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Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
As Selena leaves the Inn once again, she comes to a decision about where she wants to go, and what she's looking for...
Re: Looting run? [Selena]

Selena lights a cigarette then pauses to think for awhile,

"I think I'll go to the hunting store today~"
Re: Looting run? [Selena]

(I'd prefer to go solo, but since people insist on going on missions with me, then logging off... >_>)
Re: Looting run? [Selena]

(I've been here all along! You haven't even acknowledged Letris' presence. Maybe there's something I'm not getting...)

"Okay," Letris replied, still unsure if the little blue haired girl was aware of her. Though the hunting store may hold some of the things she was looking for.
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Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Checking her pack, Selena notes that she still has a plenty amount of 15 cigarettes left.

As the two odd women departed for the hunting store, their trip was relatively quiet, no monsters appearing at all during their trek to the store...

After half an hour, and a smoked cigarette, they arrived at the doors of one of the many gun stores in town, looking about just as looted as any other place in the city. It looked very dark inside, not much light shining into the building from the morning sun above. But, it didn't take much light to see that this store was very much nearly empty...
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris peered into the abandoned store, hoping to find some floor cleaning equipment and supplies.

"So what are you looking for? I'm sure there are better places to look than a family run convenience store."
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena pokes around the rubble with her gun,

"This... isn't a convinenace store..." She blinks at the woman, what the hell?
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris faced the little blue haired girl, her hands on her hips.

"Well, whatever it supposed to be, it's empty. Somebody has been here before. We should look where others haven't."
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Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena shrugs as she continues to look around, seeing if there was anything left behind the looters,

"I'm not ready to give up here yet~"
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Both Selena and Letris stop dead in their tracks as they spot what look to be spider webs all along the insides of the store, walls of the webbing placed to capture any unwary soul who entered. The webs seemed to be placed so that no matter where you went, you'd be ensnared in one of the webs.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena looks around, then sighs,

"Well, that sucks, wanna help me torch the place?"
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris shrugged. She didn't have anything to start a fire with, but she was willing to help.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

As Selena takes her lighter to the webs, the oil on them lights easily, causing much of the webbing to quickly erupt in flames, before dissipating.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

(Right when I'm about to log off to go to a party... bad timming...)

"Heh, stupid webs," Letris chuckles before stepping inside looking (and listening) for whatever set them up.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena sighs at the result,

"Not as spectacular as I wanted... but oh well, let's look around."
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Both Selena and Letris looked all around for what might have made the webs, but did not see anything unusual... This is, until they both found a pair of spiders latched onto their back, clinging on tightly, their legs wrapped around their bodies so that their arms were pinned to their sides.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena grunts and tries to knock the spider off,

"Well, this is unproductive..."
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

"More bugs? Don't worry," Letris says calmly as she charges backwards into the nearest wall, "I already know their weakness."
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Unable to hold the weight of the spider, Selena sank to her knees, and tried as best she could to pull herself free, only to strain her muscles, as a hidden tendril comes out of the back of the spider, a claw on the end, and with artistic grace, cuts along Selena's panties, ripping them off, letting her sex feel the open air, and her cock free itself, which could be seen by Letris if she looked...

Letris, however, has more luck. Able to stand on her feet, only just strong enough to move around with it clinging to her, she charges back into a wall, slamming the spider against it so hard, it let her go from the shock, as she found herself freed from it's grasp...