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Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Lyn lets out a lightning bolt towards one of the orcs hoping to kill it.
Orc 1
Total:12 (Ouch. A bad couple of rolls for you.)
Random Roll (To see if it hits a companion instead) 1-3 misses anything, 4-6 hits a copmanion. Roll(1d6)+0:
3 damage. (What the last one should have been, but you killed i anyways.)

The lightning bolt flies past the Orc's head and hits one of the honey bees. Frying her and sending her crashing to the ground, scaring the first advancing orc to back up a little in fear of meeting the same fate.
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Well, I guess that, even if I can't aim magic worth anything, as long as there are a lot of them it doesn't matter if I miss. Sen thinks before trying to fire one last lightning bolt again into the same orc she aimed at before.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Lyn tries to zap the orc one more time hoping to lower the number of foes she has to fight so she doesnt get raped.
Orc 1
3 damage

The lightning bolt connects and the Orc is turned into Kentucky Smoked ham. Unfortunately while the other orc is frightened into place by Sen's attack the other honeybee decides to attempt to avenge her fallen foe.

Honeybee 2

Lyn just barely manages to avoid the flying insect as it flies towards her to attempt to pin and rape her.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

I hit- Whoa! Now is not the time for a victory dance. Sen mentally chides herself after being interrupted by the bee woman. Deciding that it would probably be easier to hit the ground bound orc rather than the flying woman, Sen pulls out her dagger and lunges at the orc woman, hoping to hit her and wound her enough that she would be able to get a killing blow in before the bee woman came around for another pass.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Lyn makes a lunge at the Orc with her dagger hoping to skewer it.
(unlucky roll)
Orc 2

Lyn trips over a loose rock and falls flat on her face in front of the Orc woman even as the honeybee regains her bearings and makes another attempt at her asshole.

Honeybee 2

The honeybee manages to get on top of Sen's backside and hold her down to the ground, "I have had enough of you intruder, I think it's time I KNOCKED YOU THE FUCK UP!" She screams in anger and defiance.

Sen's Dodge goes up to 8/10
Sens's Fight, Melee goes up to 5/10
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Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

WhaaaagggHHHH! Sen mentally yells as she falls to the ground. Of all the- SHIT! She yells again as the bee woman grabs hold of her. Quickly, Sen tries to squirm free and slide out from under the insect girl before anything gets poked into places she'd prefer nothing get poked.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Sen struggles desperately to get out of the bee's grasp before she is injected with her eggs.
Honeybee 2
Special Attack: Lay egg

Its no use the bee keeps a firm grip on Sen's ass and tears the leather armor off of her posterior and injects the tube on her abdomen into Sen's ass and injects her with her offspring.

en's armor is torn off around her buttocks leaving her ass exposed lowering it to 4hp
Sen takes 1 point of pleasure going down to 5 points
Sen takes 1 point of fatigue going down to 9 points
Sen's Escape Dex goes up to 4/10
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Ghhhh! Sen grunts as she feels the creature start forcing an egg into her ass. Still, she doesn't let the odd sensation stop her from trying to pull free. This time she tries to slide sideways, maybe the pressure on the tube would make the bee uncomfortable enough that Sen would be able to wriggle free of her grasp.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Lyn slides sideways as she attempts to wriggle free of the bee's grasp.
Honeybee 2

Sen manages to escape as the other Orc regains her composure and makes an attempt to hold her down so her friend can continue the insemination.

Orc 2
(Damn. another unlucky roll)

The Orc manages to down next to Sen and fold her arms behind her back keeping her pinned to the ground as she begins to tear off her top.

Sen's Escape Dex goes up to 5/10
Sen's top is torn revealing her breasts her armor goes down to 3HP
Sen is pregnant (Roll 2d6= turns until birth - 6 turns until the egg is born)
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Kyah! Sen cries out as her armor is torn farther apart. Still, she squirms, trying to get her arms free to fight back against the orc of insect girl. Hoping to at least get her dagger in the position to stab one, she tries to twist her arms out of the orc's grip.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Sen tries to twist her arms free from the Orc's grasp.
Orc 2

Sen manages to get free of the Orc's grasp but the honeybee is still right behind her and makes an attempt to grapple Sen as well intending to inject more of her eggs inside of her this time her womb.

Honeybee 2
Special attack: Inject egg

The bee manages once again tackle Sen to the ground hoding her in place to inject her eggs into her womb. Sen's woman hood stretching as the egg slides into her center.

Sen takes 1 point of pleasure damage going down to 4 points
Sen takes 2 points of fatigue damage for the already laid egg and the one inserted going down to 7 points
Sen's escape dex goes up to 6/10
Sen is pregnant, 5 turns until the eggs are hatched
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Gahhh! Sen cries out as she feels another of the creature's eggs force its way into her. Beginning to cry slightly as the unusual sensations flow through her, Sen desperately tries to wriggle free from the woman. She didn't fully understand why the woman is injecting her with eggs, but she wants it to stop.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Sen frantically tries to escape the insect like woman before she is impregnated any further, even as she feels the bee' eggs begin to fertilize in her womb and ass sending a rather disturbing sensation of pain and pleasure thorough her entire body.
Honey bee 2

Sen manages to break free from the Honeybee's grasp, her privates fully exposed to the elements and the cool air of the dungeon, making her already violated ass and pussy twitch from the sensation and her nipples begin to stiffen.

(I'll be nice this time and not have the orc attack.)

Sen's Escape Dex goes up to 7/10
Sen is pregnant- 4 turns until Eggs are born/hatched
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

The decision to attack the orc is rather straightforward for Sen. Not only is the thing better at holding her down once it's grabbed her, which makes it more dangerous, but the bee girl is a bit to disturbing for her to want to get near when she has a choice. As such, Sen quickly tries to dart forward and slash at the Orc with her dagger.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

As Sen manages to get herself back up off the ground she makes a quick strike at the ogre, all the while the eggs inserted into her body begin developing even more causing strange and alien sensations and feelings to be stirred up inside of her.
Critcal Hit: Double Damage!
6 damage

Sens's dagger connects as it easily tears through the Orc's throat, splashing its blood onto her exposed chest as the beewoman make another attempt to grab her pinning her down to lay her eggs inside one her holes.

Honeybee 2
Special Attack: Lay Egg

The insect like woman manages to grab ahold of Sen from behind inserting her tube laying yet another egg into Sen's womb, causing her belly to bulge from her pregnancy and instilling even more alien sensations deep inside her body and mind.

Sen's Fight Melee goes up to 7/10
Sen's Dodge goes up to 9/10
Sen takes 1 pleasure damage and 2 fatigue damage (1 from new egg and 1 from the egss already inside) going down to 3 Pleasure and 5 fatigue.
Sen is Pregnant - 3 turns until eggs are birthed.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Guh! No! Let go! Sen cries out, Trying to wriggle free of the insect girl. She varries her patterns, trying to twist about with no predictability in the hope that this would make her harder to hold.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Sen thrashes about wildly and frantically in an increasingly desparate attempt to free her self from the bee like creature before she has more eggs put into her.
Honeybee 2

Sen manages to break free once more from the beelady even as she feels the eggs developing more and more and getting closer and closer to pushing themselves out of her holes and hatching. The bee enjoying her violation of Sen makes one more attempt to hold her down for the insemination.

Honeybee 2
Sen just isnt quite fast enough as the insect woman once again grabs hold of her arms and manages to pin her once again to the ground.

Sen's Escape Dex goes up to 7/10
Sen's Dodge goes up to 9/10
Sen is pregnant - 2 turns until birth
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Ngh! Let go of me! Sen cries out once more, trying to twist herself around and force the bee girl's arms to open up so Sen can roll free. She did not want to be in that position any longer and she could already feel strange sensations from her nethers as the eggs start moving within her.
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Sen tries once again to escape the insect woman's grasp before she is once again inseminated, even as the eggs draw all the more closer to hatching driving her delirious with pain and pleasure.
Honeybee 2

Its no use, she is completely at the insect woman's mercy, which she has none of; as she hovers egg tube over Sen's mouth this time and plans to literally feed her her eggs forcing them down her throat.
Special ability: Lay Eggs

Sen's Escaped Dex goes up to 8/10
Sen is pregnant - Eggs will hatch next turn
Sen takes 1 Pleasure Damage going down to 2 and 3 fatigue damage going down to 2.
Sen is delirious from the excruciating combination of Pain and Pleasure she is receiving from the insemination
Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

MMMMPH! Sen sounds out in a muffled scream as she tries to free herself from the insect girls grip. It was bad enough that the creature was forcing eggs into her privates, but to have one hatch in her throat... errrghh.