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LM Memoirs

Re: LM Memoirs

Stop sucking Toxic's dick!
Re: LM Memoirs

The only thing I can imagine with your personality that is remotely erotic is raping you myself.
Re: LM Memoirs

I've been told I'm extremely rapeable on many an occasion.
Re: LM Memoirs

I have a few opinions that I would like to express in this post as I just found this thread, so please excuse the length and or lack of proper grammar as I may not be willing to proof read.

I'll start with a comment on being in the closet. I can quite safely say that I am in the closet with my hentai addiction, however, I feel I am longing for some kind of release from it, so to speak.. (Which may explain the reason behind my browsing of the forums.) All this makes me think that there may be people who I know IRL lurking the forums, which would explain my selection of username, because, if you do know me IRL, you will, more than likely know its me because my username gives me away pretty clearly. Basically I wish that I knew some of my IRL friends who shared these interests, but do not wish to make it blatantly obvious that I do. Or at least, that's what I believe I wish for... unfortunately I'm strange and I have a hard time knowing what I want. (Hence the slightly psychological analysis of myself.)

As for the familiarity issue, I'm not entirely sure how this makes me feel, I mean, I agree with what LM has said, but at the same time, there are other things that make hentai appealing to me. Basically, I like seeing familiar characters in images because that way, if I know the character, it would be harder to accidentally see an image I don't like (Although that is as very limited selection). But at the same time, if that was entirely the case, I wouldn't enjoy the RPG maker H games, or, most H games in general, as I do not know the character. So I am kind of unsure on this issue.

Again I apologize for having a huge post.
Re: LM Memoirs

Haha. I just remember when Line pointed out that there's generally some manner of argument between people who watch pornographic material that isn't hentai with those that watch hentai. He pointed out that it's still not a real woman and just a different arrangement of pixels on the screen. And that people should just chill.

He's pretty damn bright. I only spoke with him a couple times but those times he was pretty awesome of a guy. I wish I had an actual chance to really get to know him to be honest. I bet he's got a depth of intelligence that would surprise everyone.
Re: LM Memoirs

Basically I wish that I knew some of my IRL friends who shared these interests, but do not wish to make it blatantly obvious that I do.

All my friends watch regular porn, yet shun hentai even though it's like super graphic. They even had the gall to ridicule me over it, because their narrow minds can only process cartoons as being for children or the immature (then again, they're street thug black, so your friend mileage may vary). I can't speak to your experience with it, but what I learned is: I'd say play it close and only share this sort of thing with the friends on here IRL that you know, no sense in being the target of undue ridicule.

People can be real funny when it comes to sexual psychology.
Re: LM Memoirs

All my friends watch regular porn, yet shun hentai even though it's like super graphic. They even had the gall to ridicule me over it, because their narrow minds can only process cartoons as being for children or the immature (then again, they're street thug black, so your friend mileage may vary). I can't speak to your experience with it, but what I learned is: I'd say play it close and only share this sort of thing with the friends on here IRL that you know, no sense in being the target of undue ridicule.

People can be real funny when it comes to sexual psychology.

Interesting. I kinda accidentally let it out to my friends, but it's just pretty much not talked about. Except for one of my friends who keeps asking for the name of this forum even though I must've told him half a dozen times.
Re: LM Memoirs

I told someone once, they were like "thats awesome why dont you tell everyone this they'd love it."

i didn't tell everyone else this.
Re: LM Memoirs

I must've lucked out with my friends as most of it like hentai as much as real porn and the ones who aren't like that are just indifferent to it.
Re: LM Memoirs

Not sure about the majority of my friends, but my fiance likes hentai more than regular porn.
Re: LM Memoirs

Hell, I like hentai more than regular porn. (And no, I am not Sin's fiance, before people get confused about that. Again.)

I'd say I dunno why, but I think it's more because you can do more with hentai. And even the PWP stuff tends to be at least more fun to watch.

As for whether or not my friends know that I like hentai, it depends on the friends, firstly. It comes up in conversation with my gamer guy friends and they know that I'm a member of the forum, but I tend to avoid talking about it to the mother of two that I see once in a blue moon but we still get together for lunch whenever she's in town. Just depends on the friend, I guess.
Re: LM Memoirs


One of the main things I tend to use when looking through hentai is myself as an anime character. Let me explain that one.

Whenever I talk to people on the internet, I make mental images of them based on personality, or avatars, or whatever comes to mind. These are generally anime forms. Concurrently, I have one for myself too. And since in real life, I tend to take something of a mix of a den-mother and mistress role with my girls, the same usually holds true in my fantasies with the hentai I look at.

For instance:


I've looked at this one so much that each of the characters has a distinct personality and name in my fantasy. The one with pink hair is Yuli, the one she's undressing is Lana, and the one with white hair is Cara. What I notice about this picture is that all three of them are looking at the viewer, and that Cara has a sort of smirk, like she A. is used to Yuli's antics and so doesn't take Lana's strippage as anything out of the ordinary, and B. is comfortable undressing around whoever she's looking at (in this case, me, having just entered the room).

When I see this, the fantasy tends to play out as Yuli nabs Lana, with Lana pressed up against the classroom wall gently (inasmuch as she protests, it's more the principle of it or embarrassment - she and Yuli are girlfriends). Whereas I go straight for Cara, slipping my arms around her waist from behind, trailing my fingers along her tummy, leaning down to turn her head slightly to the side and kiss her, a short, quiet conversation between 'mistress' and her girl ensuing, before Cara is bent forward over the desk, me softly massaging her rump through her bloomers before sliding them down, bending low to flick my tongue over her left earlobe and whisper various things as my hand trails between her legs and along her panties, and so on and so forth.

You get the idea. I had so many pictures where I had specific fantasies for the girls in them with my 'friendly mistress' persona that I had to make a separate folder entirely for them.

(For clarification - in real life, I do have a specific partner, but we also have a small group of girl friends who we've been close with for many years now, and all of us get up to various things for parties and such. We do hang out as friends, but the group began to be formed back when I was in freshman year of high school, from girls who needed sort of emotional support or just a group to rely on, and it spread from there, with me at the center as sort of mistress and den-mother, as they've described it, even the ones that were older than me XD this is what I mean when I say "my girls". And the same idea tends to overflow into these various picture fantasies, which is where my main draw to hentai comes from.)
Re: LM Memoirs

And douchebag has landed.
Re: LM Memoirs

Reading this make me go all nostalgia.
Re: LM Memoirs

I realise this has not been responded to in well, 4 or so years?
But in any case I just saw it now and was perusing the LM section of the LM forums as I was just feeling a bit nostalgic and missing LM as well as wondering what on earth ever happened to LM.
(I may only have 69 posts but I have been on these forums since 2010 and have been following LM since month 1 as in literally the first month LM released Jungle Girl)

So here I am responding to a very old thread as I just wanted to add my opinion that none of you will care about anyway. Basically like a snippet added to my diary but that open to public.

Anyway, back on topic: hentai vs pron.

Porn never did it for me I found it either boring or disgusting and in very rare cases arousing. In my teen years I went explored the interwebs quite a lot to find something that could interest me, despite having an active bisexual sex life I still found that at times some alone time with yourself could be very nice. But that alone time did not work out well if I had nothing to arouse myself.

I eventually stumbled onto a program (doesn't exist anymore I think, don't remember the name either) that was basically like what we call bots today. It would harvest the internet of any and all videos, pictures and gifs and categorise it automatically. The amount of content on it was massive and it did allow me to go category by category to see what I enjoyed and what I did not enjoy. Along with this I also discovered the MSN Groups which had a shocking amount of NSFW content (dare I say 90% of the groups were focused on NSFW)

Between the two I slowly stumbled into Hentai and in those youthful years I was not really aware of this at all and started to look more and more into it and quickly found that Hentai really did it for me. It somehow felt more real to me and this was probably because as LM puts it, you know it is fantasy. But at the same time many authors try to make it realistic. While porn production is real life trying to be turned into fantasy. Hentai is fantasy that tries to emulate realistic elements or themes.

As I discovered and randomly stumbled upon more resources on the web, such as forums and blogs, I also discovered flash games and the websites that collated adult flash games (before NewGrounds Mature existed). Then through forums linked to some of these flash games development I also discovered Hentai games and DLsite and that was both the best and worst thing to happen to me as I think I do love it too much.

A really good RPG h-game can really pull you in to another fantasy world and it no longer is about arousal but really just pure enjoyment of the game and the story. While the erotic elements just help improve the experience and make it more realistic in a way. Among the many adult games that exist now coming from all over the world there will always remain a few iconic developers who will always have a special place in my heart and memories for the amazing effort and work they put into their games. Even shorter flash games like those by LM.

This ties in with perhaps what the whole porn versus hentai thing boils down to for me. Porn is made as cheap as possible and while I am sure effort goes into it, I do not get from it the same feeling of "wow these people really put their heart and soul into this work"

If you just think of some of the most amazing flash or RPGmaker games we have played, you can really see the effort and dedication that went into it. While money is playing an increased role in it, during my youth money was not an element at all and especially the western developers did it for free simply to share their creative talent with the small community who enjoys erotic flash games (at the time).

What saddens me a little about this, is that in my mind you cannot even compare normal porn to hentai but yet hentai is viewed as something really odd/disgusting/foreign by people who are not familiar with it while they have no issue at all with regular porn. It is sad because that to me because I know the work and passion that goes into these games and hentai I enjoy so much and yet to have them viewed so poorly by 'outsiders' is well... just saddening.

TL;DR version for those who require it (hey! Don't worry I never discriminate against those with reading disabilities): regular porn bad /// hentai good + sad people look down on hentai