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Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 0/500 XP, 601/1000 KP. KL 1/6

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 25

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 45/95

Pregnancy Counter: 5 turns until birthing.

Attack Roll:

Lilith: 35+40=75 Vs. Brain Sucker: 65

Damage Calculations:


Lilith hits the bug, and to her surprise, kills it with her final blow!

Lilith gains 500 XP and reaches Level 2! 10 Stat points to spend freely.


Move on.

Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

(I'll just put 2 points in each stat)

Lillith pauses for a moment, and then suddenly jumps up and down in joy. "Hah!" she exclaims, "Stupid bug." She then runs out of the room humming in joy.

(Action: Move on)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1000 KP. KL 1/6 Level 2.

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Pregnancy Counter: 4 turns until birthing.

Lilith enters a room with nearly thirty torches lighting it, and spots a second map piece! As she grabs it, the voice fills the room once more.

"Congratulations Lilith on finding map piece number two. Your one step closer to facing me directly, is this not fun? Ah, I almost forgot, as your aware of already, you must fight a boss in order to keep this map piece, and you must defeat him. That said, meet the Demonic Terror. Do enjoy, and perhaps you'll have another baby with him too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

From the only other exit, a door in the center far wall comes a gigantic 7 foot tall creature, and instantly it guns for her!

Enemy Stats And Description:

Level: BOSS

Demonic Terror: The Demonic Terror is a seven foot tall humanoid creature with teal colored skin, a massive member and a bad ass craving for sex. It's eyes are lava smoldering red with black pupils, and it is completely nude. One arm is completely human looking while the other seems to be deformed, suggesting this creature isn't fully possessed yet.

Grapple Attempt:

Demonic Terror: 66 Vs. Lilith: 40+45=85.

Lilith dodges a sudden swipe from the Terror, able to hear the rush of air from it's hand as it swings past her with enough force to stun easily if it hit her in the head, possibly even kill.



Get seriously raped into FUBAR status.
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lillith dodges its attack out of reflex, but when she has a chance to fully see what is attacking her, she looks absolutely stunned. "Uhh...wait, please wait," she begs the beast, still looking up at its enormous, in all areas, size. "Couldn't we work together or something. I promise to be 'nice' to you if you help me escape..." She says trying to reason with the thing.

(Action: Attempt to negotiate, dodge if need be)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1000 KP. KL 1/6 Level 2.

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Pregnancy Counter: 3 turns until birthing.

The Terror tilts it's head for a second, seeming to listen for a fleeting moment...

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 68 Vs. Lilith: 37+39=76

... and barely misses grabbing Lilith in a sudden move!



Be Raped HARD.
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

"Damn," Lillith mutters, "well its your loss big guy." With that she charges at the thing and tries to kick it.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1000 KP. KL 1/6 Level 2.

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Pregnancy Counter: 2 turns until birthing.

Attack Roll:

Lilith: 37+29=66 Vs. Terror: 56

Damage Calculations:


Lilith kicks the creature and it staggers back before lunging for her...

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 44 Vs. Lilith: 37+28=65

.... and misses badly!



Get Raped.
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

"We can stop this anytime" Lillith says, while charging the beast and trying to jump up and hit it on the head with her fist.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1500 KP. KL 0/6 Level 2. (Adjusted for new system.)

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Pregnancy Counter: 1 turn until birthing.

Attack Roll:

Lilith: 37+42=79 Vs. Terror: 39

Damage Calculations:


Lilith whacks the creature but good, and it roars in defiant pain at her, charging at her....

... and suddenly stopping in mid attack. At that moment Lilith felt contractions, and knew she was about to give birth. She had one more chance to attack and then she'd be helpless.



Wait until you give birth then attack!
Last edited:
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lillith grits her teeth in pain, but is not ready to miss such an opportunity. She balls up her fist and makes one final lunge at the beast before she has to submit to the birthing.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1500 KP. KL 0/6 Level 2. (Adjusted for new system.)

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Pregnancy Counter: Giving Birth.

Attack Roll:

Lilith: 37+50=87 Vs. Terror: 38 (OW)

Damage Calculations:


Lilith makes the most of her final chance, bashing the Terror hard on the head, making it stumble back in surprise...

... and promptly falls to the floor, her body suddenly wracked with pleasure as she begins to give birth to her unwanted baby. Helpless, she watches as slowly the baby Brain Sucker works it's way out of her, sending waves of impossible pleasure ripping through her body, finally culminating in a small orgasm as the baby pops free, scuttling away even as the Terror took a swing at it, missing.

A few moments later, Lilith realized she wasn't in pain, and her body was fully healed. A second after that, she noticed the Terror leering down at her, and then with it's deformed hand it waved at her, taunting her to attack it.... if she dared. Daring her to try.



Get Raped and possibly knocked up by the Terror.
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Realizing that she is fully recovered, Lillith stands to her feet and looks at the Terror. "Ok, i gave you a chance," she says calmly, and then charges the beast swinging a fist at it.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1500 KP. KL 0/6 Level 2.

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Attack Roll:

Lilith: 37+33=70 Vs. Terror: 49

Damage Calculations:


Lilith decks the creature again, and once more it lunges for her...

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 70 Vs. Lilith: 37+50=87.

... and misses terribly!



Get Raped!
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Feeling more confident by the second, Lillith starts to swing her fists at the Terror, trying to do as much damage as she can.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1500 KP. KL 0/6 Level 2.

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Attack Roll:

Lilith: 37+6=43 (EW) Vs. Terror: 80

The Terror dodges her attack this time, then lunges for her with a take down move!

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 44 Vs. Lilith: 37+41=78 (LOL almost identical rolls opposing just different rolls for them)

Lilith returns the favor by dodging the Terror's attack easily, and the thing roars in frustration!



Pity it and get raped.
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

"Raaaarrrr!" Lillith does the best to imitate the Terrors roar, and then continues to try to attack it again.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1500 KP. KL 0/6 Level 2.

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Attack Roll:

Lilith: 37+46=83 Vs. Terror: 53

Damage Calculations:


Lilith decks the thing again....

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 85 Vs. Lilith: 37+45=82

... only to get back handed by the enraged beast, hard enough she see's stars and is quickly pinned under it's body!


Attempt to escape grapple.

Get raped.
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lillith gasps as the beast pins her. "Come on" she yells trying to push the beast off her.

(Action: Escape grapple)
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

Lilith's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 601/1500 KP. KL 0/6 Level 2.

Strength: 27
Dexterity: 37
Vitality: 37
Energy: 32
Intelligence: 27

HP: 111/111
Stamina: 45/101

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lilith: 27+26=53 Vs. Terror: 40

Lilith escapes the grapple...

Grapple Attempt:

Terror: 61 Vs. Lilith: 27+44=71

... and dodges it's next try!



Be Raped.
Re: Lilith (Innocent Mischief)

"That was a waste of time silly." Lillith says, taunting the beast before punching out at it again.

(Action: Attack)