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Lorelai (Zilrax)

Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

The Kunoichi tilted her head slightly in both respect, and acknowledgement.

"I wish you the best of luck then. Safe journey."

Handing her a piece of paper, she nodded her head, and simply poofed out of existence, perhaps some kind of teleportation spell. A quick glance at the paper revealed it was a Map Piece! It showed how to escape the current area she was in, but didn't show the maze that had been created by the collapse of the tunnel earlier, meaning she'd have to find her way on her own to the point the map DID show.

Lorelai gains 5,100 XP!

Moving onward, Lorelai finds herself in what seems like a completely emtpy room. As she moves through it however ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Lorelai: 27 vs. Trap???: 13

... Lorelai suddenly spots what looks like some kind of thin root sticking up out of the ground! Something instinctively told her it was a trap, and she carefully went around it, and moved out of the room.

Entering the next room Lorelai ....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Lorelai: 17 vs. Trap???: 2

...Saw a shadow moving towards her, and rolled out of the way. Something inside her screamed to keep running, and she listened to it, finiding herself in a new room moments later, with nothing pursuing her.

Entering the new room fully, Lorelai realized she wasn't alone! A single Blob of Slime moved in her direction, already forming a cock, it's intent clear.

Initiative Roll:

Slime Blob: 30 (1st)
Lorelai: 13 (Last)

Enemy Encounter:

Level 8 Slime Blob: Stamina: 145. Pleasure: 40. HP: 500. Weak vs. Lightning. Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Blob: 9 vs. Lorelai: 2

Before Lorelai can react, the Slime has tackled her to the ground!

Meanwhile ...

Melissa was still in a world of paradise. The Kunoichi was continuing to ride her mercilessly, and there was nothing she could do about it. Every moment she was caught here was incredible, and the woman knew that she would orgasm again soon, it was just a matter of when she'd be allowed to. Melissa knew something was special about this foe, she'd never experienced pleasure like this until now, and she knew that this creature had to have some kind of ability to bypass her own natural born ones. That knowledge of course did her no good, especially trapped in this thing's chair, and pussy. No matter what she did, she couldn't resist it, and she couldn't get free. The end was coming, it was just a matter of when. Finally, after several agonizingly long minutes, the time had come. Melissa's orgasm welled up inside of her, and finally the Kunoichi allowed her to release.

A torrent of her seed exploded from Melissa's cock, causing the woman to loudly scream in pleasure as she violently ejaculated into the tight, milking warmth surrounding her cock. She couldn't stop spurting for several minutes, and during this time her mind partially shattered. This was too good to fight she though, she had to have more! Relaxing her body ever so slightly, a difficult prospect when sexually excited, Melissa could only allow this new feeling to creep into her, closing her eyes and whispering, "god yes ... take me harder."

Melissa suffers 380 Pleasure this time as the Kunoichi again climaxes around her cock, and she too orgasms at the end! She also gains 2,620 KP! Melissa is in a Sexual Frenzy for 5 rounds and can't/won't fight her rape!


1: Get off me you lesser being!

2: Fuck me baby!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai blinks then nods, taking the map piece. "Thanks. You too, on your future endeavors. Perhaps we can meet again under better circumstances."

Then she was gone, and she had a map piece. No sign of Melissa though. She would have to move ahead and if Melissa wasn't there, she'd go find her.

Moving beyond, she avoided traps and ambushes, much to her relief. However, she soon came before one of those horny slimeballs, literally. However she couldn't get out of the way before it tackled her down!

"Hng, better than tar, but fuck am I letting this happen!" She tried to toss the damn beast off of her!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 5 vs. Slime: 29

Lorelai isn't going anywhere fast ...

Penetration Attempt:

Slime: 11 vs. Lorelai: 26

Lorelai avoids being impaled by it's cock.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 16 vs. Slime: 14

This time Lorelai breaks free!

Meanwhile ...

The Kunoichi obliged Melissa, continuing to ride the now helpless woman mercilessly. Melissa suffers another 95 Pleasure as now her natural abilities are negating some of the pleasure she's feeling. She suffers 190 KP as well, and has 162 Stamina left. Still, her latest ride isn't over!


1: Kill!

2: Sex!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai snarls as the creature tries to impale her but she keeps loose of the mindless ooze, before trying to spirit thrash it out of existence.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 8 vs. Slime: 2

Lorelai strikes her foe with her spell, dealing 300 damage, but it's still alive with 200 HP!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime: 10 vs. Lorelai: 28

Lorelai dodges!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 20 vs. Slime: 8

Lorelai kills the Slime!

Loot Phase:

Slime: Mini Knife (75 Damage)

Lorelai finds herself a one use item to protect herself with, and gains 100 XP.

Moving onward, Lorelai found herself in a dimly lit room. As she moved through it carefully ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Lorelai: 9 vs. Trap???: 20

... She suddenly felt herself step into something wet and squishy, a strange sensation running through her body. Panic filled her as her mind registered that she'd been infected with another one of those blasted Futa Parasites, even as a fully erect dick appeared on her. To make matters worse, out of the corner of her eye, she saw some kind of movement, realizing she wasn't alone!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 9 Nelvoken Succubus: 80 Pleasure. 1,000 HP. 500 Stamina.

Level 9 Tar Demoness: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700. Weak vs. Fire. Specialy Ability: Stcuk on You.

Initiative Rolls:

Succubus: 19 (2nd)
Tar: 23 (1st)
Lorelai: 1 (Last)

Parasite Affliction: 1: Instant 70 pleasure gain for five straight turns + whatever you'd get normally.

Lorelai shudders as the Parasite begins using it's 'tendrils' to stroke her new cock, causing her to suffer 70 Pleasure and gain 70 KP before her first enemy even attacks! Lorelai has 132 Stamina left.

Grapple Attempts:

Tar Demoness: 18 vs. Lorelai: 5

Lorelai is grabbed, but is able to use her Mini Knife to break free, dealing 75 Damage to the Tar Demoness, who has 625 HP now.

Succubus: 14 vs. Lorelai: 2

Lorelai is too distracted to notice the Succubus, who comes flying out of the dark and latches on to her! She only numbly registers that this might be a corrupted alien woman, for the succubus was clearly not a human, but rather an odd looking alien who'd been turned!

Meanwhile ...

Melissa was in heaven. She was being ridden perfectly, enjoying every second of it. Melissa shudders as she experiences another 285 Pleasure, and another shared orgasm! Melissa gains 910 KP from this encounter, and has 134 Stamina left before she enters orgasmic paradise once more.


1: Try to Struggle Free!

2: Get a Blowjob or Pussy Ride! (How Long for?)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

"Hmph. Damned slime things.," growls Lorelai, before stomping forwards, "How much farther is this gonna go, I have to find Melissa... I'm not sure I can do this alone at this rate, hrg..."

She paused briefly to pick up a knife she spotted buried in the slime before moving ahead.

Unfortunately she barely made any headway before a very familiar feeling came over her. "Oh no..."

Yes. The Damned Parasite was back. She fumed irritably, before about to continue before from the darkness strange creatures emerged. Oh no, another of those blasted tars. And... Some sort of... She had no idea. Demon, good enough.

Lorelai grit her teeth as she began to get stroked, the distraction allowing the tar to grab a hold of her. Lorelai cursed and yanked the knife and split the tars head, knocking her away to reform. Unfortunately it left an opening for the other beast, her cursing and struggling to get loose.

"Blasted... How many more of you lot have to be! Pity you lot aren't allowed free will. You must realize the stupidity of this whole affair! If you weren't ruining your damn partners with corruption and forcing stuff you could probably get mates who can give you what you want without being wrecked by your ripping their souls out!"
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 13 vs. Succubus: 3

Lorelai break frees! She gains 70 pleasure from the Parasite, and 70 KP. She has 63 Stamina left.

Grapple Attempts:

Succubus: 19 vs. Lorelai: 29

Lorelai dodges.

Tar Demoness: 15 vs. Lorelai: 26

Lorelai dodges again!

Meanwhile ...

As her ride continued, Melissa suddenly realized her limbs were responding again!

Pleasure Roll:

Kunoichi: 7 vs. Melissa: 3

Melissa still can't resist the rape, and cries out as the ride continues. She suffers 95 Pleasure and gains 95 KP. Melissa has 39 Stamina left! The Kunoichi has 385 Stamina left and is pregnant for 6 more rounds.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 26 vs. Kunoichi: 1

Melissa is able to break free of the rape finally, taking advantage of the Kunoichi getting overconfident!


1: ATTACK! (Which one?)

Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Ugh it felt like she'd been grappled for almost a year. They'd pay for this. Course, this blasted parasite was driving her mad! She had to end this, fast. Of the two, the succubus was more dangerous. but the tar was nearly gone.

Lorelai called down N'gaasha's Fire Claw quickly before firing at the tar demoness. "I'm quite tired of you lot glomming onto me! Shoo!"

Hopefully the claw would give her sufficient lee way to take out her opposition. She had to reach Melissa. She just hoped the Norn was safe. Lorelai didn't dare think about what might happen otherwise.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 15 vs. Tar: 10

Lorelai strikes for 300 damage, and her spirit follows that up with 600 due to the Tar being weak against fire, killing it!

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 25 vs. Lorelai: 15

Once more Lorelai is grabbed again, the Succubus taking advantage of an opening in Lorelai's defenses to grapple her!

Meanwhile ...

Grapple Attempts:

Kunoichi: 23 vs. Melissa: 4
Dark Elf: 2 vs. Melissa: 21

Melissa is tackled by the Kunoichi again, causing the Dark Elf to miss her.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 9 vs. Kunoichi: 23

Melissa can't break free!


1: Get bred with (or sucked off)

2: Get the fuck off me and STAY OFF!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai nods in satisfaction as she immolates another tar monster, but curses as she's grabbed by the weird monster again. She cursed and struggled once more, thrashing. "Get... Off! Sick of your lots nonsense!"
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai gains 70 Pleasure and 120 KP as the Parasite continues it's evil work on her. It's too much, and with a sudden shock running through her mind and body, Lorelai succumbs to the pleasure and empties a hot load onto the body of the alien as she has an orgasm! Her adrenaline begins to flow, giving her a boost of speed and strength! She has 194 Stamina left.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 5+10=15 vs. Succubus: 18

Even the boost isn't enough, as the Succubus keeps her grabbed.

Penetration Attempt:

Succubus: 23 vs. Lorelai: 3+10=13

Lorelai can't stop the Succubus from overpowering her, and a chair is created for her to sit in. The Succubus forces her down, and into a sitting position, actually slyly saying "sit ... down!" as she forces her into the chair. Once in it, Lorelai can only shudder in horror as energy restraints grab her arms and legs, as well as her waist and ankles, coiling around her and trapping her in the chair!

Her struggles seeming useless, she can only watch as the alien succubus smiles down at her, and then says, "enjoy yourself while you can, I'm going to suck you dry of everything you'll ever have."

Before Lorelai could respond, the mouth of the alien succubus was upon her cock, and true to her word, the succubus began to suck long and hard on her. The interior of the mouth felt strange, not at all like a human mouth, or like anything that had done this to her before even here. The mouth was almost as tight as a pussy as well, and this succubus clearly knew what she was doing. She was good at it, there was no denying that, and now a thrill of anticipation, and mostly fear would run through her.

The succubus was skilled enough to make her orgasm if she didn't break free soon, but with the damnable parasite working overtime to stimulate Lorelai, and throbbing from the sensations of the alien mouth sucking on it ... the combination of those two working against her could bring her to an orgasm far faster than she'd like to admit. She had to break free, or she might be done for.

Lorelai suffers 80 Pleasure, and gains 100 KP as her blowjob begins. She has 114 Stamina left until she's brought to an orgasm, and with the succubus AND parasite working her, that could be accomplished very fast!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Lorelai: 24+10=34 vs. Succubus: 19 (Almost there)
Lorelai: 26+10=36 vs. Succubus: 21 (FREE!)

With great effort, Lorelai manages to break free of the rape even as the Parasite forces another 70 Pleasure upon her, making her gain 70 KP and causing her knees to wobble ever so slightly. The only problem is, it'll bring her to an orgasm next turn anyway, stunning her! She has 44 Stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 10 vs. Lorelai: 12-10=22

Lorelai dodges, but she's only delaying the inevitable, as she's about to get stunned!

Lorelai suffers 70 Pleasure from the Parasite, which is enoguh to make her orgasm right there onto the floor! Her legs collapse out from under her as the adrenaline is stroked out of her by the parasite, leaving her stunned from the intensity of her orgasm! She is stunned for two rounds, and the parasite is about to change on her as well, leaving her open to being raped at least twice, as the succubus can go to town on her with Lorelai being helpless to stop it! Lorelai gains 120 KP and has 166 Stamina left!

The Succubus, meeting no resistance due to Lorelai's stun, is able to quickly bind her in that damn chair again, and proceed's to resume sucking her off! Lorelai can only groan as she suffers 80 Pleasure and gains 100 KP from the resumed blowjob, the Succubus semeing to be trying to suck her to paradise before she can start resisting again! Lorelai has 86 Stamina left! This time too, the woman's hair, which turns out to be tentacles wrap around Lorelai's waist!

Parasite Affliction Change:

10: Causes you to become less durable for five straight turns, halving your stamina, thus making it easier to bring you to an orgasm.

Magic courses through Lorelai's body as the parasite changes it's tactics, and suddenly the pleasure begins hitting her harder! She can only curse as she realizes that somehow, it has reduced her ability to endure sexual pleasure, and she's about to have another orgasm!

Helpless to prevent it, Lorelai can only cry out as the Succubus gets the reward she wanted. She sucks long and hard on Lorelai, the blowjob finally proving too much for the woman to handle. Helplessy, all she could do was shudder and spasm as she emptied her load in a powerful orgasm into the mouth of the alien succubus, shuddering as the creature deep throated her, and began using it's tongue to coax out every drop of seed it could. Lorelai was literally being milked by the mouth sucking her off, and all she could do currently was lay back and enjoy it. Spurt after spurt emptied out of her, vanishing into the bottomless maw of the mouth sucking her dick. She was being drained of her pleasure, and she could also feel some of her soul being sucked out of her through her cock as she let loose each spurt of seed helplessly. It was amazing, and for a moment she might wonder if this was it, if this was the end of the line for her. Would she ever have another chance to break free, or was she completely done for?

Lorelai suffers 80 Pleasure, and has another orgasm, gaining 310 KP as suddenly, somehow, she realized that she's gotten the Succubus pregnant! Her mind begins churning trying to figure out HOW that was possible. She'd been sucked off, not ridden in the pussy, so how was this happening? Lorelai now has an adrenaline boost again, and can move. She has 64 Stamina left until she's sucked to another orgasm and stunned again!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Lorelai: 12+10=22 vs. Succubus: 23

Despite her best efforts, Lorelai is helpless to break free, and she realizes she's on the verge of being dominated!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 29 vs. Lorelai: 3+10=13

Lorelai can't stop the blowjob from continuing, the Succubus not content with sucking her to paradise only once. In moments, Lorelai is enjoying herself another ball draining experience as she's sucked off to another orgasm, her fourth in this room alone, but only her second via an actual foe. Not that it mattered to her, all she could think about right now was how much her body was on fire with forced pleasure as once again she helplessly emptied her load into the mouth sucking her dick. Over and over she spurted, her body practically having a seizure in the confines of the chair as it tried to endure what was being done to it, and failed. The parasite was to blame her, for she shouldn't have been succumbing so fast, though that mattered little right now. She was helpless, and she was stunned from having her adrenaline sucked out of her. Worse still, now the Succubus had her adrenaline buff too, and could dominate her easier!

Lorelai suffers 80 Pleasure and gains 130 KP as she's sucked off to paradise again. She's stunned for 1 round, but the worst part is that the Succubus now has an adrenaline boost for 8 turns. The same adrenaline surge that she just literally sucked out of Lorelai as she helplessly succumbed to the blowjob she was given! Lorelai has 85 Stamina left until she has yet another orgasm, which is going to happen!

Lorelai can only helplessly lay in the chair and enjoy the blowjob as her limbs refused to respond. Worse, now the Succubus, under the influence of the adrenaline boost, was constantly hitting her most vulnerable spots with the parasite weakening her ability to endure the pleasure. It didn't take long for the Succubus to bring Lorelai to yet another orgasm, sucking her hard and fast as she eagerly drank down everything the woman could produce. Lorelai was reduced to nothing more than a quivering ball of orgasmic pleasure, unable to handle the intensity of her rape. Finally, in order to protect her, her mind temporarily snapped. Now all she could think about was getting sucked to paradise, she needed it! The pleasure was too much, it was an all consuming fire burning out of control, and the only cure was to get it sucked out of her! Lorelai suffers 160 Pleasure and gains 210 KP, entering the Sexual Frenzy State for 5 rounds!

Lorelai suffers enough pleasure (160) that she succumbs rapidly and has two more orgasms, refreshing her frenzy almost immediately! She gains 260 KP from this, and continues to be raped!

Round 1 of Frenzy: Lorleia suffers another 160 Pleasure, gaining 210 KP as yet another orgasm is sucked out of her helplessly. At the end of the round, the Parasite changes affliction again ....

Lorelai has 18 Stamina left now that the parasite is changing.

Parasite Status: 17: Causes you to become so sensitive to sex that you orgasm every time you have sex for five straight turns.

The Parasite continues to be a problem for Lorelai, though since she's in a frenzy she doesn't care too much. Over the last 4 rounds of her frenzy, Lorelai suffers 640 Pleasure, and has 4 Orgasms as the Parasite ensures it. She gains 840 KP and still has only 18 Stamina left by the time she regains her senses, and realizes what's happened!

Last Turn of Parasite before change! The Succubus still has 1 round of Adrenaline left!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Lorelai: 19 vs. Succubus: 30+10=40

Lorelai can't get free, and the rape continues!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 10+10=20 vs. Lorelai: 6

Once more Lorelai, this time with her mind in one piece, is forced to have sex again, and once more she suffers a wild, spurting orgasm as she's milked yet again. As her seed is once more sucked out of her, Lorelai can feel the parasite beginning to make it's changes, her heart pounding as she wonders if she'll ever get free! Lorelai gains 210 KP again, and still has 18 Stamina left. Now her adrenaline begins to pump again, putting her with an advantage finally, if the parasite doesn't steal it from her. The Adrenaline surge for the Succubus ends.

Parasite Change: 9: Disrupts the energy flow you rely on for special abilities, causing your class specific skills to become non-functional for five straight turns.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Lorelai: 12+10=22 vs. Succubus: 7 (Almost there)
Lorelai: 2+10=12 vs. Succubus: 10 (FREE!)

Lorelai finally manages to get herself free after having had 11 orgasms inside the mouth of the Succubus, and 13 overall.

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 13 vs. Lorelai: 6+10=16

Lorelai dodges! She now has a chance, but the Succubus has only 10 rounds until it gives birth, and then Lorelai will have two of them trying to dominate her!

Meanwhile ...

Penetration Attempt:

Kunoichi: 24 vs. Melissa: 22

Melissa can't stop the Kunoichi from trapping her in the chair again, and this time it begins to suck her dick! She helplessly grist her teeth in pleasure, trying her best to fight it. She suffers 95 Pleasure and gains 165 KP from the rape, the Kunoichi definitely having some means of bypassing her normal ability to reduce how much pleasure rape inflicted upon her. It's enough to make Melissa cry out as an orgasm is literally sucked out of her, the Kunoichi proceeding to almost milk her cock of it's seed with her mouth! Melissa has 201 Stamina left, but the pleasure has finally gotten to her.

Even though she deals 514 Damage with her skill, putting it on a cool down, it isn't enough to kill the Kunoichi. Worse, Melissa enters a sexual frenzy for 5 rounds, meaning she'll be raped until the thing gives birth, leaving her with two of them to fight, plus the Dark Elf!! The Kunoichi has 972 HP left.

Sexual Frenzy Results:

Over the next four rounds, Melissa suffers 380 Pleasure, and has 1 Orgasm. She gains 430 KP in this time as well. Abruptly, the Kunoichi lets her go so she can give birth, but Melissa doesn't have long to wait for more fun as the Dark Elf pounces upon her, and begins to ride her!

With her last frenzy round, Melissa suffers 45 Pleasure and gains 65 KP from the rape. She exits her frenzy with only 33 Stamina left, and having to face down 3 foes! Worse, the original Kunoichi has used the stored seed she raped out of Melissa to impregnate herself again, and she's pregnant for 19 more turns!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 28 vs. Dark Elf: 22

Melissa manages to escape the Dark Elf, and now realizes she has major issues!

Grapple Attempts:

Kunoichi: 26 vs. Melissa: 30

Melissa manages to dodge AND counter the Kunoichi for 400 Damage, leaving it with 572 HP remaining!

Dark Elf: 6 vs. Melissa: 20

Melissa dodges again.

Kunoichi 2: 1 vs. Melissa: 29

Against all odds, Melissa manages to avoid being grabbed by all three foes, and knows this is her best shot to even the odds.

Melissa casts her Mantra of Speed Spell, knowing she has to take out at least one of her foes now. She sets her sight on the Original Kunoichi, who is the biggest threat given her pregnancy. Melissa loses 50 MP and has 2 turns per round until she is raped. She has 125 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 15, 11, 18, 23 & 15 vs. Kunoichi: 19, 12, 28, 13 & 23.

Melissa only lands 1 hit, a critical one for 260 Damage. The Kunoichi still has 312 HP left though!

Melissa: 25, 13, 29, 29 & 22 vs. Kunoichi: 1, 19, & 20 and Dark Elf: 15 & Kunoichi 2: 13.

Melissa manages to kill both the original Kunoichi AND the Dark Elf, and deals 130 Damage to the other Kunoichi as well, leaving it with 1870 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Kunoichi 2: 4 vs. Melissa: 9

Melissa dodges, looking for blood now.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 27 & 29 vs. Kunoichi 2: 7 & 26

Melissa lands both her Holy Blast shots for 1,200 damage as the Kunoichi is considered demonic. The Kunoichi has 670 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Kunoichi: 28 vs. Melissa: 16

Melissa is tackled by the Kunoichi!

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Melissa: 12 vs. Kunoichi: 19
Melissa: 16 vs. Kunoichi: 17

The Kunoichi keeps Melissa grabbed!

Penetration Attempt:

Kunoichi: 29 vs. Melissa: 5

Melissa can't stop the Kunoichi from restraining her in a chair and beginning to ride her. Her mantra is broken almost immediately as she is pleasured. Melissa suffers 95 pleasure and has an orgasm as the Kunoichi aggressively rides her to paradise, and Melissa can only cry out in both pleasure, and horror as she gives up her seed and impregnates the Kunoichi! Melissa gains 340 KP and has 195 Stamina left until she has another orgasm!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 26 vs. Kunoichi: 4 (Almost there)
Melissa: 26 vs. Kunoichi: 11 (FREE)

Melissa frees herself!

Grapple Attempt:

Kunoichi: 5 vs. Melissa: 9

Melissa dodges!

Melissa casts her Mantra again, knowing she has to unload on the creature now! She has 75 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 12 & 21 vs. Kunoichi: 1 & 16

Melissa KILLS the Kunoichi, and ends the fight! Melissa gains 10,100 XP! She finds no loot!

Melissa moves on to the next area on shaky legs, and won't soon forget the paradise she enjoyed in that room.

Entering the next room Melissa smiles slightly as it seems empty. As she moves for the exit ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Melissa: 3 vs. Trap???: 28

Suddenly Melissa is yanked to the ground and mounted inside a VERY TIGHT pussy! She cries out as the Mandragora uproots itself and begins to rape her!

Sentient Trap Encounter:

Level 7 Mandragora: Pleasure: 45. HP: 900.

Melissa cries out as her rape begins, suffering 22 Pleasure and gaining 65 KP from the rape, her pleasure reduction skill seeming to work again. She has 235 Stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 10 vs. Mandragora: 29

Melissa is easily kept held down by the strong roots of the Mandragora, and continues to be raped!

Pleasure Roll:

Mandragora: 28 vs. Melissa: 25

Melissa shudders as the rape continues, memories of the last room hitting her. Was she going to be forced to lay here rooted to the ground for hours and ridden to paradise? Melissa suffers 22 Pleasure and gains 45 KP. She has 213 Stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 22 vs. Mandragora: 12

Melissa breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Mandragora: 24 vs. Melissa: 15

Melissa makes the mistake of letting her guard down, assuming this trap was just like any other, and would cease to function once she broke free. As a result, she's tackled to the ground with a grunt of surprise!


1: That was fun, but now it's time to die!

2: Enjoy more hot sex until they're done with you (KP Cap)

3: Waste a turn trying to negotiate (10% chance to succeed, 90% chance they'll get a free shot at you.)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Between the parasite and the succubus, Lorelai was not having a good time. She howled and shuddered as she was sucked off into the alien mouth over and over, the parasite constantly hindering us as she gasped and howled. Somehow she even got her opponent's mouth pregnant!

Again and again she was sucked into the succubi's maw, her struggles to no avail as she was drained again and again. It was heaven, it was hell. She never felt so helpless. And unlike the first time, there was no Melissa to save her. Only N'gaasha who was masturbating her massive incorporeal cock to the show again and again, orgasming spectral spunk over the landscape, adding to her vision even more to the horror of the event.

Still, she finally managed to wriggle her way loose, panting and shuddering. Her powers were drained. The beast's stomach continued to grow with the spawn within. The creature wouldn't listen, she'd tried again and again. And the creature didn't seem satisfied for humiliating and draining her for eleven times straight. She had no choice but to fight. And frankly. She felt like it. Her life and soul being sapped away? It was time to break this one.

"Alright, you had your fun. Now I'm going to INCINERATE you!," hisses Lorelai, looking very angry as she attempts to deliver a spiritual timebomb to her opponent, as N'gaasha seemed thrilled to try and thrust her spiritual cock into something.

"Well. Figuratively. My spirit companions a lot less moral than me so let's see just how much you can move with a tree trunk of spirit cock stuck in your soul. I figure you'll get to see just what you've been doing to people this way."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai is unable to cast the Time Bomb Spell as she doesn't have enough Mana. However, she is able to cast her Barrier Spirit. She has 146 MP left. Lorelai is in the defended state for 10 turns, or until the spirit is slain.

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 15+10=25 vs. Succubus: 19

Lorelai deals 300 damage to the Succubus, leaving it with 700 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 20 vs. Lorelai: 27+10=37

Lorelai dodges with ease.

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 20+10=30 vs. Succubus: 29

Lorelai casts her Fire Spirit, and then unleashes 300 damage, Spirit doing another 300 for a total of 600. The Succubus has 100 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 12 vs. Lorelai: 10+10=20

Lorelai dodges again.

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 13+10=23 vs. Succubus: 20

Lorelai finishes off the Succubus with a blast of her magic, ending the fight! She finds no loot, but she does gain 2,400 XP.

Meanwhile ...

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 13 vs. Mandragora: 21

Melissa can't break free!

Penetration Attempt:

Mandragora: 27 vs. Melissa: 26

Melissa shudders as the tight pussy slips back over her cock, and the ride begins anew! She suffers 22 Pleasure and gains 65 KP from the rape, and now has 191 stamina left until she succumbs to an orgasm!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 20 vs. Mandragora: 15

Melissa breaks free with a growl!

Grapple Attempt:

Mandragora: 29 vs. Melissa: 25

Once more Melissa is tackled!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 2 vs. Mandragora: 15

Melissa is held down!

Penetration Attempt:

Mandragora: 18 vs. Melissa: 11

Melissa cries out in pleasure, and frustration as once again the pussy slips over her cock, riding her again. She suffers 22 pleasure and gains 65 KP. Melissa has 169 stamina left!


1: Try to remove the parasite before you must move onward.

2: Try to ignore the parasite for now and move onward (changes status after this try).
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai curses at her lack of enough power to do as she liked. She had to get stronger... Nothing worse than having spells and being unable to use them.

For now, her victory came swiftly as she and N'gaasha blasted her opponent down. With that done, she glared at N'gaasha, the massive spirit sighing in satisfaction as her massive reptillian cock slid back into it's vent.

"Oh yeah, thanks for the support after the fact.," she growled irritably, as N'gaahsa gave a cheeky grin and shrug.

Lorelai grunted and turned to the parasite, trying to get it off. As used to having a dick as she was now, it had to come off. It was too much a liability to let the parasite remain. And no harm in trying. Really she was fortunate that the demons seemed more interested in messing with her soul than mutating her body beyond giving her a cock. Lord knows what she'd be like if it had more physical traits.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Parasite Removal Attempt:

Lorelai: 18 vs. Parasite: 6

Lorelai gets a firm grip on the parasitical cock, and manages to remove it! That problem now gone, she's able to move onward.

Making her way to another section, Lorelai suddenly found herself under attack from both a Dog, and another Lich!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 7 Demon Dog: Stamina: 210. Pleasure: 40. HP: 800. Weak to Fire Attacks.

Level 8 Lich Queen: Stamina: 190. Pleasure: 55. HP: 800. Weak vs. Physical Attacks. Special Ability: Taste of Corruption.

Initiative Rolls:

Lich: 29 (1st)
Dog: 3 (Last)
Lorelai: 16 (2nd)

Lorelai is able to get a counter attack off on the Lich as she attacks, dealing 400 damage, and leaving her foe with only 400 HP!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 20 vs. Mandragora: 12

Melissa rips herself free, infuriated now!

Grapple Attempt:

Mandragora: 28 vs. Melissa: 20

Melissa is tackled again!


1: Finish off the Lich!

2: Attack the Dog!

3: Get raped!

4: Try to negotiate with the Lich (chance to fail and have both get free shots at her).
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai sighed in relief as she got the parasite off. Though it bothered her how she was increasingly feeling more weird to not have a cock nowadays.

Just how far did these tunnels go? She had to find her. Time could be running out, for either of them.

And then dogs. And one of the Liches too. Well the Dog wouldn't negotiate for certain. Lorelai zapped a bolt as she dodged the Lich's attack.

"N'gaasha, Shield and Fire."

She called down both hands, in preparation for a fight. Once she got rid of the mutt, then she could do it. Kinda weird that the hound had a human cock instead of it's own species though.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai loses 75 MP as she casts both her barrier spirit, and her fire spirit at the same time, using her turn up. Her spirit deals 100 damage to the dog, leaving it with 700 HP. Lorelai is in the protected state for 10 turns, or until her shield is depleted.

Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai manages to counter the Dog, dealing 400 damage to it and leaving it with 300 HP!

Lich: 22 vs. Lorelai: 4

The Lich however would have grabbed her if not for the shield, slamming off the barrier with a thud!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 6 vs. Dog: 27

Lorelai misses, but her spirit deals another 100 damage, leaving the dog with 200 HP.

Grapple Attempts:

Dog: 17 vs. Lorelai: 5
Lich: 16 vs. Lorelai: 10

Both the dog and the lich slam off Lorelai's shield, depleting it further!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 23 vs. Dog: 18

Lorelai fries the dog, killing it! Her spirit deals 300 damage to the Lich with the dog dead, leaving the Lich with 100 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Lich: 15 vs. Lorelai: 23

Lorelai dodges!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 28 vs. Lich: 7

Lorelai finishes the battle, killing the Lich!

Lorelai gains 300 XP, and finds no loot once more.

Moving onward Lorelai found herself in a room with a Gargoyle, and some form of Alien creature that was covered in slime. The moment they saw her, they lunged for her!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 9 Gargoyle Girl: Stamina: 225. Pleasure: 60. HP: 1,000. Weak vs. Magic. Special Ability:


Alien Female: Pleasure: 95. HP: 1,000. Stamina: 500.

Initiative Rolls:

Alien: 28 (1st)
Gargoyle: 19 (2nd)
Lorelai: 18 (LAST)

Grapple Attempts:

Alien: 20 vs. Lorelai: 4

Lorelai is grabbed!

Gargoyle: 21 vs. Lorelai: 12

Lorelai is grabbed from behind, and wrestled to the ground, pinned between two female would-be rapists!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 7 vs. Mandragora: 13

Melissa can't escape!

Penetration Attempt:

Mandragora: 17 vs. Melissa: 28

Melissa prevents the Mandragora from taking her, for now.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 29 vs. Mandragora: 27

Melissa breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Mandragora: 24 vs. Melissa: 18

Melissa is tackled yet again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 2 vs. Mandragora: 25

Melissa can't break free!

Penetration Attempt:

Mandragora: 19 vs. Melissa: 7

Melissa gasps as the tight pussy slides back over her cock, beginning to ride her once more. She shudders as every vulnerable spot on her is hit, suffering 45 Pleasure and gaining 110 KP. She has 124 Stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 25 vs. Mandragora: 5

Melissa breaks free again, really angry now at the delays!


1: Attack!

2: Sex!

3: Other? (Negotiate, or something I haven't thought of) ((All skills are OFF cooldown))
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai was glad she got her armor up, the two striking at her. she gave the lich an apologetic look. She didn't have much chance to give her an out. Still, her killing this copy would provide cover for the others she hadn't killed. And hopefully their strange nature would let her effectively live on. Frankly she'd consider helping them on their quest if they weren't so controlled still.

She swiftly finished the dog and with an apologetic look cleanly and swiftly put the lich down so she wouldn't suffer.

The next room had some sort of weird stone woman and a strange insect lizard eyeless female thing!

She didn't have much chance to dodge as they both tackled her however and stuck her between them. She growled and wriggled, looking at them.

"Erg, get off... Come on, I dunno if you understand me but you have to know you'd get more girls if you weren't just tackling and assaulting everyone. Have you ever considered just... Asking? Maybe going once or twice then parting ways?"

She continued to try to get loose from the pair before they did who knows what. Pity she couldn't just keep up her shield forever. That'd be nice.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai: 9 vs. Alien: 6 & Gargoyle: 3

Lorelai breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Alien: 26 vs. Lorelai: 1

Gargoyle: 13 vs. Lorelia: 5

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai: 29 vs. Alien: 24 & Gargoyle: 17

Grapple Attempts:

Alien: 3 vs. Lorelai: 12

Gargoyle: 23 vs. Lorelai: 24

Lorelai dodges!

Meanwhile ...

Grapple Attempt:

Mandragora: 5 vs. Melissa: 4

Melissa is tackled again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 9 vs. Mandragora: 6

Melissa escapes once more.

Grapple Attempt:

Mandragora: 28 vs. Melissa: 8

Once again Melissa is tackled!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 2 vs. Mandragora: 19

This time Melissa is held down!


1: Double Shield.

2: One spirit and then attack a target (which one)

3: Attack a target now (which one)

4: Get raped!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

The creatures didn't even have the decency to acknowledge her! Must not be sentient despite appearances. No matter then.

"Fine, have it your way!," she growled, wriggling her way loose and ducking aside from the attacks.

With them free, and her shield clearly gone, Lorelai brings her shield up, before blasting the gargoyle with a soul thrash, channeling energy from N'gaasha to strike at her opponents.

"You're in my way, and I've a friend to reunite with and someone to stomp flat. I won't let you stop me!"