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Looting run [Kali]

Re: Looting run [Kali]

Since she was by herself she would try and be as stealthy as possible as she makes her way out and about in search of a pawn shop. Those places always had so much fun stuff in them usually.
Re: Looting run [Kali]

Kali walks along the road, keeping an eye out for anything that might try to surprise her...

(Perception check)

Kali spots a crab looking monster on the side of a building, it appears that it was waiting to pounce on her when she got close...
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*frowning as she notes the crab she adjusts her course to try and avoid the crab sneaking by far far away from the thing. as she continued on her way*
Re: Looting run [Kali]

The crabs hops off of the building, and begins to pursue Kali as she attempts to walk around it.
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*sighs and attempts to duck down an alleyway to use her stealth and try and lose the crab*
Re: Looting run [Kali]

Kali quickly makes her way to a nearby alleyway, taking cover in a garbage bin as the crab pursues her.

(Stealth check)

As the crab reaches the alley, it appears confused as Kali just disappeared, and begins to head away from the garbage bin, thinking she must have gone somewhere else...

Kali hops out of the bin, and continues to head towards the pawnshop.

Upon reaching her destination, she finds the pawnshop has already been heavily looted, the door was smashed right open, and the shelves she could see from outside looked bare...
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*frowned at the misfortune yet decided to move within anyways to give the place a once over before moving on. Her first goal would be the back of the store or anywhere that the owner may have hidden or stored the more high priced items*
Re: Looting run [Kali]

(Search check)

As Kali walks into the store, searching every corner of it, she only found a lone short sword laying on the ground in the manager's office, and a little bit of blood was on it, as well as the wall next to it.
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*collecting the shortsword she makes note of the blood looking to see how fresh it was. After that she decided it was time to move on back to the street*
Re: Looting run [Kali]

Upon checking the blood, Kali discovers that it's still slightly wet, something must have shed this blood recently...

With nothing else to find inside the Pawnshop, Kali goes back outside, the stench of blood leaving her nostrils as fresh air replaces it.
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*The new shortsword tucked away she chewed her lip before the desire to raid a home came back and she started making her way for the nearest home to take a trip through. preferably one that didnt look ransacked at least*
Re: Looting run [Kali]

Kali continued along, towards the neighborhood district...

(Perception check)

As Kali walked along the street, she suddenly saw a giant spider, similar to the one that first attacked her, crawling along the street.

But, it didn't see her yet...
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*moved herself into some shadow or behind bushes somewhere to attempt to hide from the beastie so as not to have to engage it*
Re: Looting run [Kali]

Kali quickly hid behind a nearby bush, and the spider passed her, completely oblivious to the girl that was nearby...

As Kali reaches the neighborhood, nearly every house looked vandalized, passing by house after house until she reached a culdesac, revealing that nearly every house in this area was probably looted...
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*picking the final house of the culdesac she would make a search through that one keeping as hidden as she moved along as possible as well as quiet as she entered the house*
Re: Looting run [Kali]

Kali enters the nearest house, there was nothing special about it, but a quick look in the pantry of the kitchen revealed a bottle of water, and a can of nonperishable food. It had a top that allowed you to simply pull the top of the can off, removing the need for a can opener or knife.

(Kali found some survival rations)
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*takes a look around the house letting the burglar side come out a bit and see if anything cosmetic or expensive looking to wear was about perhaps whoever looted the usable stuff left the pretty things*
Re: Looting run [Kali]

That was a poor man's house, and anything that looked remotely valuable was degraded in some fashion that made it worthless.
Re: Looting run [Kali]

*grumbling about rotten luck she moved back outside to look for another house to search one that at least looked like it belonged to a wealthy family*

(come on now a burglar needs a little something to make her day)