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Looting run, [Jenn]

Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

Jenn decides that if she's looking for clothing she might as well start at a clothing store, and heads that way.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

(Notice check)

As Jenn walks along the street, looking for a good clothing store, she was completely unaware of the monster stalking behind her...

(Enemy attacks)

A spider leaps from behind, and wraps it's eight legs around Jenn, holding her arms against her sides as it sends her to her knees due to it's sheer weight.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

(Stupid low perception...)

Jenn struggles to get free from the sudden attacker...
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

Jenn struggled, but couldn't get any leeway over the legs that encompassed her.

(Enemy attacks)

The spider's thorax leans back, then a tiny needle jabs into Jenn's back as it's rammed into her, piercing through the armor. The spot it goes into feels numb after a few seconds...

(Jenn has been injected with an unknown toxin)
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]



Jenn struggles wildly, trying to crush the spider against the ground or tear it off herself.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

(Erm... lets go with attacking)
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

(Jenn attacks, unarmed)

Jenn manages to stand up, then jump into the air, landing against the ground, hard, squishing the bug behind her with her weight.

The monster goes into shock from the startling pain, and frees Jenn, allowing her to crawl away from it's grasp.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

Jenn, mad and a little embarrassed, moves to attack it aggressively before it can get back up.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

Jenn quickly slashes with her blade, spliting the spider in half before it could even move, it's innards spilling all over the road.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

Jenn wipes her rapier clean as best she could, and rubbed at the spot where the thing had stung her.


Damn spider... just barely out of sight of the inn and they're already attacking me. A spider stings to... keep its victim from struggling and tearing the web?

Jenn moves on toward her destination, trying to move more quietly to avoid drawing more beasts to her, while also paying close attention to her limbs, making sure they don't seize up on her.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

It wasn't long, and Jenn began to feel her body start to become numb, spreading from where she was stung, she was quickly losing feeling in her body.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]


Oh god, not a good place to seize up...

Jenn seeks the nearest safe-looking place to get over the poison...
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

Jenn quickly makes her way into a nearby house, and into a bedroom, where she shuts the door, locks it, and lays on the bed.

The poison slowly crawls along her body, until she found herself completely paralyzed, unmoving on the bed, trapped in a state of panic should something come in...

After about a good hour, the poison faded away, and thankfully, nothing had found her.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]


Oh thank god... well, while I'm here...

While she's in a bedroom, she goes ahead and checks any drawers for sets of clothing and keeps her eyes open for a gun safe.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

(Search check)

Jenn finds:

Three sets of clothes inside the drawers, and a .38 caliber handgun under the bed.
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]


Well, a silver lining after all...

Jenn gathers all she found and leaves the house. She looks back the way she came, and up the way she was going...

(How much more stuff can she carry?)
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]


Well, a silver lining after all...

Jenn gathers all she found and leaves the house. She looks back the way she came, and up the way she was going...

(How much more stuff can she carry?)

(The clothes will stuff her bag, she'd need to return to empty it.)
Re: Looting run, [Jenn]

Jenn realizes that she couldn't carry more clothing even if she found it, and moves back toward the inn.