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Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
This is just a BETA run so other people can see how it works, if enough are interested then me and pheionx will run in earnest and allow other to join up for real.

The Rules:
Str: 1
Dex: 1
MD: 1
Vit: 1

Secondary Stats:
HP:2 (2*Vit)
FP:4 (2*(Vit+MD)
Pleasure:2 (2*MD)
MP: 8 (6+2*MD)
XP 0/10


Fight (Melee, Str): 1+0=1
Fight(Bow, Dex):1+0=1

Equiped Items:


Magic Spells:


Essentially, the system uses skills to do everything, and the more you use the skill the more it improves. For example:
Dodge(Dex):2+1=3 1/20
In this, Dodge is calculated as the character's dex+their skill. The '1/20' means that the character has used the skill once at level 1 and requires 19 more uses to increase it to level 2.
The way to determine if a skill use is successful is to roll 2d6 and add the skill value. If the character is using the skill against another person, that person makes an opposing skill check with their skills. However, if the skill is just in general and not against a person, the gm assigns a target difficulty. Good values are:
6: Very Easy
18:Very Difficult

All players start out with 50 gold

Armor and Weapon Costs
Leather Armor 10 gold
Wooden Armor 10 gold
Copper Armor 40 gold
Iron Armor 160 gold
Steel Armor 360 gold
Mithril Armor 640 gold
Orihalcon Armor 1000 gold

Armor Defense Bonuses
Leather + 0
Wood +0
Iron +2
Steel +3
Mithril +4
Orihalcon +5

They will also have hitpoints:
Leather 6hp
Wood 8hp
copper 10hp
Iron 12hp not available until level 2
Steel 15hp not available until level 3
Mithril 20hp not available until level 4
Orihalcon 30hp not available until level 5

Weapon Damage Modifiers
Staff (dex) +1 (wood)10 gold, + 1 (copper)10 gold, +2 (Iron)40 gold, +4 (steel)160 gold, +6 (Mithril)360 gold, +6 (Orihalcon)360 gold
Dagger (dex) +1 (copper)10 gold, +2 (Iron)40 gold, +4 (steel)160 gold, + 6 (Mithril)360 gold, +8 (Orihalcon)640 gold
Longsword (str) +2 (Copper)40 gold, +3 (Iron)90 gold, +4 (steel)160 gold, +8 (mithril)640 gold, +10 (Orihalcon)1000 gold
Bastard Sword (str+dex)/2 +3 (copper)90 gold, +4 (Iron)160 gold, +8 (Steel)640 gold, +9 (Mithril)810 gold, +10 (Orihalcon)1000 gold
GreatSword (str) +4 (copper)160 gold, +4 (Iron)160 gold, +6 (steel)360 gold, +8 (Mithril)640 gold +12 (orihalcon)1000 gold
Axe (str) +2 (copper)40 gold, +3 (Iron)90 gold, +4 (Steel)160 gold, +6 (Mithril)360 gold, +8 (Orihalcon)640 gold
Greataxe (str) +4 (copper)160 gold, +6 (Iron)360 gold, +8 (Steel)640 gold, +10 (Mithril)1000 gold, +12 (Orihalcon)1440 gold
Short bow (dex) +1 (wood)10 gold +1 (copper)10 gold, +2 (iron)40 gold, +3 (steel)90 gold, +4 (mithril)160 gold, +6 (Orihalcon)360 gold
Longbow (dex) +2 (wood)40 gold, +2 (copper)40 gold, +3 (iron)90 gold, +4 (steel)160 gold, +6 (mithril)360 gold, +8 (orihalcon)640 gold
Light crossbow (not available until level 3) (dex) +3 (wood)90 gold, +3 (copper)90 gold, +4 (iron)160 gold, +6 (steel)360 gold +8 (Mithril)640 gold, +10 (Orihalcon)100 gold
Heavy Crossbow (not available until level 4) (dex) +4 (wood)160 gold +4 (Copper)160 gold +6 (Iron)360 gold +8 (steel)640 gold +10 (mithril)1000 gold, +12 (orihalcon)1440 gold
Throwing Knives (dex) +1 (Copper)10 gold, +2 (Iron)40 gold, +3 (Steel)90 gold, +4 (Mithril)160 gold, +5 (Orihalcon)250 gold
Whip ((dex+str)/2) +0 (leather)10 gold, +1 (Copper)10 gold, +2 (Iron)40 gold, +3 (Steel)90 gold, +4 (Mithril)160 gold, +5 (Orihalcon)250 gold, -1 when using to disarm

Everything armor except leather provides defense against erotic attacks and all weapons and armor break once theyre hp reaches zero

Magic Points: These can be used to purchase special abilities such as a force field, levitation, lightning bolts, fireballs, invisibility and healing. Every PC starts out with 10 MP.
Lightning - Sends a bolt of lightning towards the foe causing X damage where X= MD+level(s) of Knowledge [Magic] - 3 MP
Force Field - generates a barrier stopping 4+(MD+Knowledge [Magic]) damage - 4MP
Fireball - Fires a fireball at the foe causing 4+ character level damage - 3MP
Healing - heals MD+Magic Knowledge level damage to from an ally - 10 MP
Levitation - Allows the character to fly X yards where X= MD+level(s) of Magic Knowledge - 3MP
Invisibility - Allows the character to become completely invisible for X minutes where X= MD+level(s) of Magic Knowledge - 7MP
The Number of spells a player can have are limited to (MD/2) rounded up.
You gain 1MP every level. MP= 6+(2*Mind)
You can find a list of all the enemies
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Name: Sen

Str: 1
Dex: 3
MD: 3
Vit: 2

Secondary Stats:
HP:4/4 (2*Vit)
FP: 10/10 (2*(Vit+MD)
Pleasure: 6/6 (2*MD)
MP: 1/12 (6+2*MD)
XP 4/10


Escape(Dex):3+0=3 (5 /10 xp)
Notice(MD):3+0=3 (1 /10 xp)
Fight(Unarmed,Str):1+0=1 (1 /10 xp)
Fight (Melee, Str): 1+0=1+2(Weapon Bonus)=3 (5 /10 xp)
Fight(Bow, Dex):3+0=3
Dodge(Dex):3+0=3 (8 /10 xp)
Sneak(Dex):3+0=3 (1 /10 xp)
Knowledge[Magic](MD):3+0=3 (5 /10 xp)

Equiped Items:
Iron Dagger (+2) 40 gold
Crude leather armor 3/5hp

Gate Key
Rusty Old Key
Leather Armor (2/6hp) 10 gold
50 gold

Magic Spells:
Lightning - Sends a bolt of lightning towards the foe causing X damage where X= MD+level(s) of Knowledge [Magic] - 3 MP
Force Field - generates a barrier stopping 4+(MD+Knowledge [Magic]) damage - 4MP

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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sen had traveled for several hours after leaving Isfrallas and had finally managed to arrive at the outskirts of a massive complex that she assumed had to be the place where the mayor told her the mosters had taken the city's women. She could see several monsters outside of the gates even as she heard the cpatives' pleas to be released and screams. On the outside there appeared to be a few women that were made out of slime, two bee like women and and two warrior women with large swords. The first building was of moderate size and seemed to be made of mostly earth, rocks, vines, and moss. The Bees and the warriors left to other buisness leaving only the three slime women left at the gate.
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Hmmm... Three creatures guarding the gates. If there were only one or two, I might just try sneaking by them, but I don't I could get past all three without being noticed. I guess there's nothing to do, but take the direct approach then and hope their friends don't come back while I'm in the middle of a battle. Sen decides after a short mental debate before summoning a bit of her magic reserves and sending a lightning bolt flickering out at one of the slime women while the three were still at range.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sen sends out a lightning bolt at the slimes.
Slime 1
No dodge.
The first slimegirl is vaporized by Sen's lightning bolt. They now notice they have an intruder. And the second slimegirl makes a counter attack.
Slimegirl 2
1+5+1= 7
As the second Slimegirl wihps out a tentcacle of slime at her Sen just barely manages to avoid it.
Sen's magic knowledge increases to 1/10
Sens Dodge increases to 1/0
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Easy as taking candy from a baby. I knew taking this assignment would be good. Kill some garden variety monsters, rescue some villagers, I bet none of the monsters here are a real danger to anything more than said villagers. Sen says with an overconfident smile as she draws her dagger with a quick slashing motion from it's sheath on her belt.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sen take a slice at the second slime trying to knock out another foe. Even as the third one is making her way to her.
(2d6)+3: 6,1,+3 Total:10
Slimegirl 2
(2d6)+0: 2,5,+0 Total:7
Slimegirl 2 takes 2 damage, defeat!
Sen manages to take out the second slimegirl as third appears from right behind it and attacks at Sen with her whip.
Slimegirl 3
(2d6)+1: 5,3,+1 Total:9
(2d6)+3: 6,2,+3 Total:11
Sen just barely manages to avoid the slimegirls whip as she jukes out of the way.
Sen's Melee Fight goes up to 1/10
Sen's dodge goes up to 2/10
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

What did I say, what did I say, what did I say. Heh, easy. Sen says as she dices through the weak monsters. Of course, it did help that these slimes were even dumber than normal ones: slimes tended to act together and gang up on their enemies instead of taking turns attacking. The little juice wads were much more dangerous when they did that.

As she considers this, Sen slashes out at the last slime using her dagger.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sen slices at the last slime with her dagger.
Roll(2d6)+3: 1,3,+3 Total:7
Slimegirl 3
Roll(2d6)+1: 4,1,+1 Total:6
Sen just barely catches the slime with her dagger and nicks its face.
"OW! MY FACE! MY PRETTY FACE!" The slimegirl yells with a look of pure anger and ire as it attacks Sen once again with its whip.
Slimegirl 3
(2d6)+1: 5,3,+1 Total:9
Roll(2d6)+3: 1,4,+3 Total:8
The whip lands square against Sen's tits tearing a line right down her cleavage.
Sen's Fight Melee goes up to 2/10
Sen's armor takes 1 damage going down to 5hp
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Aw, damn lucky slimes! I liked this armor, too. Now I'm going to need to get it fixed later. Sen remarks, not at all phased by the fact the slime is still alive. I guess I just need to slice you harder! She finishes with a smile before whirling her dagger about and then stabbing it at the slime.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena slices at the slime hopefully for the last time.
(2d6)+3: 3,6,+3 Total:12
Slimegirl 3
(2d6)+1: 2,4,+1 Total:7
The slimegirl explodes into several clomps of slime and scitters off to join its fallen comrades.
Sena finds 10 gold on the ground that was being carried inside of the three different slimes and a key to the entrance.
Sena's Fight Melee goes up to 3/10
Sena gains 1 1/2 XP
Sena advances to the first building of the compound and stops at the door.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Cha-ching! Yahoo! Not only will I get payed for this, but I get to take anything I find off the dead monsters. I told ol' bats for brains at the orphanage that being an adventuring merc would be worth it. She didn't believe me either. It's only my second job and my prospects are already looking up. To think, if I had been stupid enough to do this with a group, I'd have to share my finds. Sen says happily to herself as she collects the coins and key.

Moving over to the gate, Sen quickly tries to unlock the entrance so she can venture further inside.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena walks into the dark building, it is void of a single window and only lit by the interval of torches hanging on the walls. The floor are made of hard and cold sandstone and has a pungent musky odor to it. To her right is a door, though she does not know if it is locked or not. To her left is a long hallway with what might be a door hidden by the poor light at the end. On the opposite side of the hallway, down the hall to her left, the wall opens into a chamber. Unfortunately, the poor lighting and the angle keep Sen from being able to see much of the inside area from here.
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Damn, I'm just inside the entrance and I'm already forced to choose which way to go. Well, I can't see past the doors and I have no guarantee that anything through that opening won't see or hear me as I head to a door to try and open it... I guess I get to check the open room first. Here's to hoping anything inside has just as poor of hearing as ol' bat for brains. Sen plans before she tries to sneak towards the open passage way to look inside. Her only experience sneaking came from trying to steal the orphanage matron's cookies for a pre-dinner snack, and, given how hard of hearing the old crone was, that wasn't exactly a difficult task.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena attempts to sneak up to the open passageway.
Difficulty 9:Easy
Sena makes soft footfalls that can just barely be heard and a group of two in the adjacent rooms hears. "Huh? Who's there? Do we have a cute fresh young virgin who came to play with us?" One asks mischievously as they make their way down to Sena's location.
Sena's sneak goes up to 1/10
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Well, fuck, there went stealth out the window. Sen mentally pouts before giving up on being sneaky and simply letting loose a lightning bolt from her fingers at the closer orc.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena fires a lightning bolt at the front most orc.
(2d6)+3: 1,2,+3 Total:6 (ouch bad roll)
Orc 1
(2d6)+2: 3,3,+2 Total:8
The lightning bolt just whizzes past the orc's head. "GAH! Trying to make bacon out of me are you!? I'll teach you!" She saids as she make a grab for Sena.
(2d6)+2: 3,2,+2 Total:7
(2d6)+3: 3,1,+3 Total:7
Sena just manages to jump back out of the orc's grasp but not before the orc manages to grab the tear of her armor from the slime ripping a piece of it off exposing her left breast.
"Oink! Wow, what nice titties you got little intruder! OINK OINK OINK!"
The second orc then tries to grab a hold of Sena to allow her companion to molest her.
Orc 2
The Orc tries to grab but Sena manages to slip away but not before the orc rips off the other half of top revealing both of perky boobs her nipples beginning to stiffen from the cold air of the dungeon. "OINK! We're going to enjoy raping you, little miss interloper! OINK OINK OINK!"
Sena's breasts are fully exposed, lowering her armor to 4hp
Sena's dodge goes up to 5/10
Sena's magic goes up to 2/10
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Damn it! Why the hell didn't I ever practice magic more? Now I'm stuck in situations where I could use it, but I can't aim worth shit! Sen mentally complains as she swipes her dagger forward at the orcs. Oh, yeah? How about I carve you up instead?
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Sena takes a swipe at the orc with her dagger.
Roll(2d6)+3: 1,1,+3 Total:5 (OUCH! double 1's)
Orc 1
(2d6)+2: 4,2,+2 Total:8
The orc manages to sidestep Sena's blade and makes an attempt to restrain her once again.
Orc 1
(2d6)+2: 5,5,+2 Total:12
(2d6)+3: 3,5,+3 Total:11
The orc manages to get Sena in a full nelson and remove her dagger. "Here let's put this away before you put someone's eye out little girl! OINK OINK OINK!"
Her companion then goes to grab Sena's breasts.
Grappled unable to dodge
Orc 2
Roll(2d6)+2: 3,3,+2 Total:8
The orc grabs a firm hold on both of Sena's tits, squeezing them like melons. "Yeah, these are real nice, miss intruder. Let's see if I can't get milk out them." She then goes to suck on Sena's right nipple.
Sena's Fight Melee goes up to 4/10
Sena's dodge goes up to 6/10
Random roll: 2 1d3+0 Sena takes 2 pleasure damage as the pig woman goes about sucking her breast as a newborn.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP

Gah! Let go! Sen cries out, a little disturbed about the way the fight is going. What the hell were the orcs doing? She'd heard of orc men raping captured women, but the orc women raped women as well? Worried about what the orcs were planning to do next, Sen quickly tries to wriggle free, hoping to slide out of the grip of the orc holding her.