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Looting run [Meredith]

Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy blushed, and was sent into a panic as Meredith cried into her, as she called to Meredith in a desperate tone.

"Meredith! W-what did I do wrong? Please, tell me!"
Re: Looting run [Meredith]


"Nothing.. Noth..nothing at all.."

Meredith sputtered out only a few words amidst her tears. She raped Stacy and now this tragedy had occurred. For a moment Meredith began to wonder why this was so bad. Being lesbian wasn't bad right? She however began to contradict herself by thinking that she was just trying to get rid of her own guilt. Because of this internal turmoil, she was unable to halt the droplets from falling into Stacy's shirt. Meredith began to lift her head off the other girl and stand but she somehow managed to slip and fall on to Stacy as she was unable to see with her blurred vision.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy caught Meredith, but only ended up landing flat against the bed, with Meredith on top of her, unable to hold her falling weight. Stacy hugged Meredith as she was on top of her, and started begging her.

"M-Meredith! Please stop crying... I promise to never do it again! I swear! Please stop being sad..." she begged Meredith, seeing her like this was tearing the blue haired girl apart, as she thought very highly of Meredith's opinion of her, feeling awful at the fact that she thinks she made Meredith cry.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]


"You've done nothing wrong at all. I-I.. I'm sorry, I've just been stressed lately about the world and how it's falling into ruin."

Meredith tried to halt her tears and lifted her head to look down at the girl under her. She slowly eased her weight onto Stacy and turned the awkward position into another short hug.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy was silent as she returned the hug, biting on her lower lip nervously as she seemed hesitant to do anything, fearing that she might make Meredith cry again.
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Meredith regretted her out burst and only hugged Stacy tighter before getting up finally. She turned around and gave Stacy her best smile before proceeding downstairs. Her best smile at the time however consisted of red eyes and a wet face.


"I'm going downstairs to see if there's anything helpful I can do. Do you wanna come?"
Re: Looting run [Meredith]

Stacy looked at Meredith uncertainly, before shrugging, looking a little depressed.

"Okay..." she agreed, slowly getting out of the bed, ready to follow Meredith wherever she went.