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Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

With her strings, Emily takes her short sword, and wires it so that when a bug comes through the door, the sword will swing down, and impale the first bug that falls into the trap.

( Now all ya need to do is lure them out. :p )

(( We can walk over the trap right... <.< ))
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

( Yeah, but should anyone get a REALLY horrible roll, they might accidentally trip it, causing stamina damage. )
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(I vote Emily lures since she's the one who set it up ;X)
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

( In case anyone was wondering, the monsters are waiting, thinking that they'll get the drop on the three girls, if someone were to start masturbating, the scent will make them go into a frenzy, and will walk right into the trap. )
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

( In case anyone was wondering, the monsters are waiting, thinking that they'll get the drop on the three girls, if someone were to start masturbating, the scent will make them go into a frenzy, and will walk right into the trap. )

(( I thought so but... <.< aren't we supposed to not know that they're attracted to the scent? ))
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(( I thought so but... <.< aren't we supposed to not know that they're attracted to the scent? ))

( It could just be a distant idea, knowing full well that the monsters must have some method of finding their prey. I can easily see someone coming to that conclusion. )
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Iris watched as Emily set up the trap with such skill. Taking strings and wireing them to a sword was very clever, Iris doubted she could of thought of something like that. Even if she did she could never set traps up as skillfully as Emily did and she doubted Luna knew how to. Iris was glad that she had Emily with her. She had so many skills that helped so much.

As Emily finished setting a the trap up a thought popped up in Iris's mind. How were they going to lure the mosnter bugs out? Iris was clueless, she decided to ask Emily about it. Looking at the girl Iris walked over to her, she began to speak to her softly as she asked her question.
" Good job Emily... So how do we lure the things out into the trap? "

Iris doubted her rock idea would work. More then likly the bugs would ignore the sounds of a rock.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]


"Birds of a feather flock to each other...As these beasts are carnal things, perhaps an act of a carnal nature would attract them?..."

As usual, Luna was vague in expressing her ideas, having a slight idea of how the monsters might track their prey, but uninterested in being straightforward with her musings. It would be up to the others to expand on what she had said...

((In short, Luna is saying that as they creatures are sex fiends/rapists, something sexual might attract them. She won't act on that though.))
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Emily looked at her work and smiled. They could kill one of the bastards and fight them in the doorway one at a time. Then when Iris asked how to lure them out Emily realized she never thought about that part. She started scratching the back of her head nervously.


"I, uh..."

Then when Luna began to muse she stared at her a little angrily. She wondered why she couldn't just say it straightforward, but it did make her think. These monsters had to have a way to track them. Remembering back to when she was with Azure she told them about how they probably track by scent. For a rapist monster what would be the best thing to smell on a person? Something clicked in Emily when she thought about it. Although it was only a theory maybe it could work...


"Maybe if one us masturbates they would smell the scent and come to get us..."

She thought for a second. She knew Iris would probably be too embarrassed to masturbate in front of other people, and she couldn't even imagine Luna masturbating at all. She was still very horny from being rescued from the tentacles and it was very hard for her to not to not think about sex right now....


"I'll try it... Luna, Iris... stand by the doorway together... They're probably going to come for me first if I'm right."

Emily leaned up against a wall near the doorway. Looking down between her legs and spreading them she started fingering herself slow at first then sped up. She started to get lost in the feeling and drooled and moaned as she made her fingers go faster.

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Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Iris watched as Emily got against the wall and began to finger herself. Her eyes got wide and her face blushed at this. She honestly hadn't thought Emily would do something like so suddenly. Iris almost forgot what they were doing as Emily began to masturbate. However Iris took her eyes away from Emily and over to Luna as she spoke to her, her voice rather quiet and shocked.

" L-lets stand by the doorway Luna... "

Iris followed Emilys instructions and stood by the doorway, ready with her sword and gun for whatever enemy showed up. She only hoped a monster didn't come out of nowhere and attack. Iris tried to keep focused and not pay attention to what Emily was doing to herself.

* Wait for a monster to show up. Attack when it does. *
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Emily's masturbating quickly attracted the attention of the monsters, as it didn't take but ten seconds, and one was already heading through the door,

(Trap springs)

As the sword swung down, it didn't kill the monster, but it hurt it greatly.

As the first bug retreated in pain, the other two simply got in front of it, eager to fuck the three girls that wandered to them.

One was headed for Iris, and the other was headed for Luna, while the one retreating soon went after Emily again after it recovered from the pain.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Opening fire without hesitating, Luna let off three rounds towards the bug heading toward her without a second thought, her eyes showing no emotion.


"Death to all sinners."

(Action: Triple shot at bug coming towards her)
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Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(( What kind of bugs are these again? ))
Iris didn't hesitate, she quickly aimed her 9mm at the big monster coming towards her. Iris was going to make sure this horny beast never got another chance to harm an innocent person. Iris pulled the trigger three times at the monster, hoping her bullets killed it on the spot.

* Iris aims and triple shots at the monster coming for her. *[/QUOTE]
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Hearing the bugs spring the trap made Emily come back to the fight with the bugs. She stopped masturbating and took a look at the situation. Seeing the bug wasn't killed by her trap she felt a little disappointed, but as it charged her she aimed her gun at it. Thinking only one shot would be able to kill it she aimed at the bug with her gun.


"Die you disgusting piece of shit!"

(Aimed shot at the one charging her)
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]


(Luna attacks, three shots)

Two out of the three shots from Luna's gun hit her target, while they both only took chunks off of the sides of the creature, it was enough to make it stop in it's place in pain.

(Iris attacks, three shots)

As Iris fired rapidly at the bug, all three shots hitting it right in it's body, it quickly stopped moving...

(Emily attacks, Aimed shot)

Emily's bullet hits it's mark, making the creature flinch in pain.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Opening fire again, Luna attempted to finish off the centipede once and for all, firing another salvo of bullets at it.

(Triple shot again if there's enough ammo to do so, otherwise, aimed shot.)
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Emily seeing it only recoiled in pain and not die frowned. These things were tougher then she thought. They were also being a huge drain on her ammo. Hoping this next shot would finish it off she aimed and shot at the centipede once, while making a bit of a joke and insult to the centipede.


"Stop wasting my ammo and die already!"

(Aimed shot at the one she just shot)
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Iris almost felt happy at the sight of the centipede dying. She had managed to kill it with ease and it wouldn't ever hurt an innocent person again. Iris quickly looked at the current situation. Emily's enemy was still alive as was Luna's. Iris decided she should help one of them out.

The centipede going after Emily seemed to be closer to death then Luna's. It already had a bad sword wound and shot wound. Iris took aim at the centipede going for Luna. Iris aimed for its body and shot at it, making sure to shoot at a spot that would hit the centipede and not Luna.

* Aimed shot at the centipede going for Luna. *
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(Luna attacks, triple shot)

After firing two shots, they both went straight through the monster, killing it on the spot.

(Emily attacks, aimed shot)

Emily's aim was Excellent!

With one shot from Emily, her bullet runs the creature through, making that one less centipede in the world that they have to deal with.

( All enemies have been defeated. )
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Eyes filled with nothing but contempt for the fallen prey, the brown haired girl holstered her gun and drew her sword as she approached it's carcass. Then with a few swift strokes, Luna then severed the corpses into multiple pieces, apparently not content with leaving a creature such as that in a single piece. After smashing the head into the pavement with her blade, the red eyed girl turned to her sister for the cue to enter the house and begin searching...

(Enter house and search while constantly on guard I suppose...)