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Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(( All of you but one are going to hate me for this post ))

Getting up ignoring all the blood that fell on her from the dog she just stabbed and the dog itself Emily looked at the situation of the other three girls. She had no idea what their skills were so she didn't know which one to save first based on combat ability. She quickly decided, though, as she pulled out her gun and ran over to the dog on top of Christie shoving the gun in its head and pulling the trigger.

( Point blank head shot to the dog on top of Christie )
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Christie's eyes widen and she lets out a shriek as the dog tears her clothing. She twists around frantically to try to shoot it again.

(aimed shot on the dog on me)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Claire attacks)

Claire's bullet manages to pierce the animal, but it makes great effort as it shrugs off the pain, focusing on ramming it's cock into her slit. Claire lets out a violent cry as the oddly shaped dog cock slides into her sex, the knot at the very end forming inside her pussy, locking her ass in place as it prods her insides...

(Emily attacks, aimed head shot)

As Emily gets her hand a little too close, the dog snaps at her, causing her to misfire her shot at the ground.

The dog she neglected to kill, ran up on her once more, shoving her to the ground on all fours, mounting her like the others.

(Caitlyn attacks, aimed shot)

Attempting to help her lover, Caitlyn attacks the dog on top of Claire, ramming it's cock into her pussy, however, the bullet only graces it's back...

The dog that Caitlyn failed to kill attempted to strike at her once more, only to fail it's attempt as Caitlyn steps away from it's leap.

(Christie attacks)

Christie was still unable to break free from the grasp of the dog, as her attempt to fire failed once more, allowing it to stick it's phallus into her pussy in a similar fashion as Claire, forming a knot inside her as it pushed it's way in, securing her ass in place.
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Snarling in frustration at being denied her kill, Claire gave a yelp as that cock rammed home. She tried to prop herself up just a little, though her arms shook under the weight of the damned thing. That knot made it hard for her to pull her hips away without pain! She squirmed beneath it a little onto her side, cringing when crimson droplets of blood from its sheared ear marked her face.


"Bad... nngh... dog," she gasped, her adrenalin overpowering the panic that she was getting fucked by an overgrown animal, keeping her angry. She balled her fist and punched its muzzle, hoping it'd pull back enough for her to flip on her back so she could better shoot it.

((Bop it on the nose to stun, rather than to outright escape

In other news: Bless, Christie, Bless! XD))
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]


"N-no!" Christie cried as the creature pushed his way into her. For a second, her only thought was to struggle and try to throw the dog off her, but something told her that wouldn't be as easy as it had been with the tentacle bug and the centipede. Fighting back her urge to thrash around, she bit her lip and tried once again to shoot the dog in between it's thrusts.

*aimed shot with +5 bless (15 essence)*
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Emily landing on the ground on all fours was dazed at first. Then she quickly recovered herself and just tried to aim at anything on the dog seeing the blood spilling from it made her think one bullet anywhere should do the trick.


"Die already piece of shit."

(Aimed shot at the dog on top of her)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Caitlyn attacks, aimed shot)

Caitlyn's bullet hits home on the dog on top of Claire. Although it was stunned, it wasn't killed, and the knot in Claire's pussy kept her from escaping it's sexual thrusts.

Caitlyn's attacker strikes again, only to miss again as Caitlyn dodges to the side.

(Christie attacks, blessed)

Christie manages to shoot the dog, but it's knot is what kept her from escaping from it, as it was locked tightly in her pussy.

(Emily attacks)

Emily was unable to shoot the dog, the pressure on her back kept her from making any ground breaking movements. The dog only hopped back for a second to tear off her clothing, exposing her pussy to a passing breeze as she felt it's cock brush against her sex, about to try and gain entry...

(Claire attacks)

Claire couldn't move, as the shock from having the fat cock sealed in her pussy made her too stunned to try to get it off.
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Christie fell forward as the dog continued to thrust into her, unable to mount much of a defense against it. She grunted and gasped as it pounded, her arms giving out and her chest falling to push against the ground as her fear and disgust gave way to pleasure. Still, even as good as it felt, she knew she couldn't let this happen.


"Nngh... get... off... ahhh" she says weakly as she turns to take another shot at the creature.

*aimed shot with +8 bless (24 essence)*
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Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

((Ah ha ha ha, gawdamnit, RJ, you cruel bastard. XD If I make an especial rape-icon does that win me bonus points~?))


"Nngh... ah!" Claire cried, collapsing for a minute as the knot filling the base of her cunt sent a jolt of filthy pleasure through her. The adrenaline in her system seemed to give way to something more vulgar; pleasure turned her nipples rock hard and sent a thrill of goosebumps across the rest of her body as she panted and tried to regain control.

She was well aware that Caitlyn was doing her best to save the redhead, and through the haze of guilt and heat -- she felt horrible that Caitlyn was watching her fail against a stupid dog of all things -- Claire attempted to help finish the thing off. Though her palm had grown slick with sweat, she wrapped slim fingers against the comforting textured grip of the handle, pointing and trying to shoot the damned mutt again.

((Point and shoot .32 at the dog atop herself, again!))
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Feeling the dog's cock brush past her pussy Emily could feel her body starting to get excited. Her nipples were already starting to get hard and she was already getting wet. She blushed slightly. She had never really thought about having sex with a dog. Still though acting defiantly against her body she tried to get the thing off her before it rammed it's cock into her.


"Ge-... get off me."

She said hesitantly as she pushed her gun against one of the dog's legs and shot three times.

(Shoot dogs leg point blank 3 times)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Caitlyn attacks, aimed shot)

As Caitlyn attempts to fire at the dog on top of Claire again, she was interrupted as the dog attacking her finally caught her, making her fall to all fours as it mounted her.

(Claire attacks, rape icon bonus!)

Even with her special rape icon, Claire couldn't get a shot off at the animal as it began to furiously move it's cock around inside her pussy. The furious movement overwhelmed Claire's mind, she couldn't even scream from the pleasure as it expertly worked it's cock around inside her.

(Claire's orgasm status: Red)

(Claire's stamina status: Yellow)

(Christie attacks, blessed attack)

Just like before, Christie somehow managed to aim expertly, without even looking, as her gun went straight to aim at the dog's heart, killing it instantly as she fired her gun.

(Christie's Mental status: Yellow)

(Emily attacks, three shots)

As Emily attempted to summon enough strength to stop the dog on top of her, it gave her another violent shove, as it's cock ran straight into her wet pussy, forming a knot as it went all the way in as Emily began to work her hips with the dog's thrusts, giving into the rape entirely.

(Emily's orgasm status: Yellow)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Christie grunted when the dog above her shuddered and went limp. Finally, it fell down on top of her, it's cock still in her pussy, but no longer thrusting in and out. She lay under the creature for a second, catching her breath. At first she tried to push the thing off her, but the knot made it difficult. Suddenly she heard Claire cry out, and, still stuck under the dog, pulled her gun around to aim at the creature on top of her.


"Hang on, Claire!"

*aimed shot with +5 bless (15 essence)* (hope this isn't too late!)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]


"Damnit, no!" Caitlyn shouts as she slams to the ground underneath the massive canine. She ignores the pain from the impact, keeping her attention focused on Claire. Doing her best to ward off the beast with one hand, she fires another shot at the wounded dog that has mounted Claire.

(( Aimed shot at the dog attacking Claire. ))
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Emily overcome by the pleasure of having the dog fuck her dropped her weapons. She started to drool from her mouth as it continued to ram itself into her. Her love juices were already overflowing from her pussy and going down to her legs. Completely giving in she said pleadingly to the dog between her moans of pleasure-


"Please... fuck... me... harder..."

She spread her legs more to try to encourage the dog to start ramming itself into her faster.
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Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Claire, on the other hand, had gone all but silent under the damned dog, burying her face against one arm to muffle her choked panting as its thrusts shook her entire body. She didn't want to embarrass herself any further in front of people that she'd come to like and trust by giving in to the beast, even if that knot tugging against her cunt felt amazing!

(Attempt to resist orgasm.)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Christie attacks, aimed shot, blessed)

Christie's bullet goes into the already wounded dog, killing it before it could try to make Claire cum.

Christie felt the know loosen inside her, and pushed the dead dog off.

(Claire can move her arms, but the dead dog's knot keeps her from walking around until next turn)

(Caitlyn's target was killed)

The dog on top of Caitlyn began scratching at her armor with it's legs, trying to weaken it so it can rip it off.

(Caitlyn's armor status: Yellow)

(Emily has given in)

Noticing it's victim give into it's desires, it rams it's cock around inside her pussy at lightning speed. Her teeth clenched as she let out loud moans as the dog fucked her violently.

(Emily's orgasm status: Red)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Claire felt the dog collapse on top of her and cried out, both in relief and disgust. What was worse than having a dog fucking her was a dead dog still inside of her!

Still, she found that she could move her arms at the very least. Grunting with the effort, she aimed a shot at the dog atop Caitlyn, trying her best to return the favor to her lover before the blonde had to worry about getting in the same situation!


"Thanks," she gasped to Christie, aware that someone else was moaning out of her line of sight at the moment. Emily was in trouble too... though Claire found herself embarrassed that the other woman seemed more intent on enjoying the rape than trying to prevent it!

(Aimed shot at the dog atop Caitlyn!)
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]


"I'm okay," yells Caitlyn, trying to sound confident while the beast tears at the material of her body armor. "Help Emily!" She grimaces and throws an elbow, trying to slam her arme forcefully against the side of the dog's muzzle and drive it back.

(( Action: Brawling attack against the dog on top of her. ))
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

Christie pushed the dog off her to the side and rolled over to lay on her back, panting for breath. Her mind was racing, unable to concentrate on anything, but the moaning she heard from her side made her come back to reality. Pushing herself up she walked wobbly-legged over to Emily and the dog on top of her.


"Play dead!" she yelled as she aimed a kick at the creature's head.

*kick the dog on top of Emily*
Re: Looting run [Claire, Caitlyn, Christie and Emily]

(Christie attacks, unarmed)

Christie gives the dog atop Emily a weak kick, at best, she tickled it.

(Claire attacks)

Claire tried to aim, but found herself blinking at the two figures between her sights. She couldn't see well enough to make a shot...

(Caitlyn attacks)

Caitlyn elbows the dog behind her as hard as she can. She managed to hurt it a little, but she wasn't strong enough to stun it with pain...

The dog on top of her continued to claw at the armor, parts of her ass starting to show as the fabric was being torn off.

(Caitlyn's armor status: Red)

The dog's cock continued to thrash about Emily's insides, her pussy juice flowing from her was making a considerable puddle beneath her ass as it leaked past it's cock. She felt herself about to cum as it thrashed wildly inside her, but she wanted to stay at the peak, she wanted to stay in that heightened bliss as she resisted the urge to cum...

(Emily's stamina status: Yellow)

(Emily's orgasm status: Danger)