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Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Selena takes aim with her rifle and fires at one of them,

"Attack whichever one I hit when they get close!"
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

(Selena attacks, aimed shot)

One shot, one kill, as the gargoyle falls from the sky after being hit by the bullet, smacking the ground hard, unmoving.

The gargoyle above Jenn swoops down, missing Jenn as she rolls to the side, and uses her sword to cut along the sides of the monster as it passed her.

It stopped all flight, as it tumbled across the ground, and started to get back up...
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]


"Nice shot!"

Jenn, not wanting to give it the opportunity for a second attack, goes in for the kill...

(I think that's the first time I've actually hit someone with a defensive stance :p)
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Selena turns around and goes after the gargoyle, not wanting to waste another bullet, she slams the butt of the rifle against the body of the creature, hoping to topple it.
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

(Jenn attacks)

Jenn makes it to her target before Selena does, lobbing it's head clean off as the last gargoyle was killed.
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Selena points at the inn,

"Let's go back there. I want pants now." Without even waiting for the other girl to reply, Selena quickly heads back to the inn, pushing the heavy equipment.

(Sorry thetwo and RJ... But I want Selena to return to the inn, regardless of what Jenn does. I'm feeling kinda meh right now and don't really want to wait for thetwo to get back online... plus the whole discussion topic is kinda killing the mood for me)
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Selena safely makes it back to the hotel, as they found themselves luckily close to a street that is within David's aim, giving them free access back to the hotel.

Jenn is free to follow Selena if she wishes, or she may continue to loot.

(Go ahead and do whatever takes your fancy back at the hotel, as Selena encountered no resistance along the way.)
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]


Well, I'm not going back empty handed...

Jenn goes back to her original mission, seeking out a house that looks like it might be upper class or locked or both.
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

As Jenn and Selena part ways, Jenn continues to go down towards the neighborhood district.

As Jenn walked, she walked by house after house that looked cleaned out, until the hope of finding a house that might be filled with goodies grew dim. If Jenn was going to search a house, it'd unfortunately have to be one of these looted ones...
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Jenn tires of trying to find an untouched house and walks into the very next one she sees.
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

As Jenn slowly walks into the house, she only takes a few steps into the living room before she hears movement, barely, coming from all sides.

Upon inspection, there was a mass of tentacles, coming from the plumbing, reaching for her, slowly working their way towards her...
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]


These again... I don't like the look of them.

Jenn draws her rapier and retreats from the house, in a defensive stance.
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

(Jenn tries to escape)

Jenn quickly runs out of the house, leaving the tentacles inside only grabbing at wind as she left the house in the matter of a split second, back to the street...
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

(those tentacles scare me :p)


Well... we'll try again, then...

Jenn enters a second house, hoping this one will be less, um, tentacle filled.
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

As Jenn was about to enter the next house, she noticed what appeared to be some kind of thing with a slime like body moving around inside, then vanishing over the corner of the doorway...
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Jenn pauses, considering the situation...


What the hell was that thing? Damn, 2 houses, 2 monsters... I'm going to have to fight one of them, and that thing didn't look as bad as the tentacles...

(If Jenn saw the thing go above the doorway, tell me, otherwise enter in a defensive stance... I wasn't entirely clear from your description)
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

(It was an open door, and she caught the glimpse of a slime through it, traveling along the floor, hinting that the slime is just right inside the house.)
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]


Jenn decides to face this foe rather then risk another she might not see before it attacks...

(Enter house in a defensive stance)
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

When Jenn entered the house cautiously, waiting for an attack, she actually found out that she had the drop on the slime.

This advantage, however, was short lived, as the slime noticed her presence, and began to quickly slide towards her...
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]


Crap, it saw me...

Jenn curses her caution and attacks the slime thing aggressively.