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Lisa (Archer)


Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
(Eh, I'm gonna use attachments, rather than albums. Lemme know if the map's too small to see.)

The orange-haired girl picks herself up. The air is hot and humid, but an eldritch glow lights the cavern up enough for her to see. Odd moving puddles are scattered here and there, and a brighter glow on the far wall suggests an exit.

Characters To Move
  • Lisa


  • Archer L1 T1.png
    Archer L1 T1.png
    56 KB · Views: 0
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Re: Girl (Archer)

(Map looks fine)

Lisa rubs her head with a groan, "Ugh.....what was that all about? Where am I? A cave? I guess I might as well just accept the wierd at face value, nothing good comes from being that girl who loses it in creepy situations." Lisa walks straight ahead towards the exit glancing at the nearest puddle as she approaches it

(up 3)
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Re: Lisa (Archer)

(Um... "Lisa", or "Amber", or "Lisa Amber", or what? I thought "Lisa", but then I noticed you called her "Amber" later...)

Lisa's glance towards the nearest puddle turns into a shocked stare when it abruptly sprouts feet and a face, runs up to her, and asks in a high-pitched voice, "Can I splash on your titties?"

Whether it's smart enough to listen is not known, because as soon as Lisa replies, it jumps straight at her chest, splattering her with its substance. Any further reaction is lost when a second puddle comes dashing up, "Wheee!" echoing through the cavern as it flies into her side.

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 2/100

Characters To Move
  • Lisa


  • Archer L1 T2.png
    Archer L1 T2.png
    154.5 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

((HAHAHA yeah I changed my mind and fixed the first time I said the name, sorry about that, yeah you guessed right))

"Well hello there you're-*squish*.........cute." Lisa doesn't even react as the second one hits her. "This is going to be a very very wierd day....." She walks calmly towards the exit more annoyed than shocked that she just got attacked by living puddles of she-knows-exactly-what.

(Holds down the up button)
Re: Lisa (Archer)

Lisa's straightforward approach leads to her being splattered again, as the puddle that had been sitting in front of the exit notices her.

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 3/100

Characters To Move
  • Lisa


  • Archer L1 T3.png
    Archer L1 T3.png
    154.7 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

"Blehg......." Lisa wipes herself off and noticing that the way to the door is clear breaks out into a run spirinting for the exit.

(Holds down the B button while moving up "Yaaaaaaaaaa!")
Re: Lisa (Archer)

Lisa's jog gets interrupted when she gets hit from both sides simultaneously, twin cries of glee arcing through the air.

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 5/100

Characters To Move
  • Lisa


  • Archer L1 T4.png
    Archer L1 T4.png
    154.8 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

"There had better be something more interesting on the other side of this door...." Lisa grumbles as she passes through into the next cave.
Re: Lisa (Archer)

(There's no door, it's just a tunnel opening.)

Grumbling to herself and wiping away excess semen, Lisa makes her way onwards. The tunnel is darker than the cavern, but still bright enough for her to see a trickle of water dripping down one wall.

Regardless of whether she cleaned herself off or not, Lisa would have only two choices... go back to the cavern with the semen puddles, or find out where the tunnel leads. With no reason to go back, she went forwards... and found herself in another open cavern.

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 5/100

Characters To Move
  • Lisa


  • Archer L2 T1.png
    Archer L2 T1.png
    101.2 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

"Tiny demons? Well I guess that's better than puddles..." Lisa moved forward trying to avoid setting off any alarms for the imps.

(Up 2 right 1)
Re: Lisa (Archer)

(There's no alarms, either.)

Looking beyond a rock, Lisa can just make out one of the imps. This one seems rather indecisive, walking away from the rock, then turning back towards it.

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 5/100

Characters To Move
  • Lisa


  • Archer L2 T2.png
    Archer L2 T2.png
    102.7 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

Noting that nothing has spotted her Lisa hurries towards the door kneeling behind the second rock she comes to before the big open area.

(Up 3)
Re: Lisa (Archer)

Leaving the indecisive imp behind, Lisa walks on. Unfortunately, a much more purposeful imp starts walking through the open area, starting to cross in front of her.

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 5/100

Characters To Move
  • Lisa


  • Archer L2 T3.png
    Archer L2 T3.png
    102.5 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

Lisa grimaces, as the imp walks along she rushes forward and grabs for it. "Ha! Caught you!"

(up 3)
Re: Lisa (Archer)

(I'm assuming you meant to do that.)

In her eagerness to catch and question something, Lisa jumps the gun. Her lunge nets her only empty air, and an evil high-pitched chuckle from her left tells her that her intended prey had paused when he heard her footsteps.

He doesn't wait any longer. Charging up, wings fluttering, the imp tackles Lisa onto her back, straddling her front and feeling up her bosom. "Fleshy..." he marvels, squashing her orbs with surprisingly soft hands.

Then he pulls back, shoves his tiny penis into her unprepared slit, pumps a few times, shudders, and flops backwards, giggling in simple-minded delight. A twinge from her womb suggests that he left more than emotional distress behind...

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 8/100, Pregnant: 1 turn

Characters To Move
  • Lisa


  • Archer L2 T4.png
    Archer L2 T4.png
    102 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

"Ew......" Lisa grimaces but keeps her head on straight bolting for the door while her assailant was too busy enjoying his cheap thrill. "Great some perverted world where monsters are only interested in your pussy..." She pauses at the door an pictures a bunch of imps tearing her apart while she screams and gurgles blood. "On second thought I can live with the perverted version....." She winces wiping the thought from her head and passes onto the next part of the cave.

(up 2 left 1)
Re: Lisa (Archer)

Lisa's run for the exit is interrupted when her uterus abruptly cramps up. She's forced to stop, standing still as she clutches her belly, and then lie down as the cramps turn to all-out muscle spasms. Moments later, she grits her teeth as she starts to give birth.

Whether it's because the imps are so small, or some magic in the caverns, Lisa finds out that it's not nearly as painful or as lengthy as all the horror stories, and after a minute or two of strain, she's staring at a newborn imp. It, in turn, looks up at her with shining eyes and an intent expression on its face.

The father imp wanders around idly, giggling as he watches the birth, then patting the newborn and Lisa with a hand. It's unclear whether he's trying to be reassuring, or is merely taking pride in the result.

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 8/100

Characters To Move
  • Lisa
  • Imp 1


  • Archer L2 T5.png
    Archer L2 T5.png
    152.2 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

"Ugh sorry you are so not my type...." Lisa glances at the new imp and hurries to the nearby exit, not in the mood to be gangbanged.

(Up into the goal)
Re: Lisa (Archer)

The jeering giggles of the father follow Lisa as she hurries into the tunnel, but the imp himself doesn't. The child imp, however, tags along quickly, reaching up to try and take Lisa's hand as she walks.

Whatever happens, though, Lisa can't stay in the tunnel forever. She makes her way to the other end... and enters a new cavern.

Three more imps are wandering around here, but what is more worrisome, is the fat blue imp sitting in front of the exit in the far corner.

Character Stats
  • Lisa: Corruption 8/100

Characters To Move
  • Lisa
  • Imp 1


  • Archer L3 T1.png
    Archer L3 T1.png
    67.4 KB · Views: 0
Re: Lisa (Archer)

"Oh dear....how am I supposed to get by him....." She looks over at her newest companion and sits down, "If you're on my side.....then that means..." She grins and sits the imp in her lap, "We're going to make an army...." She presses her breasts together and jiggles them to entice the imp.

(Is the fat imp still imp height or bigger, I keep picturing like jabba the hutt sized imp)