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Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Jenn quickly leaped upon it, and sliced the slime's organs in half. It's body lost it's solidity, and spread out to form a large puddle on the floor...
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]


That... was too close. Time to hurry up and finish.

Jenn could still feel the aphrodisiac working at her, but for the moment put that thought off. There were more important things to do. Like finish her mission. Jenn searches the house, looking to find some clothing before anything else. After that... some spares for the store, any guns or ammo, and a flashlight would be nice.
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

The aphrodisiac was driving her crazy, but she still managed to fight the urge, but only just.

(Search check)

Jenn found two sets of clothing in the closet of a bedroom. There was a lot of dry cum on the bed, where a woman likely laid before she met unfortunate circumstances...
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

Jenn put the first set of clothing on, and put the other in her bag. She took a long, hard look at the bed... but some other woman had almost certainly been raped there. Would she be any safer?

No, she should get back to the inn, where she had a room with a good lock and people with guns making sure no monsters came. Quickly.

Jenn fled the house and ran back to the inn.
Re: Looting run [Selena, Jenn]

The need to fuck was only getting stronger as Jenn walked without satisfying it, as she tried to hurry, she found herself stopping in the middle of the road to masturbate, and ended up enjoying it too much.

She made loud moans that anything could have heard from a mile away, as something eventually did hear her. A giant centipede creature, crawling up on her, unnoticed as she enjoyed herself, quickly got on top of her, already aiming it's cock to finish her off...

(Willpower check)

Jenn happily let the creature stick it's oversized, throbbing cock inside her. Wrapping her legs around it's body, she encouraged it to fuck her. It's cock continued to pierce her deeply for only a couple of minutes, as she felt herself cum all over it's large member, not soon after screaming in pain, as it began to push eggs through it's phallus, making it stretch her pussy to fit them, as it implanted many eggs inside her womb. She felt herself losing all sense in her body, as she felt herself getting filled with egg after egg, until she blacked out...

She later awoke with a start, gazing around her, she couldn't make out anything. She wasn't in the street anymore, rather, she was trapped in some kind of dark area. All attempts to move were met with resistance, as she felt something heavy laying on her, holding her down.

But that wasn't the least of her troubles, as she felt an immense pain in her womb, screaming as she fought in vain against the thing holding her down, as she was forced to tolerate the round bodies of the baby centipedes leave her womb, and body, one after another. Their bead shaped bodies causing her to feel pleasure with the pain, as she was forced to give birth to these creatures for what felt like forever, until she felt that her belly was flat, almost relieved.

Until, what seemed like the same grown centipede from before adjusted itself on top of her, still holding her down, as at aimed it's cock at her pussy once more, fucking her until she came a furious orgasm, slipping more eggs inside her, forcing her to breed these monsters, for what she thought was going to be the rest of her life...