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Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

The mimic comes to as she hears the sound of gear being picked up and Sen putting her clothes back on. "Mmmmmm. That was wonderful. I've been locked in this room so long its been forever since I've had sex, male or female. Alright sweet cheeks. You earned your part of the deal." She saids as she picks up the potion out of her chest and sets it by Sen. "Also, if you run into my sisters in the other buildings while rescuing the womenfolk be sure to tell them about our little playtime, and they might give you something nice too. Of course the monster in charge of this whole complex keeps us all locked up here, so they will probably want to fuck too. Oh before you head out here's a little something extra for being willing to go along with me," she tosses Sen a handful of coins, "Be careful out there."

Sen receives 1 +4 Mana Potion
Sen receives 15 gold
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Y-yes, I will. Sen stutters out as she starts blushing again at the thought of what she just did. Stowing the potion and gold, she then makes her way back towards the entrance where she would check the door immediately by the entrance if she didn't encounter anything as she went.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Random Roll for encounters (1d2; 1= encounter 2 =nothing)

Sen walks slowly and quietly down the hall to the door of the chamber where the orcs were last seen, and stops and puts her ear to the door to check and see if they have come back or not. After pressing her ear to the door for a few minutes and not hearing anything Sena figures they ran for the hills and havent come back.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Moving opening the door, Sen then heads out to the entry way, near where she fought the slimes. Looking around, she decides to go to the door closer to the entrance as opposed to the one down the long hallway.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

The door creaks open and Sen comes to a room large room longer then the one she found the mimic in and it is mercifully void of any monsters. Straight down from the one she opened she can see another doorway.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Glancing about at the suspiciously empty room, Sen continues forward to the doorway opposite her. If she can get there without anything unexpected coming out to get her, she will the listen at the door to see if there is anything on the other side.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

As Sen reaches the door without trouble she puts her ear to the door and listens for any possible enemies.
Notice check TN:9 Easy

Sen leans keeps her ear pressed against the door but fails to hear any sound.

Sen's Notice goes up to 2/10
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Where is everyone? While it makes sense that they wouldn't have enough people to be in every room, you'd think they would at least have guards in the rooms near the entrance. Sen thinks before carefully opening the door, just because there wasn't anyone in the room didn't mean they couldn't have set up some other sort of trap.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Out of nowhere Sen suddenly heard a loud bubuzzing sound and saw a woman with the lower body of giant bee carrying a small honey pot at her side.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

How the hell did I not here that? Sen wonders as she begins her opening move: the lightning bolt that seems to typically miss whenever she uses it. Letting the electricity arc from her fingers, she hopes that this time it might actually hit for once.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Sen sends out a lightning bolt towards the beegirl hoping to scare it away at least if it misses.
vs. Honeybee
It actually hit this time.
6 damage

The electricity hits the bee square on its chest sending thousands of volts into the creature. The bee like woman is quickly sent into unconsciousness as it is unable to withstand the power of the electricity from Sen's attack going down in a smoking heap.

Sen's Magic goes up to 3/10
Sen recieves 1/2 XP
Sen finds 5 gold buried in the Bee's honey pot.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Sen stares at the creature, blinking in confusion for a few seconds. It worked? IT WORKED! HA HA! I MANAGED TO GET HER! Sen exclaims happily while doing a small victory dance. She then practically skips over to the corpse and sorts through the remains. Grabbing the coins, Sen playfully licks them clean before glancing about the room to check to see where the exits are.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

{OOC: My mistake rather then another room it was a small hallway. My bad.}

Sen opens the door to see a short hallway with another door right the end of it, the room is completely empty.

Search the room?
Continue down through the door?
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Sen glances about, checking to see if there are any more of the monsters. Almost disappointed that there aren't any, she moves on. This was really the first building she has gone dungeoneering in. All she had done before was guard a trade caravan, so looting isn't something that she has come to mind.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

The door creaks open and Sen finds a large cage with a man locked inside like a prison, on the outside there are two orcs and two honeybess. The orcs' faces are covered in semen and rather then honey the Honeybees' pots are filled with cum as they are dipping their finger in and licking them like it was honey.

"Oink! So you're the intruder those worthless guards by the mimic told us about! Oink!" One of the orcs saids. "Yes, I thought I heard a noise out in the hallway." Chimes in one of the honeybees. "This man is our mate, go find your own cock intruder, or did you come to meet the fate of all these other women, Hm~~~?" The other honeybee asks menacingly.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

This isn't good: I need to free that man, but to take out all four of them? Especially when my mana reserves are low. How can I do this? Sen wonders before coming across an idea. I, uh, I think I'll just be leaving you to him then. She says backing away towards the passage she just came through. At the same time, she swiftly downs the mana potion. She didn't intend to run away, she was just hoping to avoid conflict until after the potion could take effect.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Random Roll (Flee Attempt): Roll one d6 - 1 to 3 Enemy prevents escape; 4 to 6 escape successful
Escape failed

A honeybee flies towards Sen attempting to grapple her and lay an egg inside her ass.
Honeybee 1

The beewoman tackles Sen holding her down to the ground. "Nice ass miss intruder, I bet you would just LOVE to take my eggs up in that puckered up ring hole of yours."
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Wait, what? Your going to do what where? Sen asks, an edge of panic in her voice. Quickly she starts trying to worm her way free before the monster woman could pull aside her armor and carry out the threat.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Lyn begins to struggle in a frenzied panic as she realizes the beewoman's intent.
Honeybee 1
Sen just barely manages to escape the fate the honeybee had in store for her, even as her companions begin converge on Sen's location ganging up on our heroine.

Sen's Escape(DEX) goes up to 3/10
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Nervous about going up against the bee woman again, Sen also can quite clearly remember what happened the last time she dealt with the orcs. Quickly she lets loose a lightning bolt at the closest orc, hoping that the bolt would do enough damage to keep the orc from helping its companions if not outright killing it.