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Looting run [Selena]

Re: Looting run [Selena]

"Damn it!" Nancy growls at Selena, "Pay attention!"

(Nancy attacks, Aimed head shot)

The Raptor's head was blown clean off, toppling off of Selena before it could penetrate her.

Milla quickly ran over to the blue haired girl, and lifted her to her feet, "Are you okay?" she asks softly, the sound of her voice making Selena remember when she rode her cock, when the explicit sensation washed over her, filling her with renewed vigor.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena felt herself blush and turns her head away in embarassment, she couldn't blush dammit... right...?

"Feh... you try being efficient and on your toes the first day you suddenly grew a penis!" she mutters quietly, "...thanks for saving me...."
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Millia responds shyly, "Well, it's my second day..."

Nancy cuts in, laughing, "Millia, great shot. Selena, great bait work. Ya both did good!" she declares, still laughing to herself.

As they continued, they eventually reached a gun shop, but contradictory to what Nancy claimed, it already looked looked.

Millia sighed, "She beat us to it again..." she sighed in defeat.

Nancy sighed in turn, "She's using Daisy to spot every place that has something worth of value, damn little tike could clear the whole town in a day... How the hell does she get around the town so fast?" Nancy wondered.

Turning to Selena, Nancy said grudgingly, "Well, there might not be much left, but Regina is quite sloppy, so there might still be things inside, wanna look?" she asked Selena.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena nods and starts to poke around the store, humming to herself,

"Can't believe that it's barely been a week since I last worked at a place like this.!"
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Nancy laughed, "You used to work here, huh?"

(Search check)

Upon searching, Selena found a .32 caliber magazine, as well as a box of ten .22 LR bullets left behind in the store.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena looks at what little she found and nods,

"Well, not here specifically... it's a little further off, but I was Selena, Gunsmith Apprentice Extrodinaire!" She laughs at herself and sighs, "Well, I'd hate to keep you two from getting home any longer, plus I need to return to the inn now, before y'know, they think I got kidnapped... so uh... I guess this is goodbye?"
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Nancy folded her arms, "You know, you'd still be unconscious on the road, dying if Millia hadn't given ya a boost."

Millia shook her head, "N-no... It's fine, I enjoyed it, actually." she admitted, a bulge starting to appear in her pants as she blushed.

Nancy waved Millia off, "Ah, well. It's no problem, I suppose. Just head to the prison if you ever need a pick-me-up, there are lots of girls who are more than willing there." she told Selena, explaining very clearly that she'd need to fuck someone with her cock eventually, lest she die somehow...

Nancy waved at Selena, "See ya," she said, walking out of the store, and down the street, towards the prison once more...
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena watches the two go, then grumbles to herself,

"You kidding me... damned crazy people... fucking for nourishment, while funny, is completely fiction..." She grins brightly and starts to head back to the inn.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

As Selena walks back, a nearby monster is completely oblivious to her presence...

After a few minutes, Selena starts to feel strange. A sudden need, want, say it how you will, for sex washes over Selena like a tidal wave. Various explicit images of her fucking random women pour into her mind, and she was ramming her cock violently into them, many were struggling, moaning loudly, driving Selena to fuck harder, as she rams her large cock deep into them, letting a torrent of cum flow into her victims...

Selena suddenly gasped for air upon awaking from the daydream, finding herself not over beautiful women, fucking them, but in the middle of the street, with her cock now rock hard, poking it's way through her small rags, it'd be obvious what kind of plumbing she was sporting if someone saw her like this...

(Selena's mental status: Orange)
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena lets out a moan as she tries to hurry to the inn, trying to cover herself up,

"W..what the shit... w...what's happening to me...? Go...God.. need my cigarettes... need to hurry..."
Re: Looting run [Selena]

As Selena came at a near run to the hotel, David caught her in his sights.

"The... Hell?" David asked in a whisper to himself, "That girl left earlier, naked, why's she wearing those clothes... Unless..." David noted, looking back into his scope, he noticed a bulge in Selena's pants, and that could only mean one thing.

David reared back from the scope in shock at the development, "Fuck, they can infect other women with their bullshit!"

David slowly leaned back into the scope, debating in his mind whether or not to take a shot at the turned blue haired girl...


As Selena quickly approached the hotel, she nearly went into shock as a bullet whizzed right past her in warning, looking up, David was aiming right at her... Likely seeing the bulge in her pants...
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena drops to the ground immediately and instinctively, the two boxes of bullets she was carrying falling to the ground,

"It's me you asshole! Stop shooting!"
Re: Looting run [Selena]

David grunted, not having the desired event occur.

"Damn it..." he cursed, falling back from his position over the roof and running down the stairs.

As he passed one of the roof's old snipers, he shouted to them as he passed them, "Cover for me!" as he ran down the stairs, towards the entrance.

After Selena had gotten back up, she saw David appear from the entrance to the Hotel, holding his rifle in hand, pointed at Selena as he slowly approached her.

"You're going to tell me just what the fuck... Whatever happened, to you, or whatever!" he demanded with hostility in his tone, along with a touch of uncertainty.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena shakes as she looks at David,

"The hell do I know! All I know that happened was some crazy white girls surrounded me, said something weird, next thing I know I'm blowin' and takin' it in my sweet innocent pussy... then I woke up, and now I have a schlong that's probably bigger than yours. She shook her head again, appearing agitated as she tries to get the thoughts of fucking women, or possibly even pegging David in the arse, out of her head, "Speaking of which, do you want to compare sizes, or can I go to my room? I need my cigs dammit."
Re: Looting run [Selena]

David aims his rifle at Selena's head with conviction.

"Give me one good reason why I should let you in to infect everyone else with your disease."
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena sighs as she looks at David,

"I would say 'you don't have the balls to do it' but knowing you, killing sweet, innocent girls is probably something you'd do without a second thought. But here's a better one, when that oversized toy you're pointing at me breaks, don't forget I'm the only one, besides the lovely Jesse, that can repair it, and Jesse's been bogged down with work lately. I think. And thirdly, I'm not going to fuck any women, I just need my goddamned cigs to calm down... that's all."
Re: Looting run [Selena]

David scoffed at Selena,

"Tch, nice lie. I know you freaks need to drain the energy of women to survive. Even if you're telling the truth, you'll eventually go mad with the hunger, and attack any woman you see."

David keeps his rifle centered on Selena's head, "I'm telling you now, hermaphrodite, fuck off to someplace else." he warned Selena.
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena lets out a pained groan as she looks at the man, was he serious...?

S... agh... goddamit... stop pointing that thing at me! Just let me grab my spare cigarettes and my things and I'll be out of your hair."
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena sees a familiar face sneak out from the entrance to the hotel as their conversation continues, until David hears a click of a handgun being cocked several feet behind him.

"Why don't you fuck off, asshole?" Kitty taunted David.

David cursed himself,

"Shit..." he whispered.

With Kitty behind him, Selena realized that Kitty must have seen them through her window, and quickly came down to protect her...
Re: Looting run [Selena]

Selena smiles as she sees Kitty, not her usual egotistic better-than-thou smile, but instead one of relief,

"Kitty! Thank god you came... this guy wants to shoot me!"