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Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena pauses, then levels her rifle with a smile,

"I bet you I can hit the bull in the balls~" She wavers over the trigger, unsure of whether to squeeze or not.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo couldn't respond to Selena's comment. She had tried to debate with herself on what to do. She honestly would like for the thing to leave without being disturbed, but on the other hand, it would have to die at some point. She was confident that they could fight it since they have the cover and surprise, and killing it would save anyone else who might run into it, but should they take the risk? She could only leave her mouth open, looking for the words, and turned to Dixie for some sort of confirmation.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

When Josie looked to Dixie, she didn't seem to have much to say either. She only held her gun in her hand, and waited, with a look of fear on her face, fear that the minotaur creature might somehow find them, and that they might get raped again, only with it's oversized cock...

And, at the worst moment, her fear came to reality, as the bull turned towards the shop, and looked directly at the girls hiding inside, likely catching what little of their scent they left off, and followed to the bar. The giant creature smashed through the windows with naught but a scratch on it's tough leather-like skin, and with loud, ground shaking stomps, it approached the three girls at a charge, leaning down so as to fit inside, and charged straight towards Selena, and due to the glass making her cover her eyes, she was unable to place a shot at it's testicles.

Once it reached her, it lunged it's hand at her, and clasped her in it's fist, lifting her into the air, and looking right at her with perverted intent, it's cock starting to get hard as it holds Selena in the air...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(Wut? But I was ready to shoot anyway D:)

Selena struggles to bring the rifle up and aim down at the bull's testicles,

"I don't think so~!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Josie almost pissed herself in fear once the minotaur directed its eyes straight at them. She threw her arms up to cover her face as it came crashing through the building. The moment it grabbed Selena, Jo knew there was no avoiding it, they had to kill it, and fear was not an option they could use. Clutching her axe, she swung it towards the inside of the beast's forearm of the hand it was using to hold up Selena.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

When Josie lunged forward with her axe, and swung it at the monster's arm with a vengeance, she stuck the blade of the weapon into the beast's arm as intended, but it didn't seem phased from the blow. It only looked down at her in anger, and gave her a violent kick with one of it's hooves, sending her sliding and rolling along the ground until she stopped when she hit the wall, her head slamming so hard against the wall, all she saw were stars before blacking out...

(Josie is unconscious)

Dixie screamed when she saw Josie get kicked so fiercly, and with a vengeance, aimed her pistol at the beast, firing three rounds wildly into it's back. It mooed almost in a roar from the pain of being shot so many times, and turned angrily at Dixie, with a helpless Selena in it's hands, arms bound by the fingers literally feeling as if they're crushing her...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena struggles to try to break free,

"Leggo you stupid oversized bovine!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(Dixie attempts to awaken Josie)

Dixie screams to Josie as she raises her gun at the beast, "Josie, for the love of god, wake up! We need you-AAAHHH!" she screams as the other beast's hand reaches for her, and grabs her, until it's holding two helpless women in it's hands...

Meanwhile, in her dazed state, Josie hears Dixie's call in the back of her mind, and that was enough to make her open her eyes slightly, and awaken her mind, to see Selena and Dixie, apparently about to be raped...

(Josie is awake!)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Josie could barely hear this muffled noise in her head above the ringing her ears were making. Raising her hear with a start and shake, she tried to make out which one of the minotaurs were standing in front of her, before her vision narrowed and she realized there was still only one. She saw Dixie was now held by the beast and started to panic. She had promised the girl that she wouldn't let anything like this happened to her, but now she's lying on the floor as the beast is preparing to rape the girls in his hands. Clutching at her axe, she regained her balance, wobbling a little before using the axe to stand herself up. She raised it above her head and tried to jump at the beast and drive the axe deep into it's chest.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(Hehehe, forget to mention, Josie's Stamina Status: Yellow)

With the beast's attention on his two victims, Josie was right behind the beast, and as she leaped at the monster, and planted her axe so hard into it's back, she heard a snap, as her axe broke it's spine, and it collapsed to the ground inside the bar...

After it fell, dead from Josie's axe, Dixie crawled out of it's now limp hand, and dashes towards Josie, seeming to be on the verge of crying, and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, "Oh, God, thank you, Josie, thank you..." she said breathlessly...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo breathed deeply once the giant creature fell down dead, letting go of the axe and letting her arms drop limply to her sides. She barely turned her head towards the girls, feeling like it weighed 30 pounds, before Dixie grabbed her, almost knocking her off balance.


"A promise is a promise." Answering back with the same lack of breath, and a slight groan
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie, after satisfying her need to thank Josie, took note of how worn she looked, and went to have Josie use Dixie as support, and carry her towards one of the bar seats to sit her down.

"Jeez, Jo... He really gave you a nasty kick, huh?" she said, "I sure wish there was some ice back there to put on yer head..."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Being led to.. she doesn't know where. Jo could only let Dixie help her and sit her down. Chuckling a bit at Dixie's statement, Jo raised her hand to her temple.


"Ice would be a big help."

She raised her sight back up to the body of the minotaur looking for the blue haired girl it had trapped as well, and dipped her head back down immediately to rest it in her hands.


"Hey make sure she's ok too, huh"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie looked over to Selena, who was [Insert what she's doing here,], and said, "She and I are fine... We got a little squeezed, but we're both fine..."

Letting out a sigh, Dixie took a seat next to Josie, and slouched a little, as if comfortable with the setting, "I reckon we'll sit here till you feel a little better..."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena stretches as she kicks the minotaur a few times,

"Stupid bovine! I oughta drag you back to the inn and make roast beef out of you..."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie laughs, "Heh, heh, heh! That's not a bad idea, blue!" she said, referencing Selena as, 'blue', "Hell, that'd probably be the best thing I'd eaten since the start of this apocalypse! Rather than that gooey shit that freak monster spoon fed me in the station..."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena prods the minotaur a few times and tries to see if she could drag it around,

"I wonder what it tastes like~"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(doesn't stamina not recharge until we sleep?)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(It fully recharges when you sleep, and recharges when resting during the day, the rate of recharge depending on your constitution stat.)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(When I read that, I got sad because I know my stats suck except for one, then I realized constitution was the one)

Jo chuckled to herself at the girls' conversation about eating their kill, though the thought of actually doing so made her gag a little. She leaned her arm down into the bar, using it as a pillow to rest her head upon.