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Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

Re: Lightning Warrior Raidy RP(Pheonix Beta)

The insect woman disengages from Sen and hovers around as she waits in anticipation for she knows what is to come next. And then it happens. All of a sudden Sen is hit with a feeling she could never have even begun to imagine. Her whole body is violated from the inside out. Her womb, bowels, and mouth are overflowed with a noxious clumpy pungent goo filling her far beyond capacity as her stomach bulges and stretches even more, giving her a massive pregnant tummy.
And then finally as if that wasn't bad enough, the hatched insects come tearing out of her holes as small bee women the size of fists coming flying out of her vagina, asshole and mouth. Driving her completely delirious and exhausted as the harrowing ordeal finishes. Afterwards, she falls face flat on the ground completely drained from the terrible fate that has befallen her and the insect woman locks her in the cage with the man.