, miss spirit knight, none of the people around here are innocent..."
Re: Library

"Hmm, monsters must be destroyed... It would be nice if things were so black and white. Well, farewell for now." Ellisia says turning to leave the library. Thinking to herself as she walks. 'What was that I felt just then? Was she anticipating an attack? I'm going to need to watch this one as well.'


Outside the library she heads back round to the side to meet Harrel again, who was still waiting by the wall, already looking in Ellisia's direction as she comes round the corner. He says nothing, merely looking over with an enquiring, "So..?" expression.

"You have it easy you know that?"


((Exit both))
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