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Looting run [Josie]

Re: Looting run [Josie]

The room was a dead end, the only exit was the hall where she came from.

Dixie shrugged, "I wasn't here when I blacked out... I have no idea where my weapons are."
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Jo started to move to the door, back the way she came when Dixie told her she was defenseless and unaware of where they were. She lowered her head into her hands and spoke softly, as if almost to herself but loud enough so Dixie heard.


"Don't tell me you blacked out in the sewers. Do you mean you weren't in this room or this building?"

Once in the doorway leading back, Jo turned around to her and held her extra sword out.


"I hope you're good with this cuz I'm afraid I don't have much else. I didn't really anticipate on having company. But it is nice to not be alone anymore."

*leave back to original room*
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Dixie held the weapon awkwardly, "What, am I a fucking Knight Templar now?" she said sarcastically, waving the weapon around in a manner Josie deemed foolish.

Before Josie left, she noticed something in the corner of her eye, it was a fire axe.

Josie had a lot of experience with a fire axe, and is very glad she found one, still sitting inside the emergency case, as if waiting, just for her...
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Jo practically laughed to herself on the inside when she saw how Dixie wielded her sword. When her eyes fell upon the axe hanging in it's emergency case, a very obvious, almost insane, smile plastered itself on her face as her brow raised and eyes glinted. However, as her thoughts started to return to her previously blanked mind, she realized she's not alone anymore and this is a group decision.


"Well, are you any good with an axe?"

Jo headed over and broke the glass to take the axe.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Dixie shook her head, "I just need my pistol... Damn it!" she cursed, noting her naked state, she realized there was still no pistol waiting to be grabbed.

As the glass shattered, the axe hung calmly on the rests, as if awaiting a new owner, as Josie quickly accepted that role, she held the powerful axe in her hands, the red tinted body seemed like it was made to blend in with the blood of it's victims...
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Jo made it a point to try and isolate herself most of her life. Although early on, that time was spent playing video games, she hasn't touched any of those in years. Despite that, something clicked in her mind and as she reached for the axe, she couldn't help but replay over every 'item-finding' music she could remember. She paused for a second with the powerful axe in her hands.

She came back to when she realized she's still naked, tired, has someone to look out for who is just as naked and tired and completely defenseless in a situation they can't predict or control. This was not going to happen, at least not today.


"Well, I think this is too much for us to handle right now. Coming back with a survivor is better than coming back with nothing. Plus I've got this now." she said brandishing her axe.
"Let's get you back to the inn, get you dressed up and rest, and we'll come back and search the whole place over with someone who knows how to pick a lock. Sound good?"
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Jo heads for the window when she pauses, feeling as if she needed to explain.


"Uhh, forgive me for being paranoid but I haven't been everywhere in this place yet and the window's the way I came in, so it's the way I'm going out." She holds her hand out to Dixie as she places her hip against the windowsill.
"Need some help out?"
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Dixie nods as Josie helps her outside, feeling the fresh air replace the musty smell of sex and dust was a relief to both their minds.

Dixie couldn't help but look back to the police station, whispering to herself, "I wish I had a better weapon than this toy," she said silently, swinging the blade around, trying to get used to the feel of it.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Jo climbed out the window behind Dixie and noticed her playing with the sword


Heh, I knew she'd start to like it. Swords have the tendency to grow on ya.
"Follow me" Josie took the lead and heading back towards the inn.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

As Dixie couldn't keep up with her, Josie was forced to backtrack back to her, lending a shoulder as she helped the woman.

(Perception check)

Josie was unaware, but Dixie managed to hear two slimes approaching them.

Josie quickly found herself wrapped in the blue goo, caught unaware as it snuck up behind her, pulling her down to the ground, face up as the goo encased her.

Dixie, weakly stepping back from her own attacker, misses a step, and falls down, allowing the other slime to encase her in it's goo as well as she gave a cry for help, "No! I don't wanna go through this again!" she shouted, as the slime's body forced her down, into a missionary state.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie was taken by surprise and forced to the ground by some strange slimy mess. Unfamiliar with the situation, she tried to escape by forcing herself through what she assumed was easily breakable viscous material.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie struggled, but was surprised at how strongly it held her in place...

Dixie struggled as well, but her efforts were also in vain.

Over both the girls at the same time, some kind of strange tube appeared over their mouths, shoveling their way inside, and immediatly releasing some kind of delicious goo into both their mouths.

Josie managed to fight the desire to swallow the liquid, giving her another chance to fight back.

Dixie as well managed to fight the urge to absorb the wonderful elixir into her body, although the desire to swallow was deadly...
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Jo's eyes widened as the tube made its way into her mouth and started forcefeeding her a delectable liquid. She knew there was no escaping this thing. Grabbing at her new weapon, she took her axe and slashed at the slime, not even thinking about how dangerous that would have been for herself.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

(Phuck me)

(Josie attacks)

With one, I'll be fucking damned lucky swing, with her axe, she chopped at a part of the creature holding her, the slime with drawing back enough for Josie to crawl out of her slimy captor, as she regained her footing, spitting the love juices out of her mouth.

Dixie wasn't so lucky, as she couldn't resist the delicious fluids inside her mouth any longer, swallowing it all, drinking it until she nearly gagged on it, as her eyes went wide with lust.

(Dixie has been afflicted with an aphrodisiac)
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie was surprised that the thing had retreated, hardly having time to think of how she managed to hurt a liquid, and spitting out the juices immediately. She took her axe in hand once more and swung at the damaged slime creature.


If it can be hurt, it can die!
Re: Looting run [Josie]

(Josie attacks)

Josie gave the thick slime another chop, sending it further in retreat.

As Dixie completely gives in, the slime on top of her easily slides it's phallus in, send a shocked cry into the air as it began to violate her, her shouts of passion begging the monster to fuck her hard, and deep.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Seeing she was still damaging it, Josie pushed onward, hurriedly attacking the slime after hearing Dixie shriek. Even though she was confused by her screaming for more, she knew she had to kill this thing quick and get moving to save her.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

(Josie attacks)

Raising her axe above her head, like those sexy people do in the movies, her weapon lands down hard, splitting one of the monster's organs in half as it stopped all movement...

Meanwhile, Dixie's moans kept growing louder, and she was on the brink of screaming in exstacy as the slime on top of her continued to fuck her violently, her legs spread wide as she offered herself to the monster's thrusts.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie had killed her enemy with relative ease, in comparison to everything else that had their chance to capture her. She looked down at the axe in her hands as if maybe there was some ungodly power behind it and wasn't just the fact she cleaved at the beast three times with a large blade.

Then she remembered!

OH NO! Dixie!

She turned to Dixie still being attacked and was shocked to see..


Is she enjoying it? Whatever it doesn't matter. I've got to stop it

*attack slime*