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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Gobble me up?" Locke took off his cap and scratched the top of his scalp. "Not sure how you'd do that, princess. Don't think mermaids have that sort of appetite. Even royal ones."

He didn't really mind her aggressive pull. She had made her original intentions clear when they met, and the two of them had shared some intimacy already, so he wasn't really able to be shy anymore around her. The simple truth was that the mamono culture shock was just beginning to wear off on him. He accepted that mamono would try to woo him, and he would just have to attempt to keep his cool with all of them. If anything, he was most amazed at Celes, and how well she was taking this 'harem' style of living, especially since she had made it clear to him that she fancied him as well - but then again, there was that thing she had going with Raven as well, so he guessed that there was a balancing act for her emotions as well.

Locke's mind wandered to all of his mamono. He had to start with Marla, the heart of his ranch really, and his primary monstergirl. They had been through a lot together already, and he liked the child-like nature she possessed, but underneath that, there was someone who was capable of being honest and understanding limitations.

Raven was so orderly and by the books and serious. Locke wasn't certain how to act around her. However, she was the mother of his three beautiful little daughters, and that made her a first in his books as well. She was a pillar of the ranch, and certainly dependable.

Melsi was innocent, and there was a charm to the slime girl that brought a smile to Locke's face, but he would always worry about her until he managed to educate her. He was hopeful that he would be able to.

The newcomers to the ranch, Mami and her nervous sister, were curious sorts. He didn't know how the holstaurus would pan out, but trusted that she would follow the lead of her more confident tanuki sister. Mamizou was smart, and could be a real asset to his ranch. He hoped to build up a mutual respect with the racoon girl.

Then there was the one before him, Ripple. She was a unique case. Not really a member of his ranch so much as an honored guest. He wanted to help her out, as she seemed like such a sweet girl, and in need of aid. But was he capable of doing what needed to be done? Could he train his mamono to take on a demon? He worried about what might happen if he tried and failed. Not just for himself, but all these beautiful women who were depending on him.

Ripple's tender lips touched his forehead, bringing him out of his inner thoughts, and he blushed a little when she gave him a simple but genuine compliment.

"I guess we can take your carriage. You don't need to keep a low profile here, do you?" He looked around the immediate vicinity, to see if any other of the girls were here. If they were, he'd ask them if they'd like to go to town or if they wanted him to pick anything up for them. If not, he would head into town with just Ripple and the driver.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple winked at Locke at his first words, leaning forward a little as if to assert herself towards him. "I'm still a mamono, dear Locke~" she cooed. "I can be dangerous too~" she warned him suggestively, as if to test her waters and discover her gobbling capabilities.

Then, when Locke extended the invitation, Marla looked ready to follow, before Raven opened her wings in front of her. "You're not streaking through town with your jiggly bits showing. Have some common decency, Marla." Raven scolded her avian counterpart, before stealing off with a flailing harpy and leaving Locke with Ripple.

Giggling at the sight, Ripple held Locke's hand and would seek to escort him into her carriage. "Just don't make it a habit of joining just any woman into her carriage~" she advised him. "No matter what they promise you!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

As Marla squawked indignantly while being carried off by the ever-pragmatic Raven, Locke could only put a palm to the side of his brow and shake his head with a grin. Sometimes he both adored and pitied the straightforward nature of Marla.

In any case, this currently left him alone with Ripple whom he offered an arm to and escorted as best as he knew how to her carriage.

"I'm certain you could be dangerous, Ripple. But you've got a gentle heart, and that's a precious thing. It's why I'm not afraid of hopping into a carriage with you. After all, you're not promising me anything, and you're not just 'any' woman."

He grinned and gave her a steadying hand as she used her human legs to climb into the carriage, which as he stepped inside, he realized was quite moist. Perhaps he should have worn shorts?
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

It was quickly to become a battle to see who was taking the lead. In the end, Locke and Ripple simply climbed into the carriage together while holding each other's hands. "Locke, are you trying to take the lead?" Ripple inquired a bit bashfully. "That's a bit weird... But I have studied on Outlander customs before, where women are the ones who are led. Are you more comfortable with that?" she inquired as the carriage began to move. "I was always taught that it is proper to respect the ways of others. Part of my foreign affairs classes." she explained.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Ah, where I'm from, it's generally a man's responsibility to help the woman up into the carriage. It's just good human manners for a guy. But even then, you're also a princess - and I know you said before you didn't want to be treated differently because of it, but still, a human gentleman is supposed to defer to women and especially those of higher rank. Ripple, I'm just a rancher. You're a lady. So yes, I'd feel awkward if I didn't help you up. Mamono or not.

"You... you don't find that offensive of me, do you? It's just me trying to be polite and show respect." Locke explained, smiling uncertainly as the two of them advanced up the carriage together and ended up stumbling a bit into the carriage, having to stabilize by holding onto each other closely. The act brought a rosy blush to his cheeks, as he recalled the rather ungentlemanly time not long ago when he had held the princess in his arms, her body splayed under him in a vulnerable but welcoming manner. The memory triggered a response in his lower extremities that he swiftly tried to cover up as he sought his own side of the carriage.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple waved her hands, attempting to wave off any concerns. "O-oh, no! You weren't offensive at all! It's not so bad for me to do it either, despite me being a princess. I mean... It was all taught to me as proper manners should I ever meet... Someone," she withheld that bit of information, though she did smile a bit. "Plus, I don't mind breaking the rules. I'm already doing a lot of things I'm going to get into trouble for. But it's all to escape that cramped lifestyle, you know? I like making my own decisions from time to time, even though I understand the point of my training." she said, getting comfortable in the carriage, so much so that her lower half from her dress turned from that of human legs into a single golden fish tail. The scales of her golden tail glimmered gloriously no matter what rays of light struck it, making Ripple look more priceless than any known earthly material, even competition for otherworldly material unknown to Locke.

"When I came to shore, I heard various sailors tell each other that they saw me. They ranted and raved over how catching me would result in them getting a wish. It was quite embarrassing to hear some of their intended wishes." she said with a bit of a flush. "It's so much more difficult to get around on land as well. Not like the ocean. Up and down is almost just as accessible as forward and back. My bedroom is fifteen stories tall, filled with many statues and bookcases of knowledge. People usually get surprised when I mention books underwater. Is it really so strange? Though our books are far different than your books. Our books are made of special stone, and we write with thick scylla ink so that it sticks to the stone. We cut holes through the sides of the stone and put them all on a ring binder. Not much different from your books, but so much more durable. Though I guess your books can fit a lot more information in than ours. It can be so hard to protect them though! It would be much better if land dwellers just switched to slabs. Writings and engravings can last through countless years of decay, more than those books! Those things fall apart if you leave them be!"

And so, Ripple rambled on, discussing mostly of why the sea was so much better than land, until Locke would interrupt her.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke's eyes widened in the golden glow of the royal mermaid's glittering scales. The shimmer of her lower body was hypnotic, entrancing him to stare at her body with awe.

"You really are beautiful. I suppose any sailor would think their wishes had been answered if you were to turn up in one of their nets. Though, of course, such men wouldn't deserve you. I guess I don't really know what merfolk think of our seafarers."

Locke moved his eyes away from her scales and up to Ripple's human shaped half, which was just as lovely to look at, though less exotically entrancing, with traditional human standards of beauty.

"I suppose it's natural to think of the freedom the ocean allows if you have a fish tail and gills. I guess that us humans just make the best we can do while on land. Our bodies are built to run fast, or to ride land animals like horses, and we've had as much practice at it as you've had practice at swimming. I'm sure you'll have a lot to teach me if ever I were to visit your home and see your 15 story tall bedroom."

Locke tried his best not to blush as it occurred to him that he had somewhat invited himself over to a princess' bedroom. Hurriedly he moved on.

"Uh... books, hah. I like our books. Paper lasts just fine so long as it doesn't get wet or burned, and it's much thinner and lighter than stone, so we can fit more words into our books and carry them around easily on land. A stone book would be way too heavy on land to carry more than one or two. And scholars tend to be the ones who aren't blessed with an abundance of muscle.

"As for durability, well... we take care with our libraries. And if we need a new book, it takes less time to write a new one out on paper than to chisel a new book into stone engravings. I think there are advantages and disadvantages to both types. Perhaps yours is best for water and ours best for land?"

Locke was happy to ramble on and converse with the beautiful mermaid. In her natural state, she was instilled with a confidence that made her a vision of amazing beauty, whereas in her human form, she resembled more a charming but reserved maiden, unsure of herself and in need of a guiding hand. The latter was nice of course, but the former was exactly what a princess of Atlantis should be, in Locke's mind.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple rambled with Locke, smiling brightly and not once giving way to any idea that suggested anything but the ocean being superior to all things. The occasional doomsayer claiming the world will be drowned in water one day, Ripple announced to Locke as if those people truly understood the wonders of the sea, confused that they were speaking of actual doom rather than an invitation to her paradise.

Then, they arrived in the city, having turned many eyes as Ripple's glorious carriage went through the city. "How does a human city function, Locke? There's so little space, flying must be the better way, like swimming, I'd say!" she rhymed, continuing to support the aquatic way of life while her tail fin wagged back and forth in a display of playfulness. "Moreover, where are we going? I'm not terribly well versed on the written part of human language. It has so many inconsistencies, and so many combinations of letters can mean different things. Did you know ess-you-en is different than ess-oh-en? That's so stupid." she sighed, her heart clearly beating rapidly as a result of the anxiety of being out of her element. "The meaning is so radically different. Why? It makes no sense... Our letters actually clearly define the difference, no way you could mistake the two." she announced, again looking proud of herself and her aquatic nature.
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Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Humans are good at making good roads for traffic to go to and fro in an orderly fashion. It may not be as handy as flying, or being able to go high and low so easily like you do underwater, but we make do with how were were built. I think we make up for it pretty well with all the great contraptions we invent. Humans may be physically weaker than other beings, but our minds are just as sharp, and we're driven by necessity to innovate and improve our lot with science. Our weaknesses create our strengths," Locke pointed out as they arrived within the city proper, still sitting comfortably in Ripples damp carriage. He didn't mind it so much, since he got to ride along with a beautiful mermaid princess.

"As for our human languages, there's so many to choose from, that it's pointless to speak for all. But with my own, there's a fun advantage to having words that sound the same but mean different things. You can have clever wordplay and poetry! We can add nuance and layers of meaning to our speech and our written language. For instance, since the fields of our farms require sunlight to grow the food we need to eat, we could say that the 'sun' nurtures us like a father, and we are its true 'sons' and daughters." He scratched his head and moved the cap around on his head as he waited to see how Ripple took this perspective in.

"A-anyways. We're headed for the main road. I think the point was to get you some new clothing for your stay. The fashion district is down this way. I don't exactly have a lot of money, so I hope you don't mind forgoing fancy gowns for the time being. We're just a humble ranch, so maybe you'd fit in better if we got you some ranch duds? Maybe a nice summer hat to keep the sun from baking you and drying you out?"
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Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple nodded, seeming as if she was happy to have become a little wiser. "That makes sense! We of the sea have been so privileged by our world, while human beings have to live under such conditions! Naturally, it'd make you stronger for being able to survive in such dreadfully claustrophobic cities." Ripple declared, seeming to find a respect for Locke, who managed to live in this place which Ripple apparently found difficult to exist in.

Locke's reference to the good sides of the human language brought out a chuckle from the golden mermaid. "That sounds so funny! You remind me of a male knight I met once who called the sun 'grossly incandescent'. I guess it makes sense. The sun makes all this grass and food you eat grow, so it truly is glorious in that regard. If only it wasn't so harsh on mermaids like myself who expose ourselves to it. I wonder if one of my history books tell the tale of the sun and sea goddesses getting into a fight? Perhaps the sun goddess doesn't want me in her presence?" Ripple theorized, and almost looked as if she were pondering meeting this sun god and apologizing to her on behalf of her mother, the sea goddess, so that she wouldn't cause her to dry up.

At the mention of money, Ripple giggled, reaching into a compartment of her wagon and pulling out coins that Locke had not seen yet, which had Valencia's face on them. According to the number depicted on them, worth one-thousand gilorians each, and Ripple had at minimum, a dozen in her hand with more suggested to be inside of her stores. "Money's not a problem! I can take some from my mother's treasury as long as it's not too much." she declared, clearly having a minimal concept and respect for money.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Upon seeing the money, Locke's eyes bulged, and for a split nanosecond, he thought of how amazing it was to have all this money in front of him. Why, with that, he could buy so many amazing upgrades for his ranch. Each mamono could get her very own luxury dwelling, perfectly idealized for their individual needs and preferences. He could get gifts for everyone, cute uniforms for his little black harpy chicks, a private training gym so that his mamono wouldn't have to go as far to train, and of course, all the food he and the others could eat!

The split second faded quickly, and Locke shook his head from side to side and then buried his face downwards, ashamed to even look at the money again. He put his hands over it, so that he would cover it from any passersby, while refusing it at the same time.

"That is a lot of money, Ripple. Please don't flash it so freely. It's amazing that you have so much, and with it, of course, I will buy you any dress you like, but please, I cannot accept your money, especially not if the point was to give you a gift. Anything you buy with this money is your own preference, of course, but I will try to find something for you that is casual as well."

He looked up at her and tried to affect a smile. He hoped she didn't take offense to this sort of thing. "A gift should come completely from one person to another."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke's note to Ripple about how she should act was apparently a huge shock to her. Ripple looked as if Locke had just intensely scolded her for improper conduct. In fact, she acted on it. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know! Is money taboo among some people, or supposed to be private? I was only taught how to treat other nobles, s-so I wasn't told that commoners don't like seeing money!" she announced, going fully defensive.

"Right, so you'll be buying me!" Ripple nodded her head and made an apologetic bow to Locke. "I won't forget! I promise! I'm so sorry for my misconduct!" Ripple declared, though it sounded like something she had said before, even if it wasn't to him. Likely an apology to Ripple's instructors.