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Los Angeles, California

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Los Angeles is nicknamed the "City of Angels." Ironically, this is also where the first abnormal species with the capability of flight was ever discovered. It is a city rife with crime and corruption, but also with some of the best police officers, and S.W.A.T units in the country. There aren't many places to hide in this area, for one has to deal with earthquakes at fairly regular intervals. It is currently home to an investigation dealing in several unexplained deaths that many feel could not have been done by a human. Several bodies have been found with their heads literally torn off, not cut off.

Los Angeles is also home to the fifth largest Sanctuary in the world.

((Archer, your up. List roughly where in the city your character is please)).
Re: Los Angeles, California

Natasha slowly tapped on her steering wheel waiting at one of the Vine red lights, she wasn't on the case and had no jurisdiction but she knew enough about it to have a better idea of what was going on that any of the detectives. "Whatever is doing this...", she began telling herself alone in the squad car, "It's not eating the people like some would do, this being is doing it out of fun....or something else." She wasn't sure to call the things she saw now, she had only recently been seeing the signs since that one patrol with Stevens into Los Lobo turf, signs that pointed to mythology and fantasy not being the just stuff of books and movies. Of course she kept these revelations hidden because they'd put her ass on the street for failing a psyche test by ranting about vampires, werewolves, ghosts and mummies. "It's definitly big...whatever it is, where the hell does something like that hide?"

(In the Downtown LA area right now)
Re: Los Angeles, California

As Natasha waited at the light, she noticed a strange black van lightly cruise down one of the side roads, heading out towards some of the more ... abandoned parts of the city. Normally it wouldn't have stood out, however the reflection of the light on it would catch her attention as she might suddenly realize the metal was actually some form of armor on the vehicle. Which begged a question, what the hell did a van need ablative armor for?

Suddenly the van picked up speed, as if the driver had suddenly realized something, and floored it. Quickly it sped away from her, picking up speed and nearly ramming a small mini-van in the process.
Re: Los Angeles, California

Natasha immediately flipped on the lights and siren of her car, "They always run...they always run when they see the car. Dumbasses." She had no idea who was trying to play secret agent or whatever but broken laws are broken laws, she just had to wonder if this would take forever or if they'd slam into a pole in 5 seconds. "This is car 26 I have a black panel van pulling a 148 after running a light on Vine headed east. Van is armored, possible drug runners, requesting backup. They hit the floor as soon as they spotted my car, they have something they don't want us to see in there." While she enjoyed a good foot chase Natasha had practice with vehicular pursuit, it -was- LA after all.
Re: Los Angeles, California

Strangely enough, all she got as a reply was a mass burst of static in reply. Something seemed to be wrong with her CB radio, or it was being jammed.

Whatever the case, the van suddenly pulled into an abandoned lot, and as she would come around the corner, she spotted seven men exit the back of the van, each wearing kevlar armor and masks, and armed with what appeared to be high powered assault rifles.

However, they completely ignored the fact a police vehicle was nearby, and instead dropped into some type of formation, preparing to converge on the warehouse in front of them all. Clearly, these were trained professional attackers, though it was unclear if they were hit men, or a form of para-military.
Re: Los Angeles, California

Natasha skidded to a stop right behind the van and immediately rolled out of her car taking cover behind the trunk and pulling her weapon out. "Okay start talking and don't pull and shit with me I know you aren't FBI or CIA!" She really wished she had backup but with the radio out she'd just have to wing it.
Re: Los Angeles, California

The guy who seemed to be the leader glared towards her and snarled.

"Who we are doesn't really matter we don't ...."

As he spoke, three of the men swung aim with their rifles, clearly intending to put a ton of holes in her, and her vehicle.

They were cut off by a sudden blast of ... well, it looked a ton like energy blasts out of a movie. Regardless, they struck each of the men that had trained weapons on her, and the lead guy, and they dropped to the ground hard. A quick glance told her they were still alive, just totally knocked out.

A voice hollered down to her from the top of another building.

"Hey! You alright? Give me a second and we'll be right down. Where the hell is that ladder again?"

Within a few moments, two people, one a rather attractive indian girl had dropped down and made their way across over towards her. They both still had weapons, but they were holstered for now.

The other was a young man, one who Natasha might have heard of over all sorts of chatter. The face was the same, and Natasha got the impression that this was someone she should recognize. And then it hit her. She'd actually seen him once before, he'd worked on a case as a forensic psychologist with her department six years ago, on a temporary loan from Chicago. Just ... what was his name again?

The girl spoke this time, with a genuine warm smile.

"Name's Kate, that's Will. No offense or anything but we kind of need you to ..."

She was cut off by the sudden sounds of something being punched hard, and then a large sized dumpster went flying over their heads.

"Oh ... bite me hard, too late."

A second later, a large sized creature came into view, and from the looks of it, the thing was extremely hostile. It let loose a roar, and literally that was when Natasha noticed the blood all over it, blood that clearly wasn't it's own. It had just killed someone or something, and now it was looking to pulverize the three of them.

"Shit, Magnus was right. Doprevan. Hey lady, I don't know your name but let me give you a tad of advice here. DON'T let that sucker get near you. Oh yeah, also, SCATTER."
Re: Los Angeles, California


Shit...she could get one, maybe two with headshots before they started slooting but the rest would be, she grinned as soimething took out the group, luck.....

By the time the two got down to her Natasha had already opened her trunk and was holding an assault rifle with an automatic shotgun over her shoulder. She gave a smile to Kate before being distracted by the noise. "Ha. I knew it." She took Kate's advice and started running around the lot the opposite way as them shouting, "Where do you want it shot?!" She already had the rifle up and was aiming at the creature.
Re: Los Angeles, California

((HAHA, I figured you'd get the reference.))

As both dove for cover as something else came flying at them, they both replied at once.

"Aim for the head!"

They both fired their energy weapons, but the creature just seemed to shrug off the effects from it, which led to both saying, "ah shit," at the same time.

The creature, for some reason, decided to home in on Natasha, letting loose another roar before coming at her with speed that should have been impossible for something it's size, stopping only long enough to smash the van out of it's way, actually stepping on one of the unconscious men in the process.

She'd get maybe three shots off before it was close enough to start swinging at her head, and if she didn't move, she was pretty sure the force behind the swing was enough to rip her head off. Actually, to think of it, this thing might actually be what she'd been looking for.
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Come on ya ugly bastard!" Now was not the time for semi auto, she flipped the safety to full auto and unleashed an entire magazine at it. "I've waited a long time to do this!" She rolled backwards as it's hands slammed into the ground and tossed her rifle aside and bronging shotgun to bear firing one shell at a time, slowly and methodical between swings. "These. Things. Can. Die. Right?!" She said one word each roll, dive and duck.
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Yeah, they can, just takes a lot to kill them."

That from Will, who'd gone from dodging, to actually on the offensive now.

"Course we're trying NOT to kill it if at all possible, but sometimes that happens. Our job isn't to kill, it's to safely tuck them away where they can be contained, and yes that's possible."

The girl said nothing, just continued to blast away with whatever that energy gun of hers was at the creature they faced, and though it didn't go down, the combined effects of the shots began to make it act a bit sluggish.
Re: Los Angeles, California

"No offense but I don't think I'd want one of these around the office!" She discarded her empty shotgun and pulled out her service pistol methodically putting one bullet at a time into it's face as it kept coming. "Come on already! Fall! FALL!" She was almost out of ammo, if this didn't work she might as well pistol whip it for a really awesome story on the other side.
Re: Los Angeles, California

Will actually laughed at that.

"None taken. Kate, what the hell?"

Kate had climbed onto the side of the building, and then with a jump came flying down, delivering both a kick, and a shot, right to the back of the head of the creature, using it's size to cushion her fall.

With a grumbled groan, the creature FINALLY fell silent, though Natasha could see it was still breathing and alive, but barely. At least it was down for now, something that as soon as Kate was off of it, Will made sure it would stay that way by firing some sort of giant net gun at it, keeping it locked down.

Kate shrugged as she walked away.

"Got bored of waiting, it was taking too long, decided to do something about it. Worked didn't it?"
Re: Los Angeles, California

Natasha froze as the creature fell in front of her with Kate on it, "I like you Kate. So now what, I assume you cart whatever this thing away and then lift the communications jamming and let me try to explain to the precinct what exactly I needed...*she takes a moment to count in her head* 12 shells and 40 bullets for, and why those guys are squished like grapes.....and the dumpster lodged in the wall." She knew that she just had an encounter with a secret government organization like all the nerds on the internet gush about, but what kind were they? The nice kind who bribed people, the ones who erase your memory or the ones who shoot you and make it look like you died when the van conviently exploded with everyone in it.
Re: Los Angeles, California

Will looked at her sharply.

"Communications jam? Ah hell, wasn't our doing, we need to move then, probably more of those folks on the way. Uh, don't suppose you feel like taking a ride somewhere do you? Might need the extra firepower for the drive uptown."

Kate had already run and gotten a large moving truck, and was in the process of pulling it up before Will had even finished talking.
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Well you know my car is still unsmashed, I could give you a police escort through the city if you want. I think that transporting a huge...thing...counts as an emergency. If you're trying to be more descreet though sure I'll ride along, you got an extra one of those energy guns?" She smirks, the gun nut in her really wanting to try one.
Re: Los Angeles, California

Will thought for a moment then nodded.

"Yeah, actually with us would be a bit easier I think. Police car kind of gives it a dead giveaway. Though I'm kind of wondering what the hell we're going to do to keep this quiet. Wouldn't exactly go over well with the public knowing what happened here, would be mass panic."

Kate by now had joined them.

"Yeah, and she's right, communications are dead air, something's blocking them. Don't know if it's the Cabal, or something from this creature, but it doesn't matter really. We shouldn't have to go far, just up north a few miles to the Sanctuary."
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Sanctuary? Is that some kind of...monster wildlife preserve or something? Man the petting zoo there must be brutal." She retrieved her rifle and shotgun replenishing the ammo in both before walking over to the truck, she took off her shirt revealing the black tank top underneath. "This way if something happens I won't have to explain why a cop was hanging out a truck on the road shooting at black vans."
Re: Los Angeles, California

Kate and Will looked at each other for a moment before Will replied.

"Well ... I suppose you could call it that sort of. The Sanctuary does house all types of creatures, and most of them aren't hostile. Our job is to track them down, hostile or not, and bring them back for safe keeping, or in the case of this one, to keep them from being a threat to people. It's actually a kind of fun job when you get used to it, but you've got to be real careful."
Re: Los Angeles, California

Natasha smirked as she finished reloading all her guns and leaned against the truck, "You know you're not really very good at the secret part of secret organization." She chuckled looking at Will who had pretty much just spelled out their organazation to a random stranger he knew nothing about.
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