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Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Not in any condition to argue, Luna nodded her head slowly, despite wanting to find rest away from the sight of the others.


"...Yes sister..."

Her response lacking some of the usual enthusiasm, she prepared to follow Iris and Emily to the safe. Her hand clutching her sword tighter than she ever had before.

(By the way... I just realized that Luna is still naked o_O;; )
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(( Ill fix that.))
Suddenly taking notice that her still nude Iris quickly reached into her backpack. Pulling out another one of the outfits she found in the dryer. Iris handed the clothing to Luna. Waiting for her sister to take the clothing Iris softly said-
" Here sister, put these on. You must be sick of being naked. "
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Luna's response to Iris's comment could be described as..."odd" in a sense. Viewing things from an overly practical perspective rather than the normal one taken by society.


"In this current world... clothes are nothing more than the armor one wears into combat against these vermin...they are a luxury of sorts...but thank you nonetheless sister."

True to her word, the girl then dressed herself swiftly without paying any mind nor thought to the fact that the clothes were designed for men, as if to do so was ludicrous from the beginning.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(( Lazy post. Sorry. ))

Iris leads the two girls to the room where the safe is at. When getting then she takes an aimed shot at the safe lock, in hopes of somehow opening it.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

As Iris fires at the lock, her bullet obviously breaks it, but doesn't damage it enough to get it to open.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

Seeing her first bullet hadn't done the job Iris let out a sigh seeing that she would have to use another bullet. Not giving up just yet Iris took her 9mm and took aim and fired again. She was sure another bullet would finish the job.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

( No need to wait for the rest of us on a response as minor as this.)
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

( I know, if it's not combat, if someone makes an action, I'll respond as soon as I'm able. )

Iris damages the lock a little more, but her second bullet doesn't make it break free. However, her third does, and the safe door swings open.

Inside the large safe, Iris found a box of 20 .22 LR rounds, and the Long Rifle that goes with them. Unfortunately, the afore mentioned Long Rifle had bullet holes in it, and looked damaged beyond repair.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(Gotcha, although it looks like I'm not going to be able to get Luna out of the way in time, unless we can "fast forward" to them getting back to the inn.)
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(( Iris got the safe open so she gets the ammo right?))
Iris let out a sigh as the safe finally opened. She was glad upon seeing what was in the safe and that she hadn't wasted her three bullets. It wasn't useless money, there was a box of ammo and a rifle. The bullets seemed fine but the gun seemed badly damaged. Iris doubted it could be fixed but maybe Jesse could find some use for it. Maybe she could scrap it for parts or accually fix it. Maybe it could be converted into a walking stick or a club. Setting aside her silly thoughts of new uses for this broken gun Iris quickly gathered the box of ammo and gun and placed them in her backpack. She then faced the two girls in the room, speaking to them plainly.

" Well... I guess we better quit while we are ahead. Lets get back to the inn... "

Iris motioned to Emily and Luna to follow her as she began walking out of the room, heading towards the outside of the house to the car. Along the way Iris thought of how lucky she accually got on this mission. Clothing and a box of ammo, along with a broken gun. This looting run had gon a lot better then her past one. Iris hoped that Jesse would forgive her after this...
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Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]


(Raptor Jesus hits the fast forward button)

After getting the ammo and useless gun, Iris, Emily and Luna piled back into the car, and drove back to the Inn.

After reaching the Inn, a look up noted that the lone David was not on the roof, but the women from before. He must have taken a break.

After being let inside by the guard at the door, Iris, Luna, and Emily found themselves safe, back at the Inn.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(( Ok with Weird offline and me online I'm going to have Iris go make peace with Jesse then play out the crap with Luna and Iris. I hope we're still sticking to our plan Keylo.))

Saying bye to Luna and Emily and telling them she would see them in a bit Iris heads to the shop to see Jesse.
Re: Looting run [Iris, Luna, and Emily]

(Edit: Damn it! You ninjaed me!)