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Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Laying with sinewy arms crossed behind his broad back, the Wolf-blooded Humanoid sighed to himself, a Hybrid of Human and Monster, fit, agile and strong, with long limbs and low amounts of fat marked him as a good specimen of his kind. Yet the dark rings under his eyes and the feeling of leaden, irritating weight in the back of his mind was a reminder of yet another night of minimal sleep. It was something Asher had come to be used to by now, gazing emptily at the wooden ceiling above or spending time outside, either watching the moon or working to improve his humble stone and wood cabin. The male could feel the cool air currants passing through his humble adobe, a soothing caress of the wind that wrought from lungs a soft sigh, the mis-matched eyes drooping again is if to resign to a hour or more of sleep...

...Naturally upon awakening at the dawn of a new day, he'd have to rise and prepare himself for another length of service. It was early enough that Asher could take himself out of the bed-chambers and meditate on a vine-mat in the living room, a nice space with sparse furniture that was comfortable and cool, simply sufficient for the man to gather his thoughts and reflect, clear his mind of everything. Asher could rest sitting down with crossed legs, elbows on knees and chin on relaxed, interlocked hands for as long as need-be with his odd eyes closed. Despite such a seemingly peaceful, relaxed posture Asher could spring into action with practiced ease, even with the full suit of leather and breast-plate armor on, quite useful if waiting for somebody, for his senses remained sharp. During this meditation he felt a calmness surround himself, and sighed deeply whilst opening his closed optics

Relaxed now, he took the time to eat a healthy mix of purchased oats, vegetables and re-cooked meat pieces, clean himself and the required equipment up, and then taking up the ready to use tools of his duties. The fully armored Wolf-like Human quietly trudged out of the small wood and stone cabin, locking the door and huffing at the possible futility of it, thinking about this whilst moving away from the den. Nobody had a reason to force entry into his home, anybody that did would lose their hands for it, that much he made clear without speaking it, for the glare of darkened eyes often spoke more than he needed to. Onto the pathway that led from the wooded 'cul de sac' that was visually isolated enough by thick knots of trees and rockery that few had any reason to find his tiny little paradise, Asher progressed onwards and mused; they would have to get past the well-armed and armored male trudging down the dirt path to find the better-worn routes through this rocky, splintered forest.
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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

As usual, Asher's trip down the path was always populated with the female inhabitants of the forest. His proximity to his own kind's territory kept some of the other monsters that could scoop him right up on a whim out, but even still, some of his own, full blooded kin would occasionally pounce him. The armor, as he would find again and again, did absolutely no good against such attacks. They wanted one thing, and that thing was not hard to reach.

However, the reason for the armor was not entirely based upon some false belief that it might protect him from a Mamono girl attack. There were others, men and human women dressed in armor, that saw Asher as a monster, and attacked him on sight. The protection from his gear might have saved his life a time or two, as he'd make his retreat against the greater number of foes.

Leaves rustling from a nearby bush, Asher would immediately recognize the sound as another Mamono girl sneaking up on him. And given the proximity to his fellow wolves, could only be another wolf girl in heat.
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

If it wasn't for some vague sense of lingering, protective duty towards his kind, Asher wouldn't oblige the few Wolfen females that pounced him repeatedly and could have at least committed open-air amputations with a lack of remorse that almost scared him. Though the procedure of indulging those Werewolves was initially welcomed at first, for they at least made the attempt at some courting, he grew weary of it as time passed, after all as much as any male may enjoy the company of a female's body, Asher steadily felt resentful, distant and worst of all angry at being used like this. Now he openly welcomed those that sought to kill him; No complications for it was a chance to release the pent up emotions, which worked less and less for the sleepless nights and building agitation wore upon his persona. If it was a fair fight between him and a foe, then Asher was happy to respond in kind, more than one opponent en became risky but possible, however even one so willing to fight knew when to retreat, and the Wolfen ability to leave groups behind or catch them up was a blessing, with the longbow making itself useful for at least wounding a pursuer in order to force the more aggressive parties to re-consider whether it was a good idea to chase a Wolf into it's own territory, with blood in the wind.

Naturally the appearance of his pack or friendlies, if ever, in such confrontations was welcomed with open arms, however such musing was cut short as his contrastingly furred ears perked and rotated slightly behind the beaked-mask like helmet. Frowning, he slowly turned and took the scents of the air, retaining awareness of his surroundings and scowled behind the open visor. A new day, already ruined.

It was a Mamono Wolfess, whom was suffering the effects of Heat, the desire to breed too strong to resist unless persuaded to. Naturally his stance widened, preparing to absorb the shock of a pounce, light on his feet so as to kick off in any direction - possibly contradictory given the visually heavy armor and weaponry. It was mostly by the Wolf's grace whether he dodged or was caught.

Sighing and emitting a frustrated noise despite the Wolf within smiling with glee at more company, he would decide to reject and not oblige, to make it dammed clear to his pack, or other packs, that Asher wasn't available anymore if it was for the sake of a quick meeting. "Come out, I know you are there..." His rumbling tones might have been attractive to some females, but it lacked the enthusiasm and was laced with annoyance, far from the rumbling of a Male Wolf attempting to woo a potential mate, the thought of a actual made made him twitch, teeth bared within the silvery beak of metal plates. "I am not in the mood for this, get out, show your face or leave." He commanded with narrowed eyes, flickering tail covered by a back-skirt of armored sorts, the very metal protecting his face now distorting the hybrid's already growling voice in a unpleasant manner unfit for one so apparently in his physical peak. Gauntlets clenched and were prepared to reach for the shield and sword, and despite general thinking, Asher was as proficient or better with without any weapons, brute force, clawed fists and anger capable of over-whelming the arrogant fool who thought pushing the loner too far when out of uniform was a fantastic idea. If nothing else, he'd at least convince the female to leave him alone, even better all of them, if he wanted company he'd damm well seek it.
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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

Turning to the bush, Asher would slowly realize that there was nothing there but a rock that was out of place. Then it would occur to him that the rock was thrown, meant to turn his attention away from the real source of what stalked him. In an instant, he was pounced from an unexpected direction, from the trees, as he'd find himself flat on his back, with his attacker on top of him.

Looking up at her, he'd see a face more mature than most monsters in heat. In fact, he'd see a face very familiar to him. "Your response time is terrible." commented his one and only mother, who had stalked him to test his vigilance. "Have you even been getting any sleep? I taught you better than that, boy." she scolded him sternly.
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

(Ohhh, nice twist. XD And here I was getting ready for a showdown of sorts... Hoping she's not gonna try anything. XP Ack, describe and name her plz?)

It seemed that, despite the innately sharp, reliable senses of his Wolfen blood -regardless of how much his human side 'diluted' the superior genes- and the training he received, Asher couldn't help but expect an attack from the ground, after all he had become used to defending himself from ground-side creatures, be they moronic Humans or Mamono females with more hormones than common-sense. It was only when he saw the rock did his mind ever-so-slightly-sluggishly click and noted it must have been the source of the incredibly aggravating disturbance. Of course he knew that it could have just tipped over or fallen off another rock, however that silly thought was shot down the moment a noise happened upwards, his eyes shooting up and widening as a powerful, feminine shape pounced, taking clear advantage of the sun now in his eyes.

The speed at which she moved was fast enough to pounce him, with the only thing Asher could do was to roll with the impact, still laying below but at least saving himself the bruises he would have acquired if it was a straight impact to the ground. Bristling with indignant fury, he snarled and almost ended up slamming his fist into the side of a female now recognizable as his own mother. Stopping himself but growling back at her stern scolding, anger was replaced by frustrated embarrassment and he sighed loudly, obviously not pleased to meet the female that brought him into this world, at least in the same manner that the armored male hated with a passion. Yet he couldn't help but hold some respect for her, after all she was far from a Omega of the pack. "Mother." He grumbled, ears flickering then lowering whilst Asher was frowning deeply, who then decided to slide the upper half of his visor up so they could see eye-to-eye without the metal covering his face too much.

"It is refreshing to see you... a knock at the door or a howl would have been preferred." He rumbled, relaxing despite being in a possibly awkward position. Glancing around, for he didn't wish to be seen like this and be teased by some foolish female, Asher huffed indignantly. "I do try, too many thoughts on the mind and being distracted by our own very Wolves pouncing me. Not a good routine for sleep, you should know that Mother dearest, can I get up now? I am no playful pup anymore." He murmured, scanning her features and despite all this, pleased to see her, nosing at her nose lightly despite the aura weary agitation permanently surrounding him.
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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

Alpha. That would be the only name Asher, and most other people would know her by. It didn't seem that anyone knew her name, either a fact forgotten or a fact hidden. As such, Asher would have grown up his entire life either calling her mommy, or Alpha. She appeared just as youthful as ever, despite her age. This was the work of the succubus curse that infested her's, and every other monster's body on the island. Her jet black hair waved elegantly in the wind. Above shoulder in length, it made up for it's shortness by the way it went in waves along the side of her head, and by the pair of ears pointed up that stuck out of her head.

She only had fur covering her outer limbs, such as beyond her elbows and knees. There, where human hands should be, were paws, and mostly dull claws. Asher would know that the only other patch of 'fur' would be on her crotch, as his mother happened to lack the modesty of humans that Asher, and select few other werewolf women had. Perhaps he'd be used to it by now, but after he hit puberty, his ever attractive mother constantly being nude became awkward. And if that wasn't awkward enough, through her teaching him how to stand on his own, and even hunt for food, she had no hesitation over 'pouncing' him, just like she had when she leaped from the bushes, and getting on top of him in a very embarrassing manner. Though, that perhaps was a lesson as well.

Her equally black tail swished back and forth as she sat on him. She smiled as he nuzzled their noses together, happy to see the boy had at least some good spirits. "It's been a few days, Ash, why don't you hold your mother close to you? Or are you still shameful of my body?" she teased, as she never once tried to actually have sex with her own son. She did, however, use her body to get him used to the female body, mostly the sight of it, but also the outwardly feel of it, not being shy over mushing her chest up against his body.
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

(Woop, excellent, well described.)

Mother... Alpha, Matriarch. During his youth, the male had rarely questioned why she lacked a name that so many others posses and thus take for granted, yet this helped her dominant, powerful image in some way. Once upon a time Asher had enjoyed snuggling with the female, who's ever-youthful appearance didn't shock him as much as seeing others display signs of change as they became older, that being those outside of the pack, for he did not recognize the age-rate of most other species. Another thing that he rarely ventured to ask about was his Father, or lack of one given the man was nowhere to be seen, perhaps his genes were dominant in the man's form now gazing back up with weary eyes and a dull ache in the mind, unfitting for one whom possessed a trait of youthfulness like the Alpha female herself. With his young-self gradually dying and fading away for numerous reasons, chief amongst those was the un-wanted attention from females of the Alpha's personal pack and the expectations of greatness or submission that pushed the male away from pack-life and then entirely out of it. Perhaps the Alpha'ess could have seen such a development take place, after all self-consciousness, covering himself up with layers of fabric and resentful spite of others was abnormal for a Wolf, whether they were the admired Ferals or Humanoid.

Of course, he had and still admired the Matriarch's appearance, in the same way he would admire the form of a finely crafted suit of armor or a weapon of great craftsmanship - She was strong yet beautiful because of the short yet wavy hair, which moved in a befittingly elegant manner framing the feminine, commanding face of a Human Lady that ruled those around her, but the Wolfen ears easily denoted his Mother as a 'Monster', who's body below the head was packed with dense muscle most suitable for a commanding Wolfess yet attractive for the curves and contours that could bewitch any man or woman, which still made Asher curious about who his father was and why he had filled the Alpha female with life, somehow, though, the silvery haired male felt a nagging feeling that it might have been a meeting not of courtship and long-lasting love but a chance, heat-induced moment in time that had him feel slightly cheapened. That had a twitch occur.

Blinking and putting those wandering thoughts away, he huffed at their nuzzling noses and displayed a light smile, though nothing compared to the infectious grin his youth held, his own tail alternating between swishing happily and wiggling from indignation of being pounced. The black-haired woman's greetings, of sorts, and questions elicited a grumble that held very little enthusiasim, and now he did think his words for she was more of a Alpha than a Mother to his eyes lately. "I hold no shame towards you, Alpha. Only the lack of modesty." He tensed his arms up, her weight and that of the armor beginning to hurt his pinned legs, his own contrastingly light ears perking more, her superior scents making him feel awkward. "Can I stand now? I prefer not to be on my back too much, then I shall embrace thee?" He calmly and quietly rumbled, inwardly afraid of being seen without being as prepared to respond as he would be standing and at attention, though at least he was speaking the truth about lacking shame of her, a hug wouldn't hurt, even if only to get rid of the childish desire to be held.

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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

Appearing as energetic as ever, his mother planted her feet on either side of Asher, kicking off of the ground with great force, spinning her body through the air like a ball, before landing on the ground on two feet. Placing one hand on her hip, she used her other arm to push up her breasts, often done by werewolves who were flaunting their prowess. "Honestly," she sighed, shrugging her shoulders, and letting her boobs down. "your mood has formed a blight on you. With as many women as you've no doubt seeded, I'd think you'd have picked one that suited your fancy. Unless you planned on living near your mother your entire life?" she teased him, reminding him of her desire to see him find a more permanent 'mate,' and settle down with her.

'At least she would get tired after a while,' she'd tell him. 'Rather than allowing yourself to be traded among all the many single women, each trying to seek to keep you permanently. But always, after they show you their skills, you chase them away.' She was fairly strict about him constantly chasing them away, telling him many times that the reason he keeps getting attacked is the hormones he releases, that mark him as a single male wolf. That it is his own fault he gets raped, because he refuses to give consent to one, or many women. 'And it will keep happening,' she'd say, 'Until you stay a whole night with the girl of your dreams.'
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

Perhaps, as one felt little more than a omega given the gender and position in a pack he was gradually straying from, Asher had acted insubordinate towards his Mother and the Matriarch of a strong Wolf-Pack. Asher imagined, as his Mother did that oh-so energetic display of agility, that had any other Humanoid or Feral Wolf acted this way towards a superior, punishment might have been dealt with little in the way of sympathy... or at least those thoughts arose from the tales he and others heard of other packs. Suddenly Asher felt a fraction more comfortable with his home pack, though the desire to simply strike out and vanish upon his own path in life or history was too strong. Glancing at the way the jet-black haired Matriarch flaunted her form without any indication of shame, Asher merely huffed in response to the sighs and teasing words, the act of being teased rather dry now.

Placing his hands on the ground and curling his knees against his chest, Asher grunted harshly from the movement of springing from the ground and onto his feet, crouching then raising to roll his shoulders slowly, standing at his tall, calm posture now. It wasn't as good a show of Werewolf strength or agility, but it worked and that seemed to be fine for the armored man. The word 'seeded' made him cringe, not wishing to become a father to a child by some lust-driven female in heat that pounced him. "Mother, my mood is partly because of the un-wanted attention. You should be fully aware that I just want to be left alone... If I truly desire a mate, I shall seek a companion out, befriend and court her, rather than rely on... just hormones." He replied with annoyance, murmuring the last bit out and shifted un-easily, feeling as though he might disappoint the Alpha female, let lone his Mother. However her teasing about forever remaining near the Mother and Pack did not go un-noticed, he chose to not dignify that with a verbal response for he did have the need to strike out and vanish. Asher didn't want to talk about that now and fell completely silent, turning his mis-matched eyes away and down, then set about making sure his armor, weapons and shield were in place - anything to break eye-contact.

Soon after his minor tirade, the silver haired male popped a few muscles in the shoulder with a sigh and could recall exactly what his ever-youthful mother would say, stern and rather blunt, after all the females that sought him out were... attractive, however spending so much time away from the pack, Asher had come to prefer the way Humans and other beings engage in such intimacy, at least establishing some emotional attachment before becoming that close to one-another... Perhaps the fantasy of a dream-girl was evident, where he could become close to such a beautiful, intelligent female with all the potentially soppy romance before anything happened, not quite the most impressive desire amongst beings of superior abilities and senses, but it was his desire nonetheless. His well-armored body turned whilst the male scanned their forested surroundings, assured that nothing else was currently here, or so he damn well hoped. Focusing his attention upon the Matriarch, Asher closed the gap and took a moment to muster up the courage to simply hug her nearly from the side, armored chin over her shoulder and nose flaring with the permanently re-assuring scent of one's birth-mother and Alpha. "Forgive me for seeming so... cold, Mother. One day I shall hope for a mate, to make her happy... I... don't know, for the future, but for now I just want to think..." He trailed off, the hug weakening far faster than his younger-self would've allowed, and disconnected the embrace with a final, swift and subtly forced manner to intend to go into town, the walls up again with gates barred and guarded. Though he spoke no farewell he made it known from the rare cuddle, however brief.

Today had already felt tainted, for now Asher wished to proceed and be merrily distracted.
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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

Simply watching him with a grin as he evaded eye-contact, shuffled about, and finally hugged her, she cocked her head with interest at him. "You were planning to visit the humans again, weren't you?" she lightheartedly accuses him, "Perhaps to see that red haired human again?" She shuts her eyes, giving a disappointed sigh as she loosens her body, dropping her shoulders. "I've told you before Ash, human are dangerous, especially that one," she repeated her warning she mentioned to him before, "You may like her because she is unique, and does not mind your sexuality, or your appearance, but she is a magician. Her body may be youthful, but her time among the living is three times the length of your own. If she were planning something vile, you would have no idea."

She lets out a frustrated sigh, shaking her head, and turning her back, lifting her arms up a little in irritation, "But that's not going to stop you, is it? You feel terrible, and you would just love to have her wave her hand, and make the pain go away. Doesn't matter what else she does to your head to tinker with you, as long as you're with her, you're a happy little pup." she announces her take on the situation.

The woman of whom she speaks is, of course, as she mentioned, a magician. And she does not do well to hide it. Dressing in a black, stereotypical mage's robe, wearing an extremely obvious, equally black pointed hat, her appearance would be fresh in Asher's mind. A very beautiful woman. Well spoken, and pleasant to look at, she treated Asher well ever since he first appeared in the town of humans, which his own pack happened to prey upon.

It was when he was much younger than he was now. Too young to even be desired by women. Finding his way into the human settlement, the teenage pup was regarded as hostile by the populace. The men accused him of growing up to be a monster that raped the women, while the females wolves raped the men, and sought to lock him in collar and chain, before setting him towards a worse punishment. That was when 'she' appeared, her timing seeming to have been driven by fate itself, as she ventured forth, in front of so many angry townsfolk, and offered to bring out the human side within him, so that he would not terrorize the townsfolk with his animalistic instincts.

Too young to understand anything but to follow the female influence, she invited him to her isolated hut, where she cleaned him, fed him, and even taught him how to read, leaning a basic, human education through her, and finding a place in his heart as a trusted figure. Perhaps even as a second mother. For years, she showed him nothing but tender love and care. Noting some of the teachings his mother invoked upon him, she giggled at the mention of her being a pretty lady, and his mother's lecherous 'instructions' regarding pretty women, saying, "I'm a little too old for you. But... Perhaps one day, maybe."
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

(She looks a bit similar to... Blargh! Decided the magician's name. ^w^ PHEAR my originality! If it's not to your liking, then feel free to change it and I'll alter my post.)

The subtle stupor of weariness in the back of Asher's mind seemed to ever-ebb on, a constant yet faint sensation that made his limbs feel heavier than what they should have felt for such an apparently fine male, yet being surprised by the Matriarch served the purpose of forcibly waking the man up in this early morning. However the long he remained to speak to his protective and stern mother, the more he felt irritated and a little shame - after all he had not pleased the pack in a way most likely expected, or that was how the silvery haired man perceived these matters as of late. A lone Wolf that still remained near the home-pack, not a typical thing to occur. Even though he felt annoyance, one could not displease a Mother or a Alpha female just because of some personal feeling, no he held much respect for her, despite turning his back and walking away with the intention to leave.

Though there always was a point were he managed to growl back, if nothing else being favored for simply being her only child, as far as he was aware, was a boon that had prevented her from disciplining the male any more harshly than before, yet he felt some great weight of expectation upon those armored shoulders, invisible unlike his typically fatigued-looking face, it was something that always remained with him, making him want to impress and please his relatives yet resent them at the same time, if only passively for now.

Then she spoke, teasing him once more and causing the some-what calm wolfen ears to perk fully then flicker into a less than peaceful-flattened manner. He knew she was not entirely condemning his actions, yet why did he always feel so invalidated? Especially as she sighed that dammed sigh once more, the kind that could set off the hackles of any male that didn't fear her enough to stay submissive. Listening and stopping where he stood, Asher didn't know what to think or do after she finished, clearly turning her back to him as he had done to her, perhaps karmic in response. Asher made sure to mull the female's words over, despite a little anger raising at the Matriarch's suggestions that Kaleen -the wonderful red-haired magician- had plans far from noble in desire. The male did grunt and shake his head, equally disappointed that his Mother would think to think and speak like this, however she did bring the seeds of doubt to the surface. The words that the more Human-appearing woman spoke so many years ago were suddenly recollected, making him blush at the implications given his current, adult age. Sometimes - nay - often hind-sight caused more irritation than the circumstance did.

Maybe it was just his mood, but the Matriarch did manage to hit a nerve. "I serve the pack and the friendly Humans, however awkward such an arrangement can be... I am also highly aware of the dangers, you know there is blood on my hands from those that are ignorant and wished to harm us. The female you feel so... lowly about, she protected me when the Humans would have taken your spawn from this world." He paused, gritting his teeth ever-so-slightly within the beaked silvery helmet and looked at the female's back from behind, his tail flickering to one side, broadcasting his annoyance and the uncomfortable feelings it brought up with the issue.

A moment of irony hit the man, however brief; You say the humans are dangerous? What of Father? He was human... how much I do take after him? Of course he did not speak such concealed thoughts out, such would be downright offensive and too blunt for a thoughtful, however frustrated Wolf like Asher. "I think of her as a good friend, one with powers that can help us... but not a cure to any ailment, that would be ignorance on my own part Mother, and however much I, and you, owe Kaleen, I will protect myself if need-be... farewell Matriarch." He rumbled out, hurt from the way his Mother seemed to paint the Witch as some intentional threat, though in a way he knew she was right about the desire to simply hand-wave emotions away. Taking his leave with quick, long steps with the same finality as before, though this time he didn't intend to remain, Asher bade her farewell and headed through the winding path to join the road, wishing to enter the Human town he had come to feel comfortable in, at least the friendly one - naturally he would pay a visit to Kaleen, such meetings were entirely innocent as far as he was aware, and waning in frequency in accordance to his blighting, circular-frustrations.
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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

His mother sighed the sigh he came to dislike so much, shrugging her shoulders, raising her arms without a clue as to how to react to the defensive man. And seeming to react in a way that almost read his mind, she spoke words she knew he wondered, "Your father was just like this. He was a lot like you. Every advance I made, he fought with me. Trying to court him into raising you with me, together, he refused. Don't get me wrong, I chose my mate well. He was strong, a powerful warrior. And good willed too. I was attracted to him the moment he offered to 'sacrifice' himself for the convoy he was escorting. Instead of having my pack swarm him, I decided to get to know him. Of course, he tried his best not to ever give me an inch of leisure, or a moment of relaxation, eventually I got him into the idea of consensual sex. With his word, he actually offered our forest protection from the humans that cut down the trees, and prowl the forest to clear out monsters such as us.

"I loved him in ways that would take me too long to explain, and though he would never admit it, loved me as well. He was powerful, but he always resented the fact that I was a 'little' more powerful then he, despite those toys he carried around, the same as you.
" she explained to him, before shaking her head, and turning around herself as Asher showed interest in walking off, "I hope at the very least you'll be making a child with that woman, before she decides herself to make use of you, hopefully not in some lethal manner." she shouted to him, marching off by herself into the forestry.
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

(Hnn, drama Llamas.)

It seemed that no matter how much he oozed the desire to be left alone, the Matriarch always had more to do or say, the qualities of which were stern and wise, correct and knowledgeable - which in turn annoyed Asher because he damn well knew she was being right about various things as well as wrong about others in his mind's eye. Even though he wished to settle the manner and simply move onto the tasks of the day still ahead, his mother decided to leave the male some information regarding his Father, and thus he stopped and half-turned to listen, his head bowed slightly with the face hidden by the beaked visor. The Matriarch did make him think quite a lot, and a odd sense of guilt passed over him from her shouting, of course he was leaving now - he could ponder the meaning of her warning later.

Putting his mother to the back of one's mind, Asher huffed and felt like a pup with it's tail between it's legs, though outwardly he would appear very much the Humanoid knight on a mission, for now he put as much distance between himself and the woman whom brought him into this world to go into town, to see what was needed...
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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

Walking through the forest, Asher did cross paths with a few Mamono girls, some mindless, some not. A trio of honey bees, thankfully not sent on a mission to collect mates, gave Asher a friendly wave, and a small flirt, before buzzing off on their way to assault an alraune. A beelzebub rapidly flew around Asher, inspecting him, before buzzing away due to his lack of smell, thanks to his personal hygiene. A pair of elves, who looked like sisters, walked by Asher without paying him any heed at all, except for a cautious glance.

Passing by many women, and no men, Asher finally reached the end of the path, which ended at the archway that stood as the gate to the town. The town itself appeared the same as always. Mostly inhabited by humans, few Mamono payed trading visits, carrying goods to aid the town's survival.

More men than women making their way from place to place, many of them carrying goods in boxes, baskets, or even wool bags, the town was ever busy, as it usually was during this time of day. A pair of flirtatious women sat together on the porch of a cozy house, knitting cloth together to make blankets, clothes, towels, and otherwise, one of them giggling as the other made an unheard joke. A fit blacksmith, a woman who took over when the man in charge married a cyclops, created the atmospheric sound of her hammer landing on her anvil, adding to the town's feel, rather than standing out. She wiped some grime from her forehead, collective dirt and black smoke that got on her skin, before hammering down some more, shaping the tools, and weapons that the town needed in well repair, and constant supply. A pair of fishers, two teenage women, were walking into the small town from an entrance opposite Asher, each holding a pair of buckets filled with fish. Their catch was rather large, Asher would note. The fish must be very excited today.

However, one particular face was missing, the mystic face of Kaleen, who's beauty stood out among every single girl in the village. The only place she could possibly be during this time of day was the tavern, where she would sometimes stop to get her fill of rum. But before Asher might've investigated, a kind, plump, tan woman, who lived in a house right by the gate, was chopping meat that would be used in the night's meal, before she waved Asher over to draw his attention to her.

"Hey, Asher!" she greeted him kindly, "Fancy seeing you here! You still having those headaches, darlin'?" she inquired, looking away a moment to clean off the bloody meat in her hand. "I haven't seen Kaleen all day, or all week for that matter, if you were lookin' for her. It's a bit odd of her to not show up at least two times a week." she informed him.
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

The travel-time spent getting to the town was eventful, meeting a small, but diverse number of Mamono females that included the semi-graceful trio of 'Honey Bees', females gifted with the strength and flying ability of a Bee as well as bringing out the Human kindness in each one... well, at least he thought most of them could be kind. He did little more than nod to them, a meaningful, friendly gesture given the level of violence Asher had become de-sensitized to. However he was aware of where and what they might do, and felt little in the way of sympathy - perhaps ironic given his 'Hero' senses twinged - due to having a few encounters of being bewitched by the beautiful scents that Werewolves themselves were hardly resistant to... After all, with enhanced scenting abilities, anything that smelled pretty to a Human would smell intoxicating to a Wolf, no?

Shaking his head, it wasn't long before a Beelzebub popped out from the surrounding forestry, buzzed around him then literally buggered off, this one he gave even less attention to save for tensing up. Compared to Honey bees, he didn't like the Beelzebub females as much if at all. He encountered a pair of Elves soon after, and found himself responding in kind; barely a glance. They were rarely a threat unless emotions ran too high or a fool attacked them, though he did have a measure of respect for their love of the Natural world. Werewolves were natural predators, but treasured the land as much as any Elf, however the personalities were quite conflicting.

Asher found himself blinking twice and ceasing his random mental-tangents, focusing instead on getting through the multi-paths that twisted and turned, thankfully only a awkward-to-reach path going to his little dwelling. Then again only Werewolves roamed there, thus only a fool or a being with a important matter would bother go to his home.

With sounds and sights of the civilized location occurring, the armored male felt a small smile grace his normally neutral face, knowing that while this wasn't exactly home and that he would never truly fit in, this place was good to go if only to busy himself and meet people or do tasks. Whilst the darkblue/silver haired male took in the atmosphere, he managed to pick out numerous details, from the hammering of a female Blacksmith to the pairs of females giggling and knitting or bringing in a admirable catch of fish. All in all things were normal here, a good thing as it was his duty to ensure that protection was carried out.

However there was a female that stood out for many reasons, another being that she wasn't here. That had the man frown inside his beaked helmet and gaze about, obviously about to go to the Tavern when his light blue and teal eyes caught the form of a tan-skinned, attractively plump female waving at him. Moving closer to stand a few metres away, he smiled and tilted the upper-half of his helmet upwards, so that direct eye-contact was better served. "Greetings to thee. He nodded and sighed to her words. It seemed that he would be rather busy today. "Aye... the same, but I will not complain about it. Would you... know where she might be?" He wondered out loud, concern faintly seeping into the Mamono Wolf's growling tones. He already had the idea of simply going to visit the Magician's hut, to see if she wasn't there, or at least providing himself with a start.

(He'll go to her hut right after she responds, or where-ever the nice lady suggests.)
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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

(Bits of this were accelerated beyond my usual pace, because of the little note at the bottom of your post. If there's something you'd like to do that would interrupt the flow of this, like a question he might have of some sort, then let me know, and I'll snip it out.)

The woman tilted her head in a regretful gesture, stopping her motions to look up at him, "I'm sorry to hear that, hun..." she said with indication to his head pains, "I know Kaleen usually fixes that right up for you, but I really don't know where she might be. It'd be rather strange if she were cooped up in her hut this whole time. And no one's thought to look for her 'cuz... Well, she's a witch. Most folk here know better than to meddle with a witch's business." she explained the common knowledge of the townsfolk.

"And before you go on, running off to check Kaleen's place," she added, raising an arm at him, "Could ya do me a favor? I was tryin' to find free time to go and deliver a very special box to a crow tengu that lives a little ways away from here, but I've been swamped with my responsibilities." she explained. A moment after, she turned around, and stepped over to an open window in her house, reaching in, and grabbing a box, before walking over to Asher, and setting it down flat on the fence that ran along the perimeter of her property. "Since it's only a detour from Kaleen's hut, I'd be much obliged if you would."

Doing as the nice lady asked, she nodded at him with a smile, "Thanks, sweetie. It's a real load off of my shoulders, as I was supposed to deliver it a week ago!" she exclaims the severity of her late delivery. "I normally wouldn't ask another person to help with somethin' I could do myself, but I just can't let this go anymore." Once Asher begins to leave, very much likely with polite words of departure, she waves him off as he goes to leave through the other end of the village. "Be careful, hun! And lose that goofy armor! It'll only slow ya down when they chase ya!" she shouted her sound advice.

Walking out of the town, and down the path ordinarily used to go to Kaleen's hut, Asher would find a fork in the road, which pointed in the general direction of a tall tower in the distance. The small box, easily held in one hand, and made of basic brown wood, made no noise no matter how he walked with it. Yet, even so, it managed to attract 'someone's' attention, as Asher would feel an ominous presence nearby...

Almost immediately after sensing the odd presence, the plantlife ahead of him suddenly started to grow. Trees bent, vines stretched, until the road ahead was blocked by branches, and vines. Walking towards him from behind, a brown skinned, naked dryad with supple breasts, and an athletic build approached. "Hello, puppy~" she cooed sweetly. "I'm sorry, but I cannot let you continue your path any closer to that tower with that unknown trinket. It reeks of a foul smelling magic, that my trees were repulsed by. I humbly request that you hand it over to me... I don't like being forceful, especially upon cute boys." she giggled.
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

(I apologize for taking so damn long, I do admit to hesitating as this now seemed like it would become a 'you will be screwed regardless' sitatuion. <<' Here's hoping I can avoid an early loss.)

Before he took his leave, Asher regarded the tan-skinned, plump female with a respectful gaze, being an acquaintance of his ever since the Witch had 'domesticated' him in some manner of speaking. He took her words of sympathy with hesitating acceptance and elected to remain silent whilst she mentioned the common lore about dealing with Witches and other empowered beings; do not interrupt or harass, else trouble does arise, unless it is of a matter most important. The armored Werewolf was about to 'run off' to check upon Kaleen's hut, when Mier (decided to name the mysterious tan woman. XP Unless it runs against a pre-plotted name) rose her arm, immediately catching his attention and politely gave him a quest to aid a fair lady un-able to perform a potentially brave task... or so the oh-so prevalent hero-syndrome intoned. Allowing Mier to speak and briefly lean into the humble adobe to retrieve an un-impressive looking box, he took the item from the fence with an extended, certainty gentle gauntlet, pulling his arm back whilst patiently listening with deceptively calm eyes before nodding slowly. "I shall, as you wish Lady Mier." He rumbled out, her friendly, heart-warming face and words making his formerly resentful morning feel... nicer. Asher turned, swivelling onto the balls of his armored feet and moved to the central route of the village.

Of course he paid attention to her last words, but was also focused upon leaving this bustling village, eager to see Kaleen once more, yet unwilling to place his own needs above others, especially for a task so apparently simple. Ensuring he did not get in the way of any villager on his way out, Mier's last, loudly vocalized advice elicited nothing more than a huff from his hidden lips, bemused, but not dis-respectful.

Of course the route he took was easily re-traced, having been here many times before, yet the fork in the road made him hesitate, for Asher felt it could so easy to merely go to Kaleen's hut first then to the tower that was possibly further away, looming over the surrounding forestry in a powerful yet distant manner. Asher sighed and played with the box, like any curious pup would, yet heard nothing move about as he traversed the winding dirt-path. He slipped the small box into a large leather pouch at his side, ensuring it was secure.

The Knight in soured armor remained aware and increased his light walk into a brisk pace, for within a minute of travelling down this significantly more quiet pathway, a he sensed there was a ominous presence nearby, most likely behind...

Then he saw it, the trees bending over to form archways as vines stretched across to form a living barrier, at least preventing the armored Werewolf from proceeding forwards at full speed, and formed so quickly he just about reached the blockade when a feminine voice sounded behind him. Such thinly-veiled threats upon his person gained a growl from the knight's throat, his back still to her as he forced himself to calm down, however compelling the idea of slashing the woman was. He resented females, as would any other male with even the smallest sense of pride or dignity, for the double standard imposed upon them, and hated the way he was the constant target of un-wanted affections.

Though as annoying as the fairer gender were, being called a pup and threatened in this way made him bare his teeth and half-turn with a lowered head torwards her, a deep and burning glare, he was ready to act and bring to life the sword and shield. He could try and hack his way through the barrier, but vines were notoriously resilient, and even if he cut a few, more would take the same place. Asher briefly thought about getting rid of this woman, a Dryad of athletic build and brown skin, but he was un-willing to kill without sufficient provocation, in addition he was now in a vulnerable position. For all the bottled-up anger and spite, Asher was not one to begin the battles.

Therefore speech, his weakest ability perhaps, was a route he needed to at least try, lest he be forced to fight a guardian of nature. He thought about revealing that his own father effectively protected the lands, but how would a Dryad respond to that? She may already be away of a similarly armored knight protecting the nearby forests. "Guardian of Gaia," He began with a modicum of respect, but sounded less than pleased to be accosted in this way. "-your request seems more like a non-negotiable demand - I deny it, I do not trust your word regarding my cargo, and the Crow Tengu is not known for her malevolence. As far as I am aware, the area around the tower, for where your trees are repulsed, has not grown." He rumbled out as he focused upon both her person and his environment, including the barrier of organic matter. Asher was assuming the information about this mysterious tower-woman was correct, that she was not in the pocket of some Demon and sought to spread some sort of evil, and hoped the Dryad would at least prove him wrong, rather than simply attempt to forcibly remove his cargo. If she did, he'd rapidly slip the sword out of its sheath and at her or the closest vines, but right now, making sure there was ample space between himself and this woman, he prepared for either combat or dialogue; covered legs widened, arms bent lightly, feet naturally upon toes and shifting in anticipation, wishing to continue his day without bloodied hands.
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Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

Though combat he wanted, attack, the dryad did not. Instead of responding with another threat, warning, or even a look that indicated as such in response to his own heated glare, the dryad simply smiled, and began to approach him casually, without a single sign of hostility. It was as if she were completely disregarding the blade that could easily be in his hand within an instant. "Oh, ho, ho," she laughed coyly, "silly pup, those accusations of evil were not directed at the owner of the tower. Rather, at your trinket. I see now that you know not what you carry. Forces above are manipulating you." she announced to him, but not in a sense of a warning. Rather, as if she were sharing what she discovered.

"However, despite your own innocence, that trinket holds none. It is filled with a magic spawned from witchcraft. And witches are renowned for their affiliation with Hell's demons, led by Baphomets." With that piece of information, the dryad's expression became resolute. She approached Asher, holding her hand out with expectation. "Now... Hand it over. You're inside the mouth of the forest. This is no place where you can fight someone like me. I'd rather you be a good puppy and give in~" she chuckles teasingly, noting Asher's pride clearly, and poking at it every chance she could, enjoying the reactions she provoked from him. He could feel roots moving under his feet. In a moment's notice, he'd be either impaled, or more likely, ensnared by the roots. If he were caught in such a way, there would be no doubt she'd steal him away into one of her trees, and have her way with him for days until someone happened to rescue him.

"Ah, my package." Said an enchanting voice that would remind Asher of nothing but fond memories. "Asher, getting into trouble as usual, I see." the graceful, feminine voice cooed at the wolf's knack for misfortunate situations.

The barrier of roots that previously blocked his path, now completely cleared, with any previous remains of it rotting into ash along the ground. And stepping over those ashes, stood the tall, hourglass figure wearing a black dress and witch's hat, with red-orange long, wavy hair that belonged to the most important person in Asher's life. Kaleen.

A gentle smile graced her face, despite the obvious scene in front of her. She was confident that her arrival disrupted anything that was about to happen. "Sorry to make you worry, Fairu." she directed at the dryad, tipping her head a little to make her apology. "That trinket is mine. And Asher is my responsibility as well. Cynthia and I desire to study the contents of that sealed box. If you'll forgive Asher for anything he may have said harshly, I'll be grateful to you." With the utmost calm, she requested that the dryad diffuse the situation. Her emerald eyes glittered in the sunlight with a kindness that hardly belonged to someone called a witch. In fact, Asher was reminded of the magic Kaleen had bottled up inside her. Perhaps that was the reason why her eyes looked like living, organic gems, and sparkled in such a way that kept one's eyes focused on them. Just having a conversation with her, face to face, would result in being sucked into her eyes, and lost within them.

As proof of the passive power of her eyes, Asher hardly knew Kaleen had walked up to him, and reached out an extending arm, to place two fingers on his forehead. A sudden, magical sensation of pleasure rushed through his body like a tsunami. Or rather, the pleasure was as a result of his pain going away. Without doubt, Asher felt completely refreshed, and the pain in his head became a memory. "Sometimes I think you'd follow me off the edge of the world," she whispered to him in a kind tone, with a bright smile. Suddenly reaching her arms out, her smile yet unfading, she catches him against her shoulder, resting his face just above her breasts. He was standing awkwardly, as if he nearly fell over. And once he began to think more clearly after the sensation, Asher would recall a blank space of memory after she cured him off his headache. He must have blacked out a moment.

The soft of her breast squished against his chest, just below his throat. The other round of her bosom touched against his arm. Keeping him steady, she made no mention of what he might think of coming into such close contact with her chest, and instead, helped to brace him up against her, keeping his body to her own, as if protecting him, while she seemed to say her goodbyes to the dryad. They had apparently had a conversation that had passed him. Looking back down to him, Asher would feel her soft hand pet along the back of his head, sending pleasurable waves along his skin, without any indication that it was magic, or that it just felt that good to be petted by someone so gently. "I know you've waited long... But I'm here now..." she cooed to him. Both of her arms wrapping around him, she embraced him warmly. "I hope you can forgive me."
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

(Wheeee! XD)

Although Asher believed himself to be humble and respecting of others, he was first and foremost the Son of a Werewolf Alpha Female; the drive to strike out and make his own pack or take over the current one was something his mother should have at least considered by now, with the inward pride to match. Thus the Dryad's seemingly non-hostile movements annoyed him, but only a small twitch was earned in contrast to that annoying, formerly soothing wind-chime like voice that had the hackles upon his neck raised, ears flattening in growing aggression whilst his tail flickered to one side in a less restrained manner; the news of being manipulated was un-pleasent as Asher always tried to ensure he was his own master, yet it only added to the bubbling pool of resent and longing to leave this local area, to be in some distant land where he could be left alone. The athletic, Gaia-spawned woman's continued gloating, as the armored Wolf saw it, reached the climax of once again demanding he surrender the 'trinket' that apparently reeked of something so vile that it was fine to do away with the courier, being himself.

Prepared and looking forward to some honest fighting, he lowered and literally growled at her, the metallic beaked helmet distorting his growl into something rather less human, yet a lightly surprised noise escaped his hidden lips as roots emerged from around his presence to begin wrapping around already-shifting feet, dislodging most of them and working on kicking off from the ground, perhaps to use the momentum to launch himself at her in a moment of angry impatience and annoyance from her obvious intent and apparent arrogance. "I warned you, Fae." Asher spat and reached for his blade...

...Only to hear a voice that surprised him a great amount, halting his attack and compelling the Roaming warrior to turn about - to see her in all feminine glory, approaching and dispelling the roots that used to block the path ahead, now being reduced to nothing more than little strands of blackened mass. Asher thought this would inspire the Dryad to add another target or prioritize the particularly appealing woman, whom held many characteristics he felt attracted to, the physical hidden yet hinted by her form-fitting robes while the other traits belonged to her openly benign personality; even though the seeds of doubt had been tilled by the Matriarch herself in her wise knowledge. However what happened next made the Wolf grumble rather quietly, but in relief - Kaleen knew this tree-dwelling entity and had control over the situation, dispelling the tension with all the ease of somebody of her position in the community and the local terrain, and having such ease of power to obliterate a barrier that would have otherwise prevented Asher's attempt at being delivery boy.

Though naturally, having being called out for having the misfortune of encountering problems - be they minuscule or potentially lethal - did make the otherwise stoic knightly male decidedly embarrassed; an entirely different sort of reaction females were capable of garnering from him with repeatedly proven ease, but from the robed Witch such was preferred, for it was affectionate in the way she pointed the trend out.

Blinking and ceasing his blank expression whilst a minor silence began and ended, he realized that his own odd eyes had been glazed over in thought, pointing in the Witch's general direction even as she quietly advanced with naught but a smile and tender stride or two - moving as gracefully and rapidly as any feral wolf with less than half the effort and many times the dignity. Asher twitched at the un-invited invasion of his already limited personal space yet could not manage much more than a quiet acknowledgment, which would have gone longer "Greetings Kal-errp."

Two fingers poked his covered forehead, which was enough to have the previously angry, very combative son of a Alpha female drop like a lump of metal encasing some unfortunate Asher. Slumping forwards and being caught with little effort, his head was sideways-towards her bountiful chest, luckily the beak ending up not smacking into the Witch's seemingly, physically lite form.

Whilst in the comfort of unconsciousness he managed to think about what he wanted to do in life, with the idea of embarking upon a brave journey anywhere but here, the thought of leaving becoming ever more enticing. Though the time to think was minimal, for he was roused back into reality, minus the ever-present head ache at least, and in the arms of his second 'mother'. "It is... good to see you again." He rumbled out quietly, letting the 'trinket' remain in a hip pouch as he rose and let his chin rest on her slim shoulder, slowly wrapping his arms around her upper back in an affectionate cuddle, letting out a little rumble from the way she stroked the hair that was exposed by his mask-like helmet.
Re: Lone... Cold Wolf (Asher)

Asher would feel the slight pressure of her head resting against the side of his own in an affectionate manner. She continued to pet him in a way that seemed to imply that she knew, in every detail, how good it felt to be loved on in such a way. "You're so angry, Asher..." Kaleen said quietly. "I thought, after so long, my treatments would have allowed you to go greater lengths without headaches. I'm sorry my careless assuming caused you to suffer." she apologized with a sincere tone, holding him tighter to her body protectively. It was a gesture that placed her in the exact place that most women were in, within this world. Protectors, rulers, tyrants, and champions each, women were the dominant sex. And just like the society she lived in, Kaleen saw fit to protect Asher, and care for him. Based on her tone, and affectionate actions, she saw him as helpless. And against such powerful women who habitat the world in great numbers, this was not far from the truth.

After a few minutes, his body relaxed from the slight massage on the back of his head, Kaleen released Asher, and gently stood him straight in front of her, smiling at him. "The time is nearing, Asher. Do you remember those stories I told you? The ones about the champions of fate? Who challenge those who seek to control fate itself, and decide the destiny of the world? I know it may have seemed like just a fairy tale, but I have never told you as such. It is a very real thing." she assured him. "It may be a cruel thing to say, but the reason why I've nurtured you for so long, is because you are one of those chosen by fate, Asher. I admit, I could have cured your headaches long ago. Please do not hate me, but I didn't heal you completely, for your own protection. I didn't want to cure you, until the time came when I had no choice."

If he'd let her, she'd raise a hand to cradle his cheek in her palm, her brow furrowed with sorrow, her expression begging him to forgive her cold methods, "You, Asher, hold a very powerful force inside of your body. It longs to be released, and to try and coax you into releasing it, it pressures your body, threatening to erupt you from within in a fiery display of agonizing hellfire. My touches to your head, is not me filling you with my energy to cure you..." Her eyes lowered, her hands removed from his body, "I have been draining your energy for these past dozen years. Tis why I have not claimed any man for my own... You have been my soulmate this entire time, since you were young..."

Turning around, she folds her hands behind her back, her tone changing into one of sadness, her voice speaking unsaid words that she expected Asher to call her a traitor, or a true, deceitful witch. To have never said a word, nor asked permission, while she bound his soul to her's, and used her affectionate means to instill pleasure, and thusly drain his soul out of his body, it was a parasitic, and to most, an unforgivable act. It was true that she 'used' him to sustain her own life. Even though she nurtured him, one could argue that she was a witch to the bone, and simply used him as food.

"I'm sorry, Asher..." she said, her shoulder's lowered, and sounds of sobbing coming from her direction. "I've violated you for a long time. You said you could escape from the kind of women who seek you for their own selfish needs, while I have been that exact kind of woman..."

Kaleen shook a little, sadness clear in her voice. "But, it is now time to set you free... To let your power flow from your soul. Now that you know, I will no longer feed from you. Let your soul burn freely, Asher. Please just don't forget, the horrible things that happen to good people in this world. Let your fire scorch the wicked, and not the innocent. Please be among the chosen who fight for the good of the world..."