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Looting run [Selena]

Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena began her trek back to the hotel, and was about halfway back until she heard light steps quickly approaching...

She turned around, to find some kind of large dog running at her with great speed, she only had a second to react before it closed in on her...

(Selena has the initiative)
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena fires at the dog immediately, glad that she had taken the time to chamber a round earlier,

"I must have a knack for attracting stupid animals!"
Re: Looting run [Selena]

(Selena attacks)

Selena fires a round, chambering the next as her bullet barely scrapes the dog's hide.

The dog quickly leaps on Selena, knocking her painfully to the ground as it pins her chest down.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena attempts to chamber a round and fire point blank at the dog (if she can't, she'll attempt to club the dog with her gun)

"And what do you think you're doing you dumb mutt?!"
Re: Looting run [Selena]

(Selena attempts to knock the dog off)

With a quick swing of her gun, she thwacks the dog off of her, hitting it right in the jaw as it tumbles off.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena quickly chambers a round and fires again,

"Hold still you mutt!"
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Aiming the rifle at the dog, she quickly puts a bullet in it's heart, killing it on the spot.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena kicks the dog with a grin and continues on her way

"Heh... stupid mutt." She chambers another round, just incase, and picks up her shell casings.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena soon found herself under the watchful eye of David, as a nearby approaching monster's head was blown to pieces as it came after Selena from an alleyway.

Selena walked back to the door of the Inn, and was let in by the guard as she found herself back in the safety of the Inn...