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London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

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Nov 10, 2008
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Reaching the outside of the ancient mansion with Muirne, Anabelle notices the full clear moon in the sky. Even as she wonders what omen it might hold Muirne notices her gaze and says. "I don't know much about whoever it is we're after but they seem to be around the docks in Southwark. I heard that you ran into one of the lupines in that area the other night. Hopefully the legends aren't true about a full moon."

She makes her way over to the stables and grabs her mount a dapple grey fitted with saddle before climbing aboard however she grabs two sickles and puts them on her belt. "Do you have a mount? You could ride with me if you don't."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I suppose we'll find out tonight, won't we?" Anabelle said as she collected her horse and swung up onto into its saddle, guiding it alongside Muirne's.

"So do tell me what we're lookin' for this person for exactly. I can't imagine it bein' a friendly chat," the Scot continued.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Muirne nods as they start riding back toward the Bishop's Gate, guiding them through the stinking, festering moors. Her manic glee wasn't evident at this point though she wasn't sad either. She seemed perfectly normal as they rode and she explained.

"We can try to have a chat and see if this rogue might move on. Though I doubt if it would work, it rarely does. More than likely we'll have to destroy whoever it is. I have permission to do such from Lord Mithras and this permission extends to any who aid me as well."

She saddens a little at the thought of killing but it fades as though her mind can no longer find fault with murder as a human might.

"Our search starts along the docks in Southwark. Jourdain said I should look into a ship called the Black Wolf though he's not sure if that's where the autarkis is hiding or not. It's a starting point none the less."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"Trails always start somewhere. Whether they end in bloodshed or not," Anabelle said with a shrug as she carefully made her way around sinkholes in the marsh. Her eyes glanced to the moon above, and she took in its beauty for a moment before returning full attention back to the task at hand.

"Well. If it comes to it, ye have my sword at your side," the Scot said.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

They soon find themselves riding through the gate of the city before turning once more onto the main road to the bridge. Anabelle has traveled this route enough now that it is becoming quite familiar. The moon shines overhead as they move through the muddy streets passing the occasional mortal.

Nearing the bridge Anabelle notices the alley where they had fought the gargoyle the previous night. Muirne looks up and sees a hint of worry before saying. "I something wrong? You look a little worried all of a sudden."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle nodded towards the alley from the night previous, a lock of hair falling before her features as she righted herself once more, eyes scanning the building rooftops around her.

"That alley was where the gargoyle attacked us. Whoever was behind that particular assault may be willing to try again," Anabelle whispered as her eyes trailed all about looking for any of the stone beasts, and listening for any wolves that may be lurking about.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The streets are quiet and there are no stone gargoyles to leap down and attack them though it does little to reassure Anabelle. Muirne nods her head and looks up at the taller buildings herself saying.

"It is a rather frightening prospect when you realize how many gargoyles there are in the city. They could hide almost anywhere and we might never notice them."

Soon after they are crossing the bridge to Southwark and their planned destination for the evening.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"We will when they leap out at us," Anabelle muttered, never letting her hand drift far from her blade.

As they crossed the bridge, Anabelle strayed close to the edge, to look out over the water and towards the docks, trying to spot any ships within port.

"So, this ship. The Black Wolf right? Anything special about it? Pirates, vampire hunters, slavers, prostitutes?" Anabelle asked idly.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The small blonde glanced up at the shadowy rooftops along the bridge and smiled a bit. "If they do leap out they won't have the advantage of surprise this time. You might prefer to hunt the gargoyles after we find our quarry tonight."

They reached a break in the buildings that lined the bridge and the river opened up before their eyes. The moon shone clearly on the still dark waters of the river. At least half a dozen ships sat at anchor on the south bank where Anabelle and Vezina had spoken with the owner of the Black Wolf just a few nights ago. Other Cainites, lupines, and stone gargoyles coming to life all in the matter of a few nights. The city did not lack in new experiences that much was for certain, though Anabelle couldn't say any of it had been enjoyable just yet.

Muirne nodded towards the ships and said. "Just another Cainite who thinks he can just show up and claim domain without any right to it. It might seem ridiculous to someone like you but the traditions exist for a reason. A city would quickly become hell on earth with the fighting alone."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"What I find ridiculous is tha' someone would wan' to make a claim. Power brings too many enemies," Anabelle said with a frown as she searched the docks for the ship she had seen only once before. Deliver a kindred, become a prince. It didn't seem overly bright.

"Well. Let's go kill the bastard then," Anabelle said with a shrug, pulling her horse's reins to direct her downwards towards the docks once they had crossed the bridge.

She kept her ears open, and eyes upon the shadows. What she had said earlier was just as true for those that claimed rightful dominion over London.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Muirne didn't seem at all bothered by Anabelle's words. She even looked as though she agreed for a second though she didn't say so. Soon they passed out of the gatehouse Anabelle had taken cover in only a few nights ago.

Taking a look around as they traveled towards the docks themselves she almost cursed under her breath. If anything the brightness of the moon made it more difficult to tell if anything might be hiding in the shadows. She was somewhat reassured by the larger number of people about than last time though only barely.

They passed the tavern and Anabelle finally located the ship they were looking for. Unfortunately it was anchored out in the middle of the river instead of at a dock. She could see a few people moving around on deck from the shore but couldn't make out much more.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"Don' suppose you have anything that'll let ye see out there eh?" Anabelle said, gesturing towards the distant ship with a nod of her head. They could take a small boat out there, or even swim. But it might be nice to see what they'd be getting themselves into.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I'm afraid I don't. My senses are keen but not like those of the Toreador." Muirne says as she attempts to shade her eyes to see out onto the dark waters of the Thames.

Anabelle herself can still make little out other than she can see movement on deck. If it weren't for the number of sailors and drovers about she could perhaps make use of her ability to see through the darkness. Alas that would raise far to many questions even amongst the drunkards and uneducated about them.

While they were debating a familiar screech reached Anabelle's ears as Jourdain's goshawk fluttered down as though from nowhere and landed on her shoulder. Another message from her mentor of sorts attached to it's leg as it screeched loudly in her ear before settling down. The message looked different from the writing of the previous evening though in a language she could read thankfully.

The task before you seems to be almost tailored to you, both of them. I would aid you but I have pressing things to handle on my own and your partner is a capable combatant though perhaps in need of a friend. Feel free to ask Leila for aid should you have a use for her aid as well.

This Menyhert of the Black Wolf is an enemy if Rodger's sources are correct but not the enemy you fear him to be. Werewolves hunt by scent not by sight. Be mindful of all your senses to see through the Ravnos' trickery and good luck.

Ravnos she thought. She had heard mention of them several times in her travels. Nomads like her own clan but far more deceptive and an enemy of her clan in general.
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Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle looked down at the note and frowned. That the writing of the message was enough to send off some warning bells in her mind. Who else had the ability to send out Jourdain's messenger. Tearing the note into pieces, now with more questions on her mind than before, she turned to her companion.

Muirne, Leila, whoever she was.

"Are you up for a swim?" she asked the woman, gesturing towards the open water. The faint smell of sewage, and other waste running off from the city filled the Scot's nose as she slipped closer to the edge of the deck. Flexing her hand, she hoped her blade would be enough to deal with whatever awaited her on that boat.

"Ravnos," she said, crouched by the edge of the river. A name she had heard whispered from clan mates during her long journey home. This night was about to get bloody, and she could not deny the tinge of excitement that swelled in her veins.

She had not been a good Christian for some time.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Muirne nodded her head even as she looked around the docks for other suitable transportation. Of course there weren't any skiffs tied up anywhere nearby as that would make things too simple. "I suppose we will have to if we even want to get a look at who is out there. Be careful of the undertow, you won't drown but you might get pulled further along then you plan."

With that she dove in the dark waters of the river swimming quickly but quietly under the surface. The hawk screeched one more time before winging into the air where it circled over the river.

Jourdain had someone write the note for him so that he was sure Anabelle could read it, his signature should be correct though. Leila is the name of his hawk, it's Arabic for night or dark, sorry if it confused you.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Ah. Yeah I was a bit confused about the name. As for who wrote the letter... well Anabelle wouldn't necessarily know that he got someone to write it for him, so I'm gonna keep rolling with that.

Anabelle watched the blonde woman vanish. She who was called the scourge. Looking up towards the hawk Anabelle spoke softly, hoping the bird would hear.

"Keep an eye out for me Leila," she said into the breeze, before carefully sliding into the water, not wanting to make a large splash.

Darkness took hold of her vision, and dulled her hearing and smell. The world was but darkness with shapes distorted above her beneath the gleaming moon. Thankful for not needing lungs, she began to swim towards where she could see the shadow of the Black Wolf looming in the river, and began to search for its anchor. A way to climb upwards.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The hawk simply screeches in response and continues to wing overhead as Anabelle slips silently into the dark water. Even with the moon to aid against the darkness she can see little as she swims in the direction of the Black Wolf. Despite a strong current trying to pull her downstream she is able fight her way into the darkness under the ship.

Her hands grasp first at weeds, than mud, than the wooden keel of the ship as she searches for the anchor rope. Eventually after several minutes in the darkness her hand scrapes against the metal anchor and she grabs the rope to pull herself up. Her head breaking the surface without a sound as she looks around for Muirne, above her she can hear the screech of the hawk as it continues to watch.

Fair enough.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Eyes sliding about her in the darkness, water rolling down her features, Anabelle quietly began to pull herself upwards, not daring to make a sound as she scaled the anchor line and moved towards the deck of the ship itself.

She paused before swinging herself upwards onto the deck, taking one last look for Muirne. This was not something she really wanted to do alone, but she could not stay upon this thick chain for much longer, and so pulled herself up, and immediately looked for somewhere to hide for the moment.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

No one seemed to be near the bow of the ship as Anabelle made her way on board and ducked into the shadows near some crates. She could say 2 or possibly 3 men hard at work preparing for something at the opposite end of the ship, none of which she remembered. She still couldn't see Muirne form her hiding place and began to wonder if she hadn't made a mistake in this. A screech from the hawk somewhere up above somehow felt reassuring though she wasn't sure why.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"Come on Lass, where are ye?" Anabelle muttered to herself, before looking up into the sky, trying somehow to get the attention of the hawk, without getting the attention of those working on board. She did not want to have to slip back into the waters to find her partner for this evening, and she was not fully aware of what needed to be done with this Autarkis.

Biting her lip, fangs pressing into her skin, she waited.
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