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Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Emily kicked the dead centipede corpse. As she saw Luna destroying another corpse she wondered just how weird this girl was. Remembering back to how she carved a crescent moon and destroyed the other monster she wondered if she thought she was some type of noble warrior.


"Well, when you're done wasting all your energy I guess we should go inside the house. Hopefully this place has more shit then the last one."

She picked up her sword. Quickly remembering that it seemed like Iris wanted to lead the group she let Iris go in first. She didn't want to hurt her feelings by taking her 'position.'

(( Is the sword inside the centipede or near the door way ))
(( Emily was isolated mostly in her apartment and parent's home so she wouldn't know about a famous killer like Luna =P ))
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Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Seeing that the bugs were all dead Iris decided to lead everyone into the house. Collecting herself Iris quietly mumbled something, not aring if Luna or Emily heard her.
" Lets get inside... "

Iris then started walking towards the doorway, ready to search the house. When this search was over Iris planned to head back to the inn reguardless if she managed to find aything at all here she planned to go back to the inn after searching this house. She didn't want to risk her sister and firends safty any more.

* Lead everyone inside, search the house of anything of value. *
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Upon entering the house, and checking it to see if it's safe, the three then search to the best of their abilities for anything of value that might have been left behind by the looters...

(Search check)

Iris, upon opening a dryer, finds three sets of clothing inside. Although they were men's clothing, they would definitely fit on all three of the naked girls.

Luna finds a little stash between the matresses of the bed in the bedroom, an iron box which, after easily opened with a flick of a latch, contains a 9mm clip, and some first aid material (first aid kit). There was also an imprint where the 9mm gun used to be, but there were no signs of that particular item in the whole house.

The only thing Emily finds is a safe, which appears to need some kind of key to unlock. One can only imagine what might be inside.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Luck had smiled upon Iris. She had accually managed to find three sets of clothing in the dryer. Iris did not care in the least bit that these were mens clothing, they looked like they would fit and that was all Iris cared about. Iris quickly slipped on an outfit, finally covering her recently violated body.
" Better find Luna and Emily..."

Iris mumbled that out as she started to look for her sister and her friend. Iris guessed this looting run turned out alright. She had an outfit she could give Jesse and clothing for herself and her two friends.

* Fiand Luna and Emily. Give each of them one of the outfits found in the dryer of this house. *
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Reloading her gun with the new clip, and holstering her partially empty clip, Luna gathered the first aid kit she had found, and went to see if the others were successful in their search...

(Not much to post really.)
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Emily, upon finding the safe, smiled. She sat there spending about ten minutes trying to open it. She desperately tried to pry the thing open with her short sword. Deciding to not shoot it, thinking that she might damage something inside, decided to just give up and go back to the others and tell them about it. Before she left though she kicked the safe hard out of anger and yelled-


"Stupid piece of shit!"

After her outburst she walked back to Iris and Luna.
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Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Upon hearing the words " Stupid peice of shit!" being yelled out Iris followed the directions the anger was coming from. A second of walking and Iris found herself in a hallway. In the hallway she saw Emily, she didn't seem all that happy. Iris started walking towards the girl. As she walked Iris said something, her tone being soft and a bit concerned.
" Emily, is something wrong? "
Iris could only wondered why she had made that angry outburst. What would make her do that? Did her gun break?
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

When Iris found Emily she was embarrassed she heard her outburst. Still she thought that telling Iris about the safe would be a good idea. Maybe one of them has better lockpicking skills then her.


"I'm fine Iris. I just got angry because I couldn't open a safe... Did you find anything? That's all I found."
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Emily had found a safe. That was great news to Iris. While there might just be cash in it there was a fair chance that it had something of current value. Like guns or ammo. Iris didn't know how to pick a lock but she bet she could shoot it open.

Iris was glad she had managed to find three pairs of clothing. Now she had something she could give Emily. Iris reached for her backback and pulled out of the sets of clothing she had found in the dryer. Iris began to hand it to Emily as she spoke.
" I found three pairs of clothing in the dryer. Pretty lucky huh? Anyways we should try and open that safe. Maybe one of us could shoot it open. "
Iris handed Emily the outfit then.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

When Iris spoke of three Emily remembered Luna was here. She wondered where she was in the house. Even though she thought it was better she wasn't here because she could glance at Iris' body without her overprotective sister around she thought that it would be better to find her before they decided to do this. When Iris offered her clothes she turned around and faced her, realizing she was fully clothed. She felt a little dissapointed but knew it was for the better for them to have clothes especially after what happened with centipedes.


"Nice Iris. Now we can make up for the clothes that we lost..."

She trailed off seeing it was men clothes. She let out a small groan but put it on anyway.


"Well after what happened with the centipedes this should probably make it harder for them to track us now. Let's go find Luna to get some on her. We don't know how well they can track us without clothes on."

Emily waited to let Iris lead the way.
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Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(( Iris did put an outfit on. See?

Luck had smiled upon Iris. She had accually managed to find three sets of clothing in the dryer. Iris did not care in the least bit that these were mens clothing, they looked like they would fit and that was all Iris cared about. Iris quickly slipped on an outfit, finally covering her recently violated body.
" Better find Luna and Emily..."

Iris mumbled that out as she started to look for her sister and her friend. Iris guessed this looting run turned out alright. She had an outfit she could give Jesse and clothing for herself and her two friends.

* Fiand Luna and Emily. Give each of them one of the outfits found in the dryer of this house. *
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

As the brown-haired girl searched for the others in the house, the pain from extensive movement while injured suddenly brought her to her knees as the adrenaline wore off, her breathing becoming a bit labored. Using the wall as a support, the girl slowly got to her feet, trying to steel herself so that she could continue to "pretend" that she was uninjured in front of her sister.


"Not...yet... I can not afford...to be this weak...not in front of....her..."

Using the wall as a support, she then attempted to steady her breathing as she managed to keep the pain at bay for the moment, relying on force of will to keep herself in combat ready condition...
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Iris nodded as she motioned Emily to follow her. As Iris walked down the hallway and into another began to hear walking. After a bit more walking Iris saw her sister. She seemed normal but... Something was off. She looked like she was hiding something. She looked normal but... Differn't. In a concerned tone Iris said something to Emily as she began to walk towards her.
" Luna...? Are you alright? "
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Luna became alert as she became aware of Iris's presence, quickly donning a mask similar to her normal self to hide the fact that she was beginning to feel the effects of such an injury as she turned around to address her sister, acting as if everything was normal.


"I am...fine...How was your search?..."

Attempting to change the topic, the brown haired girl attempted to distract her sister from the fact that she had almost seen her in a moment of weakness. Something that Luna herself had forbidden...
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Iris felt something in her gut telling her that Luna wasn't telling the truth. Iris wondered if she was still feeling hurt after she was assulted by Fluer. Iris could see Luna pretending to be ok if that was the case. Luna hated looking weak and hurt.

While her worry level went up Iris adressed her sister. Worry and concern was starting to show in her voice now. Her eyes matched her voice tone.
" Luna... If something is wrong you can tell me..."
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]


"...A few scratches...nothing more...I am fine sister..."

There was hesitation in her voice as she realized that her sister was on to her, that she was aware of her weakness. Attempting to assure Iris of her "health" Luna kept up her facade of her "normalcy", doing the best she could to appear "fine".

(Going to grab some food, brb.)
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Iris knew Luna was lying for the sake of her pride. This gave Iris mixed feelings. Iris didn't know if she should be sad or angry or what. All she knew was that after she shot that safe open she was going back to the inn. Iris didn't want to cut this looting run short but she figured she should end things while she was ahead and before Luna got really hurt.

No change in her look of tone Iris responded to her sister.
" Emily found a safe. I'm going to try and shoot the lock open. After that we're going back to the inn... "
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]


"...Understood...I'll...go stand guard then...to make sure nothing surprises us on our way out... "

Heading towards the entrance to the home, Luna hoped to find a place to rest away from her sister's eyes. It was not her place to be weak in front of her sister, whom she had sworn to protect. To do so was a grave sin...
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Emily thought Luna was hiding something from them too. She also didn't want them splitting up from each other. The way Luna was acting made her wonder if she was hurt. It would be bad if she went to stand guard on her own in this condition.


"Maybe you should come with us Luna. We might need help with the safe."

Even though Luna has only pissed Emily off she doesn't want to see her die or get raped by these things.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Iris slowly nodded in agreement. Luna was puting herself at risk by being alone like that, that's why Iris didn't want her going out alone without protection. Softly, Iris spoke to Luna, her concern showing.
" Yeah... Maybe you should come with us Luna... "