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Lilalac Lace - (Fox and Kitten) 5th Edition

Name: Misra Lv 1 Aarsimar (Protector)
Arcane Trickster Rogue
HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 | Saves: Dex, Int | Prof Bonus: +2
Resistances: Radiant, Necrotic
Score Mod
STR: 9 (-1)
DEX: 18 (+4)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 16 (+3)
WIS: 11 (0)
CHA: 7 (-2)
Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation E, Stealth, Sleight of hand E, Acrobatics
Expertise: sleight of hand, investigation
Tools: Theives'
Other Prof: Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
Lang: Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Sylvan
Sneak Attack: 1d6
Healing Hands: As action, creature touched gains [[lv]] hp. 1/long rest
Light Bearer: Knows Light spell
Radiant Soul: 1/long rest | as action gain 30 ft fly speed, and add [[lv]] radiant damage to an attack each turn. lasts 1 min
Equipment: Leather Armor
2 Daggers
Shortbow w/ 20 Arrows
Thieves' Tools
A bottle of black ink a quill
a small knife
a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer
a set of common clothes
belt pouch containing 10 gp
Personality: bookish
Sage Background, Feature: Researcher, Alchemical Study
Personality Trait: I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations.
Ideal: No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence.
Bond: My life's work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore.
Flaw: Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.
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The early spring winds still held a bit of a bite to them. It had been a bitterly cold winter, after all, still leaving a cold clean taste in the air even after the snowmelt. Normally it might be a touch cold for Marisa, but the Aarsimer had heard some rather strange tails of late. There was a village some distance from her home that lay in a valley. Why did this pique her interest? Demons. Plain and simple. There were things to be researched and Marisa was just the girl for the job!
Sack of tools on her back, she strode up to the first vestiges of civilization. A rural farm!

Out tending the fields was a single, well-built man. Could this be the break that Marisa needed! Or was she still a touch shy? Either way, the man looked up from the field hes tilled. Smiling warmly he walked over to the Aarsimar. "Greetin's" He nodded. His deep green eyes looking over the girl. "Don't get many visitors up here," he nodded, "'Specially none so fine as ye'rself. What brings you to our village?"
Name: Misra Lv 1 Aarsimar (Protector)
Arcane Trickster Rogue
HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 | Saves: Dex, Int | Prof Bonus: +2

Misra averts her attention to the fine man, indeed she could not ignore his musculature. She blushes a little as she nods to him. "Oh, hello! I didn't see you there! I am just passing through." She laughs a little to herself nervously, she wasn't quite sure what to do! She hasn't interacted with many people who gave a clear interest in her sexually. "I'm traveling to investigate some demons in this town."
She says excitedly, her vibrant blue eyes flashing with insistent curiosity.
If the man noticed Misra's blush he seemed to pay it no mind. Giving a casual smile, and conversation that was rarely found in the big cities, but was common enough among country folk. "Just passin' through 'eh?" He laughed. "Bit 'o an odd place to pass through, not that I mind." She chuckled looking over the woman once more. "Demons!" His eyes flash as she speaks the words. "Don't suppose you'd brought yer own holy water?" He laughed. Perhaps feeling a bit bad for laughing at the girl's expense he quickly cleared his throat. Looking around the clear blue sky, drawing a deep breath of the cold air. "'Ell... You seem nice enough, why don't you stay a night here? Village is still a ways off, and your legs are probably tired after yer travels. Got an extra bunk if ya need it, wont charge you non" he grinned.
Name: Misra Lv 1 Aarsimar (Protector)
Arcane Trickster Rogue
HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 | Saves: Dex, Int | Prof Bonus: +2

She laughs along with him, keeping a light-hearted tone to her voice. "Well, that's quite kind of you! Thank you very much, I will take you up on that offer!" She smiles sweetly, relieved that she can rest her weary head for the night, her head had been spinning with questions all day! "I promise I won't be any trouble at all, I will help you with anything you may need while I'm here! I don't mind getting my hands dirty." She chuckled, she was quite enjoying this man and his conversation!
farmer.jpg The man's eyes glimmer as Misra agrees to stay. A small confident smile now plastered on his face. "Well that's lovely," He bellowed hard and suddenly. Leaning his hoe on the fence her reached out a hand to Marisa, "Names John, John McDonald."
"I tell you're a bit of a gods send. I wasn't sure how I'd be out here till the third watch with everything I need to get done today. So you know much about animals Ms? I'd hate to see you breaking your pretty back tending my feilds, but I could certainly use the help out back with the animals. Cows need milkin', horses needs feedin', pigs need sloppin' too but you shouldn't worry about that," he laughed. "No, fine young lady like you shouldn't be tangling with pig slop!"
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