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Looting run [Meredith]

Re: Looting run [Meredith]

(Meredith attacks)

With one stabbing motion, Meredith pierces right through the heart of the dog, causing it to fall to the ground, dead.

As the dog fell, Stacy shouted to Meredith.

"M-Meredith!" she exclaimed, pointing over at the unconscious woman that was being raped, as the her rapist was now supporting her with it's body, as the dog went at a quick trot, carrying her away...
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith looked over to see the dog carrying the woman away. She still hadn't let out all of her anger with these things. Why had they come, ruined and taken the lives of everyone? She began to evoke a crackling flame to destroy the beast with.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

(Meredith casts, Holy Fire)

Her concentration, and her rage, couldn't have been more pure, as her bolt of fire erupted from her hands, and seemed to disintegrate the dog at the very touch of the bolt, making the woman it was carrying fall to the ground on top of the ash that was left behind from the creature.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith begins to calm down. She had finally been able to let out her pent up emotions and goes with her friend to check on the girl.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Upon checking the girl, she was laying on her side, unconscious, and a little bit of the dog's cum was leaking from her sex.

Stacy kneeled next to her.

"Oh my god... Is this what they do...?" she asked, horrified.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith doesn't reply but she grimly acknowledges this as a fact with a nod.

"Hooo okay. I'm going to carry this girl back to the inn and I'm not going to let them claim another victim. Right, Stacy?" Even if she was distressed by what had happened to the city and its inhabitants, she'd still try to shine for the people surviving.

Hopefully they wouldn't meet an unwanted interference on their way back.
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Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy blinks at Meredith.

"Uh... Right..." she acknowledges with uncertainty. She inspected the girl on the ground, feeling her head and checking her pulse, "Why is she asleep? What do they do to you...?" she wonders.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith tries to lift the girl gently so that she could carry her back to the inn. The blonde's common sense told her that she probably required medical attention of some sort. Well, it was either that or an abortion.


"Well we better get going."
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Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Nodding quietly, Stacy followed Meredith back to the Inn, as Meredith carried their new unconscious friend.

Upon reaching the doors back to the Inn, Meredith and Stacy were quickly led back in by the guard at the door. As the guard inspected the unconscious woman being held by Meredith, she yelled out openly that she was pregnant, as she had grown a small bulge in her belly during their trip. Nurses quickly came down from the stairs, and took walked up to Meredith, gesturing with their hands at the woman.

"Here, give her to us, we need to take her to a room, right away," she told Meredith.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith nodded before turning to Stacy.


"Do ya wanna continue our run or do you wanna call it quits for today?"
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy looked at Meredith with uncertainty. She had never been one to make decisions, she usually just followed Meredith around all the time.

"I don't know..." she said slowly, uncertain, "I'll go wherever you want me to, Meredith..."
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith frowns at Stacy's lack of resolve.


"Well I guess we came back empty-handed so we'll go out for more? It's dangerous so you don't have to go.."

She tries to give a neutral response in order to coax Stacy into choosing without outside influence.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy stepped forward, a look of guilt on her face,

"What about you?" she asked, not actually wanting answer, "I'm not good at fighting... But I can do that trick," she regards to her unnatural ability to use her essence to hold a monster in place, "A-and I know a thing or two about first aid, and how to stunt the growth of any monsters that... That are... Well, you know..." she trailed off, looking away from Meredith, blushing.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

"I've made up my mind to go and don't worry too much. The trick that you use is like magic. It's indispensible."

Meredith grins as she compliments Stacy's abilities.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy looked downwards, blushing.

"I'm... I'm glad it helps..." she looks up, a little resolve in her face, "I'll follow you anywhere, Meredith," she reminds her.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith nods before heading out to accomplish her original objective. To a hardware store!
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

As Meredith and Stacy left once more, they walked for quite a while in the street towards a hardware store, some distance away. But, after many minutes of walking had passed, Stacy screamed, only a second too late,

"M-Meredith! Watch out!" she yelled in warning.

Meredith turned, to see what looked like a raptor, whose hieght was about her own, but it's width four times her's, rushing at her. And before she knew it, it's tongue was deep in her mouth, lashing into her lick a frog as it's thick, red tongue pushed inside her mouth, and released an irresistable juice into her mouth, the taste of it on her tongue driving her mad with delight, as she felt the urge to drink all of it.

(Willpower check)

And that's exactly what she did, unable to resist it, even though she knew this wasn't the time, or place, or situation, to be even considering what she was about to do, she drank it anyway, eagerly letting the splendid juice wash down her throat.

She suddenly felt her face flush, and her panties get wet after she drank the juices. The raptor took it's tongue from her mouth, and it's hard cock suddenly started to emerge from between it's legs, and she was filled with the desire to shove it inside herself, wanting it to fuck her silly, and fill her with it's seed.

(Meredith has been afflicted with an aphrodisiac, and will mate willingly with the monster)
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

A surge of primal, lustful instincts occupy the blonde's mind and she reacts to this without much thought. In what seems to be a frenzy, she tries to throw off her pants, gripping at the wet section between her legs in order to please herself as well. She begins to sweat heavily as she imagines being filled with the thick cock of the raptor-like creature. It may as well have been a god for it held complete domination over her and she enjoyed it. (Right RJ?) Her sticky love juices ran down her legs, only hindering her in taking them off but finally she was free. Her body began to shake in excitement and she crumpled to the floor with her ass sticking up, her vaginal orifice ripe for the taking.


"Fuck me..unh"
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy stared wide-eyed at what was happening, and violently shook her head, screaming.

"No! Stop!" she shouted, and suddenly the monster stopped all movement.

Still focusing on holding the monster with her mind, Stacy tried to talk to Meredith, "Meredith! Snap out of it!" she called to her friend. But, Meredith found the sudden need, the sudden desire, to play with Stacy, to feel her breasts, and lick her pussy...
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith looks at the monster with much dismay before turning to Stacy. She notices the girl's feminine curves and a bit of drool runs down from her lip. She approaches Stacy nonchalantly and attempts to embrace her, only to begin groping her nether regions.