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LM Memoirs


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Apr 9, 2010
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Re: LM Memoirs

when all of a sudden, naked black dude just pops in out of nowhere, and Im pretty sure he was wearing an eye patch
I'm sorry... I just blanked out after that, could you tell the story again?


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

The Closet
Are you in it?

No, no. Not that closet. God knows there’s enough “gay this, gay that” talk in the media these days. Don’t need me talking about it here. No, I’m referring to the hentai closet of course. And how I’m in it. And how you’re probably in it too.

Last week I mentioned how the most common reaction I see to hentai in any face-to-face conversation is people going nuts over how terribly sick and pathetic it supposedly is. In fact I’ve only ever heard otherwise once. However, you and I and millions of other people appear to disagree. The amount of hentai on the net is staggering. The amount in print and on video is equally so. If mankind is just a speck on the fabric of the universe, mankind’s hentai collection is a big, fat, phallus-shaped lump.

So one might think that the concept of enjoying erotic artwork might be somewhat acceptable by now. One might think. Unfortunately, in my experience people thinking is a rare occurrence. In my particular sorrowful case (oh how I weep in my shame), linemarvel and the-guy-who-totally-isn’t-linemarvel-at-all-what-are-you-talking-about remain two completely separate entities.

Conformity rocks, you know? Sure you could stand up for yourself and what you believe in... or you could just smile and nod and finger them behind their back*. It’s not like I’m going to look at hentai in front of them anyways. On the other hand, it’s always that dirty little secret that I have to hide. It’s always that avenue I can’t fully pursue. People always ask why no one has made a quality, sophisticated hentai game. It’s because anyone capable of making that game would be royally screwing over their careers if they did**.

Which is sad. But hey, enough about me, let’s talk about you, shall we?

What is your experience with hentai in your “real life”? Do you ever stick up for your so-very-pleasureful hobby? Ever find yourself in a situation where you don’t have too? Any stories about getting out of the closet? Or any plans too?

Thanks to the glorious anonymity of “teh intarwebs” you can splurge all the gooey details and stay in the closet at the same time! So post away!


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Well, on that topic, I'm about half-in, half-out. I have friends that I can talk to about hentai and admit that I watch/surf for/belong to a forum about, which is nice, but then there's the ones that you know you can't exactly cross that line with. My best friend knows that I come here. My *mother* knows I come here. Hell, I was reading her the "Copper's Tits thread" one day. My ex-boyfriend...not so much. (Could be yet another reason why he's the ex.) Whether he nosed around on my computer is another story, but I always took care to make sure the link here wasn't obvious and I never let him see me on the site.

Guess it boils down to the fact that yes, I've got no issue talking about the fact that I browse hentai, I'm just selective as to whom I do the talking to. I dislike freaking the mundanes. Will I defend the fact that I look at it? Yes. You don't like it, sod off. Do I usually have to? Not so much.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LM Memoirs

This has inspired me to investigate the computers of all the girls I know for hentai.

I was never one for snooping around other's stuff, but if I could find a girl who's into tentacle hentai, I would be so happy.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

This site's about the only place I can talk about hentai freely. I've got two people IRL I can talk to about it, and not have them go 'OMGLOLYOULOOKATCARTOONSHAVINGSEX!' or 'OMGWTFHENTAIISGROSSBECAUSEITHASTENTACLES!'

And god forbid my parents find out I look at hentai. They'd freak out if they found out I look at porn in general, much less porn that involves multiple phallic-like appendages raping girls.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Pretty much all my friends know I look at hentai, hell most of them like it to a degree themselves though there is one or two friends who don't know I look at it. Dunno how they'd react but they're pretty cool about most things.

@RJ: I know a couple of girls IRL who are into hentai, one even wanted to compete with me to see who could get the most in a year. I had to decline on the account she'd most likely win because I don't like yaoi.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Ahaha. I had a discussion about this with my friends once. One of them mentioned about how he saw this apparently nasty hentai he saw and he started describing it to everybody else. Everybody except me showed a reaction, so they were waiting for me to say something. I just told them I've fapped to worse. From there, I started admitting to my collection. They were all pretty cool about it, but they didn't really understand why I liked it.

But then there was one guy who was trying to keep cool by saying shit like, "Ew, that's disgusting, what's wrong with you?" Now I should mention something. We hadn't actually used to word hentai yet. We'd been referring to it as "it" because we knew we'd get some weird stares if we were openly saying hentai. So then one of us does use the word hentai, prompting the disgusted guy to say, "Hentai? What's that? Some kind of cartoon porn that Japanese people make and fap to?" Now the entire discussion turned to making fun of him for "not know what hentai is" even though he just gave a dictionary-perfect definition of it.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Haha, he said "fap"? What a fag


El Presidente
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

I don't really think I'd be very good at hiding the fact I liked hentai since this is my mousemat:

Interestingly it's mainly the girls that go "I don't understand why you wouldn't just look at real girls", which surprises me, I would have thought girls would be better at understanding fantasies and the like.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: LM Memoirs


My girlfriend and I watch hentai together. She's not into tentacles, but understands why I like it. As for my other friends... well who the fuck cares about them? I think I've told one other person about my hentai fetish, and she responded by telling me that she loves guy on guy porn. Which is probably even weirder than me liking hentai, since she's 100% lesbian. Never even dated guys, never been attracted to them, but for some reason gets the biggest hard-on when watching gay porn.

Which raises some interesting questions for the psychologist in me, actually, but since I work with her I couldn't really bring them up to bug her like I'd usually do to another person.


girls do not get hard ons, your lack of knowledge of the female anatomy angers me

Seriously? Neg rep for that? Your complete fail sure gave me the kick I needed tonight. By the way, "hard-on" was her phrase, not mine. Nice job being an asstwit though.
(Not to mention that if you knew anything about female anatomy, you'd know that as a woman gets excited, her labia and clitoris can get engorged with blood, thus resulting in something very much resembling a male erection or at least something that more than classifies as a 'hard-on.' Did you know that during embryonic development, the male penis is actually indistinguishable from the female clitoris - they start out as the same organ and the penis develops later on? No? Thought not. Go back to your fail-cave.)
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LM Memoirs

Interestingly it's mainly the girls that go "I don't understand why you wouldn't just look at real girls", which surprises me, I would have thought girls would be better at understanding fantasies and the like.
Meh, they're just jealous.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Familiarity Breeds Lust
An interesting phenomenon.

You load up a beautifully drawn picture with a perfectly bodied girl in the most sexy scene imaginable and then proceed to gaze at the poorly done scribbles on lined scrap paper on the next page. Why? Because you know who the girl in the second one is, of course. She’s from that game/anime/manga you like oh so much.

All of which sort of flies in the face of common sense, doesn’t it? Intuitively, one might think that after seeing the same face and same outfit over and over again, it might start to get boring. In general, the more familiar one becomes with a subject, the less interesting it gets. People need variety. People lust for the exotic. New faces, new situations, and new experiences are what we want, right?

But somehow Tifa is still hot.

And to be honest I don’t even like her that much.

So how come just knowing who a character is, even if she isn’t real, can make hentai so much sexier? There is obviously something to lust deeper than just seeing a pair of breasts and tab A being inserted into slot B.

Of course it would be a lame (but convenient) cop-out to just keep spouting rhetorical questions and vague statements, so I’ll have to put something of substance up for once.

Here are some of the aspects of familiarity that I think makes hentai sexy:

1) Affection – You like her. You want her to feel good. Knowing that she’s experiencing pleasure makes it all the better for you. But wait, you say, isn’t most hentai rape? Indeed it is. However, it’s also fantasy, and a very common theme in hentai is that everyone always enjoys rape at some point or another.

2) Antagonism – You don’t like her. Stupid whiny annoying evil bitch. Knowing that she’s been taken against her will is deliciously satisfying. Sure it’s mean, but that doesn’t stop it from being hot.

3) Desire – Wouldn’t it be amazing if she were real? Well she isn’t, but you’re not looking at hentai for a real companion now are you?

4) Disclosure – Sure she acts like a tough, independent, completely non-sexual woman all the time. But we all know she’s really a total nympho underneath.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

This is actually the only entry I completely disagreed with LM. None of those four reasons were why I enjoyed looking at familiar characters in hentai. To put it simply, I much more prefer familiar characters in hentai the same way people enjoy fanfiction. You're just taking a pre-established character in a pre-established story and setting and putting someone else's imagination into it. I don't ever look into the "feelings" of the girl in question because my suspension of disbelief won't allow me to go that far.

Rather, I just look at hentai as "Oh hey it's that character I know. I wonder how the artist will take the original personality and add it into the new environment he/she has created." Using the fanfiction metaphor again, hentai is basically a sexually drawn form of fanfiction. You read fanfictions because you like seeing the way writers use the original ideas and put it into their own world. In the same way, I fap to hentai featuring familiar characters because it's nice to see these characters in a fresh environment. And since the hentai is sexual in nature, the enjoyment I get from recognizing the female turns into erotic pleasure. And bam. The exact reason as to why familiar characters are hotter in hentai for me.

I think I repeated myself a couple times. God I suck at these.
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

And yet you still managed to get your point across. Blame the late hour. That's what I always do, heh.

As for me, I suppose I disagree as well. Not because of the feelings notion but because I approach hentai the same way I approach any other form of artistic expression: If I like the way it's drawn/presented, I like it. It doesn't matter to me if I know who the subject is (though I will admit, it sometimes helps.). If it's drawn well, I can enjoy it. If it's the pencil sketch on lined paper, I probably wouldn't get into it as much (unless it's a really really well done pencil sketch.) Guess it's a case of Quality over Familiarity.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

As for 1) No, I hate Tifa
2) As much as I hate her, I also hate the fascination with her
3) I base reality on personality, that which I do not know of her.

It's more familiarity with style than character I think.


El Presidente
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

I simply like "rule 34" hentai better because I like seeing characters who don't have sex in the show I know them from having sex.

Also I must admit often I find the whole "degrading" aspect of some hentai hot, because in the show they were stuckup or frigid or whatever, and in this different reality they're a total sex maniac / being shown the awesomeness of sex against their will.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: LM Memoirs

I agree with toxic on his subject #3~

3) I base reality on personality,
And what really seems to get me off the most is when, similar to Aika, their personality gets taken into consideration in the sexual act that's depicted. In the case of Kūkaku Shiba (from the anime/manga, Bleach), it seems far more erotic to me when I see her in a dominating position, rather than as a victim. On the other hand, a more cute, innocent, shy personality seems much more erotic when victimized.

Seeing more than just the picture is a sort of turn on for me, especially when the sexual event taking place is possible, given the girl's personality.