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Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena tries to work her gun in her hand, so that she might be able to pull the trigger, and shoot the bug on top of her. But, to no avail, Selena ends up losing her grip on the weapons just enough to prevent her shot after the bug shocks her by sliding something unseen across her pussy, pushing her panties so that her pussy is exposed.

Letris rolls over on top of the centipede, and smacks her head down hard against the head of her assailant. A little bit of blood stained the concrete from the blow, as Letris easily climbs off of the bug, freed due to it seeing stars from Letris's headbutt.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris almost grunts as she twists in the mutant's grip, arches back and slams her forehead into it.
These creature are no threat to me she boasts to herself, as she pulls her head out if its now smashed face. Seeing the opening, she cups her hands onto the top of her assailant's head, and giggles sadistically as she rams it into her rising knee.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

As Letris goes to grab the monster, it suddenly threatens to snare her again, causing her to react quickly, and break away, rolling away from the monster along the ground as it tries to topple on top of her, only landing on it's legs, meeting the concrete as Letris slips away.

As Selena starts to worry about her predicament, she shouts out to Letris.

"Eh... Heh, Don't worry about me!~" she yells with sarcasm obvious in her voice, "... Help?"

Selena continues to desperately try to grab at her gun, and fire at the monster, only to find herself unable to grab it in time, as the giant centipede shoves it's cock between her folds, causing her cock her to erect in her panties as the monster begins to rape her.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris is surprised to see her opponent regain its composure so quickly. Not really a problem, but her accomplice's plea for help diverts her attention.

"What are you doing out here," she growls, throwing fists into Selena's newest lover, "if you can't keep these things off you?"
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris quickly runs over, and delivers a firm kick to the creature on top of Selena so hard that the monster went into shock from the blow, it's legs went limp, and Selena found herself free of it's grasp.

Unfortunately, Letris's was too occupied with saving Selena to notice her old friend coming for her again, landing against her back, and pinning her to the ground, as the giant bug attempted to rape it's victim once more...
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris begins to laugh as she kicks Selana's boyfriend, and continues even as the other bug reattaches itself to her. Falling off her feat, she arches her head and back in reverse, driving the back of her skull into (hopefuly) the creature's face.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Selena attempts to shoot the bug who had raped her previously, but she didn't quite take the aim she normally does, and prematurely fires a round into the concrete. The bug tries to take it's opportunity to strike at her, but Selena quickly leaps to the side, away from it's snare.

Although Letris manages to bash her head hard against the skull of the bug attacking her, it somehow manages to fight through the pain it recieved, and quickly tore at her pants and panties with it's lower legs. With her pussy exposed, it started to press it's quickly hardening cock against her sex, teasing her pussy, and lining itself up before it began to rape her.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

"That's impressive. Getting a hard-on with a broken face!" Letris congratulates, as she bucks again, intent on another skull to face encounter.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

After repositioning herself to fire another round at the monster trying to get at her, Selena took aim, and fired one well placed shot, as her bullet killed the monster on the spot.

Letris managed to bash her head against the already groggy monster, and as she sent it back once more, she saw another opportunity to quickly strike, as she brought a foot down on it's head, and splattered it's brains on the ground...

( All enemies have been defeated. )
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris laughs as she crushes the bug's face with the heel of her boot. "Not a challenge," she scoffs to the creatures, before turning her attention to Selena. She looks over the blue haired girl, and noticing her cock was showing again, suggests they keep heading to Mal-Mart. "They may have some in stock." She teases, heading off again.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

After continuing their walk, they reach Ball-Mart, and quickly note that the place looked utterly destroyed by looters, what little they could see inside looked bare, and they quickly realized that whatever they might find would be leftovers from all the heavy looting.

As big as the store was, they realized they'd better figure out what they wanted before going in to look, Selena quickly stated she'd want ammo, and some lube for use on Letris's butt hole. She laughs, and claims that was a joke, or was it?
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

(Sorry about disappearing yesterday. I was dead tired after school)

Letris was a little disappointed at the lack of action the rest of the way to Mal-Mart. She wouldn't have minded squashing another bug, or something new. What bothered her however was her companion's sudden interest in butt sex, which almost made her gag. She didn't like anal. No at all.

"Sifting thru the hunting gear sounds good, tho that's probably empty. I think I saw brass knuckles in there, once. What we really want to look for are the sporting goods. Safety pads, and sparring pads, people probably didn't think they'd need armor if they could shoot things dead with AK or something. Plus, I get the feeling a bat would come in handy." She paused, thinking to herself. "Might as well follow up with the hardware section, then the gardening area. We'll finish with finding clothes before heading into the office."
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

They both spent a very long time, searching the store. While Selena easily found a box of .22 ammo, her favorite, she noticed the looters took a special interest in the anal lube. Selena said Letris would have to wait on the butt sex for a while.

Letris's jaw gaped wide as she saw almost every single shelve bare, even of things she herself would never have considered useful under any situation such as this. With her poor eyesight, Letris only wondered aimlessly through the darker of the store, trying to find scraps of what used to be in the store, only to get frustrated from her poor eyesight stopping her from finding what she sought. In the garden section, the looters even went so far as to steal a majority of the plants and flowers, leaving nearly the whole store robbed of almost every single resource.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Ignoring her companion's interests, Letris fumes at the bare store. It was full only a few days ago. She even overheard the clerks complain that they were running out of room to put their incoming goods, and yet here was this store, empty as her professional trophy rack.

"How inconsiderate! Taking everything? What if other people needed something?" Letris howled, knocking over an empty gum stand to vent her frustration. "Why the fuck are there no garden hoses? Christmass trees! WHY THE FUCK DID THEY TAKE ALL THE TULIPS!"

She shivers and screams once more before stomping off to find the manager's office.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Upon walking into the manager's office, not even finding any pens, anything anyone might have considered to be remotely useful, Letris noticed Selena came in behind her, and closed the door, locking it as she did. With an evil smile on her face, she walked slowly towards Letris from behind her, and suddenly pounced on her from behind, knocking her down to the ground on her knees and face, as she felt Selena's cock eagerly poking her naked pussy.

"You're a virgin, aren't you?~" she giggled, "I'm gonna take your virginity! Hooray for me!" she cheered herself, as Letris felt her about to pierce her pussy...
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Frustrated, annoyed, and in disarray, Selena's assault caught Letris completely off guard. On the ground, Letris was shocked out of her disappointment in an instant as she felt Selena's big throbbing cock poke her.

Oh really? Letris thought inwardly, as she twisted one leg over and around Selena to flip her over. "Are you for real?" Letris barked.

(Letris is going to try and escape Selena's grapple then pin her back.)
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris easily tossed the small, frisky blue haired girl off of her back, and quickly spun around to face her, and placed her hands on the girl's wrists, pinning her to the ground as she pleaded.

"H-hey!" she complained, "I was just playing around! I wasn't about to rape you... Honest~" she lied.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Pinning the small girl was easy. expected. Letris did in fact notice that she was helpless when the monsters got a hold of her. Letris glared mildly while Selena tried to explain herself. She shifts her pin to hold Selena down while leaving her hands free.

"Oh, of course not," Letris retorted sarcastically, putting a finger to Selena's forehead and drawing tiny circles, "You just happen to bump into me while having a jumbo sized hard on, line it up, and mention something about virginity." Her steely glares slowly becomes a wicked grin as she reaches behind with her free hand and lightly brushes Selena's cock. "You're a smart girl. One touch and those rape monsters have their way with you, while I crush them with my fists. Compare to me, up close you're helpless..."

(I take it that since the monsters can pin then start to rape the next turn, Letris can do it too?)
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

( Yup, next action in your turn may be either to hurt Selena, free Selena, or do sexy things with Selena. )

Raising an eyebrow at what Letris was doing with her hand, her cock throbbing against her touch.

"You just happen to bump into me while having a jumbo sized hard on, line it up, and mention something about virginity."

"Uh, exactly!~" she declares, "It was all just a joke! Ha, ha, pretty funny, huh~" she laughed nervously.

"... Look, uh... Let me up, and I'll give you something special~" she bargained with Letris.
Re: Looting run? [Selena, Letris]

Letris continues to grin back at Selena. "You don't need to offer me anything, Blue," she teased, reaching further back and grabbing a thigh, and gripping a shoulder with the other hand. "I'm gonna practice some moves on you.."

With a couple of swift movements, Letris yanks Selena's pelvis up and around to in front of her, keeping the giant cock pointing outwards, her elbows pressing the smaller girl's knees outwards and towards the ground. Simultaneously, she wraps each of her own legs around Selena's shoulders, holding them between her knees. She now had Selena in a more exotic pin, one that exposed Selena's cunt to her, while keeping the girl's cock, arms and face away.

Tilting her head forward slightly, Letris blows softly before asking. "Know why most of the girls that take wrestling do?" She tilts a little closer and blows again, awaiting the little blue haired hermaphrodite's response.
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