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Litchfield, South Carolina

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Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara let loose a small sigh.

"Well, Magnus will want to know. Nikola is supposed to be dead, truth be told after what he pulled last year, I wish he was dead. No offense to you or anything, glad he saved you since you seem nice and all but ..."

She trailed off, finally turning back to face her.

"Nikola is, or was, hell bent on reviving the vampire race by any means possible. He wanted us to go along with it and help him, when we refused, he tired to kill Helen and I. So you might understand why I'm not to happy hear that Vlad is still alive."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"well i guess that explains why he was all beasty and everything when fighting them..he didnt seem like a bad person was quite helpful afterall. but umm..think you could do me a favor?...i have nothign to wear other then what you see. i could use a hand me down or something."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara initially shrugged, not seeming to like the idea of Nikola being around at all, then after a moment she blinked.

"Oh um ... come with me to my room, I think some of my stuff might fit you. Maybe. Follow me."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

she nodded a bit and gave a small smile at the offer and would follow clara whenever she walked on. bare feet on most likely cold concrete or tiles was making her a little cold so she would welcome anything at the moment even just some socks.

"so umm is everyone here you know...different? or how well....umm how does this place work?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara nodded.

"Most of us are, there's a few humans who work in each Sanctuary, but many of the residents also work here. Our entire 'mission' if you will is to protect the two dominant species on Earth from one another. The Cabal want to use abnormals, or cause them to attack humans so they can control whatever is left over after that bloodbath, so part 2 of our mission is to make sure they don't get what they want. The Cabal are ruthless though, quite a few of us have lost people we cared about. One of my good friends, her husband was murdered in the attack at L.A a few years ago. Out of curiosity, what other abnormals have you encountered, or at least heard stories about? There's ... a lot."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"well not to many, of course that nikola fellow and the big guy from the truck...but i kinda just kept to myself. I wandered around alot just staying under the general radar....i have a sister who is abnormal as you say and there was this one time a whole bunch of different abnormals were gathered in one place..mostly just trying to learn what they could do..but after that i havnt really run into any others. I havnt seen my sister in a very long time either. Though its weird because Nikola said she sent him to help me. He said she told him the Cabal was after me."

She just shrugged not knowing a whole lot else. She was a bit more concerned for her sister now that she knew more about this cabal..or well generally that they were all assholes.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara frowned slightly.

"I hope your sister has really powerful friends who can help her out then. Very few escape the Cabal for long without serious help. We could try to help you locate her if you want, I can't promise anything though in terms of success. Here we are, come on in."

Assuming she did follow, Zale would see the room was relatively neat, and didn't have a whole lot in it, as if the girl wasn't planning to stay here long. Rummaging through some stuff, Clara called back, "shorts, or jeans type of chick?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"My sister can take of herself...where ever she is if i cant find her she doesnt feel like being found. If that is the case i doubt the cabal will find her either. Shorts will work for now. its to warm out for jeans."

Her casual glancing around the room gave her the impression that impression of either newcomer or not long to be staying in the place but she wasnt here to judge anything.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara handed a pair of short pants and shirt over to her, nodding. After a moment she bit her lip before asking two questions.

"Well, I know this may sound odd to ask, but would you mind coming back to Calgary with me when my transportation shows up? Helen will want to talk to you both about what happened with the Cabal, and about Nikola. Also um ... you want me to wait outside til you're changed?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

tilting her head considering the first request she didnt even bother answering as she simply pulled the shorts up over the bathing suit and putting the shirt on ov er as well. The bathing suit wasnt skimpy but it wasnt really gonna be in the way under any clothes.

"well calgary..sounds like a long trip...and i really cant tell her much from what i have told you really. But if you think she will be that interested in hearing about what happened then i guess i'll go. not like i have anything else to do...no more surfing lessons for now it seems."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara nodded slowly, wincing slightly.

"Chances are they've marked everything and everyone you've come into contact with since you fell onto their radar. Probably a good thing your sister is elusive as hell, otherwise you can be sure they'd try to use her to draw you out. I know, I've .... I've been there. My sister ..."

She paused, and for a moment part of her skin seemed to phase out and become invisible as she clenched a fist.

"I refused to join them, managed to escape with Helen's help. They used my sister to try and draw me out, and killed her when they couldn't have me. If you have anyone you're close with, I promise you I will do everything I can to help the others in bringing them in and protecting them. As for the trip, it'd surely screw with them tracking you, the place is protected by what we call an E.M shield, even if they managed to get a tracker device on you, that'd scramble it. Actually, this place has one on right now, but this is a relatively small Sanctuary compared to the others. Calgary is easily ten times the size of this one."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"For a while when i first looked for my sister i checked areas where major tornados or something or other weird weather had been through hoping maybe someone made her mad and she blew her top so to speak...but with what she can do imagine the cabal would have an immensly hard time bring ing her in even if they found her...they wanna fly? not around her. and when i say weird weather well..she has a firm grasp on certain weather conditions. thats all i'll say about her. as far as people i was close to...nobody was more then a passing aquaintence..closest friend i had was my surfing instructor. let me borrow a board and a few things but nothing more then that."

She looked for a chair and if none available would take a seat on the edge of the bed in the room. her eyes started to scan around for a power outlet consdiering taking a small drain from it to peak her reserves. she hadnt used much but it was always good to be prepared if someone was after you.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara was silent a moment before she hesitantly replied, "that actually is bad news if she controls wind and such. The cabal have been looking for a way to spread their Lazarus virus more efficiently. If she can manipulate those and they did find her, they may provoke her into using them so they can release Lazarus into the air in an area with her help, get it higher up into the atmosphere. Not sure if that would work, but they'd certainly try it, fits their assholian style."

Her gaze followed Zale's to the outlet, and she blinked for a moment, then her eyebrow raised.

"Another electrical manipulator or feeder?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

She grinned a bit before raising her hands out in front of herself as if performing a magic trick.

"nothing up my sleeves as you see...and now you see me....now you dont!"

In a literal flash she was gone breaking down into the electrical current and traveling into the outlet before coming out into the hallway by means of another outlet. She would then wa;l back to the room door and open it

"And then back again! I draw upon it manipulate it...I become it. alot of things kinda."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara blinked, then smiled as she chuckled.

"Well, certainly more fancy than anything even Tesla does. He just controls it, absorbs it. Be good to have you around if he decides to show up and go batshit on us again, he probably can't hurt you with that. Might not be able to hurt you at all. So, out of curiosity, when you come out of those, if someone were to touch you, would they get zapped across the room?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"only if i want them to get zapped. i mean its pretty hard to actually touch me when i'm traveling as electricity but yeah if you did touch me while i was in the energy state it would zap you..but usually i come straight out of a power grid into a human form again. I can absorb and hold onto alot of charge but sometimes i gotta be careful. I can start absorbing too much that starts getting visible indicators. my skin gets a little weird and alot of static shocks tend to trigger around me when i'm overcharged."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara nodded, seeming to understand everything pretty well.

"I figured on the still being in electrical form part, and the overcharge sounds like it could be a nasty thing. But yeah, I was just curious about when you took human form again if someone touching you would get them zapped or if it had to be a willful thing. I could have used a power like that when I was sixteen .... Instead, I got this."

After a moment, Zale would see her skin become invisible, and it if weren't for her clothing not having gone invisible with her, Zale wouldn't have even known she was in the room with her. Finally, she returned to a visible state.

"At least it was enough to help me, though I'm still haunted by that day."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"Invisibility isnt to bad. good thing your nto a guy or i hate to think of the dangers it would pose hehe. listen anything in th epast is best left in the past. there are lots of things i regret if i think about them so its best to just leave them behind you. dwelling does no good. like wy i keep moving around new places new people and never anything to dwell on long as i just move on forward."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara laughed slightly, then turned serious again.

"Problem for me Zale is this. Without what happened to me, I probably wouldn't even know I had that gift. I can't use it without thinking about how I came to know about it. I was coming home one night, had to cut through part of the town I lived in, some of the lights didn't work. Anyway, I'm about a mile from home and two guys came out of nowhere, had me pinned and stripped of my clothing before I could hardly blink. I guess the fear of knowing what they were going to do to me triggered my power. I didn't even know I was invisible until I got home, walked past my mirror and couldn't see myself. Only then did I become visible again and realize why they'd suddenly freaked out and ran off so fast. I've been ... well quirky I guess is the right word ever since. But yeah, it crosses my mind every time I have to use this gift, which sadly is becoming more frequent each day with the Cabal being the dicks they are."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

lidtening and nodding she would frown a bit at the breif story but at mention of the cabal again she would shrug

"With the cabal being such assholes..has anyonne considered giving them what they want? let the abnormals just get together and fight back against the cabal..jsut the cabal but show them they dont want the fight they are trying to pick between abnormals and humans?"
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